Are These Guys Working Or Are They Really This Hypocritical?

I understand but it wouldn't have done any good anyway. He comes back for an appearance here and there but they'll still be left with the same circumstances and that's a bunch of performers who don't draw.

On the subject of Goldberg vs. Jericho and, by extension, the Booker T/Batista incident, those big guys would actually be the worst fighters. For one, they're too stiff and assume from their size that they can beat anyone. I never really considered The Rock to be a "big guy" and I believe that he'd win off of pure rage. From what I understand, Dwayne Johnson has a horrible temper and Orton is just a jackass.

The fact of the matter is that all three of these guys, because it seems as if everyone forgot that I named Cena as well, need to look within themselves as to why he could get a spot over them or is more well liked by the fans. Also, The Rock doesn't call the shots, Vince McMahon does, why don't they go after Vince for wanting The Rock back?

Also, everyone that defends CM Punk, you do know that he attacked you too, right? I mean, when he referred to everyone that was cheering for him, that was only the people that are on the internet as the casual fan doesn't know who John Lauranitis and Colt Cabana is? He was really talking about internet fans as he made that comment before.
They cant blame the boss for making a decision based on money, thats his job. Many people have turned down opportunities like that because it didnt benefit the business. A semi established rookie could get a major boost from facing The Rock. Someone like Wade Barrett who really only made a name for himself because others had his back could use the match as a reason to make himself an established force in the roster. As far as Punk adressing the fans is concerned, I'm pretty sure he was complainning about the people that cheer for him, but Cena merch, then attack him at the airport. I only do one of those, one that cant possibly hurt him. I dont have a single peice of Cena merch besides an action figure thats laying around from the good ol days and I dont see the point of attacking someone over a autograph when they just get off an airplane.

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