Vote To Legalize Marijuana

You're doing that thing again where you completely ignore what someone's presenting so that you can go on a rant about how you think the world should or shouldn't be. The court case dealt specifically with the issue of whether the DEA ignored scientific evidence in making its classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, and found that they had not.

Whether you believe it should or shouldn't is completely irrelevant to the discussion. I don't think it should be a Schedule I drug either. But what we have here is an appeals court saying- just yesterday- that the DEA did not ignore the scientific evidence it had available to it. The judge who dissented with the decision noted in her dissent that she made no claim about the statistical validity of the medical benefits of marijuana, but that no entity had the legal standing to bring the lawsuit. (She said that she had no legal standing to deliver an opinion concerning the validity of medicinal marijuana research, because she believed her court had no legal standing to hear the case. Essentially, it's a 2-0 vote for the DEA, with one person deciding not to vote.)

Do you have a claim to make about this court case, which exactly refutes the claim you are attempting to make? This is current events, Todd, we're talking about today, not what Richard Nixon did forty years ago.

As long as marijuana is illegal and a schedule one drug the truth is being ignored
But not according to the Federal court system. How do you reconcile your beliefs with the fact that judges- who decide fact for a career and are presumably more qualified than you are to do it- have ruled just this week that the DEA did not ignore any scientific evidence it had available to it?

There's a credibility problem here, a federal appeals judge is a lot more credible than you are. Do you have an argument to offer besides "they're wrong"? That seems to be what they're saying about your arguments, and again, they're a bit more credible than you are.

We could have done this while it was freshly in the news, but you come here every two days to get your ass kicked and then run away until it's no longer sore.
I don't demand that people agree with me.You are an idiot if you think marijuana should be illegal and your a heartless idiotic prick if you think all the innocent people who are locked up or died while in prison for marijuana charges got what they deserved.
Let's follow here- you don't demand people agree with you, but they're an idiot and a heartless idiotic prick if they don't.




I'll see you in a week once you puzzle that one out.
But not according to the Federal court system. How do you reconcile your beliefs with the fact that judges- who decide fact for a career and are presumably more qualified than you are to do it- have ruled just this week that the DEA did not ignore any scientific evidence it had available to it?

There's a credibility problem here, a federal appeals judge is a lot more credible than you are. Do you have an argument to offer besides "they're wrong"? That seems to be what they're saying about your arguments, and again, they're a bit more credible than you are.

We could have done this while it was freshly in the news, but you come here every two days to get your ass kicked and then run away until it's no longer sore.

Let's follow here- you don't demand people agree with you, but they're an idiot and a heartless idiotic prick if they don't.




I'll see you in a week once you puzzle that one out.

I'm not going to demand that any one agrees with me. If you don't then thats your choice but it also makes you an idiot. There is too many benefits that shows the good of marijuana to think that marijuana should stay illegal. There is no other way to call some one but a heartless idiotic prick if he thinks those innocent people are getting locked up got what they deserved.

Just because some judge said they didn't ignore the evidence doesn't mean they did ignore the evidence. Look at all the lies that have been spread about marijuana in the past. Like I said before as long as marijuana is illegal and a schedule one drug the truth is being ignored
Actually, three judges.

So, your argument is that people should trust you more than they should trust the United States Judicial system, which is considered the last form of redress for all citizens. And if not, here's a YouTube video.

Sounds like a winner.

I'll watch your video if you stop being a pussy and debate me with neutral judges.
Well they have lied to us in the past so it would’t surprise me if they lied again. The video shows evidence that marijuana that has many great benefits, something the United Stated Judicial system chose to ignore. If they actually looked at the evidence marijuana would be legal.

If you watch this video you will understand why people who think people who got locked up for marijuana or the one who died while in prison got what the deserved are heartless idiotic pricks.
Ah. So your argument is that the courts are part of a conspiracy to keep marijuana illegal. If only they had watched the video. :(

You're going to learn the difference between "someone saying something" and "evidence" one of these days, and it's going to be a real headfuck for you.
I'll stop you before you finish. Take your two day break that you take after you've gotten your ass freshly kicked here. If there's one thing to be thankful of, it's that your trolling is extremely predictable.

This visit back has been bad for you, and it's not going to get much better.
I get so tired of seeing people making excuses as to why marijuana should be legal. The biggest one is hemp... That's the biggest crock of shit. The vast majority of people calling for legalization aren't wanting it legalized for hemp... they're just using it as a way to distract from their real reasoning: they want to get high and not be harassed about it.

I think it should be legalized but I'm not going to spew out a bunch of bullshit as to why it should be. I just think it's a harmless drug. I've smoked it on and off again for years now and I've never did anything harmful to anyone or anything; aside from my own body from eating more than I should because I had the munchies.

But anyone who seriously believes spouting off a bunch of random facts is going to change peoples minds is fooling themselves. Weed will one day be legal but only after they've figured out a solid way to tax the shit out of it and control the illegal distribution of it so that it CAN be taxed.
Ah. So your argument is that the courts are part of a conspiracy to keep marijuana illegal. If only they had watched the video. :(

You're going to learn the difference between "someone saying something" and "evidence" one of these days, and it's going to be a real headfuck for you.

Maybe if they watched the video it could have helped. Maybe if they actually didn't ignore any evidence things would be different. It has a lot more to do than just this video. I only posted a video to show how you really are a heartless idiotic prick who has to re evaluate their thinking process if you think any one who is locked up or died while in prison for only marijuana related charges. Also to show how you’re an idiot if you think marijuana should be illegal. I'm going to demand you think that way but I will call you an idiot if you don't because there is no other way to look at it due to all the amazing benefits that the cannabis plant has.

What compelling evidence was it that the DEA saw showed marijuana should be a schedule one drug?

Why ignore everything else I said before. I don't think that this visit or any other visit here was a bad one. I find even sillier that you use terms like trolling.

I get so tired of seeing people making excuses as to why marijuana should be legal. The biggest one is hemp... That's the biggest crock of shit. The vast majority of people calling for legalization aren't wanting it legalized for hemp... they're just using it as a way to distract from their real reasoning: they want to get high and not be harassed about it.

I think it should be legalized but I'm not going to spew out a bunch of bullshit as to why it should be. I just think it's a harmless drug. I've smoked it on and off again for years now and I've never did anything harmful to anyone or anything; aside from my own body from eating more than I should because I had the munchies.

But anyone who seriously believes spouting off a bunch of random facts is going to change peoples minds is fooling themselves. Weed will one day be legal but only after they've figured out a solid way to tax the shit out of it and control the illegal distribution of it so that it CAN be taxed.

Those are not excuses what your saying right now is an excuses. People like you don’t realize how important hemp could be. Hemp is not made as a distraction it is simply made to point out even more of the benefits the cannabis plant can provide and even more evidence how it makes no sense that marijuana should remain illegal.

Can you please tell me what bull shit I spewed out?
Well, the problem is we can't talk about what evidence is with you Todd, because you repeatedly take the position that anything you say must be truth, so anyone and everyone who disagrees with you must be lying. So I can't explain to you- even if you were able to understand it- about 'rules of evidence' and how a court determines which evidence it has in front of it is more important than other evidence. Sadly, YouTube videos rank very, very, very low on that list, somewhere below the bottom of the page.

What I can do, however, is point out that you've said how anyone who disagrees with you about marijuana must be an idiot. Three federal appeals judges just did, so according to you, those judges must be idiots. Yet somehow, all three of those judges managed to get through both bachelors and law school, have a successful career in law, and then were chosen by a President to sit in their seats. Meanwhile, you have yet to pass an exam that will permit you to clean up roadkill on the side of the street.

Maybe you can come up with a compelling argument, but it seems by weighing what each person has done with their life, those three judges would be far more qualified to be a judge of 'fact' than you are. Unless, of course, you're going to demand that they agree with you. Or suggest to us again that they are part of a massive government conspiracy to keep marijuana illegal not for any good reason, but for the fun of it.
How come that article didn't say what evidence was it that the DEA saw that made those three judges make their decision?

Is it that you can't talk about the evidence because their is none?

The people in that you tube videos are doctors and scientists. It is all based off of from scientific research. Do you think your more qualified than them? Those judges or the DEA are certainly not more qualified than those doctors and scientists.

School experience and getting chosen by the president has nothing to do with it. We have Obama who has raided even more medical marijuana dispensaries than Bush. So the guy who is sending the DEA to raid people who are providing medical marijuana, lock them up, and leave sick people with out their medicine is the one choosing these people to make these decisions for him?

Marijuana being illegal helps a small amount of people and a lot of them are the ones who make the rules in their favor. We have private prisons where someone gets rich from locking people like Chris Williams in prison keeping him away from his family. We have the big pharmacies that make billions who don't want to see marijuana legal. They hate to see a safer alternative with hardly any side effects that can't kill you and can help multiple different illness and can also prevent many different illnesses.

It doesn't matter what any of those judges have done, they still ignored the truth. Look at all the evidence I have that supports marijuana and all of it's benefits when your article can't even say why they made that decision to keep marijuana a schedule 1 drug. Can you tell me how they made this decision?

Look at our past when it comes to lies from as you would say qualified people

The Heath Tulane Study that was done under at the time Governor Ronald Regan

Richard Nixon ignoring the all the evidence that showed marijuana a should not be a Schedule 1 drugs

What about all the lies spread by Harry Anslinger and William Randolph Hearst that originlly got marijuana illegal? Those guys were racist nut jobs

All the lies our government has said about marijuana

Look at your past when it comes to what our government says about marijuana and you will see a shit load of lies. How do you trust something based off of no evidence and by people who have lied to us in the past about marijuana?
Here you are, talking about Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and William Hearst. All of those men have been dead for a fairly long time, and the only reason you bring them up is to have something to cry about, like a kitten smacking the window with her paws. I'm talking about current events; a court case which happened this week. If you'd like to know why the article I mentioned doesn't go into a detailed examination of the court case and the evidence therein, it's because 99.999% of readers to a news site have little interest in the detailed specifics of the case. (It's called the inverted pyramid form of writing; produce the details that a reader most wants to hear first, then work down in decreasing order of importance. Remember, unlike you I've actually done shit with my life besides talk, so I have a bit of an experience edge on you in these things.) You, for instance, only have an interest in the details of this case because you are looking for any single item in there to go "nuh uh, see, I don't believe this, so I must be right!" It doesn't matter how qualified judges are to make their decisions- Todd doesn't agree with it, and so they are avoiding THE TRUTH.

The more you have to insist to people that you're telling the truth, the more they think you're full of shit. Look at our respective positions; I haven't demanded the "truth" of my position once, and yet people seem to agree with what I say; if they don't, they at least respect my opinion. You, on the other hand, who demand that people recognize THE TRUTH of his position, have only managed to convince people that pot may very well cause brain damage. (Yes, I'm sure you're going to say "I don't demand" blah blah blah. You might think I mean "you're forcing people to believe what you say." I don't. I mean you're demanding people agree with you, and having absolutely zero success on that front.) Of course, the problem isn't you, the problem is everyone else in existence whose ever talked to you. (You are at pains to tell us that every person you've never talked to must believe in your opinions; you still aren't grasping the idea that someone can be pro-marijuana AND think you're an idiot.)

But, you seem to think you have a point in demanding those court opinions. You still haven't gotten that a lot of people choose not to explain some things to you because they know you aren't going to understand them. Unfortunately for you, these opinions are always posted publicly, and have been for over 200 years. These days, you can even go online and read them!

Opinions Page for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

This is going to be a real mindfuck for you, but the world works just fine without you consenting to it working. It doesn't matter a lick of spit if Todd thinks people aren't telling THE TRUTH.

And Todd? Any idiot can call themselves a scientist. You can even call yourself a scientist if you want. Unlike scraping up roadkill on the side of the road, or being a lawyer, there's no test to be a scientist; your merit is determined on how full of shit other scientists think you are. To an idiot, saying "I'm a scientist, so believe what I say" is compelling, but to someone whose education consisted of more than chasing stray dogs, calling yourself a 'scientist' is a cheap way to convince a fool that you know more than them. Your "do you know more than a scientist" line is pretty funny for that reason, especially coming right after you insist that you're smarter than a Federal appeals judge.

If you want to turn this into a specific debate over the evidence used in that case, I'll do it with a neutral judge, but I think I've established pretty solidly that you are batshit terrified of that idea.
Here you are, talking about Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and William Hearst. All of those men have been dead for a fairly long time, and the only reason you bring them up is to have something to cry about, like a kitten smacking the window with her paws. I'm talking about current events; a court case which happened this week. If you'd like to know why the article I mentioned doesn't go into a detailed examination of the court case and the evidence therein, it's because 99.999% of readers to a news site have little interest in the detailed specifics of the case. (It's called the inverted pyramid form of writing; produce the details that a reader most wants to hear first, then work down in decreasing order of importance. Remember, unlike you I've actually done shit with my life besides talk, so I have a bit of an experience edge on you in these things.) You, for instance, only have an interest in the details of this case because you are looking for any single item in there to go "nuh uh, see, I don't believe this, so I must be right!" It doesn't matter how qualified judges are to make their decisions- Todd doesn't agree with it, and so they are avoiding THE TRUTH.

The more you have to insist to people that you're telling the truth, the more they think you're full of shit. Look at our respective positions; I haven't demanded the "truth" of my position once, and yet people seem to agree with what I say; if they don't, they at least respect my opinion. You, on the other hand, who demand that people recognize THE TRUTH of his position, have only managed to convince people that pot may very well cause brain damage. (Yes, I'm sure you're going to say "I don't demand" blah blah blah. You might think I mean "you're forcing people to believe what you say." I don't. I mean you're demanding people agree with you, and having absolutely zero success on that front.) Of course, the problem isn't you, the problem is everyone else in existence whose ever talked to you. (You are at pains to tell us that every person you've never talked to must believe in your opinions; you still aren't grasping the idea that someone can be pro-marijuana AND think you're an idiot.)

But, you seem to think you have a point in demanding those court opinions. You still haven't gotten that a lot of people choose not to explain some things to you because they know you aren't going to understand them. Unfortunately for you, these opinions are always posted publicly, and have been for over 200 years. These days, you can even go online and read them!

Opinions Page for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

This is going to be a real mindfuck for you, but the world works just fine without you consenting to it working. It doesn't matter a lick of spit if Todd thinks people aren't telling THE TRUTH.

And Todd? Any idiot can call themselves a scientist. You can even call yourself a scientist if you want. Unlike scraping up roadkill on the side of the road, or being a lawyer, there's no test to be a scientist; your merit is determined on how full of shit other scientists think you are. To an idiot, saying "I'm a scientist, so believe what I say" is compelling, but to someone whose education consisted of more than chasing stray dogs, calling yourself a 'scientist' is a cheap way to convince a fool that you know more than them. Your "do you know more than a scientist" line is pretty funny for that reason, especially coming right after you insist that you're smarter than a Federal appeals judge.

If you want to turn this into a specific debate over the evidence used in that case, I'll do it with a neutral judge, but I think I've established pretty solidly that you are batshit terrified of that idea.

I brought those guys up because our past is filled with lies when it comes to marijuana so what makes me think that the truth is being told this time with these current events when they can't even provide any evidence. Why are you still making lame excuses the detail specific of the case is the most important thing to read. If they say evidence wasn't ignored I want to know what is that led to those judges making that decision. The fact that they can't show it just makes them look weak. How do we even know that even looked at any evidence? As a a reader the first thing I want to know is why they made that decision, all you have is a weak article that shows the truth was ignored. They are ignoring the truth because look at all the truth that shows marijuana can do great things for people and is the greatest plant in the world. So when someone says the reviewed evidence but won't show any evidence my first thought is that they could be lying. At least I have posted plenty of sources showing all the benefits from marijuana.

I only demand the truth when idiots on here say idiotic things like AndThatsTheBottomLine who clearly has no idea what he is talking about. Some one also doesn't have to smoke marijuana to know that it should be legal and how more harm is done from it being illegal. the only I don't get is how the small amount of people can't see the benefits of marijuana. Remember this forum is very small compared to more than half of the population of both Canada and America who want to see marijuana legal. Those people know the truth. If you think everything I say is right but still bash me because everyone else then your just as big of a joke as the rest of the anti marijuana people.

When your not suffocating innocent monkeys it shows that marijuana doesn't cause brain damage.

All I asked for is compelling evidence that shows marijuana is deadly and bad for you but no one can, maybe thats because everything I said about marijuana is true. I’m someone who for the most part will respect your opinion but when it comes to something like marijuana it’s a different story. Since the 30s we have been arresting innocent people for having marijuana, we arrest innocent people who are providing medicine for the sick and after they arrest those people they take away all the medicine leaving these sick people with nothing. We have heartless people in the DEA who barge right through your door, kill your dog while they are making a mess of their home looking for weed then lock them up afterwards. I could never understand how people like that can live with themselves or how people like that take themselves seriously. With all the evidence out their that supports marijuana you have to be a clueless idiot if you think it should stay illegal.

What about all the doctors who also said marijuana is good like Dr. Donald Tashkin, and those scientist are still a lot more qualified than you. I never said that I’m smarter than anyone but seems like you like to think that about yourself. Once again what I do with my life doesn’t make what I say less credible to what some Federal Judges say. Look at all the evidence that shows marijuana is great and then in your article they can’t provide any evidence because you claim that the evidence that led to their decision is not important. How are we suppose to even debate about this case when they have no evidence
This is why we can't have a discussion, Todd.

I provided you a link to where the judges describe how they reached their opinions. You responded by demanding to know how the judges reached their opinions. And then going on yet another rant about how the world isn't right. If you are concerned that I think I'm smarter than you, yes, I absolutely think that.

This is why people insult you instead of talking to you, because we get better results in a conversation by calling you an idiot than we do by actually treating you like a human being.
No, I was seeing if you were actually interested in reading it- which could have been accomplished in fifteen seconds with a google search- or were more looking to discredit the opinion without having read it, much like the American Cancer Society study. Seriously, the public release of judicial opinions is a fundamental part of how American democracy works. How can you discredit a system when you clearly have no idea of how it operates?

I've done this to you like a dozen times now, not providing the link until you throw a tantrum and demand it must not exist. I know you're a little slow, but seriously, you should have caught onto this by now.
Ah. You aren't interested at all in reading that judicial opinion, much like I thought.

We've had the discussion about "showing you", Todd. You demand to be the only judge of fact, and refuse to let any third party determine what's bullshit and what isn't. Until you get past this mental roadblock of yours, we can't move forward on discussing like adults, and I have to treat you like the downer child that you are.

Send your opinions to Chuck Winder if you live in Idaho or don't. Tell him that he is wrong and if he actually cared about the people of Idaho he would be fighting to make marijuana legal. Let him know my trying to never make marijuana legal means that he doesn't care about the people of Idaho. It’s a shame that people like Chuck Winder even exist people like him are so clueless and behind they have no idea any of the benefits. These are the people that are fighting to kill more people by keeping marijuana illegal, these are the people who cause more harm from marijuana being illegal. People like Chuck Winder only cause more harm and don’t care about the people.

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