TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 11.11.10

Next time will be the first time.

It does amuse me that people buy into "youth movement." How many young main eventers have actually been made during this youth movement? 1/2ish in Sheamus. All they really have done is take a lot of veterans that actually had followers off of the mid to upper-mid card and replace them with cheaper guys that are not ready to do a lot of things yet, especially draw. Why that is so great from a quality perspective I have no idea.
Next time will be the first time.

It does amuse me that people buy into "youth movement." How many young main eventers have actually been made during this youth movement? 1/2ish in Sheamus. All they really have done is take a lot of veterans that actually had followers off of the mid to upper-mid card and replace them with cheaper guys that are not ready to do a lot of things yet, especially draw. Why that is so great from a quality perspective I have no idea.

Do the Miz and Wade Barrett not count? Both are only 30 meaning they have a good 12-13 years of main eventing ahead of them.

Also who exactly are these cheaper guys in the mid card who aren't ready? If you are talking about DBD and Ziggler, the two mid card champs, then that is a crock as they just put on an amazing series of matches.
Do the Miz and Wade Barrett not count? Both are only 30 meaning they have a good 12-13 years of main eventing ahead of them.

If either of those guys are established (not potential) main eventers then your standards are pretty low.

Also who exactly are these cheaper guys in the mid card who aren't ready? If you are talking about DBD and Ziggler, the two mid card champs, then that is a crock as they just put on an amazing series of matches.

So they are ready to wrestle but who gets over with just that? Especially within a company that de-emphasizes in-ring ability more than any other? I never said they couldn't do anything. I haven't watched the matches although I have heard good things but amazing has to be overstatement.
About as much time as listing the bad things about WWE. ;)

I'll watch, but with an icepack on my forehead and a glass of Sprite for my stomach. I feel like shit after trying to fix my car and it still looks like shit.

Trust me, a list of what is wrong about WWE would be far shorter than the same list for TNA.

And isn't watching iMPACT with an icepack on your forehead, with a little Sprite, probably for washing down the Tylenol, fairly typical of a Thursday night on Spike TV?
Puh-leeze do NOT talk ill of my master and commander. Hence the siggy at the bottom of my posts. LOL. Like the new sig Remix? LOL
Trust me, a list of what is wrong about WWE would be far shorter than the same list for TNA.

And isn't watching iMPACT with an icepack on your forehead, with a little Sprite, probably for washing down the Tylenol, fairly typical of a Thursday night on Spike TV?
I don't recall headaches, stomachaches or burnt arms whenever I watch Impact. I do remember taking a very nice nap in the couch with Raw as my lullaby.
That thread I made about WWE taking the easy way out with stars was pretty damn long for just being one thing.
If either of those guys are established (not potential) main eventers then your standards are pretty low.

I'll give you Miz as not being an established main eventer yet but Wade Barrett, the man who; won NXT Season 1, is the leader of the biggest heel faction in years, is the top heel on Raw, has fueded with the two top faces in the company, gets to be in charge of John Cena as in the face of the company, has main evented three PPV's, two for titles (with a fourth on the way) one of which is WWE's 2nd biggest event of the year and will in all likelyhood win the WWE title in a couple of weeks all in his first year. To say he isn't an established main eventer is absurd.

So they are ready to wrestle but who gets over with just that? Especially within a company that de-emphasizes in-ring ability more than any other? I never said they couldn't do anything. I haven't watched the matches although I have heard good things but amazing has to be overstatement.

Who gets over on just wrestling skills? Well Daniel Bryan seems to be doing a pretty good job of that as he is getting some very good pops as of late and he has next to no mic skills. Oh and no amazing isn't an overstatement, especially when talking about the Bragging Rights match.
I'll give you Miz as not being an established main eventer yet but Wade Barrett, the man who; won NXT Season 1, is the leader of the biggest heel faction in years, is the top heel on Raw, has fueded with the two top faces in the company, gets to be in charge of John Cena as in the face of the company, has main evented three PPV's, two for titles (with a fourth on the way) one of which is WWE's 2nd biggest event of the year and will in all likelyhood win the WWE title in a couple of weeks all in his first year. To say he isn't an established main eventer is absurd.

He is an established main eventer less than a year in without having ever even won the title? Right, I am the one being absurd. There is the same logjam that has always existed at the main event scene, just with arguably less deserving guys. If you do not lick HHH's nuts, no main event status for you. How do you have a youth movement and push Swagger higher on the card than punk?

Who gets over on just wrestling skills? Well Daniel Bryan seems to be doing a pretty good job of that as he is getting some very good pops as of late and he has next to no mic skills. Oh and no amazing isn't an overstatement, especially when talking about the Bragging Rights match.

I am talking about main event over. Hopefully, the matches are half as good as the WWE-ites claim? (how were the matches killjoy?)
He is an established main eventer less than a year in without having ever even won the title? Right, I am the one being absurd. There is the same logjam that has always existed at the main event scene, just with arguably less deserving guys. If you do not lick HHH's nuts, no main event status for you. How do you have a youth movement and push Swagger higher on the card than punk?

How silly of me to think that the top heel on Raw, the man who main evented Summerslam and is about to main event Survivor Series and in all likelihood win the title is a main eventer. To clarify he has main evented 2 of the WWE's 4 main PPV's, one for the title, in his first year.

I am talking about main event over. Hopefully, the matches are half as good as the WWE-ites claim? (how were the matches killjoy?)

So you expect a midcarder who had been in the WWE about four months and who has yet to be given a real push to be main event over?
He is an established main eventer less than a year in without having ever even won the title? Right, I am the one being absurd. There is the same logjam that has always existed at the main event scene, just with arguably less deserving guys. If you do not lick HHH's nuts, no main event status for you. How do you have a youth movement and push Swagger higher on the card than punk?

I am talking about main event over. Hopefully, the matches are half as good as the WWE-ites claim? (how were the matches killjoy?)
Bryans matches have been as good as they say, but he's still stuck doing dancing with divas and cracking goofy jokes. And Wade Barrett is hogging all of the attention, simply because he looks good in comparison to his buddies.
How silly of me to think that the top heel on Raw, the man who main evented Summerslam and is about to main event Survivor Series and in all likelihood win the title is a main eventer. To clarify he has main evented 2 of the WWE's 4 main PPV's, one for the title, in his first year.

It is about credibility. He doesn't have much of it by himself. Big difference between a proven commodity that has built a fanbase/character over the years and a flash in the pan out of nowhere. By your criteria Swagger was an established main eventer a few months back. See how the short-term can fall apart.

So you expect a midcarder who had been in the WWE about four months and who has yet to be given a real push to be main event over?

No, I am saying you do not get main event over just by wrestling. Extremely rare and usually takes a long time on the offchance it happens.
I have a thread discussing this. Quit wasting the LD and post in my thread. Main WWE section. You can't miss it since it's the only thread I've made there.
It is about credibility. He doesn't have much of it by himself. Big difference between a proven commodity that has built a fanbase over the years and a flash in the pan out of nowhere. By your criteria Swagger was an established main eventer a few months back. See how the short-term can fall apart.

Yeah, a man who has beat up Big Show and Taker and has beat in singles matches Jericho, Edge, Cena and Orton has no credibility, makes sense. And no I never considered Swagger a main eventer, he never main evented any PPV's, bar Orton he never beat any main eventers, he lost more often than he won, he was the top heel but that means shit all considering how weak the SD roster was at the time. Big difference between him and Barrett.

No, I am saying you do not get main event over just by wrestling. Extremely rare and usually takes a long time on the offchance it happens.

Tell that to Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and AJ Styles, those guys sure as hell didn't get over on their mic work.
Tell that to Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and AJ Styles, those guys sure as hell didn't get over on their mic work.

Did I say it never happened? No, I said it rarely happened and takes a while when it does. Guerrero and Hart did more than wrestle. Benoit is about the only WWE example that fits IMO. 1 out of a lot is the exception, not the rule.

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