Vote To Legalize Marijuana

I think a lot of it has to do with you coming across like an imbecile. It's hard to take you seriously because of the way you structure sentences and butcher the spelling and grammar of the English language. You seem like the kind of person that huffs toxic glue or gasoline. I find it hard to agree with you even on the rare occasion that you are right just based on those FACTS alone.

My spelling, grammar, or the way I structure my sentences does not make any thing I say wrong.
Todd is a moron, but this is on the brink of competing with him. It's not even often the case... It's all based on demographics and what's available. There's a lot of areas in the United States where weed is so scarce that you pay a ridiculous amount for it. But meth and heroin(especially heroin here lately) are abundant. There's a reason why people that are homeless typically smoke crack, it's because it's a cheaper fix.

Also if there IS a gateway drug it's prescription pills. The high you can get from those if abused is far greater and extremely addictive. People get stuck on prescription pills and eventually their potency wears off to the point they're taking handfuls a day and finding other avenues to abuse them IE: powdering them and smoking them in foils. Not to mention prescription drugs are EASIER to get your hands on than weed is any day of the week... You just have to go to the doctor and say "Ow man, my neck hurts." And they hand you a script to go to the local Walmart and get some Hydrocodene or Flexerils for $4 a bottle.

I know a lot of people who have smoked pot and never even used anything else because weed worked for them... But there are people out there that smoke weed once and it does nothing for them, so they move onto something else... That's not a gateway because they were going to find something to make them feel better with or without. Whether it be methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, or the synthetic bullshit that's out these days that all the "cool kids" are doing.

The "marijuana is a gateway drug" idea has been disproven by pretty much everybody... The people fighting to keep it illegal don't even use that argument anymore unless they're severely uninformed.

Most people on the opposing side of legalized marijuana are using the argument that with it being legal children will have greater access to it, and that's true... So if you're going to take up an argumentative stance against weed, choose that one... because using the old "gateway" theory is just going to get you laughed at.

Have a seat, big guy. I appreciate your informed retort and your cute jab but you took what I said of context. I simply said the first illegal substance that those subjects started with was weed. That was my point. But I'm glad you could break off an essay out of it. The bait caught two, what do ya know.
I used to like you, but the correct answer is Rainbow Dash. I'd make a joke about truth and proving, but that shit just plain isn't funny anymore.

Yaz had already staked claim to Dashie, though. Being the Element of Kindness, I didn't want to step on any toes. I mean, if that's alright with you, that is.
Don't say we cannot come to terms on a agreement when you ignore the truth. What I say is an absolute fact and I have the evidence that backs me up. There is no neutral side to marijuana the only side is that it is wrong that marijuana is illegal and the harm that is caused from it being illegal. Or all the amazing benefits that one plant can provide.

Whip away with your third party bull shit. At least I can make decisions for myself and don’t need a group of people to declare who’s right and wrong.

-You insist that something you say is an absolute fact, and anything someone says that disagrees must be wrong, so you don't need a third party, since if he disagreed with you, he'd just be wrong.
-I say that you're full of shit, and request a third party, like civilized people do when they cannot come to terms on an agreement of what the facts are.
-Go to step one.

Yes, Todd. We cannot come to terms on an agreement on what the "facts" are, because you repeatedly insist that you are the only one capable of declaring what a fact is. Again, civilized people call for a judge, or a moderator, or a mediator when this happens- it's such a frequent occurrence in human society that there are several names in the same language for the guy that does that job. It's such a frequent occurrence that the person who refuses moderation is generally looked at as a coward. Coward.

I can't stop you from being the undisputed king of your own little world. In your head, you can continue to be the undefeated champion, and I can't stop that. We're all really proud of you that you've learned you can make decisions for yourself in your own little fantasy world. That's an important step in a growing boy's development!

Meanwhile, I live in the real world. It's a world I have to share with about 7 billion other people, and since I can't simply declare myself king of the real world, I go about spreading my influence by convincing other people of my opinions. So far, if I do say so myself, I do a pretty impressive job of that. You... well, you couldn't convince a rock to sit still. But I hear there are loads of people across the country who you've never talked to, but believe every word you say. Ooh, tell us that one again!!!

We're all really proud of you that you can make decisions for yourself! I personally wish you had made the decision earlier to study, instead of thinking that YouTube videos were a valid source of information, but good for you- you've at least grasped that very, very, very first rung that separates animals from humans. *clap*

Now that I've explained that we're actually seeking to convince people in the real world, Todd, instead of your internal fantasy world, how about finding that judge, moderator, or mediator? Really, if you're telling THE TRUTH, you should have no problem convincing people of that. You should be the one pressing me to get a judge/moderator/mediator. If we're doing this in the real world, and not Todd's Crazy Internal Fantasy World, that is.
My spelling, grammar, or the way I structure my sentences does not make any thing I say wrong.
Yes, that would be the content that makes you wrong. The spelling, grammar, and sentence structure merely make you look like an idiot.
I really do want you to understand, I'm not requesting anything unusual or out of the ordinary here. The only thing unusual about it is requesting that we go to another site to debate which specializes in finding impartial judges, and that is due to your previous insistence that we would be unable to find an impartial judge here.

What's unusual about all of this is that you continuously refuse to have the validity of anything you say checked by anyone but yourself. That stands up in Todd's Fantasyland, but in the real world people consider that tactic bullshit.

You said you wanted to debate like a big boy earlier, and I've been trying, way harder than you deserve, to give you the opportunity to debate like one. Don't keep giving people good reasons to insult you. Find your balls, for once take a stand for something you believe in, and let's get us this neutral third party.

At this point, even the worst case scenario for you, where I whip the absolute shit out of you before judges, still makes you look better then you do now. Now you look like a coward who doesn't even really believe what he has to say himself. (Real world again, not talking about Todd's Fantasyland.) Even if you got slaughtered in a real world debate, you'd at least look like you were trying to defend your beliefs. Instead of like a coward who doesn't even really believe what he has to say himself. Which is what you look like now.

Explain how people like Chuck Winder are right. We don't need a third party for that.

There is nothing you can say that makes sense of this. The only way to put it is that Chuck Winder is ignoring the truth and doesn't care about the people. My making marijuana illegal forever means that he would rather see the people of Idaho suffering and dead than alive and healthy.

Even more than half of the population of Idaho believes that marijuana should be legal so it makes no sense for that evil Chuck Winder to make a law so extreme and inhumane. That strips us away from our freedom.

My youtube videos are far greater than anything you or anyone else had said in this 100 plus pages of comments.

Your not doing an impressive job with anything you have a very very small number of clueless idiots while I have half of the population of both America and Canada that believe marijuana should be legal and know all the harm that is caused from it being illegal.
"The Weed Blog" is not a source I'm going to trust for unbiased facts.

There is nothing you can say that makes sense of this. The only way to put it is that Chuck Winder is ignoring the truth and doesn't care about the people. My making marijuana illegal forever means that he would rather see the people of Idaho suffering and dead than alive and healthy.

Even more than half of the population of Idaho believes that marijuana should be legal so it makes no sense for that evil Chuck Winder to make a law so extreme and inhumane. That strips us away from our freedom.

Holy shit. Todd, weed is not a basic necessity for life. Their lives in terms of basic needs to live comfortably are no worse off with out it. If they support and use marijuana, then it would be a luxury, but to deprive them of it is not causing suffering, Todd.
"The Weed Blog" is not a source I'm going to trust for unbiased facts.

Can you show me an unbiased source that debunks what my source said said?

Also good example on how people here ignore the truth

But you will trust Chuck Winder?

Holy shit. Todd, weed is not a basic necessity for life. Their lives in terms of basic needs to live comfortably are no worse off with out it. If they support and use marijuana, then it would be a luxury, but to deprive them of it is not causing suffering, Todd.

What about the people who depend on it for medical reasons?

Tell a person who smokes marijuana with M.S. that he can live comfortably and is no worse without it. Tell that to any one else who found marijuana to be safest and best medicine for what ever they have.

Deprive sick people from medicine from sick people does cause suffering and harm. Remember when Montana took away Cash Hyde's medicine and he died shortly after.

What about this guy? When he has begging for help he was ignored by prison worker.

And you said depriving people from marijuana does not cause any suffering.

Not a surprise this comes from you.

This is also the same person who said marijuana is a gateway drug.
If Richard Flor a medical marijuana patient and provider never got arrested and died shortly for providing medicine to sick people, he would also tell you that depriving people from marijuana doesn't cause suffering.

What about Chris Williams? He is suffering behind bars right now. What about all those people who were left without their medicine because of his arrest.

Prohibition kills and Marijuana saves lives.
and I bet your only defense is that I'm a troll and didn't put in a question mark

If you can ignore the truth you can ignore that

Do you still think that depriving people from marijuana does not cause people to suffer?
Todd. Buddy. We've been over this. Just because someone thinks marijuana should be legalized, doesn't mean they agree with you. Just like when you were demanding I give you credit for how Colorado votes, you can't claim credit for people you've never talked to. I think marijuana should be decriminalized, but I ALSO think you're a fucking moron.

I've explained how this works. I even made graphs for you to illustrate this concept. Come on, I'm trying VERY hard to give you the opportunity to debate like a big boy, and you insist on me treating you like a child.

BUT- if half of America agrees with you (as you claim), then you would have incredibly good odds of finding third party judges who already supported your point of view. Now you even have the possibility of RIGGING the contest. Still can't find your balls?
No on answered my questions

Do you still think that depriving people from marijuana does not cause people to suffer?

Thats what that Jake Smizzy idiot said. I guess he will just ignore me after I showed him all the evidence that proves what he said was both wrong and idiotic.

AndThatsTheBottomLine are you still pretending that I called your future wife a ****e? Have you seen any more predictions of me killing more families when marijuana is legal? Since you discovered marijuana being legal will only cause me to laugh at cops and kill families. Also in the future when I kill that family I still get much less time in prison than Chris Williams an innocent man who helped families and helped saved lives. Have you had any more visions? Any luck on finding those un biased web sites that debunks every single web site that I ever posted?

Have you actually learned any thing about marijuana or are you still a clueless idiot on the subject that only makes very false assumptions? Your a great example on how a good amount of people are still very misinformed about the plant and have no idea about all the amazing benefits that one plant can provide. People like you don’t realize what good the plant causes and you dont have to ever smoke in your life to know the benefits. If you had a brain or have a heart that shows the slightest bit of compassion you will realize all the harm that is caused from marijuana being illegal. It shows that this law makes no sense when more people have died or have been harmed from marijuana being illegal than people who smoke the plant. How can we lock people up for a plant that can’t kill you and is one of the safest types of medicine you can take. You can call me names all you want or Rayne can make no sense and I have no idea what side he is on but won’t agree on the greatness of the cannabis plant. Can someone even explain why marijuana is a schedule one drug? Can someone explain to me all the evidence that was ignored that showed marijuana should’t be a schedule one drug?
No on answered my questions

Do you still think that depriving people from marijuana does not cause people to suffer?

Thats what that Jake Smizzy idiot said. I guess he will just ignore me after I showed him all the evidence that proves what he said was both wrong and idiotic.

AndThatsTheBottomLine are you still pretending that I called your future wife a ****e? Have you seen any more predictions of me killing more families when marijuana is legal? Since you discovered marijuana being legal will only cause me to laugh at cops and kill families. Also in the future when I kill that family I still get much less time in prison than Chris Williams an innocent man who helped families and helped saved lives. Have you had any more visions? Any luck on finding those un biased web sites that debunks every single web site that I ever posted?

Have you actually learned any thing about marijuana or are you still a clueless idiot on the subject that only makes very false assumptions? Your a great example on how a good amount of people are still very misinformed about the plant and have no idea about all the amazing benefits that one plant can provide. People like you don’t realize what good the plant causes and you dont have to ever smoke in your life to know the benefits. If you had a brain or have a heart that shows the slightest bit of compassion you will realize all the harm that is caused from marijuana being illegal. It shows that this law makes no sense when more people have died or have been harmed from marijuana being illegal than people who smoke the plant. How can we lock people up for a plant that can’t kill you and is one of the safest types of medicine you can take. You can call me names all you want or Rayne can make no sense and I have no idea what side he is on but won’t agree on the greatness of the cannabis plant. Can someone even explain why marijuana is a schedule one drug? Can someone explain to me all the evidence that was ignored that showed marijuana should’t be a schedule one drug?
Todd. Buddy. We've covered this ground. We won't answer any questions of yours because you insist that any answer we provide must be a lie, without providing any further documentation then "once upon a time, a politician lied." Meanwhile, while you refuse to treat anyone else's arguments as truthful, you insist everyone treats yours as completely truthful, without question.

What you have done is created a double standard that makes it impossible for people to discuss opposing viewpoints with you intelligently. Since you insist that anyone who disagrees with you must be lying, it is impossible to treat you like someone worthy of discussion, and instead, we can only call you an idiot.

I've tried to tell you how you can break that loop, but being 'right' seems to be perversely more important to you- even if you're the only person you've managed to convince of that. (People you've never talked to don't count as people you've convinced, again.)

Come out of Fantasyland and join us in the real world, buddy.

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