How to incorperate a push for Orlando Jordan

Of course, TNA would need to be careful not to go too far & have the story become homophobic. QUOTE]

Why not? That in itself could be the angle. OJ obviously makes people feel awkward and weirded out. TNA should continue the story and make him more and more flamboyant. Then have him do something like hit on, or better yet stalk, a male wrestler. He could appear whenever they had a match or promo backstage. Similar to what he did with Big Rob but more stalkish, not just obsessive. Then the victim of OJ can finally snap and claim that what Jordan is doing is just plain creepy and a series of matches could be set up.

1- victim picks the opponent, Orlando wins
2- tag match, victim tries to stay away from OJ, OJ wins
3- singles match at PPV, victim beats the snot out of Jordan

This would allow Jordan to be a better heel and possibly elevate another wrestler to a higher status through increased match length from the victim evading Jordan. BUT...the perfect victim would need to be picked. My choice is the Pope. Being a street preacher, he could say that what OJ does (or Jordan himself) is against his religion. Doesn't matter what religion, so no body could complain. The pope being homophobic could net him a massive fan base. And the rivalry could possibly solidify both as series Title contenders.
This gimmick is getting less annoying and disturbing to watch, and I don't think its half as bad as what it was. At the moment, its weird and that isn't good enough.
Its almost as if its on 50% of the weird-o-meter.

They have to drop it altogether and change the gimmick, or they need to push it right to the max, push the envelope cross the line and do something that hasn't been done before.

If TNA choose to go for the option to drop the whole gimmick, then I think they should incorporate his training, or maybe/ possibly bring in a boxer kind of thing like mayweather and the WWE. As we all know Jordan was a very good amateur boxer and he could maybe say something to this boxer when he is in attendance at iMPACT! (say something as hitting on him) and from then on, build up to a boxing match similar to what Styles and Trigg did with the MMA a few years back. That's one way of getting someone famous with the boxer to bring publicity to TNA as well as push Jordan's character a little bit.,
I don't know about the boxer thing. I was re-watching the AJ/Trigg MMA match the other day and the crowd was so not into it. Crossovers don't seem to go over so well, even tho MMA has gotten more popular. (Butterbean knocking out Bart Gunn was an awesome few seconds tho) :rolleyes:
The current gimmick that he has is all he needs. It's not something every will agree with, but it's something that will get people talking and it's bound to take off eventually. He's not a god-awful wrestler, but I would still stand by him not becoming TNA Champion. Even though it's an interesting gimmick, it's not the gimmick anyone wants to represent their company as Champion.
Wrong. I'm willing to bet no one can garner boos faster in the iMPACT! Zone (no short feat) than him.

Since when is X-Pac heat a good thing? "This is fucking disgusting" is not something that you want to actually market, if you're trying to get mainstream atention. And, "Please, Dixie, make it go away!" certainly isn't a positive thing to hear from the majority of your fan base.

Wrong². He has plenty of charisma, unlike most of the indy stars TNA tend to fall in love with.

I try not to make blanket statements like this, but you're just plain wrong. Why? Because, outside of the aforementioned "please, go the fuck away" X-Pac heat, what does this guy have going for him?

On a side note, though, how do you make that "second power" little 2?

Wrong for the third time. He has far more skill on the mic than a number of his peers who are heralded otherwise.

Let me see if I understand your arguement. "Well, other people suck really bad, so since this guy only sucks a litle bit, he's good." That's like saying that the first Transformers movie was good, solely because it wasn't as bad as the second one. Seriously, your logic is extremely flawed.

And, that's assuming that you were correct. Sure, he's better than Rob Terry. But, outside of his physique, Terry's worthless in wrestling, too.

Wrong for the fourth time – you're on a roll here. He's more than adequate.

Are we talking about the same guy? Because I'm talking about a guy who not even Chris Benoit could pull a good match out of a couple years back. And, if you're going to respond with a version of your arguement about his mic skills, I've already stated that arguement is worthless.


Okay, this is a cute picture. And, a very good translation of your reply to my original comment. But, seriously, why are you getting all butthurt about Orlando Jordan? He's not worth it.
Are wrestling fans realyl that disturbed by sexuality that is not their ideal? Because if genders were swapped and this was a chick messing around with knockouts in matches, I know sadly how different reactions would be.
Here's how you do it:
Keep him just the way he is. Over the top, flamboyent, and Uncomfortable for rednecks and idiots to watch.



He can't just job out to everyone. Since his new gimmick, he is yet to really win a match. When Goldust first came out, He won. ALOT. It sold the mind games side of his chacter. Jordan is very capable of that. Hes good in the ring. Just add some depth to his weirdness and then let him get over on someone. IT WILL SELL!
I agree with this guy. Oh, hi. OJ's flamboyant nature is perfect so long as he sticks with it and TNA actually gives him some wins. Sandbagging him with whoever that guy was with the blowup doll is cute and all, but he has so much potential.

More than Anderson IMO. Because Anderson is well remembered despite how short he was in WWF. I barely recall OJ in there, so his star can be built in TNA.
Wow... just wow @ the responses. Both the homophobia and the idea that he deserves a push are quite disturbing. OJ is exactly where he needs to be: in a comedy team with Eric Young. He is never going to be a world champion at this point and he is doing the gimmick he wants to do. It is practically the best he can hope for now.
You had me.....then you lost me
Since when is X-Pac heat a good thing? "This is fucking disgusting" is not something that you want to actually market, if you're trying to get mainstream atention. And, "Please, Dixie, make it go away!" certainly isn't a positive thing to hear from the majority of your fan base.

Pac-heat is still heat, and they could absolutely market him in the same way Golddust was as a means to disgust the crowd while still gaining star power for him. Eventually that Pac-heat will turn into legit heat just like it did with Anderson who also garnered the same rejection off the bat.

I try not to make blanket statements like this, but you're just plain wrong. Why? Because, outside of the aforementioned "please, go the fuck away" X-Pac heat, what does this guy have going for him?

See above.

On a side note, though, how do you make that "second power" little 2?

Copy and paste? ;)

Let me see if I understand your arguement. "Well, other people suck really bad, so since this guy only sucks a litle bit, he's good." That's like saying that the first Transformers movie was good, solely because it wasn't as bad as the second one. Seriously, your logic is extremely flawed.

And, that's assuming that you were correct. Sure, he's better than Rob Terry. But, outside of his physique, Terry's worthless in wrestling, too.

Not at all — OJ is actually good on the stick (no pun intended). He's not bad at all. He has natural confidence and can garner natural heat, too. I'd say that's all the groundwork you need to make a heel character successful.

Are we talking about the same guy? Because I'm talking about a guy who not even Chris Benoit could pull a good match out of a couple years back. And, if you're going to respond with a version of your arguement about his mic skills, I've already stated that arguement is worthless.

Maybe back then, but from what I've seen of him he's more than adequate to sell a match in TNA.

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