People Bash Dwayne - What About Austin?

That's not really a fair comparison to make either, since Austin probably has a much more relaxed schedule than Rock does.
That's understood. But I doubt very much The Rock is busy every Monday night at 9pm-11pm. I'm not saying Rock should quit acting and whatnot, but what's the point in telling the fans he will never leave again. I'm sure I'm not the only one who took that the same way it sounded. Austin, never wanted to leave and still comes back when he's needed. Rock left for 7 years. You really cannot tell me The Rock was too busy for an entire seven years to stop by Raw and say a couple catch phrases, raise hell, then leave again. That's why the double standard doesn't exist here.
That's understood. But I doubt very much The Rock is busy every Monday night at 9pm-11pm. I'm not saying Rock should quit acting and whatnot, but what's the point in telling the fans he will never leave again. I'm sure I'm not the only one who took that the same way it sounded. Austin, never wanted to leave and still comes back when he's needed. Rock left for 7 years. You really cannot tell me The Rock was too busy for an entire seven years to stop by Raw and say a couple catch phrases, raise hell, then leave again. That's why the double standard doesn't exist here.

He didnt say he was back full time either though. when he said he was never going away, People took those three words in different directions. I still think he was supposed to say that for the storyline though.
Also, Stone Cold didn't willingly walk away from the ring. Like Edge, and Shawn in the attitude era, Stone Cold was injured beyond repairs that he HAD to retire from the ring. I get it, The Rock had done it all, but did he really have to just up and disappear for no reason without putting over a few guys? I mean hell, even Austin comes to the ring every once in a while to Stunner a future main eventer...

Rock did more appearances than Austin in the past year. He didnt up and leave. He worked till his contract ended and that was that. And clearly you missed the final years of Rocks days in the WWE. He was putting people over left and right on his way out. Lesnar, Goldberg, Hurricane, Evolution. He even on screen gave Christian some much needed career advice. I love Austin but giving someone a Stunner, then having the typical beer bash afterwards is not really putting them over. lol at this logic.
Austin left because of injury. Rock left for hollywood. Hmmmmm. After further review I can't fault either man. If austin had continued he'd probably be in a wheelchair by now. He literally had no choice. It was either our entertainment or his mobility. I'm glad he chose to leave because we still get a stunner every now and then. When he walked out it was because he refused to job to a rookie with no build up or promotion. I can't say I blame him there. As for the rock. He fulfilled his contract and went on to bigger and better things. A man has to satisfy himself before others and most of his movies ive enjoyed so i cant complain. Ive also enjoyed the 3 or 4 movies austion has made. Plus we get to see the rock in action every once in a while so its all good with me.
Rock did more appearances than Austin in the past year.

Umm, what? What the fuck have you been watching? Did you miss the whole part about Austin HOSTING Tough Enough? Austin was on WWE TV every week for 10 straight weeks, he also appeared on the Raw after TE ended to announce the winner, guest refereed a match that episode, was the special guest GM for the all-star 3-hour episode of Raw this summer, during which he ran over the anonymous GM laptop with his ATV. Oh, he was also the guest referee during the Lawler/Cole match at Wrestlemania XXVII. This was all within the past year.
I know it's probably already been referenced, but SCSA goes over the Lesnar situation in his DVD (which I have watched, incredible stuff). He says that him jobbing to Brock in the f'n qualifying match for the KotR was a total waste of a good 6 months or revenue, and he was right. Stone Cold owned up to walking out on the company though, and said it was a mistake. Only thing wrong with the DVD was Triple H breaking Stone Cold's balls about it, which was hilarious coming from a guy who went on nearly year long title reigns.

I've never heard the Rock explain why he said he'd be back soon and come back 7 years later.
Umm, what? What the fuck have you been watching? Did you miss the whole part about Austin HOSTING Tough Enough? Austin was on WWE TV every week for 10 straight weeks, he also appeared on the Raw after TE ended to announce the winner, guest refereed a match that episode, was the special guest GM for the all-star 3-hour episode of Raw this summer, during which he ran over the anonymous GM laptop with his ATV. Oh, he was also the guest referee during the Lawler/Cole match at Wrestlemania XXVII. This was all within the past year.

Calm the fuck down. Im not counting Tough Enough, Thats fine and all, I enjoyed it but thats pre taped. Im talking live appearances in the ring on RAW & PPV.

Austin made a total of 5 LIVE appearances this year. He came back to sign on as the guest host, Guest host at Mania, was on the RAW after Mania, announced TE winner, and hosted a 3 hr RAW. 5. Tough Enough, that doesn't really count as live appearances which is what Im talking about.

The Rock has made a total of 7 this year. Returned, Mania before RAW, Mania, RAW after Mania, Birthday episode,RAW before SS,SS. 7.

The fact is, that is what they are SUPPOSED to do these days. Not show up every week. The guy I was originally responding to said that Austin comes out to the ring once and a while and I was pointing out that Rock now does this again as well, and this past year did it more than Austin. Its not a bad thing, just the truth. Relax.
Austin not putting over Hogan and Brock, well Hogan didnt want to put over anybody in his day nor any other generations. And if your gonna fault Austin for not putting over anybody what about HBK never putting over Bret Hart.
Hogan didnt out over Goldberg at first.

Austin didnt put over Brock cause he also felt he wasnt ready, and you know what happened to Brock after all that work was put into him and everyone put him over he left, so Austin was right he couldnt handle wrestling, couldnt play football, and cant fight in MMA. Fuck Brock

Rock say boots to asses, but about boots to the ground. Still waiting to see you overseas in Iraq or Afghanistan. Austin was there. "Trending"
The fact is nobody gave a damn about CM Punk when he had his first WH Championship reign and no one gave a damn about him prior to his shoot promo.

I was going to try to read the whole thread before constructing my reply, but this stopped me cold. Nobody cared about CM Punk before MitB? Really? I think what you meant to say was that sheep in the general WWE flock didn't pay him any attention, not nobody. And can you blame them? Punk lost every single PPV match he was in for over a year before that promo. WWE didn't know what do do with him, and it showed. Then he finally hit his stride he broke the glass ceiling and put WWE on notice. Granted, they botched his push by jobbing him out to Triple H at NoC, but that's just WWE being WWE. Punk may be an "indy-riffic" Internet darling, but he garnered that kind of respect for damn good reasons. Go watch his trilogy of RoH matches with Samoa Joe for three really good ones.

But this thread isn't about Punk, so I'll move on.

As many people have already pointed out, Austin didn't simply "take his ball and go home." Owen Hart broke his neck in '97 and the man continued to work through it for the next six years and ushered in a whole new Era in the process. I agree with Austin; it would have been a monumental mistake to give away Austin/Lesnar on free TV just so they could put Lesnar over. Austin deserved a little better than that, and so did Brock IMHO. So no, Stone Cold is not at fault in that regard, and that's the bottom line because SmarkySmark said so. :afro:

Now his personal life (and domestic violence issues with ex-wife Debra) is another matter entirely, but I don't want to "go there."

As for The Rock, the man is a multi-threat entertainer who, quite honestly, doesn't deserve to be tied down to the wrestling industry alone. Although I think he made a mistake by saying the words "I'm BACK, and I'm NEVER leaving again!" That implied certain things we knew were too good to be true, but hey. He said it, not me.
The fact is nobody gave a damn about CM Punk when he had his first WH Championship reign and no one gave a damn about him prior to his shoot promo.

I was going to try to read the whole thread before constructing my reply, but this stopped me cold. Nobody cared about CM Punk before MitB? Really? I think what you meant to say was that sheep in the general WWE flock didn't pay him any attention, not nobody. And can you blame them? Punk lost every single PPV match he was in for over a year before that promo. WWE didn't know what do do with him, and it showed. When he finally hit his stride, he broke the glass ceiling and put WWE on notice. Granted, they botched his push by jobbing him out to Triple H at NoC, but that's just WWE being WWE. Punk may be an "indy-riffic" Internet darling, but he garnered that kind of respect for damn good reasons. Go watch his trilogy of RoH matches with Samoa Joe for three really good ones.

But this thread isn't about Punk, so I'll move on.

As many people have already pointed out, Austin didn't simply "take his ball and go home." Owen Hart broke his neck in '97 and the man continued to work through it for the next six years and ushered in a whole new Era in the process. I agree with Austin; it would have been a monumental mistake to give away Austin/Lesnar on free TV just so they could put Lesnar over. Austin deserved a little better than that, and so did Brock IMHO. So no, Stone Cold is not at fault in that regard, and that's the bottom line because SmarkySmark said so. :afro:

Now his personal life (and domestic violence issues with ex-wife Debra) is another matter entirely, but I don't want to "go there."

As for The Rock, the man is a multi-threat entertainer who, quite honestly, doesn't deserve to be tied down to the wrestling industry alone. Although I think he made a mistake by saying the words "I'm BACK, and I'm NEVER leaving again!" That implied certain things we knew were too good to be true, but hey. He said it, not me.
Okay, Here is my first post... It will hit a nerve but here it is...

So I have listened to everyone talk about how "Dwayne" has left for Hollywood and came back only to say "I will never leave again" and leaves for Hollywood again. Cena has bashed him, Punk has bashed him, and YOU fans bashed him too.

Understand Rock left at 30 because he has accomplished all that he set out to do in his career and wanted to try Hollywood. He dropped in from time to time. depending on occasion...or situation for that matter. He came back In the spring of this year. said "I will never leave again" and did that left for for few months came back did his match (survivor series) didn't miss a step . Now he has left for Hollywood again.....until mania.

Now here is the the part where I hit a nerve....

Stone cold is arguably the most popular superstar of all time, since HBK and the "New generation" he captured The Imagination of a global audience with his rebellious "I wont do what you tell me" attitude.

But in 2002 "Steve" told his boss Vincent K. McMahon to "take this job and shove it" because ...the original concept for wrestlemania X-8 was austin was supposed to face Hollywood Hogan and job to him. But, austin was unhappy with hogan being back in what was then the "WWF" and did not want to job to hogan so we got Hogan Vs. Rock....

In a surprise altercation the next night on Raw, Austin refused to show up and took a week-long break without the company's consent, claiming "exhaustion."
When he returned, He was to be in a program with Brock Lesnar, But austin vetoed any matches that would result in him jobbing to Lesnar. Reason being? Austin felt that hot-shotting a rookie would make the rattlesnake look weak and did not give Lesnar a proper stage for such a big win over a star of the magnitude that Austin held. which that resulted in him leaving the WWE on June 3, 2002

So my question is this, what makes Steve any different from Dwayne?

I say the only difference is Steve was acting selfish (And if you ask me very Hypocritical considering he did to Brock what he was mad at Hogan for.) At least "dwayne" had no problem putting people over to build stars and do what's right for business. It would also seem to me that "Dwayne" was the guy to clean up the messes that "Steve" left behind when he took his ball and ran home.

so feel free to respond with your opinions on my first post and let me know why you feel that way.

Firstly its stupid to bitch on them ..

i mean suppose rock or austin started having bad years from 2003 - 04 thanks to injuries or say new stars ... who is gonna give security to their life and career ?? WWE ??? Vince is a smart business man ... he is more into his profit ..

As far as jobbing to hulk goes ... glad he dint do that .. i wud have lost my respect for austin if he did that ... Austin is big enough to ignore a hulk .. and doing good for business ??? The one who helped Vince to save his Ass in front of WCW was Austin himself ... along with the Rock ... Austin , Rock were in the league of Vince himself ... at their peaks to do what they wanna do .. Rock would job coz he was okay with it ..
At over 100 posts in this thread, I'm pretty much writing for the post count but...

The Rock left WWE for Hollywood while he was still extremely popular in WWE. Maybe he thought he'd done everything but we sure as hell didn't. Plus, he didn't just leave wrestling, he completely ignored it. His interviews thereafter weren't exactly pro-wrasslin. Plus you had random mentions of him on WWE DVDs where wrestlers didn't exactly speak highly of him either.

Austin keeps in the fans good graces because he acknowledged them while not wrestling and even after he "took his ball and went home" he didn't go off and become a movie star so we knew he'd be back anyway. Some people who like to delve into his personal life don't like him anyway because he's a wife beater. I can't say I really approve of that myself (I mean Deborah musta really been acting up to endorse that [not funny]).

But why not Jericho instead? There's a guy who would die to get into another money making venture, seemingly almost ANY other venture besides wrestling. When he's not wrestling, he pretty much tells people to take a hike anyway.
Not to mention that when The Rock first left for Hollywood and changed his name back to Dwayne, he was quoted many times saying that he was "done with wrestling" and didn't want to be credited anywhere as The Rock, only Dwayne Johnson. Austin never tried to be known as anything other than Stone Cold, not "Steve Williams."

I'm not saying that I blame The Rock for wanting to get his real name out there during a new phase of his career, but he DID go through a distancing phase where he tried to shirk his wrestling background completely. That always put a bad taste in my mouth.

I still love the hell out of him though.

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