The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley.
And then he decided to go make millions of dollars without risking his health and well being. Why would you pissed? It's not like he went to go play baseball for the heated rival.

The Rock is a big sellout.
Wave millions in my face and I would do the same. In all honesty, he did great things in wrestling, as an actor. That's what wrestlers are. They are the best acting of all the stuntmen. He got called up to the bigs. I would be happy for him.
How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.
Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment.
And you don't question that? I mean, the odds that he can walk in twenty years are very low. I mean, we owe him our appreciation, but that's his health he was gambling with, and we have no right as fans to ask everyone to do that with their bodies.
he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted.
Once again, he took those risks of his own volition, and while commendable, it was his choice, and none of us can ask everyone to do the same.
There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but hes not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.
I would say the same about you. You aren't worth his time. He made a decision about his body and your telling him that you know better? If I were him and you sent me that letter I would send you a pile of shit and tell you to get the fuck over it. Who the fuck are you to make decisions for other people?
Now dont get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but Im tired of getting my hopes up.
Then why do it? My hopes don't go up for anyone's return.
He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies. He wont even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans.
Because his not appearing in the six months of guest hosts means he never will? That's just a moronic assumption.
But honestly
I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasnt so fucking entertaining!
Besides being vague and grammatically equivalent to finger painting, this sentence is such a bullshit argument. It's like begging people people to not pick on you. It's like saying, "I don't mean to be rude..." before you tell your sister she's fat.
Don't dog on me cause of my opinion. I even thanked him for what he has done. but he made it seem like he still cares...does he, nope... if you loved your job and made plenty of money, then yeah why wouldn't you wanna go back...'s called the internet, you can look up anybody on there
If you don't want to be dogged because of your opinion, then don't post shit opinions like this.