Vote To Legalize Marijuana

Nothing you said proved me wrong or showed that I’m dumb.

You didn't read any of my last post did you?

You just insulted also still showed that you have no knowledge on marijuana

No it doesn't. Explain how it would.

Marijuana doesn't impair your ability to drive like it does with alcohol. Did you ever think your friend may just be a bad driver?

He did think that but then he also though 'well I've never crashed my car when I was devoid of alien substances.' Well, his brain probably didn't phrase it like that. I doubt you can prove that a certain amount of weed couldn't lead to you being in a dangerous position in a car, impaired to some degree.

When I went to Amsterdam I went on a free tour, you could make donations of course, and the guide told everyone a story of how he eat a space cake and nothing happened, so he ate another and nothing happened, and eat a third one before going right off the deep end. He didn't realize it takes a fiarly long time to affect you when you ingest it that way. He ended up in the bathroom of his hotel with a friend holding him to prevent himself from trying to peel himself because he thought he was an orange.

I myself got so stoned that I camped up in my hotel and was afraid to go to the toilet in case Kunimitsu from Tekken appeared from nowhere and stabbed me. If you think you could drive under those conditions then you're proving my point for me. In that way it's similar to alcohol in that it's a matter of quantity, after a certain amount it starts to really negate your driving ability. Can you guarantee that people wouldn't try to drive whilst heavily stoned is weed were legal, and that it could potentially cause accidents? I'll save you the time, no you can't.

False statement most people don't smoke weed

So most people DO smoke weed. More than 50% of people smoke weed... now. I'm really gonna need you to link me to some statistics Charlie.

My evidence is everything I have been saying in this thread. How about instead of asking me these questions you look back on everything I said or so some research of your own.

I've read pretty much all of what you've said in this thread and the amount of benefits you've managed to post probably come a little bit closer to 10. How about instead of making shit up fuckwit, you actually go and find one of your shitty sources so there's something os substance to debunk.

Once again insulting me just makes you look like the idiotic cretin

I'm expanding your vocabulary. You should thank me.

So then why can't you find anything that debunks that? What's me being stupid got anything to do with the truth about marijuana and how more people and animals are harmed from marijuana being illegal?

Nothing. I've already said, in the context of this thread I don't care about whether or not weed becomes legal. It's just every time those 10 pins reset, I'm trying to hit a strike and I'm getting pretty close to a perfect game.

I think you smoke more pot than me because it seems like you can't remember him saying that. You also seem like you don't remember being be being asked to show the quote and I did. This time you look for it you already said your not a busy man.

'He said that synthetic marijuana is a form of marijuana' That is not a quote of what he said dipshit. That is the general gist of it. his is the actual exchange:

Do you still think that synthetic marijuana is real marijuana? - You

Yes and I said it was a form of marijuana so yes. - Him

But anyway, how is it that you are deciding whether or not it is a form of Marijuana. Is it based upon the constituents, or the effect because this website details that it affects the brain in the same way.

I don't think anybody is appealing for it to be considered a kind of real Marijuana, it's called 'synthetic' Marijuana Todd. Not everybody is as stupid as you are.

I don't expect you to understand anything about the cannabis plant. By making excuses for Big Daddy Awesome's excuses shows that your just as dumb as he is.

That's OK because I don't expect you to either. Once again, I'm not and I don't need to make excuses for him you blithering simpleton.

Then if you two now seem to know everything about marijuana, please tell me everything there is to know about marijuana.

Can you just go back and quote me the part where either of us said, 'I know everything about Marijuana. TREMBLE'. Oh you can't, shame. The alternative to not knowing anything about weed, is not to know everything. If I was you I would just be more concerned with the basic concepts of life like learning how cross roads or feed myself or breathing through my nose, don't tax yourself with the outer reaching important stuff.

Shows you incapable of learning anything about marijuana.

No it doesn't.

I never said marijuana by itself could save the economy. That is just you being an idiot and ignoring what I say. I said that marijuana is a multi billion dollar crop. Marijuana being legal would do more for the economy than it does being illegal.

To say that it definitely would help economically is still conjecture, it's something know can't know without it being true. Therefore it is exaggerated.

Just because it is the law doesn't mean it's right. Saying that means you would you have support slavery if you were around during that time. That just makes you sound even more stupid.

And, dunderhead,that's not what we were discussing. We were discussing the legality of Marijuana, not the moral implications of that. Is Marijana currently illegal in most places in America. Also, my acknowledgement of weed being illegal means I would have been an advocate of slavery hundreds of years ago. I think you bruised me with your logic.

Well fossil fuels and trees for paper are two of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. By using hemp would reverse the greenhouse effect because hemp is also good for the environment. This is something else I already talked about. If you had a brain you would know what I’m talking about.

I know what it is you are talking about, that doesn't mean I agree. To reverse the greenhouse effect, hemp would not only have to release no gasses of it's own, but it would have to buffer gasses already released by fossil fuels into the environment. I'm not convinced that you can prove that it can.

Insulting me does not make me look like a idiot, but it makes you look like one.

Explain how. You say stupid things, I bring them to light. What part of that is bad for me?

Since you keep asking me show quotes i already showed, then can you show me every single time in this thread where I ignored what someone said.

You didn't show any quotes. The one thing you claimed to be a quote was misquoted, even if it had been accurately quoted it would have only been one thing, ie not quotes. I'm not going to show you every time you ignored what someone said, you've as much expectation for me to climb Kilimanjaro if you asked me to.

Sounds a lot like yourself

Ye- no.

OK I get it you think I’m stupid.

Well you obvious don't get it. You are stupid. I don't know if I can withdraw until you understand that.

That just makes the DEA look like a bunch of dicks even though they already did look a bunch of heartless dicks that enjoy destroying families and locking innocent people up for providing medicine. The DEA has been ignoring the truth about the marijuana since it’s been illegal. The only thing the DEA does is cause more harm from marijuana being illegal.It sounds like to me that this article is similar to dealing with you buffoon, even though I provide evidence of marijuana having medical benefits you still ignore it.
That just makes the DEA look like a bunch of dicks even though they already did look a bunch of heartless dicks that enjoy destroying families and locking innocent people up for providing medicine. The DEA has been ignoring the truth about the marijuana since it’s been illegal. The only thing the DEA does is cause more harm from marijuana being illegal.It sounds like to me that this article is similar to dealing with you buffoon, even though I provide evidence of marijuana having medical benefits you still ignore it.
Actually, if you had read the article instead of pontificating (look it up) about marijuana, it was a ruling from a Federal appeals court that said the DEA had not ignored any of the scientific evidence available to it about marijuana when keeping marijuana as a Schedule I drug. This ruling is less than a day old.
As someone who thinks that legalizing marijuana would be greatly beneficial, I'm begging you to shut the fuck up about're not the person I'd want to represent 'our' side of the argument. Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
But when marijuana is legalized everywhere, you're going to see that he was right! :banghead:
You didn't read any of my last post did you?

No it doesn't. Explain how it would.

Well if you actually knew something that could prove me wrong wouldn't you say it by now to shut me up. You haven't said anything that hasn't de bunked any benefits from marijuana. The only thing you have done is insult me without explanation. If you actually had a clue you would be showing me all this evidence that I'm wrong.

Can you show me how more harm is not caused from marijuana being illegal?
Explain to be the Heath Tulane Study?

He did think that but then he also though 'well I've never crashed my car when I was devoid of alien substances.' Well, his brain probably didn't phrase it like that. I doubt you can prove that a certain amount of weed couldn't lead to you being in a dangerous position in a car, impaired to some degree.

To be so stoned that you can't drive means that you have to smoke a shit load of weed. Were you with your friend when this accident was caused? If you smoke like a responsible person like myself you won't have to worry about getting into any car accidents.

When I went to Amsterdam I went on a free tour, you could make donations of course, and the guide told everyone a story of how he eat a space cake and nothing happened, so he ate another and nothing happened, and eat a third one before going right off the deep end. He didn't realize it takes a fiarly long time to affect you when you ingest it that way. He ended up in the bathroom of his hotel with a friend holding him to prevent himself from trying to peel himself because he thought he was an orange.

OK that is just a dumb tour guide who should have already knew the effects of a space cake. Those things have a lot of weed in them.

I myself got so stoned that I camped up in my hotel and was afraid to go to the toilet in case Kunimitsu from Tekken appeared from nowhere and stabbed me. If you think you could drive under those conditions then you're proving my point for me. In that way it's similar to alcohol in that it's a matter of quantity, after a certain amount it starts to really negate your driving ability. Can you guarantee that people wouldn't try to drive whilst heavily stoned is weed were legal, and that it could potentially cause accidents? I'll save you the time, no you can't.

Sounds like I need to be smoking your weed. I've been smoking pot for six years and I never experience anything like you said. It seems like you really dumb and don't know anything about marijuana. Like I said before thats why you smoke reposnibly like myself. Trust me when marijuana is legal the entire county is not going to go out eating three space cakes then going out for a joyride.

So most people DO smoke weed. More than 50% of people smoke weed... now. I'm really gonna need you to link me to some statistics Charlie.

Well more than half of the population of both Canada and America want to see marijuana legal. More people are smoking marijuana today than ever before. More people are learning about the truth of marijuana.

I've read pretty much all of what you've said in this thread and the amount of benefits you've managed to post probably come a little bit closer to 10. How about instead of making shit up fuckwit, you actually go and find one of your shitty sources so there's something os substance to debunk.

Maybe you read it again. Tell me what I made up. Quote me in every post where I made something up. Show me that and I will post again to the idiot who can't remember be showing Big Daddy Awesome' idiotic quote.

I'm expanding your vocabulary. You should thank me.

The only thing you did was make yourself look dumb.

Nothing. I've already said, in the context of this thread I don't care about whether or not weed becomes legal. It's just every time those 10 pins reset, I'm trying to hit a strike and I'm getting pretty close to a perfect game.

Your not coming anywhere close to a perfect game. If you were you would show me all the deaths and cases of cancer that marijuana causes. Your not doing anything but insulting me which doesn't show that you have any knowledge of this plant. If you knew anything you would have said something by now.

He said that synthetic marijuana is a form of marijuana' That is not a quote of what he said dipshit. That is the general gist of it. his is the actual exchange:

Do you still think that synthetic marijuana is real marijuana? - You

Yes and I said it was a form of marijuana so yes. - Him

But anyway, how is it that you are deciding whether or not it is a form of Marijuana. Is it based upon the constituents, or the effect because this website details that it affects the brain in the same way.

I don't think anybody is appealing for it to be considered a kind of real Marijuana, it's called 'synthetic' Marijuana Todd. Not everybody is as stupid as you are.

Synthetic marijuana is not a form of marijuana. It's herbs that re used to mimic the effects of marijuana. That synthetic marijuana can actually cause severe harm to the body unlike real marijuana. Synthetic marijuana is not a form of marijuana the only similar thing those two have is the word marijuana.

That's OK because I don't expect you to either. Once again, I'm not and I don't need to make excuses for him you blithering simpleton.

Well then why are you making excuses for him?

Can you just go back and quote me the part where either of us said, 'I know everything about Marijuana. TREMBLE'. Oh you can't, shame. The alternative to not knowing anything about weed, is not to know everything. If I was you I would just be more concerned with the basic concepts of life like learning how cross roads or feed myself or breathing through my nose, don't tax yourself with the outer reaching important stuff

Well you come here all mighty thinking you can make me look dumb and prove me wrong when you haven't done any of that. and I never said that you said you know everything about marijuana I just said since you know everything about marijuana. Since you like to say just because you insulted me doesn't mean you know nothing about marijuaana. If you knew something you would have said it by now.

No it doesn't.

Yes it does

To say that it definitely would help economically is still conjecture, it's something know can't know without it being true. Therefore it is exaggerated.

No it's not. Marijuana brings in a lot of money in places like Amsterdam. With it being illegal it is already a multi billion dollar crop. Legalizing marijuana will help out the economy in a big way. Not only are we making more from marijuana sales were also spending less on locking people up, it is a win win situation. Look at how much money we waste by locking innocent people for marijuana. Look at how much money we waste on a failure prohibition on marijuana.When you say stupid things like this makes me think that you know nothing about marijuana.

And, dunderhead,that's not what we were discussing. We were discussing the legality of Marijuana, not the moral implications of that. Is Marijana currently illegal in most places in America. Also, my acknowledgement of weed being illegal means I would have been an advocate of slavery hundreds of years ago. I think you bruised me with your logic.

It just shows that your blind and will agree with anything if it's the law. Regardless if more harm is caused from marijuana being illegal, or if more people and animals have died because marijuana is illegal. It just shows that your clueless.

I know what it is you are talking about, that doesn't mean I agree. To reverse the greenhouse effect, hemp would not only have to release no gasses of it's own, but it would have to buffer gasses already released by fossil fuels into the environment. I'm not convinced that you can prove that it can.

Scroll down to the part that says Why Not Use Hemp to Reverse the Greenhouse Effect & Save the World?

You can also look at the many other benefits from hemp if you like.

Explain how. You say stupid things, I bring them to light. What part of that is bad for me?

Quote me on something stupid I said and then I will explain.

You didn't show any quotes. The one thing you claimed to be a quote was misquoted, even if it had been accurately quoted it would have only been one thing, ie not quotes. I'm not going to show you every time you ignored what someone said, you've as much expectation for me to climb Kilimanjaro if you asked me to.

Maybe you won't because you can't

Look in the mirror and you will see the idiot.

Well you obvious don't get it. You are stupid. I don't know if I can withdraw until you understand that.

I think I get the message. Your just going to insult me regardless of what facts I post.
Todd, not going to talk about yesterday's court ruling saying the DEA had not ignored the scientific evidence available to it when determining marijuana's classification as a Schedule I drug? Or how you clearly hadn't read it, but tried to respond to it anyways? While repeatedly demanding everyone examine every single thing that you've posted and respond to it individually?

My, if I didn't know better, it would sound like you have a double standard.
Our country has none that marijuana shouldn't be a Schedule One drug since the 70s. When Nixon was in office he was given evidence that marijuana shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug and he he ignored all the evidence. Marijuana should not be a schedule 1 drug. They have been ignoring lots of evidence that shows marijuana has lots of medical benefits.
Our country has none that marijuana shouldn't be a Schedule One drug since the 70s. When Nixon was in office he was given evidence that marijuana shouldn't be a schedule 1 drug and he he ignored all the evidence. Marijuana should not be a schedule 1 drug. They have been ignoring lots of evidence that shows marijuana has lots of medical benefits.
You're doing that thing again where you completely ignore what someone's presenting so that you can go on a rant about how you think the world should or shouldn't be. The court case dealt specifically with the issue of whether the DEA ignored scientific evidence in making its classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, and found that they had not.

Whether you believe it should or shouldn't is completely irrelevant to the discussion. I don't think it should be a Schedule I drug either. But what we have here is an appeals court saying- just yesterday- that the DEA did not ignore the scientific evidence it had available to it. The judge who dissented with the decision noted in her dissent that she made no claim about the statistical validity of the medical benefits of marijuana, but that no entity had the legal standing to bring the lawsuit. (She said that she had no legal standing to deliver an opinion concerning the validity of medicinal marijuana research, because she believed her court had no legal standing to hear the case. Essentially, it's a 2-0 vote for the DEA, with one person deciding not to vote.)

Do you have a claim to make about this court case, which exactly refutes the claim you are attempting to make? This is current events, Todd, we're talking about today, not what Richard Nixon did forty years ago.
Well if you actually knew something that could prove me wrong wouldn't you say it by now to shut me up. You haven't said anything that hasn't de bunked any benefits from marijuana. The only thing you have done is insult me without explanation. If you actually had a clue you would be showing me all this evidence that I'm wrong.

Can you show me how more harm is not caused from marijuana being illegal?
Explain to be the Heath Tulane Study?

To be so stoned that you can't drive means that you have to smoke a shit load of weed. Were you with your friend when this accident was caused? If you smoke like a responsible person like myself you won't have to worry about getting into any car accidents.

OK that is just a dumb tour guide who should have already knew the effects of a space cake. Those things have a lot of weed in them.

Sounds like I need to be smoking your weed. I've been smoking pot for six years and I never experience anything like you said. It seems like you really dumb and don't know anything about marijuana. Like I said before thats why you smoke reposnibly like myself. Trust me when marijuana is legal the entire county is not going to go out eating three space cakes then going out for a joyride.

Well more than half of the population of both Canada and America want to see marijuana legal. More people are smoking marijuana today than ever before. More people are learning about the truth of marijuana.

Maybe you read it again. Tell me what I made up. Quote me in every post where I made something up. Show me that and I will post again to the idiot who can't remember be showing Big Daddy Awesome' idiotic quote.

The only thing you did was make yourself look dumb.

Your not coming anywhere close to a perfect game. If you were you would show me all the deaths and cases of cancer that marijuana causes. Your not doing anything but insulting me which doesn't show that you have any knowledge of this plant. If you knew anything you would have said something by now.

Synthetic marijuana is not a form of marijuana. It's herbs that re used to mimic the effects of marijuana. That synthetic marijuana can actually cause severe harm to the body unlike real marijuana. Synthetic marijuana is not a form of marijuana the only similar thing those two have is the word marijuana.

Well then why are you making excuses for him?

Well you come here all mighty thinking you can make me look dumb and prove me wrong when you haven't done any of that. and I never said that you said you know everything about marijuana I just said since you know everything about marijuana. Since you like to say just because you insulted me doesn't mean you know nothing about marijuaana. If you knew something you would have said it by now.

Yes it does

No it's not. Marijuana brings in a lot of money in places like Amsterdam. With it being illegal it is already a multi billion dollar crop. Legalizing marijuana will help out the economy in a big way. Not only are we making more from marijuana sales were also spending less on locking people up, it is a win win situation. Look at how much money we waste by locking innocent people for marijuana. Look at how much money we waste on a failure prohibition on marijuana.When you say stupid things like this makes me think that you know nothing about marijuana.

It just shows that your blind and will agree with anything if it's the law. Regardless if more harm is caused from marijuana being illegal, or if more people and animals have died because marijuana is illegal. It just shows that your clueless.

Scroll down to the part that says Why Not Use Hemp to Reverse the Greenhouse Effect & Save the World?

You can also look at the many other benefits from hemp if you like.

Quote me on something stupid I said and then I will explain.

Maybe you won't because you can't

Look in the mirror and you will see the idiot.

I think I get the message. Your just going to insult me regardless of what facts I post.

I hope he goes too hard and ends up trippin hard one day. Wait until he's curled up in the corner of the room and ask him more about the benefits of weed.

Yeah, my guess is that if he actually got his hands on some sticky danks he'd probably lose his shit. I can tell from his stupidity that he has never had anything above street level dirt weed full of sticks and stems.
Yeah, my guess is that if he actually got his hands on some sticky danks he'd probably lose his shit. I can tell from his stupidity that he has never had anything above street level dirt weed full of sticks and stems.

Ezackly, he'd lose his shit big time. But either way, it's too optimistic to think that if weed was legal, some people wouldn't be getting crazy high and that it wouldn't cause some issues from time to time.
To be fair- as I have been this entire thread- that isn't a logical point, it's an opinion that Todd disagreed with. Did he do a good job in supporting his own opinion? No, he demanded that people agree with him, and said they must be stupid or insane if they didn't.

We'll see him back here sometime tomorrow, with a post that goes after the weakest argument he can find, while pretending that the arguments that cut his legs out don't exist. Either that, or just a quick "MARIJUANA DOESN'T KILL PROHIBITION KILLS" again, and you assholes eat that shit up instead of making him work.
To be fair- as I have been this entire thread- that isn't a logical point, it's an opinion that Todd disagreed with. Did he do a good job in supporting his own opinion? No, he demanded that people agree with him, and said they must be stupid or insane if they didn't.

We'll see him back here sometime tomorrow, with a post that goes after the weakest argument he can find, while pretending that the arguments that cut his legs out don't exist. Either that, or just a quick "MARIJUANA DOESN'T KILL PROHIBITION KILLS" again, and you assholes eat that shit up instead of making him work.

It is somewhat logical. You get rid of the prohibition and it will be overdone. It is my opinion that people take something that makes them feel good and they over do it to the point that it's dangerous. People don't know how to do anything with moderation.
Well, you actually both kind of sat there and yelled "no, the world works my way". I am more inclined to believe your position, but neither position was supported by anything more than a declaration of belief by their proponents.

You don't deal with Todd by telling him that he's wrong and you're right. That's the only kind of battle he knows how to fight, because it's the only kind of battle where he can appear even to his opponent.
Well, you actually both kind of sat there and yelled "no, the world works my way". I am more inclined to believe your position, but neither position was supported by anything more than a declaration of belief by their proponents.

You don't deal with Todd by telling him that he's wrong and you're right. That's the only kind of battle he knows how to fight, because it's the only kind of battle where he can appear even to his opponent.

Might as well. You've as much chance of convincing him. Todd can't be convinced of anything other than his own convictions. If he could, it surely would have happened by now. Alas, ours was a battle of conjecture but it's not like I myself, for example, hasn't had a solid basis to disagree with him over different points. Either way, his resolve hasn't faltered one iota, which is somewhere firmly between admirable and idiotic which greater emphasis on the latter.
Again with whole over doing it nonsense.

With that kind of logic we should make everything illegal since you can over do just about anything

Do you think we should make alcohol illegal again because some people over do it?
What about fast food how would you feel if you got rid of every single McDonalds?
That would make more sense than the current prohibition on marijuana.

What about how alcohol kill over 150,000 people each year when 0 people have died from marijuana since it has been around.

There are plenty of legal things that people over do that should be a higher concern than locking up innocent people for marijuana. Like Alcohol,tobacco,fast food, at least marijuana has medical benefits but that's what we want to teach our society is bad for you.

Why is it OK to commercialize alcohol and fast food a deadly addiction but OK to lock people up for having marijuana which can help save lives?

Some people will over do marijuana but that is most people will smoke responsibly and thats not a good enough reason to keep something with as many benefits like marijuana illegal.

I don't demand that people agree with me. I just call them dumb when they say idiotic things or insult me without explanation or say I should die because I'm showing the truth of marijuana. You are an idiot if you think marijuana should be illegal and your a heartless idiotic prick if you think all the innocent people who are locked up or died while in prison for marijuana charges got what they deserved. There is too much evidence that shows we have been lied to about marijuana.

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