TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/17 Complete With New TNA Mod

Seriously, what the fuck? MCMG won tag-title shots – they have to compete in this tournament too?

The winners of the tournament get them at Victory Road. So instead of them getting the belts, they have to win ANOTHER match. Sure...why not. And even if they win them, it'll only be two years too late.
Well fuck me and call me Susan – of course Abyss gets a god damn title shot.

Probably received the least amount of votes in every poll TNA conducted during the preliminary rounds of the TNA Top-10 Contenders, but fuck it – he's Hogan-lite. Give him a title shot! UGH.
Why would they just give them the belts? They'd have to win another match if the belts weren't stripped from The Band, anyway.
The winners of the tournament get them at Victory Road. So instead of them getting the belts, they have to win ANOTHER match. Sure...why not. And even if they win them, it'll only be two years too late.

Yeah, just caught that. At least they weren't Kazarian'd out of it though, KB. I don't mind it going down this way – I'd rather they actually "win" the titles in a match than just be awarded them.
No they face the winner of the tournament at VR


Well fuck me and call me Susan – of course Abyss gets a god damn title shot.

Probably received the least amount of votes in every poll TNA conducted during the preliminary rounds of the TNA Top-10 Contenders, but fuck it – he's Hogan-lite. Give him a title shot! UGH.

I'm smelling a heel turn for him. And I still won't care. He's had one GREAT match ever and that was over 5 years ago.

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