this really pissed me off about The Rock

You Did Call Me One And I Am Not Making Up That I Havent Been Called One
Im Not Saying What That Watever I Say Is Gonna Bring Him Back Because Personally I Dont Want Him Back I Hate The Guy
wholef'nshow15 said:
You Did Call Me One

Prove it. Quote me on what I supposedly said. I didn't edit anything. I edited the post about an hour and a half ago, but not with that statement.

My words were "First of all please try to refrain from run on sentences as it makes things come across as incoherent babbling. (no offense)"

Where is the word blabbermouth in that sentence. I'd love to see it.
And Thats True It Is Hard To Enjoy His Movies All Of Them Suck
^^^ lol i did like doom and i dont care what anyone says, Whole Fn show - look dude just let it lie and move on ok, He was not insulting you, being called a blabber mouth is something i was called my whole life and look at me i love it its a compliment, it means you can carry conversations when no one else will smile about it, its a mad compliment.
ok im sry about that i misread it u didnt call me a blabbermouth my apologies but you did go and call me selfish its in there your first post in the thread and a baby
well some people dont take it as a compliment yet you do its fine by me but i dont look at it that way
Just remember ok, Its the internet aswell. Dont take peole seriously :) your a cool kid now move on get back to talking about the one thing we all have in common and thats wrestling ok :)

wholef'nshow15 said:
you did go and call me selfish its in there your first post in the thread

Look at the context though. It wasn't a personal attack at you rather showing how the actions that you implied that The Rock is committing (being a sellout as a wrestler and in a sense turning his back on the fans) can directly be placed on you as well (being a sellout as a wrestling fan for getting mad at someone for leaving and essentially turning your back on him, whether you liked him a lot of not. ). I was trying to prove a point and you're the one person that missed it.

From there it escalated to the "I'm entitled to my opinion" arguement despite the fact that if you actually read what was written instead of jumping to conclusions, you'd have known that such an opinion was never denied, rather disagreed with.

wholef'nshow15 said:
and a baby

Dude, go back and read how you conveyed yourself in response to everyone. Once again I stress THAT'S NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. Once again I stress that if you choose to take it as one that's your own deal, but not the intention.
so what if i missed it it is still calling me selfish and a baby i am not if there is one thing im not its a baby
wholef'nshow15 said:
so what if i missed it it is still calling me selfish and a baby i am not if there is one thing im not its a baby

Then what's there to take offense to? BTW in reference to why one might think that you've been acting childish in this thread.

Dysturbed said:
Dude, go back and read how you conveyed yourself in response to everyone. Once again I stress THAT'S NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. Once again I stress that if you choose to take it as one that's your own deal, but not the intention.

That's it I'm done. This is hopefless. Maybe one day you'll stop acting like a victim. (I know I know you're supposedly not acting like one)

grungy72 said:
^^ no more now man, its over and done with ok.

I highly doubt that. I told him to just use the edit button in another thread and he took offense to that as well. I'm done though. Talking to a brick wall is pointless. (it's an EXPRESSION to signify that it's all in one ear and out the other but I know that will be seen as an insult)
no it isnt over until the fat lady sings lol jk i just felt like saying that i said it was over like 2 pages ago yet i was still getting bashed for it
what do you mean i am done i was never acting like a victim shut up i was never acting like one and now ur acting like the victim with the whole this is hopeless attitude
wholef'nshow15 said:
what do you mean i am done i was never acting like a victim shut up i was never acting like one

What was that about not acting like a baby?

wholef'nshow15 said:
and now ur acting like the victim with the whole this is hopeless attitude

Incorrect. Acting like a victim is acting like someone is out to get them. I dont' feel that you're out to get me or attack me, rather I feel as if... nevermind why repeat myself expecially when it's time to be back on topic from this point forward!
Er... guys I thought this was a discussion not an argument. We should get back on topic with the Rock.

We should just remember all the great things he did in the WWE, and respect him not be bitter about his leaving.

Flames Out
i wont like you when you get pissed ok i never hated you but like he said all the stuff to me and acted the same way i said lets stop this a long time ago but he kept going lets get back on topic
Then it is settled, no more knit - picking, And shut up eternal Good too shoes lol.

Look like i said i have no bad feeling for the rock he has done it all in wrestling and now has an acting career you cant hold him down and expect him to be what you want him to be forever, He is the consumate entertainer.
eternal hasnt done anything wrong leave her out of it i wanna see rock come back for another taker rivalry i know you were jk i felt like sayin thAT
I personally think he mean's it but at the same time leaving the door open to a WWE return to surprise the living shit out of us. That would be grand as the last time The Rock suddenly came back outta nowhere I nearly shit myself from the pop.
Tell you man if you were in The Rocks position would you have done the same, Dont say you wouldnt cause i sure as hell would, The Rock has done every thing in Wrestling now its time to do other things.
wow im surprised i got 8 pages on this topic nicee.. im gonna miss the rock tho. he was the best. anyone think he will get into the wwe hall of fame?
Like I said no one seem's to think that he doe's mean it in a way but maybe just said that to cover up his surprising shocking "BAHHHH GAWWDD IIIITS THE ROOOOCCCCCKK Keeeeng" return. It's a good way to keep thing underwraps and keep it quiet to shock the shit out of us someday.

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