2010 WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

It's a shame that Piper was the undercard to Hogan, he should've been inducted as a headline on his own. This year would've suited him.
I'm cool with the HOF list as I think we are done with Main Event HOF for a while because the only major names left to be inducted are:

Vince McMahon
The Rock
Ultimate Warrior
Randy Savage

I like low key names in the HOF. Million Dollar man is a major name, so its great for the class, but the WWE HOF is getting like real sports HOF in which some years there are great names & other years there are just guys no one but old timers can remember. Plus the HOF is a honor & not a major ratings getter so it doesn't matter about names, just as long as we get good stories from the wrestlers its a great show.

I feel that the WWE should move to inducting current wrestlers in the HOF as I'm not sure of the rules of how to get in. If that was the case we could see the old vets get inducted like:

Triple H
Shawn Micheals

Guys like that. But the future of HOF is still going to be great once some wrestlers leave TNA & the WWE begins to add Tag Teams to the Hall of Fame. But I like this year's class except for the fact its more of a eulogy than a HOF.
I just did some research on Wendy Richter, and I think that this is just Vince's way of trying to get Wendy back. I mean she's 48, and sure, she might not have the look of today's Divas, but damnit Women's wrestling needs wrestling!

The thing I want to know is, why the hell is Gorgeous George not the headline? This guy was simply the best heel of his generation, and is the man who innovated a saying used by many today "The man you love to hate". His title reign wasn't bad, and from the work I've seen, he's a great story teller.

I get that Stu Hart is a bigger name from Bret and Owen and Stampede wrestling, but the thing is that the ranking in the hall of fame should be done by how well they were. And in my mind, Gorgeous George deserves the top spot.

Still though, I like this Hall of Fame class... Nice graduation present from WWE lol
The Ultimate Warrior recently posted a new blog stating that he would not be in attendance at WrestleMania this Sunday, nor the Hall Of Fame on Saturday.

Warrior mentioned that he declined WWE's invitation to enter the HOF. The reason Warrior gave was basically contributed to WWE's portrayal of his career in wrestling on the "Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior" DVD. He said that the DVD painted Warrior out to be a nut case, unprofessional and a bad wrestler and if that was the case, why would they be inducting him into their Hall Of Fame.

Are you kidding me? I've seen this DVD a couple of times before, and yes, it was a bash fest of Warrior, but this is the reason why he declined the HOF induction? I won't deny the fact Warrior was a HUGE star during his time, but he was also a jackass. As far as him being a bad wrestler goes, I don't even know how he could deny that.

This is the reason why he declined the HOF? He's still bitter about a DVD that was released years ago, and it's a DVD that not too many people probably know about anyway. I remember reading how WWE wanted to make Warrior the focual point of this years ceremony, but since he declined, that honor will now go to Stu Hart.

Does anyone else think Warrior should've just put the past behind him?
This was easily the worst Hall of Fame show I have seen in recent years. The first 16 minutes were wasted on the ramblings of Dick Ebersol, the idiot screwed over Conan O'Brien and looks like and old version of Corky Thatcher with a gray mullet. How long did it take him just to tell us where Bob Euker lived before Wrestlemania 3?? He spent more time telling us about Euker's villa and their time in the hotel bar than we got to see Stew Hart! And speaking of Stew Hart, how does someone like him get 6 seconds and Bob Euker gets 30 minutes of the show??

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