TNA iMPACT! LD for 04.21.11

It's a TNA thing. They've always done that.

I guess I never noticed it before but it's hard to follow a match when every time a guy moves the camera view changes. It actually gives you a bit of motion sickness.

It's amazing how these have steadily declined since the show has featured more and more Hogan recently. It's almost liek he's turning people off from the product.

Probably because he is. Mr ego should probably realize that by keeping himself on top and not building new stars (just like he did in WCW) doesn't help anyone, especially not your company. It's happening again and whether everyone will come out and admit it or not, I think they see that.
How the fuck has Rob Van Dam had a "mediocre" career?

Also, has there ever been a single promo in TNA history in which the person cutting the promo wasn't interrupted within 5 minutes? Seriously, can't think of one.
This is a good promo between all 3 men.. I am enjoying this shit HAHA Hogan & Sting on the mic are under rated.
Does Immortal have ANY power left? Seems every decision these days is made by "the network" and Immortal just has to follow suit.

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