this really pissed me off about The Rock

Most wrestlers given the oppertunity to make movies would take it, it's just unfortunate for wrestling that The Rock has more acting talent and does'nt do Direct To Video crap that Hogan and Piper end up doing.
orton999 said:
saw an article in the washington post, and the rock said he is ABSOLUTELY done with wrestleing, i cant believe this guy, the WWE made wat he is today!!!:twak:

what do you think Cena is going to do?? He has only been there 3-4 years. already wwe champ many x over.. He wont be there when he is 30 I promise!
when the rock makes as much as he does in 1 movie then he does in wwe why not quit and i dont see cena quiting because that movie is made by wwe and none of the rocks movies were wwe movies and the rock is a way better actor then cena
mr. krinkle said:
yeah, how long has it been since he has competed regularly anyway? since 2002 or 03? its time to move on. i would much rather live life on my own terms than be part of mcmahon's traveling circus 3/4 of the year

I think his last match was at Wrestlemania 20 with Mic Foley against Batista, Ric Flair, & Randy Orton.... Not too sure though

He should`ve AT LEAST been in a Retirement match against another older wrestler. That way, it would`ve been "One Last Match" before he goes away FOR GOOD WITHOUT coming back!

THE ROCK, ALONG WITH BROCK LESNAR, and the way things are going, Chris Jericho, IS THE BIGGEST SELLOUT OF ALL TIME. I RESPECT HIM FOR WHAT HE`S DONE IN THE RING, but his movies ARE HORRIBLE! The only reason anybody ever went to see his movies is because "Oh Its The Rock" but when you actually watch the movies, they`re horrible! Its pretty sad when you look like a bad actor even with Stifler next to you. I WAS a fan of The Rock all the way up until 1999 then when he started turning face in May/June of 1999, I started hating him. I enjoyed watching SOME of his matches, but he just wasnt the same. Have him grow back his ole sideburns, come back to WRESTLING While he`s still youngER, and do that for another 5-10 years. Acting can be done throughout your entire life, Wrestling isn`t.
DiscoKid240 said:
I think his last match was at Wrestlemania 20 with Mic Foley against Batista, Ric Flair, & Randy Orton.... Not too sure though

He should`ve AT LEAST been in a Retirement match against another older wrestler. That way, it would`ve been "One Last Match" before he goes away FOR GOOD WITHOUT coming back!

THE ROCK, ALONG WITH BROCK LESNAR, and the way things are going, Chris Jericho, IS THE BIGGEST SELLOUT OF ALL TIME. I RESPECT HIM FOR WHAT HE`S DONE IN THE RING, but his movies ARE HORRIBLE! The only reason anybody ever went to see his movies is because "Oh Its The Rock" but when you actually watch the movies, they`re horrible! Its pretty sad when you look like a bad actor even with Stifler next to you. I WAS a fan of The Rock all the way up until 1999 then when he started turning face in May/June of 1999, I started hating him. I enjoyed watching SOME of his matches, but he just wasnt the same. Have him grow back his ole sideburns, come back to WRESTLING While he`s still youngER, and do that for another 5-10 years. Acting can be done throughout your entire life, Wrestling isn`t.

Just because the movies are horrible doesn't mean that they're sell outs. They wanted to try something new, that isn't a crime. Besides there's no point in acting if you're not going to start young.

Flames Out
the rock has rumoured to have signed a contract and returning very soon and gonna start an old rivalry
and the rock hates all the wrestlers who doesn't have time for all the "millions and millions" of wrestling fans to sign a few autographs
Mr. Sam said:
I'm sorry but why is this thread a sticky?
Someone either asked WZ Staff to sticky it or WZ Staff thought it was a popular thread that people were replying to, so they stickied it.

Discokid240 said:
He should`ve AT LEAST been in a Retirement match against another older wrestler. That way, it would`ve been "One Last Match" before he goes away FOR GOOD WITHOUT coming back!
Why would he have a retirement match? I know WWE can make a match, so "kayfabe" could be involved and maybe one day he could return, but he never officially retired from professional wrestling in the first place. He just hasn't been around in awhile.

Discokid240 said:
THE ROCK, ALONG WITH BROCK LESNAR, and the way things are going, Chris Jericho, IS THE BIGGEST SELLOUT OF ALL TIME.
The only difference is Chris Jericho's contract was up and he didn't renew it. He had the right to go out and do whatever he wanted, because he was no longer contracted by the WWE, so how does this make Chris Jericho a sell out?
Mr. Sam said:
I'm sorry but why is this thread a sticky?

I stickied the thread cause it's one of the few that actually has a meaningful discussion in it. At various points people have actually given insite, debated, etc. If only more threads were like this the place would get it's reputation back. I thought people might take a hint and try to post more like it but instead we get chat room convos in the form of threads basically. Great job guys. Take a hint from what I did earlier, what Kapp just did, and what others have done, trying to enhance discussions, get a better understanding of where others are coming from, etc. I'm bolding this because it's an important post and I hope that people read it and try to impliment such things.
Chris is not a sellout and you can't argue with it so it's pointless.


enough said
thats the bottom line because stone cold said so
Im glad that he left cause he was getting lame with his whole style ,promos,cathfrases,clothes everything.Dont get me wrong he was my favorite wrestler from 1999-2001 .And he had the best addictive catchfrases but now hes past his prime and i would hate to see him again.
Hes making more $ on movies thats prob why but yea I would love to see him return.
For some reason I find it difficult to believe that The Rock is completely done. I see him returning for a few months or so within the next few years. The fact is that he's one of the best superstars the WWE has ever seen (despite his average wrestling skills) and he just has an amazing chemistry with the fans whether he's a heel or a face. He'll come back. He loves the WWE fans and I'm sure he misses performing very much
The only way the Rock or Jericho would be sellouts is if they were to have left and bashed wrestling or wrestling fans. They haven't done that at all. They both appreciated what the bussiness did for them, but they just wanted to try something else. The Rock can make more money and work less by acting. if i could get a job making more money and working less id do it in a heartbeat. Jericho i think really has a passion for music and didnt have time to explore that passion while being on the road 300 days a year. I believe Y2J will be back by the end of 2007 and the Rock may comeback for one last match @ a Wrestlemania somewhere down the line.(hopefull against Vinny Mac! LOL)
will people stop saying the same thing as everybody else please. its gettin really boring.

i love the rock and would pee my pants if i heard his music hit again, while he walks down the isle and the PEOPLE go crazy. sad thing is i cant see it happening because about i year ago i came across an article saying that the rock is trying do distance himself from the wwe because a close connection could ruin his image in hollywood.

he is trying to re-brand his persona and a wwe comeback will send him backward as he would be associated with sports entertainment again. he wants serious roles. he wants and has made a serious career out of acting. if he contiued to do both, ie wrestle and act he could put himself in risk of becoming another hogan (or any other wrestler that has tried acting failed). i know the rock has much more talent at acting than people like hogan but if he makes a comeback then there is a risk that he may not get accepted for serious roles.

i hope people understand what im trying to say, im kinda buzzin at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea i get what ur saying dude, IMO i think the best match rock had was ss with brock lesnar, that match was awesome
Why do people think that The Rock is a sellout. If memory serves me correct, the WWE decided to not renew The Rock's contract, according to The Rock. How does that make him a sellout because he says that he's done with wrestling?
It's not really something to argue over. I can understand fans wanting The Rock to come back. After all, he was The Great One, The Most Electrifying Man in Sport Entertainment, The People's Champ. Haha. He was a hell of an entertainer to watch, and it's absolutely normal to have a desire for a guy who really brought the WWE great exposure (along with Stone Cold) to make a return.

But Dysturbed, IMO is right and made some great valid points. The Rock is his own person and is entitled to do what he wants to do. But I understand wholeheartedly where wholef'nshow15 is coming from, cause I feel the same way sometimes. I would love to see The Rock come back. I've always been itching to hear his music play and make at least a surprise appearance, but he's not coming back, and that's that. But that's okay, cause he provided plenty of great wrestling memories. Grab a DVD an relive the memories rather than sulking over the present situation.
wholef'nshow15 said:
ok he was a big part of wwe and carried it a little bit through some parts but he did not make wwe what it is today he was a great character but not great wrestling skills and is a sell out

Not great wrestling skills? You need to do your homework, son. The Rock was one of the best in-ring performers. Need proof? In the era of Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Mankind,Rock beat them all. And he had great matches with all of them. Let's just mention a few: all three Mania wars with Stone Cold, the Iron Man match vs. Triple H, the I Quit and Empty Arena matches with Mankind...

How many 6'5", 275 wrestlers have you seen nip-up, HBK's signature move?So you better watch your mouth before bad mothing The Rock. Not to mention he's a guy who wouldn't hesitate to put any one over. No matter what. You never heard of any phony backstage politics with him. Second only to Flair, he was by-far the best behind the mic. He really was the most electrifying man on the roster. And when he left the WWE, a lot of its fans did too.

As far as him being a sell-out, how dare you to question somebody for living their life. Everybody knows the long term damage pro wrestling does to the body. Look at Hogan, Flair, guys in their 50s who still try to wrestle. It's sad. The Rock simply found an outlet to Hollywood. You're a damn lie if you say you would turn down all that money.

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