this really pissed me off about The Rock

Ummmmmmm He Probably Will Get Into It Actually Yeah I Do I Hate The Guy But He Has Talent
The Rock is like they say in other sports... A first Ballod Hall of Famer... Damn... I really wish he would comeback... The man was seriously a great entertainer... He went from Rocky Mavia... Finisher - Cross Body/Shoulderbreaker.... To The Rock - Finisher The People Elbow (Most electrifying move in Sports Entertainment)... But like someone said above me... If you were the Rock... And where in his position... You would do the same too....
rock will be back now and then like hogan

some guys dont wanna be like hbk or ric flair etc and wrestle forever they wanna do other things
I Know But Hbk Can Still Put On Better Matches Than The Whole Locker Room And Flair Still Puts On Good Matches Look At Summerslam
i think what people mean is:

The Rock should NEVER forgot about wwe and his fans because its the reason he got into hollywood, as the famouse "ROCK".

And in interviews he should be proud and say it loud that WWF is what made me.

all u guys that r saying that u think hell come bck for a surprise are in denial.

What bothers me most is the fact that the rock DOESNT LOVE WRESTLING. hes not coming back cause he doesnt love it, he loves movies, ya know his cousins never quit, yoko, rikishi, umaga now, they didnt leave it by decision, it was forced and umagas still here.
but ROCK, that son of a bitch, comes outa a wreslting family, gains millions of fans, then takes those fans outa the company that built him and brings them to watch his movies... he never loved wrestling or he wouldngt be done with it, and if u dont love it, the leave it! SO GOOD RIDDANCE U SON OF A BITCH, way to fake all ur adoring wrestling fans out. we loved u and now i know, that i love what u did, more than u loved it.
Fuck the rock
Dan1506 said:
i think what people mean is:

The Rock should NEVER forgot about wwe and his fans because its the reason he got into hollywood, as the famouse "ROCK".

And in interviews he should be proud and say it loud that WWF is what made me.

He doesn't have to say anything about it to appreciate it. I appreciate my father (who passed away years ago) but I don't have to bring him up all of the time do I?
debisib said:
What bothers me most is the fact that the rock DOESNT LOVE WRESTLING. hes not coming back cause he doesnt love it,

You can love something but not participate in it or have the passion and desire that you used to.

debisib said:
but ROCK, that son of a bitch, comes outa a wreslting family, gains millions of fans, then takes those fans outa the company that built him and brings them to watch his movies..

Back your shit up. Prove that he never loved it. Seriously are you suggesting that you have to keep the same career forever in order to show that you loved it?

debisib said:
he never loved wrestling or he wouldngt be done with it, and if u dont love it, the leave it! SO GOOD RIDDANCE U SON OF A BITCH, way to fake all ur adoring wrestling fans out. we loved u and now i know, that i love what u did, more than u loved it.
Fuck the rock

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier. You're mad at the Rock for supposedly turning his back on the fans like him when really you are the one turning your back on The Rock becuase he can no longer benefit from him in the ring. Guess what, the world doesn't revovle around you, myself, or or any of the Rock's fans. He did plenty while he was around but I want you to offer solid justification as to why he should have to spend his entire career in WWE just because you personally say so.

The generic response about how the fans supported him doesn't justify it becuase, as stated his obligation was to entertain them as a wrestler when in WWE. He was absolutely never obligated to spend his entire life in the company and he doesn't have to be in it forever to prove that he loved it. Who are you to dictate that? Absolutely nothing indicates that he doesn't appreciate WWE did or the fans did for him...nothing. Your only basis of justifing that such a thing is indicated is the fact that he's no longer with the company but again, how does that prove that he never cared?

What it proves is that he's chosen to move on. You can care about something yet move beyond it. It happens a lot in life. Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize that instead of bashing someone else for not revolving his life and world around you.
debisib said:
What bothers me most is the fact that the rock DOESNT LOVE WRESTLING. hes not coming back cause he doesnt love it, he loves movies, ya know his cousins never quit, yoko, rikishi, umaga now, they didnt leave it by decision, it was forced and umagas still here.
but ROCK, that son of a bitch, comes outa a wreslting family, gains millions of fans, then takes those fans outa the company that built him and brings them to watch his movies... he never loved wrestling or he wouldngt be done with it, and if u dont love it, the leave it! SO GOOD RIDDANCE U SON OF A BITCH, way to fake all ur adoring wrestling fans out. we loved u and now i know, that i love what u did, more than u loved it.
Fuck the rock

I would like to go on record as to saying that this is by far the dumbest post I've read here

You hate him for leaving wrestling, yet say good riddance? If he dosen't love it anymore, why continue? The man put his body on the line for god knows how many years yet that's not good enough. He loves making movies, nothing wrong with that, the man provided us with some of the best promos yet you still hate him?

You are seriously a fucking moron if you believe you are right in this matter
I'm very happy for Dwayne. He did what Hulk Hogan should have...but could not do. Morphed his wrestling career into a successful career in film. He's ten times smarter than a majority of nitwits on here who think that he "sold out." Wrestling as a profession tears your body to shreds (ask Kurt Angle about this). Rock will probably make more money and remain healthier for the remainder of his life by sticking with his current profession. Vince doesn't own his destiny anymore and that's great for him. If he's smart he'll stay away from wrestling altogether and not come back again to have his legacy tarnished like Hogan and/or Flair who were too damn stupid to hang up the boots in the early nineties.

Edit: Misspelling Dwayne, thanks JKO
Its Dwayne...anyway..Whoever said Rock is a sellout is stupid as hell....This man is making SOOOOOO much more money doin these movies and he likes it better...He has done all he can in wrestling, you all are jus a bunch of haters, if i had the opportunity that he had, id leave wrestling to...He is Rich Bitch..lot more rich that he was wit WWE...Congrats Dwayne...
dude u guys are all just justifying him leaving the buisneess to make more money, he just left wrestling for more money.... so either he doesnt love the buisness, cause wrestlers who do wouldnt ever say they r 'absolutely' done. like hogan still shows up cause he loves the buisness and cares about what happens to it.
or if he does love the buisness then hes choosing money over what he loves, which i cant respect.
think about it, either way, hes not being loyal to the buisness like others have in the past.

Hogan made movies and money and everything, but hes still showing up to give the fans what they want cause he loves the buisness and the fans... rock, idk, Im absolutely done with wrestling, he cant love it then, or if he does then hes choosing money over what he loves... either way its not respectable
im just puttin myself in his situation, and i love wrestling so much that if i ever got the chance to be involved i would never leave it, i love it too much. and if i did start to make movies, i would never say i was absolutely done with it... i mean wwe still even advertises all his shit, so i expect him to give back afterwards also... he needs to make some appearances or something
debisib said:
im just puttin myself in his situation, and i love wrestling so much that if i ever got the chance to be involved i would never leave it, i love it too much. and if i did start to make movies, i would never say i was absolutely done with it...

It's one thing to try putitng yourself in his situation knowing how you personally are and another to actually be in the situation of someone who is not you. Right now, as a fan sitting at home dissecting everything and watching it it's easy to say what you would do if in his situation. If actually in it, you might have a totally different perspective.
You really thought he was coming back

Rock's an asshole to leave he should of stay then he would be as big as Hulk Hogan
he would be more famous if he stay at WWE then do crap films
debisib said:
dude u guys are all just justifying him leaving the buisneess to make more money, he just left wrestling for more money....

. If you can't offer concrete proof that money is the absolute only reason why he left then you probably shouldn't keep fabricating things.

debisib said:
so either he doesnt love the buisness, cause wrestlers who do wouldnt ever say they r 'absolutely' done. like hogan still shows up cause he loves the buisness and cares about what happens to it.

Wow, I'm a broken record here. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOW UP TO LOVE THE BUSINESS. He showed up plenty of times and proved it enoguh. Every time he returned he put someone over in some capacity yet it's not good enough apparently. I ask again, who are you to dictate how he runs his life? Care to actally answer the questions?

either way, hes not being loyal to the buisness like others have in the past.

Once again, why does he have to stay in the business forever? Just because peopple in the past does doesn't mean that he has to. How many times are you going to be asked why he has to be in the business forever in order to love it the before you finally stop dodging the question and answer it?

Hogan made movies and money and everything, but hes still showing up to give the fans what they want cause he loves the buisness and the fans...

There's no set standard that states that just because one person or even several people go one path everyone else has to follow the same one. Again, I'd like you to prove that Rock doesn't love the business and fans just because he's not in WWE. You've yet to do that. All you've done is make accusations that you refuse to back up with facts.

rock, idk, Im absolutely done with wrestling, he cant love it then, or if he does then hes choosing money over what he loves... either way its not respectable

Have you ever been in love with someone then moved on? You can still love them but not be right for her anymore. Quit being so ignorant.
.Fallout. said:
You really thought he was coming back

Rock's an asshole to leave he should of stay then he would be as big as Hulk Hogan
he would be more famous if he stay at WWE then do crap films

Were you ever a fan of the Rock?
The Rock was always a better actor than wrestler. Lets admit it. he makes more in a few months with movies than he did in his entire WWE tenure. People are people man... we love wrestling, sure... but your'e young, and things change when you get married and have kids. He's looking out for his family. It may not make him the best wrestler in your book... but ultimately makes him a better husband, father, and human being. I'm sure he's extied that he'll be able to play with his grandchildren older too, instead of being carted around in a wheelchair like most wrestlers that live to be old men.
Clayton38 said:
. People are people man... we love wrestling, sure... but your'e young, and things change when you get married and have kids. He's looking out for his family. It may not make him the best wrestler in your book... but ultimately makes him a better husband, father, and human being. I'm sure he's extied that he'll be able to play with his grandchildren older too, instead of being carted around in a wheelchair like most wrestlers that live to be old men.

He's supposedly an asshole for doing those things.
Dysturbed said:
Were you ever a fan of the Rock?

Hell yeah untill he left and he said that he was coming back


good enough reason to hate him

His not being that great of an actor doesn't change the fact that he gets a lot of roles, that he gets to be on single locations for longer periods of times instead of across the country non stop, and the many other things that probably factored into his decision.
Damn kid... if thats a reason to hate someone... then you must hate everyone alive. Settle down man. The sun is shining, put a little love in yo heart!

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