LOL Awesome. Shiek's speech was quite entertaining. I'm sure he got in the sauce/champagne that I believe is served back stage. You can also tell he was so genuinely happy to be there.
Now if I was going to have to go with someone out of the, - what? 90 that's already in -, I might have to pick 3 inductees, actually 4. A Manager, diva, wrestler and team.
Manager defiantly
Bobby Heenan. He entertained me and made me laugh so much every Saturday Afternoon it was nice to hear his speech (after recovering from throat cancer and the chemo) It showed that he still has that quick wit despite being knocked down he got back up and still maintained those positive vibes. I think that's why he's still with us

I was glad to see how funny he still was. Like he never got ill. When he accidentally said WWF at the show, he then went and said that the World Wrestling Federation had the best wild life a long time ago using all the references from past performers names "They put me, the weasel sitting next to a gorilla" LMAO It was brilliant. I loved when he spoke about his time at AWA as well and of course ended it by putting over his best friend Gorilla Monsoon. Nice touch.
Million Dollar Man had a great speech. I enjoyed hearing his story about how he joined the WWE after his early stint in the southern territories. He delivered it real well and when he spoke about how him and the "brass" of the WWE created the Million Dollar Man.
Trish Stratus I thought out of the divas her speech was quite moving to. I always like to hear the history on where they came from and what it was like for them to chase that opportunity and how they got there. The long list, name dropping/thanks was cute, and ended it nicely by saying she was expecting. I have to give a nod to Lita's last year. Talking about her trip to Mexico, giving her respect to Arn and Rey Rey and also her punk rock line. I think because I'm also a fan of punk rock music and I loved her line "Find your punk rock"
For group defiantly
The Road Warriors It was like a group/posthumous induction and it was nice to see even though you had Paul Ellering, and Animal, I still felt Hawk's presence when they put his action figure on the podium, and cued his "what a rush" line. If I remember correctly Paul said that he was the conductor, Animal was the strong engine of the train, and Hawk was the whistle. uhhhh ahhhhh what a RUSH!