this really pissed me off about The Rock

Dysturbed said:

His not being that great of an actor doesn't change the fact that he gets a lot of roles, that he gets to be on single locations for longer periods of times instead of across the country non stop, and the many other things that probably factored into his decision.

Truthfully he should of stayed in wrestling he was better

His not as famous as he thinks he is and most of his films are crap
sorry but this true.

His would be bigger and more famous in WWE facing some of the superstars today he would of put on great matchs and think of him at WM23
.Fallout. said:
Hell yeah untill he left and he said that he was coming back

Circumstances in life often change people's minds and perspectives about things. Someone might say that they would never date someone of another race for example then fall in love with someone of another race. Does that make them a liar or does it make them someone who got presented with a situation that changed there perspective? Anyone with an open mind can provide plenty of other examples concerning life, but what's he point? If someone's decision doesn't go exactly as you want it, you apparently "hate" them for it. You don't hate the decisoin, you flat out hate them. (at least that's what you stated)
Its actually raining over here :)... But its not even as Rocks a mad actor.... It just that he keeps getting shitty roles...
Dysturbed said:
Circumstances in life often change people's minds and perspectives about things. Someone might say that they would never date someone of another race for example then fall in love with someone of another race. Does that make them a liar or does it make them someone who got presented with a situation that changed there perspective? Anyone with an open mind can provide plenty of other examples concerning life, but what's the point?

I agree with what you say but i still hate him for it
.Fallout. said:
His not as famous as he thinks he is and most of his films are crap
sorry but this true.

With that in mind, the fact that he's choosing an avenue that may make him less successful shows that he's doing what's best overall as opposed to doing something just because some fans claim that he should.

.Fallout. said:
His would be bigger and more famous in WWE facing some of the superstars today he would of put on great matchs and think of him at WM23

Just because he could, doesn't mean that he should? You're only reason as to why he should is becuase it's what you want to see. Does the world revolve around us?
.Fallout. said:
I agree with what you say but i still hate him for it

Hate's a strong word. Hate consumes people. If you literally are consumed with hatred for a guy because he won't run his life around what you want, that's just fucked up because he has his own shit to worry about. Being dissapointed, annoyed, disliking him or at least his decisionetc is one thing. Hating murderers, people that fuck up your life, etc is another. To hate a man just because his career isn't what you'd choose for him seems fucked up. To each their own.
Dysturbed said:
With that in mind, the fact that he's choosing an avenue that may make him less successful shows that he's doing what's best overall as opposed to doing something just because some fans claim that he should.

Just because he could, doesn't mean that he should? You're only reason as to why he should is becuase it's what you want to see. Does the world revolve around us?

no but i'm entitle to my opinion
Oh man, not that generic line again. I never denied you of that opinion rather I questioned how you can base that opinion off of things with such bias and make such harsh claims without apparently attempting to look at why he left, rather to just look at why you are mad that he did.

To actually hate (not dislike but hate) someone because they won't revolve their world around you makes it seem like you think that you should be able to control them. The Rock isn't some toy that your parents took away and you're angry that you can't play with it, he's a human being, with a life, his life, not yours, and you act like you should be able to dictate the path he should take just becuase you feel that it's your entitlement to see him on television every week. Have you considered that putting ones body on the line can lead to a life of hell? How many "wrestlers" have died in their forties becuase of the strain that they put on their body. Who cares though right? As long as you're entertained by The Rock then who cares if he's putitng his life on the line. One thing that people tend to forget is that wrestlers may portray larger than life characters, but they are human beings. That may be meaningless to you but it's reality.

It effects me personally in no way if you're upset that he's not on television. However, the fact that you chose to post here and make claims, is why I and anyone else can choose to dispute them, not because we don't feel that you're entitled to an opinion, rather because we're trying to get a better understanding of where that opinion comes from.
Number 1: The Rock hasnt been a fixture in the WWE since late 2002-2003.

Number 2: He has a family and doesn't want to be on the road 300 days a year.

Number 3: He makes more money making 1 or 2 movies a year than wrestling.

Number 4: to come back to wrestling lets face it is a step down for him. And the WWE doesn't need the Rock really either. He and Stone Cold's days are over. Lets all take a moment to face that fact. I went through the same thing when I realized that the days of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage and Bret Hart holding the WCW/WWE titles were gone.

I mean Rock rose to popularity in 1999...its 2006. Lets move on

Exactly. There are many legit reasons why he isn't a part of WWE anymore. Common sense tells us that WWE can't rely on the same people forever. Hogan may keep coming back but WWE can't rely on him forever either for a quick boost on portions of the show. Like I said it's just common sense
The Rock contradicts himself by saying he is "done" with WWE, he said on WWE.COM that he will return when we least expect it, that was this year too. Well I dont care if I ever see him in the ring, I dont know what making an appearence once in a while would hurt. WWE made The Rock.
Jrock said:
The Rock contradicts himself by saying he is "done" with WWE, he said on WWE.COM that he will return when we least expect it, that was this year too.

He said that he's done "slamming opponents" He never said that he would absolutely never make apperances. You guys are just looking for the bad and ignoring the other part. What else is new with people these days?
I agree, the Rock will probably never play a large role in the WWE again but, he'll make appearences occasionaly. I think that's perfectly fine and we should be able to accept it.

Flames Out
Im a huge Rock fan but there is no way that he sold out. He entertianed us for years as a wrestler and is no entertaining us as an actor.

But really what is there left for The Rock to do in wrestling? Nothing Nada... he has won all the titles, he has faced and beat Hogan... he finally beat Austin at Wrestlemania... there is not much if anything left for him to do...

I miss The Rock and wish he still was in the WWE..... but its his life and his choices and as a fan Im not going to rubbish him for moving on... good on him for taking a risk and moving into something different .... stating at the bottom once more... so as a fan ill say your missed Rock but good luck with the movies!! Hopefully you make some good ones!
The rock is all tapped out of wrestling talent, now its just time to move on and let the new guys take the helm.
I don't blame him. What would happen if he did come back? He would just get jobbed by the Samoan Fat Pig or beaten by John Cena's crippled father, dead mother, chain gang hoes or something. Maybe he doesn't want to come back because the WWE is pushing guys down our throats that we don't like.
I don't get why everyone is putting down the Rock because he made the transition from the sports world to hollywood? Isn't America a free country? Then why can't he do what ever he wants? He gave WWE what it needed, a push, and that push led to many great rivalries and succes for many superstars and the WWE itself.

He did not sell out he decided to move on in his life, its like going from High School to Uni, Primary School to High School, Burger Flipper to a well paid job that can support a family. The rock can do whatever he wants and I dn't think he gives a damn what we think.
I believe the WWe forgot to offer the Rock a new contract when his expired. I don't think the Rock is a sell out.The last few times he was in the ring the fans booed him! He's much nhappier being a movie star. Less traveling and less chance of getting injured.
Wouldyou please let it go! You obviously do care what he's saying. I don't care about you're run on sentences,but, you don't spell very well.:twak:
LenanJosh said:
I believe the WWe forgot to offer the Rock a new contract when his expired. I don't think the Rock is a sell out.The last few times he was in the ring the fans booed him! He's much nhappier being a movie star. Less traveling and less chance of getting injured.

Uhh...the fans freakin exploded when he came during his last appearances. They didn't forget to sign him (that's insane), he just didn't do it.
LenanJosh said:
Wouldyou please let it go! You obviously do care what he's saying. I don't care about you're run on sentences,but, you don't spell very well.:twak:

I get the impression that you read several posts, saw the one guy complaining about his right to an opinion, and suddenly responded now, even though that part of the discussion ended days ago.
I read where WWe didn't offer him a contract. and the Rock was wonder ing why. WWe said they over looked the contract and they would recyify the situation.
Why the hell did you sticky this thread for, no one is giving any good reasons on why he is a sellout, just saying the usual shit like he ows the fans, for which he does not.
The Rock was not sent a renewal or extention to his last contract and was appeared to be hurt by the WWE lack of an offer. However he knew he had little or no time to perform and also be fair to the other guys on the show. Also with the politics and the HHH-Stephanie created show. Where would he fit in? I look at Kurt Angle say thanks for entertaining me but I would rather have them happy and health away from wrestling if that is what is right for him. WWE schedual is impossible for these men and women to have happy homes and family. One while there were so many neck surgeries that half the stars were injured almost at one time. So I wish the Rock, Chris Jericho, Trish Stratus and possibly Lita all the best if they leave for less grueling and punishing work. Have a great life and visit if you can.

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