Anyone else more pissed off about The Rock...oops sorry Dwayne Johnson, than me?

I dont think the rock owes US anything as much as he owes the business something. he should return to put over the younger talent because we dont have near the legitimate stars with name value that he should have given them by giving them the rub, he doesnt owe us anything but he owes wrestling something, in face he owes everything he has accomplished in his career to the wrestling business
I dont think the rock owes US anything as much as he owes the business something. he should return to put over the younger talent because we dont have near the legitimate stars with name value that he should have given them by giving them the rub, he doesnt owe us anything but he owes wrestling something, in face he owes everything he has accomplished in his career to the wrestling business

He doesn't owe wrestling anything either. He gave ten or so years of life to the business and busted his ass for the WWE. He helped them win the Monday night wars, he lined Vince's pocket with a lot of money while doing well for himself too. Yeah he got his start in movies because of the WWE, but if he wouldn't have been good, he wouldn't have gone anywhere with it. Dwayne worked hard to entertain us, and he worked hard to become the movie star he is today, he doesn't owe us or wrestling or Vince, or the boys anything at all.
Im one of those fans that just gets mad when I hear the rumors and get so hyped for them only for them to be false...

I will admit, I've had my times at calling him a sell out, but it's just one of those things where even a slight appearance wouldn't hurt at all. I mean the most he could do is show respect for the people who made him even worthy of going to the silver screen so he could be a box office hit.

But coming to think about it all, his reasons for not coming are legit. In the recent interviews he's done about wrestling, he stated that he just doesn't want to be limited by a script. He wants to be able to go out there and say whatever he wants to say. He couldn't do that in this day and age, because the WWE scripts EVERYTHING. It's not that he doesn't want to come back, he always has that respect for his people, it's just that he wants to do it at the right time. It was the same thing with Bret Hart.

The Rock, right now, has also stated that his movie career is one he is trying to focus on which he is doing really good in. I mean, he's no Tom Cruise or Adam Sandler, but he's good. And he's making good money doing it without having to worry about being injured.

Besides, if he DID come back, what all would he have to do? WWE would try to use him to put over Cena, but would that really work? It's either that or they would try to have HHH vs. The Rock for the 13232th time. I got enough of that in the Attitude Era, don't need it again.

I say just watch WWE and leave The Rock up there as a "What if" factor. Cause in all honesty, it's not going to happen.
So you're mad at a guy who left pro wrestling, a somewhat demanding profession that includes a lot of traveling and physical punishment, as well as being the butt of many jokes, to go to Hollywood and live a much easier life and make millions of dollars for making crappy movies?

The amount of shit the Rock gets on here is ridiculous. Everyone of you would've done the same thing if put in his situation. He'll probably comeback eventually, as a one time appearance of one off match or something. Even that may be a stretch. It's certainly nothing for people to get their hopes up for though. The Rock is gone and isn't likely to come back. Deal with it.
Exactly King we all want The Rock back in the WWE, I'd mark the fuck out if that happens. However where I disagree with you and other is the fact that you think he needs to at least an appearance. I say no he does not need to do anything for the WWE again, ever. He's given them more than enough of his life when was there. Again I would love to see him back, but he doesn't have any responsibility to us or the WWE to come back.

Agreed that there is nothing for him to do in a full time return. He has already accomplished everything he needed to in the WWE. So yes please let us leave him as a "What if" factor.
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So what you're saying is, The Rock owes us something? Are you serious? He entertained you for years and now he's done with wrestling, he wants to make a name elsewhere. Cut the guy some slack and stop being so selfish. What he does now is totally up to him and if he doesn't show his face in wrestling again then that's the way it is. Get over it.
i'm saying, could they have just sent him off better, like ric flair or something, that's why i was pissed at the guy. i thank him for what he's done, but why not send him off like the true legend he is???
i'm saying, could they have just sent him off better, like ric flair or something, that's why i was pissed at the guy. i thank him for what he's done, but why not send him off like the true legend he is???

How he got sent off shouldn't reflect on how you feel about him. Lita is one of my favorite womens wrestlers and the send off she got was pathetic yet I'm not "pissed off" at her for it. Not every legend gets the kind of treatment that Flair got but even Flair lost his last match. So what has that got to do with your opinion on the The Rock himself?
No one really knew he was leaving unless you ordered the backlash PPV... they should've made it a loser is fired match. Because before he left, i remember him saying that he's done it ALL in the WWE, and that's when goldberg came out and made his WWE debut, that would've been a perfect storyline, not the way he did leave...
i'm saying, could they have just sent him off better, like ric flair or something, that's why i was pissed at the guy. i thank him for what he's done, but why not send him off like the true legend he is???

They could have but they didn't do the same thing for Austin. He came back like twice after his last match in the same year and was co-GM and sheriff which I always thought was lame. He did do something while leaving which many before him have done and that is put somebody over. He put Brock Lesnar, Hurricane, and Goldberg over in his last year and that what I admire about him.
There is a big reason why not every wrestler gets the send off that Ric Flair did. Because they rarely, rarely, fucking rarely ever stay gone. Flair had the best send off in the history of the business and how long did it last before he was back in the ring trying to sell a back body drop without breaking a hip? Such a send off is usually, almost always wasted. We only know that Rock stayed gone now because hindsight is 20/20. Wrestlers have a notorious track record for never staying retired. The Rock left in perfectly good health and couldve easily made a come back. He probably didnt even know he was gone for good from the business until after his movie career actually picked up. For all we know, he couldve been keeping the option for a return open in case his movie career flopped. Maybe thats why there wasnt this huge send off because nobody, not even the Rock, knew that he was going to be gone for good. At least he didnt have an entire year dedicated to sending him off into the land of retirement just to end up wrestling a year later in some upstart backyard indie promotion trying to take WCW's place as King of the Bad Companies. He decided not to go that route and left the option for a return open. And who's to say he's actually gone for good and is never coming back? This is pro wrestling, people. Never say never.

Some of you guys sound like you were in this meaningful and deep relationship with the Rock and then he left all of a sudden and you didnt get any closure. He wasnt your girlfriend. Grab your sack and move on. If he comes back, mark the fuck out like the rest of us. If he doesnt, let him live his life on his terms and dont disrespect him for it. He already gave you everything he had for years on end and its just not good enough for you? Your argument is irrational, unreasonable, nonsensical, and lacks strong logic. Try to exercise some empathy instead of being so damn selfish. Life is more important than wrestling. Dont besmirch the good name of Dwayne Johnson because he prioritized his life over wrestling. You should respect the fact that he is one of the few who actually got out alive and unbroken, instead of getting angry at him because he wont die in the ring for your amusement.
The Rock isn't a sellout. This isn't the 90's/early-2000's anymore. His career is over and he moved on to another passion.

You should focus this anger at the WWE. Vince doesn't consider his product wrestling, excuse me, wrasslin' anymore. They're beyond that. Their willingness to turn their backs on what got them to the table and desperation to be accepted by Hollywood is pathetic is pathetic. The WWE soldout a long time ago
He doesn't owe wrestling anything either. He gave ten or so years of life to the business and busted his ass for the WWE. He helped them win the Monday night wars, he lined Vince's pocket with a lot of money while doing well for himself too. Yeah he got his start in movies because of the WWE, but if he wouldn't have been good, he wouldn't have gone anywhere with it. Dwayne worked hard to entertain us, and he worked hard to become the movie star he is today, he doesn't owe us or wrestling or Vince, or the boys anything at all.

ok so your saying that he should get big famous from WWE and the say fuck them and leave them struggling because he didnt give any of their top stars the rub? I think thats a selfish attitude. everything the rock has acheived is because of the WWE. he should give back. the problem is the rock doesnt remember where he comes from, and hes cocky and thinks its all about him. he owes it to the WWE to help them build new stars. the rock is worse than hogan, at least hogan has put people over him. rock has only put brock over him really.
Dude that is very sellfish to say and quite honestly I'm getting tired of people saying The Rock soldout because he would rather do movies than wrestle. The guy has a life and it doesn't necessarly mean breaking his back in a wrestling ring to entertain us. I'm a huge fan of the Rock infact he's my favorite wrestler of all time the main reason I got into wrestling and i'll admit I didn't like it too much either when he went to Hollywood but its his life and I can't do nothing about it other than respect it and wish him luck. And you must not have been as big of a fan of The Rock like you say you are because if you were you would like the guy no matter what carrer he chooses to do. I mean Iwould rather him wrestle but if movies is what he wants to do now then thats fine with me. The guy is not a sellout at all its the fans who sold out on The Rock he did what was right for him and his family. And since your think he's a sellout I guess you dislike Brock Lesnar aswell since he left the WWE for the NFL. Then on top of all of that if The Rock was still wrestling today people would say the same things they say about Cena, HHH, HBK, Taker, and Batista he's to old, he's boring, he needs to retire so the younger guys can be pushed, etc... as far as I look at it people really need to thank The Rock in a way for leaving otherwise guys like Edge and Orton wouldn't be were their at today.
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley.

And then he decided to go make millions of dollars without risking his health and well being. Why would you pissed? It's not like he went to go play baseball for the heated rival.

REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout.

Wave millions in my face and I would do the same. In all honesty, he did great things in wrestling, as an actor. That's what wrestlers are. They are the best acting of all the stuntmen. He got called up to the bigs. I would be happy for him.

How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment.

And you don't question that? I mean, the odds that he can walk in twenty years are very low. I mean, we owe him our appreciation, but that's his health he was gambling with, and we have no right as fans to ask everyone to do that with their bodies.

HHH… he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted.

Once again, he took those risks of his own volition, and while commendable, it was his choice, and none of us can ask everyone to do the same.

There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but he’s not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.

I would say the same about you. You aren't worth his time. He made a decision about his body and your telling him that you know better? If I were him and you sent me that letter I would send you a pile of shit and tell you to get the fuck over it. Who the fuck are you to make decisions for other people?
Now don’t get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but I’m tired of getting my hopes up.

Then why do it? My hopes don't go up for anyone's return.

He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies. He won’t even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans. :disappointed:

Because his not appearing in the six months of guest hosts means he never will? That's just a moronic assumption.

…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:

Besides being vague and grammatically equivalent to finger painting, this sentence is such a bullshit argument. It's like begging people people to not pick on you. It's like saying, "I don't mean to be rude..." before you tell your sister she's fat.


Don't dog on me cause of my opinion. I even thanked him for what he has done. but he made it seem like he still cares...does he, nope... if you loved your job and made plenty of money, then yeah why wouldn't you wanna go back...'s called the internet, you can look up anybody on there:p

If you don't want to be dogged because of your opinion, then don't post shit opinions like this.
I think thats a selfish attitude. everything the rock has acheived is because of the WWE. he should give back.
That's right, because Vince McMahon has a contraption in his office that's called the Star Making Machine. Where wrestlers walk in as a nobody and come out as a main event level wrestler, it's got nothing to do with his hard work and dedication to mastering his craft as well as having unbelievable charisma. He should do another match just for being given that Rocky Miavia gimmick, that's what made him.

he owes it to the WWE to help them build new stars.
Or, perhaps he owes it to his family to earn even more money doing less work and picking up less injuries or reliance on pain killers and being able to be a first rate father and partner.

the rock is worse than hogan, at least hogan has put people over him. rock has only put brock over him really.
Yeah, because the list of wrestlers Hulk Hogan turned into superstars is f'n huge. Look at how much he helped the Ultimate Warrior, or that HOF'er Tugboat. Hell more recently look at when he returned to the WWE and helped The Rock himself in a match. And we all can thank him for how much work he's doing promoting a wide variety of wrestlers in TNA, and not such names as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Sting. He's the man that gives to the up and comers. It's not like The Rock ever put Randy Orton and Batista over in his last match, not like he made it believable The Hurricane could beat him! Oh, and it definately wasn't The Rock that played a huge part in moving Christian from being seen as Jericho's side-kick to "The Man Of The Peeps" and a main event level talent (even if Vince disagrees)

It makes me laugh so much when wrestling fans think these guys who make it outside of wrestling OWE us. They owe us shit. The Rock knows he made it from wrestling. Yeah he's distanced himself from it but he always says he's appreciative of what it's done for him and is VERY respectful of it.

The Rock is similar to Shawn Michaels in that he's finished with wrestling while still at the peak of his athletic and story-telling prowess. Like all good bands and wrestlers, he knew when to call it a day and move on, and leave the fans with only good memories instead of, like stated by a previous poster, people saying he should move over and retire so the new guys can step it up. Good on him I say, and thanks for the memories.
ok so your saying that he should get big famous from WWE and the say fuck them and leave them struggling because he didnt give any of their top stars the rub? I think thats a selfish attitude. everything the rock has acheived is because of the WWE. he should give back. the problem is the rock doesnt remember where he comes from, and hes cocky and thinks its all about him. he owes it to the WWE to help them build new stars. the rock is worse than hogan, at least hogan has put people over him. rock has only put brock over him really.

That's stupid to say so what your saying is the WWE gave The Rock everything and he didn't earn and work he's way to the top of the buisness. Seriously The Rock started of as a cheap rip off of his father and grandfather then made a transition to IMO the Muhammad Ali of wrestling. He does't owe the fans nothing The Rock did he's part and paid he's dues when the WWE needed him the most. And how long have you been watching wrestling honestly you said the only person The rock has ever put over was Brock Lesnar let me go ahead and bring out the list right quick. Lets see he put over Triple H numorus amount of times for the WWE and I.C champships, he and Foley helped put each other over, he put Chris Jericho over at No Mercy and Vengence 2001 for the World Heavyweight Championship, Kurt Angle at No Mercy 2000 for the WWE championship, Brock Lesnar (as we said) at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship, Randy Orton and Batista on the same night at WrestleMania 20, hell he even put over The Hurricane and Jeff Hardy for crying out loud and you have the nerve to say he's never put anyone over. As for Hogan other than The Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Big Show, and Goldberg, Hogan's never really put anyone over.
I can neither agree or disagree because I want him to show up every once and a while and entertain me but I know the man doesn't owe me a damn thing. He gave me as much as I gave him from being a fan. BUT it would be nice to see him. I get why some people are so pissed off though. It's like if your girlfriend broke up with you, then you miss her and when you miss her your emotions can make you mad that you can't have her anymore. I get it. however part of me hopes he stays away. I don't want him to come in give me one hell of a match or one hell of a promo that I know CANNOT be matched and then go away and leave me with nothing. so I agree with hero and I will definitely know my role. big up hero!
I'm a huge Rock fan. I've rooted for the guy since he played for The U (big Hurricanes fan). Truth be told, I got into wrestling mostly because of how awesome he was in the late 90s. I stopped watching when he faded out, only to start getting interested again for god knows what reason a year or so ago.

Now, considering I started and stopped watching wrestling cause of the Rock, and haven't followed his movie career because, well, I like good movies, I still think the guy has the right to do whatever he wants, and not to get all Jericho on you, but doesn't owe you gelatinous tapeworms anything. He came, he saw, he conquered, and by all accounts, he did it the right way: respectful of the industry, worked his ass off, was a class act, put guys over, gave as much as he took.

And he moved on.

Because he could.

Pro wrestling is a carcinogenic industry. Would you keep working in a coal mine if you got offered more money to work at a bank? That's not selling out. That's being smart.

The funny thing about entertainment/art, is that we always expect the creative ones to remain in the "sweet spot" where we most enjoyed them. That's why Dylan was labeled a Judas for going electric. But the truth is, the ones who really have the "spark" are going to move on to other projects, and if they didn't have the spark, they would never have gotten to the "sweet spot" to begin with. The real sell-out isn't Dylan, its the guy who suppresses his thirst for the safety of a steady paycheck.

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