TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.10.11

What did we do to deserve this? Seriously. Couldn't we get something better? Like Karen on a pole match or something? ANYTHING?!
See this is what ticks me off the most about TNA.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle IS A GOOD MATCH!!! Why is that such a horrible concept? You have two very good wrestlers with chemistry and a built in story, but that's not enough for TNA. They have to add something that is beyond ridiculous. The Karen stuff is annoying but it makes sense. This on the other hand, is idiotic.
See this is what ticks me off the most about TNA.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle IS A GOOD MATCH!!! Why is that such a horrible concept? You have two very good wrestlers with chemistry and a built in story, but that's not enough for TNA. They have to add something that is beyond ridiculous. The Karen stuff is annoying but it makes sense. This on the other hand, is idiotic.

TNA is about being Real KB!!! Nothing screams real like two grown men fighting in a ring for custody of children!!!
At least Bischoff wasn't BSing anyone when he said there'd be more reality in their shows.

I'm not sure this classifies as 'reality'. I know the US legal system is world famous for having idiotic arcane laws and presidents, but I doubt there's anything about custody battles being decided in single combat.

Might save court time though.
God what a horrible storyline! Kayfabe or not, a match where the winner gets custody of the children is absolutely brutal. It's Mysterio/Eddie/Dominic all over again. I hated it before, and I hate it just as much now.

Hardly comparable prizes as well. Custody of the children versus having to walk your ex-wifemdown the aisle as she renews her wedding vows with her new husband. Stupid and inappropriate at the same time.
Sarita.....My pants just wiggled. She has a cousin now too?! Thats it, If they keep these 2 on Impact every week I'll ruin every pair of pants I own.

What that mean?

It means that Gelgarin, being perhaps the smartest and most respected TNA fan on the forum, can't defend the bullshit of a stupid angle like a Custody of Children match. It has no place as is insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age of 2.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett is too good to stoop to such a shit storyline. The two best workers in the company don't need to be saddled by something absolutely stupid like this.
It means that Gelgarin, being perhaps the smartest and most respected TNA fan on the forum, can't defend the bullshit of a stupid angle like a Custody of Children match. It has no place as is insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age of 2.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett is too good to stoop to such a shit storyline. The two best workers in the company don't need to be saddled by something absolutely stupid like this.

Well angle to me was good until that point.
Rosita and Sarita actually wrestle well as a tag team... If only there were some sort of belts in this company that could be earned through good tag team knockout action...

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