WWE Hall of Fame...

An Angry Blonde

Occasional Pre-Show
My Questions to you are
#1) What do you think it takes to enter the WWE hall of fame?
#2) Who do you think on the current roster is guarnteed a spot if they stopped wresling today and never laced the boots up again?
#3)Who do you think will be a future hall of fame entree?

#4: Who do you think deserves to be in the WWE hall of fame that already isn't in,WCW wrestlers included as former wwe superstars?
#5: Who do you think DOESN'T deserve a spot in the hall of fame? (I'm sure thiers at least a few that you don't agree with, if not skip this question all together)

Any thoughts?

I'll add my thoughts about thus latter in the week, I want to hear what everyone else thinks first.
The person that deserves a spot in the Hall Of Fame is Dean Malenko. The guy was an impressive wrestler and made a name for the WCW Cruiserweight titles with others like Eddie Gurrerro. Another is The Great Muta. He had many great matches with the best like Sting, Ric Flair, and Arn Anderson.

Bill Goldberg should not even be in the Hall Of Fame. What did he do for pro wrestling other than acting like he was bigger then wrestling? Goldberg let his push in WCW and in WWE get to his head thinking he was an icon.
Since it's in Atlanta and it's WCW territory, the Hall of Fame should be southern wrestlers. I would like to see The Road Warriors, The Freebiirds, Lex Luger, and Sting get inducted. But i doubt it, you have to be a favorite of Vince for that to happen.
i think chris benoit should be in the hall of fame from years ago, its just that he murderd his family and commitit sucide, tragic death, he is possibly the best wrestler in world. and he was in the wwe for along time, u get my point.
i think chris benoit should be in the hall of fame from years ago, its just that he murderd his family and commitit sucide, tragic death, he is possibly the best wrestler in world. and he was in the wwe for along time, u get my point.

Dude I get that you are a Chris Benoit mark but you said it right there he MURDERED his wife and son! Chris Benoit will NEVER, EVER, EVER get into the WWE HOF or any pro wrestling HOF for that matter no matter how much marks like yourself beg and plea for it.

but to answer OP's question I think Luger and Arn Anderson (if he isn't already in) will be inducted. I can see WWE trying to add The Rock, because Austin is in already and Rock was just as iconic. Not to mention that the WWE needs something monumental for WM is Undertaker can't go. I would love to see Macho Man get his much long overdue induction...see there is a man that should have been in years ago...not like that murderous tool Benoit.
i think chris benoit should be in the hall of fame from years ago, its just that he murderd his family and commitit sucide, tragic death, he is possibly the best wrestler in world. and he was in the wwe for along time, u get my point.


Next, you'll want to induct José Huertas González (killed Bruiser Brody), Vince Russo (was behind the stunt that killed Owen Hart) and Ted the Terrible Bear (Was a Bear).

In all seriousness, worthwhile inductees are Randy Savage, The Rock, The Freebirds, Giant Baba, Paul Heyman, Owen Hart, John Tenta, Sting, Road Warriors...I could keep going, but there are just too many.
1) It seems as though the top qualification is to be on Vince McMahon's good side, regardless of what you actually accomplished in the ring.

2) Undertaker, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, maybe Kane

3) This is tough to project, but I think Sheamus, because he's gotten off to such a quick start, could get there. Maybe CM Punk. I really can't see anyone I'm comfortable saying will be in the Hall of Fame other than the answers for question 2.

4) HBK will certainly be in at some point, as will The Rock. Owen Hart & Randy Savage deserve spots, although there seem to be other issues keeping them out. Rick Rude deserves a spot, as does the Ultimate Warrior. The Freebirds certainly deserve to be inducted. WCW has a lot of guys: Sting, Lex Luger, Arn Anderson & many of the 4 Horsemen, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Ron Simmons (for both WCW & WWE), Road Warriors, Steiner Brothers. Also, how about Mick Foley? He seems to be done with TNA.

5) Hard to think of any off the top of my head. The non-wrestling guys-Pete Rose, Bob Ueker. I don't really think Koko B. Ware deserves a spot in the HOF. I'm sure there are others I just can't think of.
1q.just beeing seen at a wwe event a time or 2 can get u in there hall of fame

2q.plenty future hall of famers, taker,edge,christian,big show,rey mysterio, kane,

3q.dude hornswogglecould end up in the hall of fame.

4q. the macho man

5q.koko b ware, cindy lauper, and the baseball play by play guy
My Questions to you are
#1) What do you think it takes to enter the WWE hall of fame?
#2) Who do you think on the current roster is guarnteed a spot if they stopped wresling today and never laced the boots up again?
#3)Who do you think will be a future hall of fame entree?

#4: Who do you think deserves to be in the WWE hall of fame that already isn't in,WCW wrestlers included as former wwe superstars?
#5: Who do you think DOESN'T deserve a spot in the hall of fame? (I'm sure thiers at least a few that you don't agree with, if not skip this question all together)

#1, I think it takes a substantial contribution to professional wrestling and to "sports entertainment" as a whole to be considered. This includes entertainment value, longevity, and overall awareness by fans today. Plus, it helps if you are on the good graces of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

#2, I think the following wrestlers on the roster would be guaranteed a spot:

- The Undertaker- He is undoubtedly the greatest superstar/gimmick created by Vince McMahon. Taker busted his body literally for WWE, and he earned the nickname of the "Conscience of the WWF/E." Undertaker has provided countless memories for the company over the years, and I don't think Vince would think twice about giving Undertaker his deserved place among wrestling's greatest.

- Triple H- He married the boss's daughter. Ok, besides boning Stephanie... he was a great athlete and wrestler. He became a main event superstar who helped keep WWE afloat during some of its most turbulent times.

- John Cena- Cena has always been a favorite of McMahon for a good reason: Cena has remained loyal to the company and has been a good poster child for the company.

- Edge- The Rated R Superstar was part of one of the greatest tag teams of the decade, and he became one of the most successful and controversial singles stars in the company. First ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion.

#3. Among those recently retired or still on the roster who will also be inducted one day...

Goldust- Goldust has provided WWE with a lot of great memories as well, comedic and in-ring. The fact is Dustin Rhodes/Runnels made Goldust work. Who in their right mind in 1995 would have predicted that Goldust would have had the effect he had? Goldust essentially was the father of the Attitude Era, and I think he will be acknowledged as such in the future.

Shawn Michaels should be inducted into the WWE as soon as possible. Michaels was a very solid performer for the company and, despite any personal shortcomings, helped give WWE some steam during its worst period. He's only been retired for a few months, but I think he should be mentioned in this question instead of #4.

#4, There are a lot of wrestlers who haven't gotten in yet who deserve it. This list includes...

- Ravishing Rick Rude- What I'd like to have now is for all those fat, out-of-shape, Connecticut piss ants to acknowledge the Ravishing One as one of the great performers in WWE and WCW history.

- Macho Man Randy Savage- Personal grudges aside, there is NO excuse whatsoever why this man isn't in the Hall of Fame yet. Savage was Mr. WrestleMania before Shawn Michaels even thought to coin the phrase, and with the great memories WWE got from this man, it's a slap in the face that he isn't already in.

- Demolition- Ax and Smash deserve to be put in for the fact that they were one of the most colorful tag teams in WWE history. They were so over as heels that they began to be cheered. They held the championships for 440 days in an era that included teams like The Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, and the men that eventually defeated them, Arn and Tully. Give this team credit.

- The Horsemen- This might be a blanket statement, but I think the Horsemen as a whole deserve to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. It was one of the greatest stables ever created, and it gave NWA/WCW a unique concept to run with.

- Owen Hart- This isn't a sympathy vote. Owen earned the right to be considered for the Hall of Fame through his great performances over the years. Owen Hart deserves to be put in, to hell with the politics.

- Marty Jannetty- I don't care if he's considered to be the weak link of The Rockers. It takes two to make a tag team work, and Marty Jannetty was the other wheel that make the car known as The Rockers work.

- Jake The Snake Roberts- Trust me.

#5, I wouldn't have put in Koko B. Ware, at least before the multiple others who deserved to be put in the institution before Koko.
i think chris benoit should be in the hall of fame from years ago, its just that he murderd his family and commitit sucide, tragic death, he is possibly the best wrestler in world. and he was in the wwe for along time, u get my point.

You know what dude i agree with you 100% Chris Benoit should be in the HOF, but his career will always be over shadowed but what he did his last few hours on this Earth. I have always thought you should think about what somebody did with there life, then what happened the last few hours, because Chris gave us his blood, sweat, and tears to put on 5 star matches for all of his fans. I have forgiven Chris for what he did, I will always remember Chris for being the best tech. wrestler in the world, what he did his last hour on this earth will never overshadow what he did his whole career.

Also to answer the question so i don't get marked for spam, i also believe that Owen Hart, The Road Warrior, STING, Double A Arn Anderson, Mick Foley, Easy E Eric Bishoff, The New Age Outlaws, Shawn Michaels, Sable, Luna, The Outsiders (Hall and Nash), and Ken Shamrock just to name a few that kinda deserve to be in the HOF.
#1-My guess is who ever promotes WWE the best and is remember for doing just that will have no problem entering the HOF.

#2- Well that's easy (Triple H, Chris Jericho, Edge, John Cena, Undertaker, William Regal, Big Show, Goldust, Christian or even Kane). Just people who did their time and shows respect for the business.

#3-Not sure, but by the looks of it
*Wade Barrett-because he's just that damn good on the mic and me personally might be a hell of a champion.
*Justin Gabriel-I know some of you are like WTF but he is the first South African wrestler to go pro and make a impact meanwhile a name for himself.
*John Morrison-does great gimmick work and promotes the company well with his T.V appearances and Magazines shoots.
shit even other names (Kofi Kingston, The Miz, and Alberto Del Rio plus others).

#4-Man all I can say is there is alot of them that should be but isn't due to their personal issues with Vince McMahon.

#5-Pete Rose bitch-ass doesn't belong in there
...KoKo B.Ware, Bob Uecker, and William Perry cause asking myself "Why are these fucking guys in there for?
First off, the WWE Hall Of Fame is a complete sham! There is no standards what-so-ever to be eligible to be inducted. That being said:

1: Kiss Vince's ass, and you've got a 90% chance of getting in. The other 10% have something Vince wants, ie, Vern Gagne used to own AWA, Vince wanted the video library to sell DvDs, so Verne is inducted "IF" he sells to Vince.....same goes for the Von Erichs and their World Class library, and Mike Graham and his Florida Championship Wrestling library.

2: HHH & Undertaker

3. Randy Orton. He, along with his dad will be the first father/son inducted into the Hall.

4.Owen Hart. Owen Hart. Owen Hart. Can't say it enough! Owen Hart should have ALREADY been inducted. If Eddie Gurrerro got inducted 6 months after he died from the years of drug and alcohol abuse, then Owen Hart certainly deserves to be inducted. Owen Hart! Others include: Fabulous Freebirds, Sting, Road Warriors, Great Muta, Flyin Brian Pillman, Demolition (could you just imagine them walking out with their face paint and studded tuxes), & Macho Man, plus many others....

5. Easy: Bill Goldberg! But, since it's in Atlanta he will probably be inducted because, as I stated before, The WWE Hall Of Fame is a complete SHAM!
I agree with Wrestlefan73. The WWE Hall of Fame is a sham and there are little to no standards besides being in VKM's good books. If I had it my way, it would be the mark you left, career or how loyal you were to the WWE because there are plenty of guys who have been in the WWE who are not in VKM's good books who are not in the WWE Hall of Fame, for example, Macho Man Randy Savage and Ravishing Rick Rude. But that's just my humble opinion. Now to answer the questions.

1) See above, to basically be in Vince's good books and be loyal to the WWE. Also see Wrestlefan 73's answer to this question.

2) I will give brief explanations as to why these people would be in the HOF if they retired tomorrow:
Triple H: Married to Stephanie McMahon, 12 time World Champion, been loyal to the WWE since 1995 and has a place waiting for him at WWE Headquarters when he retires.
Undertaker: Do I need to explain?
Kane: Has been with the WWE since 1995 or something, been involved in many bullshit storylines (Katie Vick storyline and being married to and impregnating Lita), current WHC, former WWE Champion and been very loyal to WWE.
Chris Jericho: The first Undisputed Champion, been with WWE since 1999, possibly one of the greatest wrestlers ever, one of the most decorated wrestlers in WWE and it doesn't look like he will turn his back on WWE.
John Cena: The current poster boy for the WWE, 9 time World Champion, arguably he is currently the biggest merchandise seller at the moment, he works his ass off for WWE and he has some kind of mainstream media presence that VKM wants.
Randy Orton: 7 time World Champion, youngest WWE World Champion in history, his Dad is in the HOF and been loyal to the WWE.
Edge: Been with the WWE since 1998, the most decorated champion in WWE with 29 championship reigns, a Royal Rumble win, 2001 KOTR, first MITB winner, arguably one of the most controversial heels in recent years.

3) These people I feel are future Hall of Famers on the current WWE roster:
Big Show: Former WCW Champion, former WWE Champion, been with the company since 1999 (that's if you ignore his hiatus he took between 2006 and 2008), always been loyal and he is the World's Largest Athlete.
Christian: 3 time Intercontinental Champion, 9 time Tag Team Champion, one half of arguably one of the greatest Tag Teams ever, entertaining and even though he went to TNA after leaving WWE, the fans still love him.
William Regal: Even though he is rarely used these days or is used on Superstars, William Regal has been a staple in WWE since I started watching wrestling in 2000. I feel purely for his loyalty to the WWE, he will be a future Hall of Famer.
Mark Henry: I know this is a weird one, but Mark Henry is another loyal member of the WWE roster. Sure, he isn't the best wrestler or best on the mic, but he has entertained us with his Sexual Chocolate gimmick and has not wrestled for anyone else outside of WWE.
Rey Mysterio: His career in WCW and WWE speak for itself. Not to mention his brief time in ECW and wrestling in Mexico. He is a big merchandise seller as well, very over with the fans and even though he doesn't utilise as many aerial moves as he did when he was younger, Rey can still perform when he is on top form.
Paul Bearer: He has managed some great wrestlers in his time, Vader, Kane, Mankind, The Undertaker just to name a few and he has led them to championships and has been involved in some great storylines. Not mention as this is a recurring theme in my post, his loyalty to WWE speaks for itself.

4) Okay, some of these you may agree or disagree with, but remember, this is my opinion. These are people who I would want in the Hall of Fame based on their contributions to wrestling, loyalty to WWE, their careers in wrestling and their status today. Owen Hart, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ravishing Rick Rude, The Four Horsemen, Brian Pillman, Lex Luger, The Steiner Brothers, The Road Warriors, Demolition, Honky Tonk Man, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Marty Janetty, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, The British Bulldog, The Dynamite Kid, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Mick Foley, The Great Muta, Sting, Harlem Heat, Bruno Sammartino, Vader and many, many others.

5) I'm not too sure really on this one. So I'm going to skip.

I know after the second question I didn't explain my choices, but in wrestling, there are hundreds of wrestlers who have had an incredible career, made memorable moments, been loyal to the WWE, made some kind of lasting impression on us as fans or we have been fans of theirs for years and just lobby for them to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. On my list of people I know some of them have never wrestled in WWE, but their careers or accomplishments speak for themselves. A lot of these wrestlers are people who got us into wrestling and made us the fans we are today and regardless if they are in the WWE Hall of Fame or not, the memories we have of them will mean more than being in the WWE Hall of Fame.
1.I think it takes being a great wrestler to be inducted but also have to have charisma...gotta be unique u have to have great mic skills.

2.Of course John Cena,Randy Orton,Undertaker,Big Show,Rey and Kane

3.Sheamus,Michael Cole,Edge & Christan

4.Well there is alot of wrestlers i think who deserve to be in the Hall of Fame starting with the king of hearts OWEN HART its a sad story because really the thing i see holding him back is the lawsuit but hands down one of the most deserved spots in the hall of fame....Macho Man now come on vince get this man inducted, hes head lined a couple of wrestlemania matches and all where great... example the Savage vs Flair match at wrestlemania 8 was a great match and the career match at wrestlemania 7 vs the ultimate warrior was spectacular...

5.Bob Ueker,Pete Rose,Koko B Ware
Since its a WCW theme HOF susposedly, I hear Luger and Arn Anderson are shoo in's though they might do the original 4 Horsemen (Arnderson, Blanchard, Dillon). I could see MAYBE Sting (the one guy the WWF/E never got). I could see possibly Brian Pillman with Austin doing his retrospective, accomplishments. Rude should be in. Savage if they can bury the hatchet but I doubt it. Vader as a long shot. Freebirds, Rockers, Midnight Express as possibilities. Meng/Haku deserves a mention. DDP possible.

Extreme longshot - Chris Kanyon...never know

Celebrity wise - David Arquette i could see eventhough the IWC would punk out. Leno/Malone/Rodman would also add to the celeb list.
#1) leave the wwe in good standing. period. you piss off vince, you aren't getting in.

#2) taker, trips, cena, jericho, kane, big show, edge, randy orton and mysterio are all obvious ones. i also think mark henry, william regal, finlay, and potentially beth phoenix. those three guys are loyal and have appeared to have done all that is asked.

#3) miz, christian, cm punk, swagger, kingston, sheamus, golddust, morrison, chavo. some of those guys have been loyal, others if they continue to be loyal will be rewarded.

#4) Shawn Michaels, Arn Anderson and Randy Savage. from there, road warriors, demolition, lex luger, sting, booker T, rick rude, goldberg, nash and of course owen.

#5) koko, Pete Rose, Bob Uecker, and William Perry
First off, the WWE Hall Of Fame is a complete sham! There is no standards what-so-ever to be eligible to be inducted. That being said:

1: Kiss Vince's ass, and you've got a 90% chance of getting in. The other 10% have something Vince wants, ie, Vern Gagne used to own AWA, Vince wanted the video library to sell DvDs, so Verne is inducted "IF" he sells to Vince.....same goes for the Von Erichs and their World Class library, and Mike Graham and his Florida Championship Wrestling library.

2: HHH & Undertaker

3. Randy Orton. He, along with his dad will be the first father/son inducted into the Hall.

4.Owen Hart. Owen Hart. Owen Hart. Can't say it enough! Owen Hart should have ALREADY been inducted. If Eddie Gurrerro got inducted 6 months after he died from the years of drug and alcohol abuse, then Owen Hart certainly deserves to be inducted. Owen Hart! Others include: Fabulous Freebirds, Sting, Road Warriors, Great Muta, Flyin Brian Pillman, Demolition (could you just imagine them walking out with their face paint and studded tuxes), & Macho Man, plus many others....

5. Easy: Bill Goldberg! But, since it's in Atlanta he will probably be inducted because, as I stated before, The WWE Hall Of Fame is a complete SHAM!

finally somebody speaks the truth about VKM's "hall of fame". it is no hall of fame. he lost the priviledge to call it that the minute he inducted Koko B. Ware. like you said, whoever kisses the most ass or has something Vince wants gets in.
Having read through all the names suggested so far, I havent seen one name who is a sure fire name to go in eventually. They are probably the most loyal person to the company. Maybe not the most decorated inductee but still deserving of a place. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Even he cant piss himself off :lol:

I would like to see Macho Man and Elizabeth go in together, as when I was growing up they were a team. Another loyal person (and often forgotten) Dino Bravo. Others that I think are due / overdue are Jake The Snake, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Lord Alfred Hayes, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, The Undertaker, Kane, The Big Boss Man, Earthquake, Tugboat, Shawn Michael and Marty Jannetty together (I am not sure Jannetty will get in on his own), The Rougeau Brothers, The Killer Bees, The Britsh Bulldog Davey Boy Smith, The Dynamite Kid, The Bushwhackers, The Ultimate Warrior, Haku, The Barbarian, The Warlord, The Model Rick Martell, Brutus The Barber Beefcake, Kurt Angle, Sable, Trish Strataus, Lita, Chyna, Sid Vicious, Leslie Nielson (Celebrity Induction), Mike Tyson (Celebrity Induction), Donald Trump (Celebrity Induction), Lawrence Taylor (Celebrity Induction), Bam Bam Bigelow, Alundra Blayze, The Brooklyn Brawler (Wrestlings most famous jobber and WWF/E loyal), Mick Foley and Rikishi to name a few
1) As has been stated it's all about whether or not you're in Vince's good graces.

2) For sure guys like HBK, Taker, Rey, Edge, Show, Kane, and Cena would make it.

3) I'm gonna go with C.M. Punk

4) Without question it's Bruno Sammartino, the man on who's back the WWWF/WWF was built ! Of course he wants nothing to do with Vince or the WWE but that's another story !

Others: The Road Warriors, the Freebirds, the Steiners, the Mdnight Express, the Rock n Roll Express, The Dynamite Kid, Stan Hansen, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard, and Rick Rude to name a few.

5) Johnny Rodz, Vince Sr's. limo driver, Tony Atlas, William Perry.

For those saying Owen should be in he's NEVER going in as long as his widow has any say in the matter !
#1) Nothing to Add

#2) Taker, Kane, HHH, Regal, Edge, Jericho, Mysterio, Goldust, Christian (maybe), Big Show, Cena

#3) Punk, Orton,

#4: Two Categories:
  • Definite: Rick Rude, Steiners, Arn Anderson (possibly w/Tully Blanchard), Randy Savage, Midnight Express (at least Bobby Eaton), Fabulous Freebirds, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering), Barry Wiindham
  • Maybe: Larry Zybysko, Barbarian, Kevin Sullivan, JBL, Lex Luger, Tom Pritchard

#5: I agree with those that say the non-wrestling people (Pete Rose, Bob Ueker, etc.) although I go against the grain and say that I have no problem with Koko B. Ware getting his propers.

#6 I'm making my own category of satire picks for the Hall of fame, call it the best of the worst: Van Hammer, Maxx Payne, Tugboat (as the shockmaster), the KISS character, The Godfather (as Pappa Shongo), Duke "The Dumptster" Droese, Skinner, Arachnid Man, Sweet Sapphire, Shelton Benjamin's Mamma, Kevin Nash (as Oz or Vinny Vegas),
Also to answer the question so i don't get marked for spam, i also believe that Owen Hart, The Road Warrior, STING, Double A Arn Anderson, Mick Foley, Easy E Eric Bishoff, The New Age Outlaws, Shawn Michaels, Sable, Luna, The Outsiders (Hall and Nash), and Ken Shamrock just to name a few that kinda deserve to be in the HOF.

Sting, Bischoff, Sable, Luna and Ken Shamrock?

REALLY? First off Sting NEVER even worked for the WWE...so how the hell can he be inducted into the "WWE Hall of Fame"?

Eric Bischoff? What did he do for the WWE besides almost put them out of business?

Sable and Luna? MAYBE Sable for being the Diva during the attitude era and a former womens champion.

Luna? Remember...we're talking Hall of "Fame."

Ken Shamrock? The UFC Hall of Fame I can understand...but not the WWE. Yeah he won the IC title and had some decent mid card feuds. His one shot at the main event didn't last too long...mainly because people just didn't care about him.

I just don't understand any of these pics...they don't make any sense.

To answer the original question...Randy Savage should have been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame a LONG TIME AGO.
The WWE owns WCW and ECW. Therefore anything accomplished by superstars from either of those companies should qualify them for addition to the WWE Hall of Fame.

Not like it matters though since the only criteria to get in is to be on good tems with Vinny Mac.

Besides, would anyone nominate Kevin Nash for Hall of Famer because of his run as Diesel? Hell no. But when he got into WCW he really shined. He had to be the most charismatic big man in history. Just amazing on the mic.

Would anyone consider Diamond Dallas Page for future HOF'er? Multiple time WCW Champion (as worthlss as the belt was by the time and he did give Goldberg his best match ever IMO), US Champ, had great feuds, was one of the top and most over faces in the company's hayday...
Page certainly wasn't one of the greatest wrestlers ever but he worked his ass off and was very big.
REALLY? First off Sting NEVER even worked for the WWE...so how the hell can he be inducted into the "WWE Hall of Fame"?.
Then expline that to about 100 people on here who want Sting into the WWE hall of fame okay Verne Gagne never wrestled for the WWE and he got inducted a few years ago. Vince can still make money off of Sting thats one of the things the fans want to see. How many times has somebody said who would win at wrestle Mania Sting or The Undertaker. Also Sting was going to come to the WWE in around 2001 but Vinny Mack made Booker T look like a bitch next to the Rock. One more thing Sting is as big as Hulk Hogan and he did it without Vince's help and thats something that should be rewarded

Eric Bischoff? What did he do for the WWE besides almost put them out of business?.
He has a great mind for the business okay where else is it written in the history books that one company beat the WWE in 84 straight weeks. Also Easy E has worked for the WWE in the past so once again here is another promotor who deserves a reward for the hard work he put into a company he truly cares about

Sable and Luna? MAYBE Sable for being the Diva during the attitude era and a former womens champion.

Luna? Remember...we're talking Hall of "Fame.".

Sable was the first woman to cross the line and wrestle the men. Remember her matches with Marc Mero because i sure do. She made the divas division watchable becuz even though she had little wrestling skills she could still make any woman look good against her. Also Luna was before he time when she came in. She had a differet look and didn't look like model with a boob job and yes i am talking about Sunny. She had a love for the business and again she deserves it.

Ken Shamrock? The UFC Hall of Fame I can understand...but not the WWE. Yeah he won the IC title and had some decent mid card feuds. His one shot at the main event didn't last too long...mainly because people just didn't care about him..

The World's most dangerous man doesn't deserve to be in the WWE HOF. Holy Shit i can't believe you said that. This guy was the first antihero before stone cold steve austin. he could mat wrestle like kurt angle and deserved a world title. I don't watch MMA so I don't know how well he did in that sport, but once again he had a better badass look then stone cold. He was one guy that i don't think anybody wanted to fuck with.

I just don't understand any of these pics...they don't make any sense.

To answer the original question...Randy Savage should have been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame a LONG TIME AGO.

What's ther to understand about my pics, they are some of the best wrestlers i have seen in awhile. My pics were some of the ones who made the attitude era what it is. You have the Crow, the most dangrous man, Easy E, and countless others. I just chose some people who in my mind deserve a HOF induction also Randy Savage will never be in the HOF becuase of the shit he put Vinny Mack through, i am even suprised that they made a DVD of his career but it doesn't suprise me too much becuz they made a Warrior dvd and his ass won't be anywhere near the hall of fame

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