Rock gets MAJOR heat; not just the speech..

Sigh, more bitching about the Rock. No one is bigger then the business, but looks to me like the Rock is. As said by several others, the whole night was a sham. The only reason Johnson and Maivia were inducted was a cheap way to get the Rock back on TV.

Triple H is jealous of the Rock and his success. For everything that Triple H has done in the business over the last ten years, he will always be second fiddle to the rock and his 5 years in the business, True Story. And Flair, sure it was his night, but Flair has always come across as jealous because he isn't the biggest name in the sport. Flair has always spent his career looking up to Hogan, and the Rock probably reminds him of that.

Overall, this isn't a big deal. Seems to me that a couple of people are jealosu of Mr. Hollywood, oh well.
Do you all honestly believe this report? It looks to me like it was made by some overzealous fan who was mad about him not appearing in wrestling. They have every right to be, but to be making bullshit reports on The Rock that isn't true is just bullshit.
Sigh, more bitching about the Rock. No one is bigger then the business, but looks to me like the Rock is. As said by several others, the whole night was a sham. The only reason Johnson and Maivia were inducted was a cheap way to get the Rock back on TV.

Triple H is jealous of the Rock and his success. For everything that Triple H has done in the business over the last ten years, he will always be second fiddle to the rock and his 5 years in the business, True Story. And Flair, sure it was his night, but Flair has always come across as jealous because he isn't the biggest name in the sport. Flair has always spent his career looking up to Hogan, and the Rock probably reminds him of that.

Overall, this isn't a big deal. Seems to me that a couple of people are jealosu of Mr. Hollywood, oh well.

I agree 100% with your statements..Im sure if trips or ric was good enough for hollywood..they would turn their backs compeltely..least some ppl should be thankful for rock's yearly returns..which I think is enough

but honestly John Cena sucks at sorry but his mic skills were not even close to the rock..wen i watched the HOF ceremony, i watched for one guy: The Rock..This is a man who is known for cutting the best promos in the business! This is wat mcmahon said...wrestling is ENTERTAINMENT! Is Rock the best wrestler in the world? No, thas why Stone Cold is the best wrestler in the attitude era. His rude beer drinking attitude he was given and his wrestling barely edged the rock..barely..

Trips was always known as a man who was jealous..Can you all name one time, he took a back seat for team he would let someone else hold the ball..the only name that comes to mind is batista...

Im sure Hogan and a much larger career than Flair, for the record..personally think this is a bunch of over-rated crap..he may have been the man decades ago but thas long over..
Are some of these guys crazy? The rocks speech rocked! I liked how he roasted everyone. That stuff he said about y2j's hair was pretty on the mark along with all the other things he said. I thought he made the ceremony a lot better with his comedy. If the rock thought he was too big for the wwe now, he would have only gave like a 5 min speech and then left. No. But he took the time and energy to put effort into making the night more fun. And he did a great job. He didn't say anything that was toooooo over the top. Come on. The rocks speech showed how much he still loves the wrestling business not the other way around. Had he known that so many people would take so much offense to his comedy act, I'm sure he would have done things differently. He's not a bad guy.
Yall are wrong,some of yall!!!Rocks granddad and father did do something that makes them HOF!Look at all the Samoans thats in the business:Rikishi,Somoan Swat Team,Haku,Umaga,Samoa Joe.Peter was a big part for that!!!Rocky n Atlas are the first Black Champs which back in the day wrestling was like America didnt see a Black Man or wants a Black Man to shine!(Im black so I have 1st hand).Back in the day all thet mad Blacks do was to dance n look like a fool!I like Rocks speech written by WWE writers!Why cant they get the blame?I bet Trips(steroid n I married the daugter so I can be the man) n Old Break Man shawn ****** Micheals have something to do about this!Ill admit they only inducted them to bring Rock back!Rock I think he bashed Cena cuz I see the shit on youtube were he disses the Rock!They are jealous cuz they thought Rock wasnt gonna be cheered like that!Rock bashed Y2J too he didnt look happy but played it off.I know it was Flairs night but they mad cuz Rock(who hasnt been in WWE awhile )overshadowed Flair which I understand.HBK n Trips love Flair shit me too but dont get mad cuz yall ask Rock to comeback n he leaves then u bash him!They always taking some good shit n makin it bad,like they do in the ring.Always gettin on my man Hogan for it but they turn right around to do so.I heard Nash was thier I know he close to them but why was he there?They always get their way!
i liked the speach, was funny, but it really seemed more like an introduction to the show like youd see at like the oscars were they do a bunch of ******ed jokes to start a funny happy mood to start the show. he barely actually did anything to mention his dad and grandfather in terms of inducting them =-/. like 30second-1min of the 10-15min of his total speech. really should of done more about them and not just jokes and talking about himself.

mind you thats what people wanted to see him doing his wrestling promos, which was just him talking about himself and insulting people. so i guess we kind of got what we wanted =-/
We all did get what we wanted. Hey, I'm satisfied with the rocks speech and I think everyone there at the ceremony was. They all seemed to be laughing didn't they? I think people are right when they say this is a bogus story. You need to question the source and to me this just doesn’t sound right. Perhaps they got it from the National wrestling inquirer. lol.
How do we know the Rock wasn't asked to be in character for a little of the speech? This was being promoted to wrestling fans, after all, and we haven't seen the Rock in awhile. Who knows.

Also, as far the Rock forgetting wrestling, we don't know what else was going on besides his movie deals. Maybe he had physical problems, or other things that made him decide to switch. I don't believe it was all about the money.

As far as comments towards Cena, if Cena shooted on him first, I don't blame him. Cena has no business shooting on Shark Boy, let alone one of the greatest talkers of all time.
This story has only made the airways because, like people said, Triple H and Ric Flair are simply jealous of The Rock.

Ric Flair, however good he was, and he was quite good, is and never will be as worldwide known as The Rock, Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan.

Go up to any person, say who's The Rock? Who's Stone Cold? They'll all say wrestlers. Ask anyone to name 3 wrestlers, they'll name The Rock in that 3 for sure.

Go up to a non wrestling fan and say, hey you know who Ric Flair is? He'll stare at you blankly.

Simply put, for all Ric Flair is, he will NEVER be as big as The Rock.

Same goes for Triple H, sure he;s known of, but for all he's tried to do in his 10 years in the business, he's still nowhere near the levels of popularity and recognition The Rock achieved.

Flair and Trips can have cheap digs all they want at The Rock, but deep down in their hearts, they know its jealousy. Jealous that he is a bigger name than they will EVER be.

My gut reaction after watching Dwayne's speech was that it was really nothing more than another chance to be in the spotlight and get attention. It's what he's used to I guess. It seemed more about "him" than the Hall of Fame.

The other side of the coin is that he is an entertainer. We all know that the "Rock" was always great on the mic, never at a loss for words and could easily get the reaction needed from the crowd. I just don't think that the Hall of Fame was the appropriate place for the Rock character. More and more we're getting opportunities to see the superstars out of character, and that's what should have been the case with Dwayne. I mean, he was inducting his father & grandfather for God's sake!! I think that called for a much more serious and respectful delivery than what we witnessed.

As much as most of us enjoyed the Rock back in the day, he's been over-hyped and surrounded by "yes men" who's job it is to tell him how great he is. That's Hollywood for 'ya. It's gone to his head...although he denies it.
Sadly, he has chosen a path where he's gone big time and has long forgotten about those little people he stepped on to get there. But there is justice to come. Once you step on everyone on the way up, you meet them again on the inevitable way down. As the saying goes, "Payback is a bitch." It may not happen tomorrow or 5 years from tomorrow, but it WILL happen. Then we'll see the "superstar" who is now a has been, desperately clutching to the memories of what he once was and telling himself he's still the same and still as good. In my opinion, we'll probably see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on late night infommercials selling the latest version of the world's smallest juicer or maybe he'll be the new pitchman for Verizon..."Can you hear me know? How 'bout now? Can you smell what I'm cookin'?"

And that my friends is my :twocents:

I doubt it. The Rock is making millions... AND MILLIONS (pun) with movies alone. Even if his career goes down the crapper (which I doubt it will), he wouldn't need to subject himself to infommercials or whatever to get by. He seems like the person that invests his money wisely, opposed to Flair who had to wrestle until he was 60 because he was broke and in debt. Them jets and limousine rentals ain't free, you know!
Just wanted to know what kinda crack your smokin cus it must be great.To say half the crap you did you must have been high will you wrote it.

First the Rock and that who he was when he gave that speech did excatly what they asked and what they wanted. WWE needed it they wanted it. Next to your statement in regards to yes men. Have you ever watched wrestling? The Rock spent his entire career putting over other wrestlers. When he could of pulled a Stone cold or Triple H and looked out for Number1. But no him being the Yes man that he is and understanding that he isnt bigger then the business put over Lesner who wasnt half the worker the he was he put over Goldberg who is still hands down one of the worst Pushes in history so they can get over with the crowd.
So in closing to all who think the rock went to far to the few that think the rock will get his someday when he has to come crawling back just remember one thing IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK and you should just say thank you for the bit of joy and fondness of the good old days that he brought back into the industry we all love.
And thats my :twocents:

My gut reaction after watching Dwayne's speech was that it was really nothing more than another chance to be in the spotlight and get attention. It's what he's used to I guess. It seemed more about "him" than the Hall of Fame.

The other side of the coin is that he is an entertainer. We all know that the "Rock" was always great on the mic, never at a loss for words and could easily get the reaction needed from the crowd. I just don't think that the Hall of Fame was the appropriate place for the Rock character. More and more we're getting opportunities to see the superstars out of character, and that's what should have been the case with Dwayne. I mean, he was inducting his father & grandfather for God's sake!! I think that called for a much more serious and respectful delivery than what we witnessed.

As much as most of us enjoyed the Rock back in the day, he's been over-hyped and surrounded by "yes men" who's job it is to tell him how great he is. That's Hollywood for 'ya. It's gone to his head...although he denies it.
Sadly, he has chosen a path where he's gone big time and has long forgotten about those little people he stepped on to get there. But there is justice to come. Once you step on everyone on the way up, you meet them again on the inevitable way down. As the saying goes, "Payback is a bitch." It may not happen tomorrow or 5 years from tomorrow, but it WILL happen. Then we'll see the "superstar" who is now a has been, desperately clutching to the memories of what he once was and telling himself he's still the same and still as good. In my opinion, we'll probably see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on late night infommercials selling the latest version of the world's smallest juicer or maybe he'll be the new pitchman for Verizon..."Can you hear me know? How 'bout now? Can you smell what I'm cookin'?"

And that my friends is my :twocents:

And I'm sure The Rock didn't give a damn,he's done more for the business than the majority of the WWE roster have or ever will and unlike HHH and Austin has proven himself a good actor.

As for taking cheap shots at him it's kind of pathetic really because it reeks of jealously.
There was no need for the Rock to behave like that. It's thanks to the WWE that he is succesful as he is.
However, I disagree that he will need the business or choose to return in the future. Dwayne Johnson (I would believe) has plenty of funds to continue the rest of his life at a standard at least equal (if not superior) to that of a normal person who has never experienced fame. And with him being the Rock, he will always have work in Hollywood - because people love him and want to see him.
I think the main point here is giving back. You think Rock would've had a successful start to his acting career without the WWE? I doubt it. It was the fans that of wrestling that bought them tickets to see him and make him the the actor that he is today. It's easy to say that you would never forget where you came from, but it's another thing to show it.
The WWE wanted the Rock to come back, so they inducted hs father and grandfather together. Fans wanted to see old Rock, so he did a promo for 30 minutes, that he usually does in five. Secondly, at awards shows, there is usually a performance to open the show, and damn it the WWE used the most electrifying performer they've ever had. Anyone who has a problem with it can kiss my ass.

Secondly, if HHH had a problem with it, it's only because he's finally the #1 guy after all this time of being #3 to Rock and Austin. And it serves as a reminder that he was #3 when the biz was on top, and #1 when it's sinking. Jealous much Cena fans? HHH fans? Orton's fan?

I love the WWE, I love pro wrestling, but the jealous, bitter infighting amongst the guys on top is pathetic. For one, I don't want to believe that the article is even true, but it certainly falls along the lines of the jealous assholes who always seem to find a way to the top.

HHH holds people down, JBL ass rapes grown men with soap and Orton shits in purses. Excuse me guys, but has there ever been a discouraging word about Rock or Austin? Just that Rock is Hollywood. Well guess the fuck what, he's an actor, and he's a better actor than jackasses like Keanu Reeves.

That's why people piss themselves when Rock and Austin are around, and get tired of everyone else. Rock was only booed when he wanted to be booed, unlike Cena. Rock would put people over, unlike HHH. Same with Austin, that's why people in the E take shots at them, they along with the Big Show are company guys, and get/got pushes and publicity, while everyone else is a big deal only within wrestling.

Taker and Kane always put people over as well, and make new stars, and Taker is so concerned about the business he never breaks character. These guys aren't included in my rant, they're great.
I love the WWE, I love pro wrestling, but the jealous, bitter infighting amongst the guys on top is pathetic. For one, I don't want to believe that the article is even true, but it certainly falls along the lines of the jealous assholes who always seem to find a way to the top..

I agree. It's not good for the business, and for morale, and for the younger superstars. They do need to sort it out.

HHH holds people down, JBL ass rapes grown men with soap and Orton shits in purses. Excuse me guys, but has there ever been a discouraging word about Rock or Austin? Just that Rock is Hollywood. Well guess the fuck what, he's an actor, and he's a better actor than jackasses like Keanu Reeves. .

I remember Stone Cold creating problems after WrestleMania X-8 when he no-showed the next RAW, and then left for something like 8 months? THAT is bad.
I remember Stone Cold creating problems after WrestleMania X-8 when he no-showed the next RAW, and then left for something like 8 months? THAT is bad.

That one flew by me, but nonetheless, as far as treatment of other guys, you never hear about Stone Cold, Rock, Taker, Kane, Big Show, etc. soap raping, purse shitting, or woman stealing. I've just always gotten the impression that certain guys are one of the guys, and others are backstage politicians.

I don't think HHH would have let Y2J go over him in the final match of the night after he had already gone over Stone Cold. That was awesome, a supreme shock, and good for business.

All I am saying is that no one has a right to get on Rock because he and Stone Cold captained the business while it was at a mainstream high, and HHH is captaining it while it is a successful, yet not nearly as successful business.

And Kelly Kelly is smokin hot. Thank you for that.
This story has only made the airways because, like people said, Triple H and Ric Flair are simply jealous of The Rock.

Ric Flair, however good he was, and he was quite good, is and never will be as worldwide known as The Rock, Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan.

Go up to any person, say who's The Rock? Who's Stone Cold? They'll all say wrestlers. Ask anyone to name 3 wrestlers, they'll name The Rock in that 3 for sure.

Go up to a non wrestling fan and say, hey you know who Ric Flair is? He'll stare at you blankly.

Simply put, for all Ric Flair is, he will NEVER be as big as The Rock.

Same goes for Triple H, sure he's known of, but for all he's tried to do in his 10years in the business, he's still nowhere near the levels of popularity and recognition The Rock achieved.

Flair and Trips can have cheap digs all they want at The Rock, but deep down in their hearts, they know its jealousy. Jealous that he is a bigger name than they will EVER be.

What the hell are you talking about? You consider jealousy to be plaguing the hearts of Flair and HHH over The Rock for their talks on The Rock? Give me a damn break and give yourself a damn break too.

Dear you discredit or falsely consider Ric Flair in any way. Everyone knows Ric Flair, and he's damn surely world-widely known. Who gives a rats ass if his popularity isn't inequivalent to that of The Rock, Hogan, and Austin's. Ric Flair is more high classed and more legendary in comparison to the both of them, no disrespect to Rock, Austin or Hogan.

You can't sit there and tell everyone that non-wrestling fans would deny recognition of Ric Flair, the moment they hear his name. There is plenty people out there who've heard of him and most who remember Flair in his glory days. He may not be the first to come to the tip of the tongue but if there is any legendary pro wrestler and I mean pro wrestler not entertainer, Ric Flair definitely comes to mind, especially now in his retirement.

Ric Flair has absolutely and utterly nothing to have his heart eaten over when it comes to The Rock. Ric Flair has had one of the longest and greatest styling and profiling pro wrestling careers in the history of wrestling. He doesn't aspire to become a Hollywood Movie Star, he ain't jealous of The Rock, he's got fans and family that love him and that he loves and a legacy left behind full of great memories to be proud of. Come again and come good too, NUFCDoug.

You know, HHH may not of achieved popularity side-by-side close to The Rock's. But in compensation, 12 World Championship have graced his name. He's proved to be the King of Kings and The Game as out of him, The Rock and Austin, he remains still able-bodied and dedicated to the business. Yeah, at the end of the day, HHH is still in WWE competing for his fans no matter what. He didn't make Hollywood gain his services after the filming of Blade Trinity, he had choices to just make a switch of profession but no, he sticked with WWE.

Summing things up, HHH or Flair jealous of Rock, that's an overstatement! And as far as Rock's behavior at the Hall of Fame Ceremony, very disaapointing if true. Sure, get back in The Rock character since you haven't done so for a while but don't make a 30 minute comedy session out of the WWE and barely contribute any words towards your dad and grandpa, then turn around and leave without meeting up with old friends after having not seen them for so long. Rude. Never forget your friggin roots. If it weren't for WWE, his ultimate stepping stone to Hollywood, he'd not even be popular or likely even a movie star. Love you Rock, but that was seriously rude.
originally poster by d. miller
You know, HHH may not of achieved popularity side-by-side close to The Rock's. But in compensation, 12 World Championship have graced his name.

He's married to the bosses daughter. That might help.

I'm not saying Ric Flair is jealous, and he has done far more than his share for the business. But HHH is a different story. I am a fan of his, don't get me wrong. But for every time he has put someone over, he has killed someone else. Look no further than Jeff Hardy. He won the #1 contender's match, lost the title match, and was still over as hell. He was more over after losing to Orton than he was before. If HHH was a company guy, he would have put Hardy over in the Elimination Chamber. Orton vs. Hardy would have sold the PPV to fans, and WM sells itself beyond that. HBK has taken himself out of the title picture. The only reason he had his last title match was to go in the place of an injured John Cena. Quick impact was the reason. There were six weeks after No Way Out to build Hardy even more than they did already. If HHH wanted to help he would follow Flair and HBK's lead.

In contrast, Rock put everyone and their mother over. Y2J, Stone Cold, Lesnar, and even HHH. He understood that when more people are viewed as viable champs, it makes everyone look better. HHH has lost his title to the same people over and over again.

To sum it all up, Rock did more for the company in his short time on time than HHH has done in his career, therefore HHH shouldn't be taking shots at the Rock.

Flair, on the hand, can do whatever he wants.
He's married to the bosses daughter. That might help.

I'm not saying Ric Flair is jealous, and he has done far more than his share for the business. But HHH is a different story. I am a fan of his, don't get me wrong. But for every time he has put someone over, he has killed someone else. Look no further than Jeff Hardy. He won the #1 contender's match, lost the title match, and was still over as hell. He was more over after losing to Orton than he was before. If HHH was a company guy, he would have put Hardy over in the Elimination Chamber. Orton vs. Hardy would have sold the PPV to fans, and WM sells itself beyond that. HBK has taken himself out of the title picture. The only reason he had his last title match was to go in the place of an injured John Cena. Quick impact was the reason. There were six weeks after No Way Out to build Hardy even more than they did already. If HHH wanted to help he would follow Flair and HBK's lead.

In contrast, Rock put everyone and their mother over. Y2J, Stone Cold, Lesnar, and even HHH. He understood that when more people are viewed as viable champs, it makes everyone look better. HHH has lost his title to the same people over and over again.

To sum it all up, Rock did more for the company in his short time on time than HHH has done in his career, therefore HHH shouldn't be taking shots at the Rock.

Flair, on the hand, can do whatever he wants.

He's married to the chairman's daughter and has a total package for the wrestling business in which without that, Vince would've never put him atop the wrestling promotion, regardless of relation. Proof? Well why isn't his son, Shane McMahon atop the business? Point proven.

Jeff Hardy ruined Jeff Hardy, all repect to Jeff though. Triple H never downed him, in fact, Triple H put him over once already giving him the opportunity to spring (note: Cena was the last main guy HHH put over at WM22 before at WM24 making that Orton) and Hardy downed himself by going off and failing a drug test right when his momentum level was at the sky. It's a good thing HHH never put him over in the Elimination Chamber Match because it would've totally screwed the No. 1 Contendership scene up due to his 60 day suspension. Orton vs. J.Hardy would've been nice at Mania 24 but once again, Hardy screwed Hardy up.

HBK had never wanted the WWE Championship back again since he won it in 2002. He has stated that he doesn't want the WWE Title so if he's in a WWE Title Match, he's just being used as a filler.

Triple H is a different character from The Rock. We all know Triple H as this dominating character. I mean, doesn't his nicknames explain it all? If he's "The Game" and "The King of Kings" and "The Cerebral Assassin", ask yourself, would a game allow you to beat it? Would a King allow another King to rule over him if he's King of Kings? NO! And as for the alias "Cerebral Assassin", a cerebral assassin is a murderer with intellect so basically HHH murders talent if that makes sense. Triple H is just playing to his character but I understand that he is truly picky and reluctant to really job to wrestlers outside of the main impact players. He figures most of the other guys just aren't ready and it seems neither is he.

The Rock jobbed profusely, I agree, while staying over with the fans during his short run in the company. He has done a lot for the business too entertainment-wise but saying he's done more for the company than HHH has done in his career, overstatement. HHH has done a lot for his character and for the business. The man could've quit wrestling after the 2 quad injuries but he remained in the game. I believe most of his work in done behind the scenes, going over the choreography of performance with other wrestlers for their matches as well as I'm sure, other stuff. And as I stated before, he is still in the WWE so in my opinion, he can take shots at The Rock if he likes. At least he knows he didn't permanently leave WWE for Hollywood although I'd say, Rock doesn't really owe WWE anything when speaking of him returning to a wrestling ring but he should of stayed or even returned for all upcoming WrestleMania's to have a match.
Secondly, Rock isnt physically ready for wrestling..lets remember that back in 04, he has muscles that looked like a pillar..i mean he looks awesome right now. Lean and still in great shape, but for wrestling? If he did a rock bottom or lifting a guy over his shoulders, i think it'll hurt lol

And I doubt he will return even if hollywood rejects him completely. Lets remember that this is a tough business. Sure its fake, but you gotta travel tons. People get injured in this business. It might have been a "great ride" (quote the briscos) for some but ended in misfortune for others...

(lol)...You took the words right out of my mouth. Rock still look good and all but, right now, he is NOT physically ready for wrestling anymore. The man is nothing but bone and muscles now. He did have a little fat back then which gave him the advantage, but its no more. So as for the people who want him to come back and wrestle.... FORGET IT!

And If Hollywood kicked The Rock to the curve in the future I can assure you that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson WILL NOT return to the WWE or ANY wrestling organization, PERIOD. I bet he'll do more humanitarian work or start his own business then to go back there (like Hogan did) and get injured up some more. That's not gonna happen.
My only point, D.Miller, is that if, in fact, HHH was sniping at The Rock, he has no right. I am a HHH fan, don't get me wrong. I just think that, with as much control as he has over his character, you would think after 11 championships, he would me interested in his legacy. At this point, it just seems that he is chasing the ghost of Ric Flair. If he gets to 17, he still doesn't mean as much to the business as Flair, so step aside.

I will give him credit, except for two hours at No Mercy, he hasn't been on top for a while. I do respect that, but he and Cena could have a nice six month feud, and then they could fight a new champ, and lose to legitimize a new star.

And as far as Shane being on top, come on.....

And as far as HHH having the TOTAL package, come on.....

They're both very good at a few things, HHH moreso, but neither of them are as athletic as Rocky was/is.

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