Orlando Jordan to TNA?

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Source(s): Wrestling Observer Newsletter, forums.wrestlezone.com:

Former WWE superstar Orlando Jordan has been spotted backstage at TNA events as of late according to the guys over at forums.wrestlezone.com. Apparently Jordan is looking for work while visiting with friends.

Now i'm not sure about you, as this has already been stated here a few times, but has he got talent?

I'm not going to judge as I havn't seen enough of him as of late to be able to make my decision.

if he joins TNA, i riot

you all know he's gay right.

Hum... How offensive ! Seriously, we can see that you're 14 years old as confirmed by your description above and your comment. I'm not saying all 14 year olds are like that, far from it, it's just a general comment that can be made about a lot of them being ignorants. Can someone please ban this guy ?

However, I don't know if I see Orlando Jordan fitting in TNA. Make him feud with Tomko, or create a new mid-card title he can compete for, and things might be better.
Orlando sucks. He was always way to bland for me and never did anything to stand out. His matches blew!
hopefully he joins. he would be perfect with robert roode and ms brooks
As I say I don't really have an opinion on this one, but I found flocks post very offensive and homophobic.
Orlando Jordan is pretty talented he just wasent used very good, He was had a very good US title reign a few years back so yes, I think he could fit in. Hes a fairly small guy so I think he should go to the X Division.
I saw nothing in Jordan when he was in WWE. Personally I think there are plenty more free agent's with more potential. He seemed average in the ring and on the mic. Maybe that's because he was wrestling the WWE style, or maybe it's because he's just an average wrestler.
Orlando could be an ok fit in TNA....he has all the intageables to be a solid wrestler.....hes young and seems to be athletic...he seems like a less athletic version of shelton benjamin to me...i like the idea of making him a heel and joining christians little team.....he could work out ok if used correctly IMO
Yeh... It just depends, as you say on how they use him.

It would be interesting to see him there if not just to test TNA's creative initiative.
Hhhmmm I don't see this happening. The guy doesn't have anything that makes him stand out... I had forgotten he existed pretty much. I think he plays a decent heel though. However I think he would just get lost in the shuffle of TNA, he just seems really out of place to me.
I still wonder if him being gay is what really got him canned in WWE. I can agree the dude did nothing special. He also had no dam personality. Maybe if vince let him run with being gay he might have had his own Vito moment.
are u guys sure hes gay....i never really heard of him being gay.....the last time i heard of jordon he had a gf...so idk if thats just a load of shit or he just wasnt out of the closet yet...i still think hes a desent peformer regardless of his sexuality
No, he's gay....there are pictures of him with a man......and...lol....anyways....I am sure that's why he's gone and it's sad, he was actually a well rounded wrestler and better than a good portion of the talent that SD currently has.
I actually Respect Orlando Jordan for his talent. I think he would fit in great in TNA. WWE was stupid to get rid of him. A better place for O.J. would be in the NEW ECW!
i wish he works with TNA, but the last i read was that he signed with Japan wrestling for this coming April tour - good wrestler, beter than mst of the talent that raw uses, he wuld be perfect with rob rhoode
As someome said before me: I respect Orlando Jorden. I don't give a shit if he's gay or not. He is a vet talented wrestler with great in ring skills and mic skills.
No. OJ's just a waist of money. He's just another WWE reject who wouldn't bring anything to help TNA.
tna needs to be working with their current talent before they go out and sign more former wwe guys.
Tomko, Abyss, Joe, Styles, Daniels, Sabin, Senshi have a lot of future in them.
Its a matter of developing them as wrestlers, personalities and performers.
Orlando Jordan would just be a waste of money. He'd be better off working ROH or overseas to get some more seasoning or try and work his way back into WWE
tna needs to be working with their current talent before they go out and sign more former wwe guys.
Tomko, Abyss, Joe, Styles, Daniels, Sabin, Senshi have a lot of future in them.
Its a matter of developing them as wrestlers, personalities and performers.
Orlando Jordan would just be a waste of money. He'd be better off working ROH or overseas to get some more seasoning or try and work his way back into WWE

He probably would be better off working for ROH, but he doesn't have a chance in hell to get booked by ROH. He should just go to Japan and work for AJPW or NJPW. I'm sure either one will take him, and I'm sure he'd actually do well for himself over there making more money then he would here in the states.
TNA Should Get More New Talent Like Abyss And The X Division
Not All The Washed Up WWE Superstars
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