Welcome to the Prison Y2eh 2.0

This whole Elmer Fudd thing though did give me a great, terrifying idea though. Imagine a script which would auto-respond to forum trolls using an expanding library of stock trolling phrases. (Basically, a neural network with Downs syndrome.) What it said wouldn't be important, so much as its ability to continuously respond and solicit responses.

The terrifying part comes once the idea catches on and multiple people launch Trollbots- against each other. By day two you can't access vBulletin forums anywhere, and by day five communication has come to a standstill and we're storming grocery stores with torches.
Todd vs. Bill Lesnar in the finals, with the match taking place in a whirling black hole of stupidity from which light and thought cannot escape.

Nah, I was thinking more in the vein of the BZT, where they don't really get a say, and we just decide for ourselves.

I'd probably root for Bill in the final.
Nah, I was thinking more in the vein of the BZT, where they don't really get a say, and we just decide for ourselves.

I'd probably root for Bill in the final.
I'm just stating where it would inevitably end up.

Of course, that guy that pops in from time to time threatening to keep posting in here if he doesn't get his posting privileges back would be a pretty awesome contender in the semis. I smell a three-way dance.
We need to get a list. Off the top of my head, there's Fudd, Todd, Lesnar, That guy who asks to be freed from the Prison, Jenks, JStrike, CM Punk Girl and The Great Spambino.

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