*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Future WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

no, but i see wwe putting him in, for many reasons, well not that many..the only good memorable moment i can think of is him winning the world champion and his loss to taker at wm23...thats it..
Well it's not like I get a vote, however if I did....I'd at this point ssay no.
I'm not a Batista hater. I think his current incarnation is awesome.
I'd like to think that the Hall of Fame is for those who worked in the industry to an extraordinary level. While I think Batista has done good, he hasn't changed the business nor left any difinitive mark upon it.
Not putting the dude down in anyway shape or form, I respectively reject his nomination for the WWE HOF.
I hope that Batista gets into the Hall of Fame he was my first favorite when I started watching wrestling when I was eight and I'm really going to miss Batista a lot.

Batista's mic skills and wrestling skills are okay or else he would have never become world heavyweight or WWE champion. I think that he will go into the WWE HOF one day I mean if you were a champion odds are you will get into the HOF one day.
HBK: One of the all-time greats, was in so many MOTY's and some of the best matches of all time. HBK deserves his own fucking wing in the HOF. If HBK isn't a 2011 HOF inductee, I will be thoroughly confused.

Taker: 18-0 at Mania, The Phenom of WWE, nuff said.

HHH: Co-founder of DX, easily one of, if not the top heel of the Attitude/Post Attitude eras. While I've never been a big HHH mark, there's no denying his accomplishments in WWE.

Cena: He's the biggest star of the Post-Attitude/PG Era. Regardless if you like his in-ring style or not, you can't deny that he's a 9 time world champ, and the biggest draw for WWE since the likes of Austin/Rock.

Those are the definites. Personally I would say with guys like Edge, Batista, Orton, etc. that it all depends how the rest of their careers go. Also lol @ the people saying guys like Matt Hardy and shit. Really? Look at all the great superstars in all of wrestling history that aren't in the HOF, and you're gonna say a guy like Hardy is gonna get in? Wow..
okay so Batista is going to the HoF I dont care actually as many said it depends on Vinnie Macs humour so yeah, who knows but I think he will but in a couple of years....

And NO, HE DOESNT DESERVES IT. as I said in another thread the guy has 2 memorables matches against HHH (no not at Mania 21 that was a crappy match, you only remebered it cause he won the title) in that HIAC and against Taker at Mania 23 but besides that....:confused:

yeah the guy has multiple championships blablablablablaba cmon guys, that doesnt mean that he has change wrestling. I mean I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE CENA but the guy has change the business just as Austin Rock Flair Hogan HBK HHH Taker etc... Batista DID NOT CHANGE SHIT

the only thing for me that Batista has done and has my respect is at the tribute show for Eddie, man that was so emotional charged!!! Batista really loved Eddie but his feud with him was shit as many others feud
when you think Batista you think those 2 matches that I said but anything else nothing really memorable
I always reply while thinking, I've tried hard, never seemed to be able to shot off my brain when I'm writing something, other times it's actually rather easy for me....

Khali, Shelton and to an extend Matt Hardy doesn't even deserve to be inducted as fillers, I wouldn't say Matt is a "no no" to being inducted although cause he's certainly accomplished a lot, and has been a part of innovating TLC's, Ladder matches and I would even go as far as to say tag team wrestling in general.

I wouldn't say Matt Hardy isn't worth a hall of fame induction to be honest, cause while he's a definite jobber as of late, he's still accomplished what I would consider Hall of Fame worthy things if you ask me.

But Khali and Shelton if you ask me isn't worth a filler spot to say the least, okay you might say Shelton could potentially be considered a filler, but Khali not for the love of god if he even was the son of Vince McMahon would I consider him a worthwhile WWE Hall of Fame inductee.

I agree with you, dude.

I'm just saying we can't count them out.

Bob Uecker, Koko B. Ware, William "The Refrigerator" Perry and Pete Rose are all in the Hall of Fame. Are they worthy inductees?

Hell, even "Superstar" Billy Graham only had one WWWF World Championship run, "Cowboy" Bob Orton had the same kind of accolades as Koko B. Ware (regional championships in the NWA) are they worthy?

What I'm saying is that Khali could be inducted into the Hall of Fame on account of being "the first Indian superstar to hold a World Championship", for being "the largest athlete in the WWE of his time", whatever... It's possible to make up all kinds of reasons if you want him in.

I'm just saying that since we have no idea what criteria Vince & C/O employs to select the inductees (politics, possible money-making, whatever), never count out anyone that's ever been on the WWE payroll from being inducted in the Hall of Fame, imo :)
John Cena, Triple H, HBK, Edge, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, The Hardyz and Christian these are the people I think will get into the HOF one day. They have all been world champion (except for Christian and Matt Hardy but I think their time is coming), they all have good mic skills and are great in the ring.

John Cena is the face of the company and a 9 time WWE/World Heaveyweight champion he has changed WWE forever he is definatly a future HOF.

Triple H is a 13 time champ and is married to the bosses' daughter he has done a lot of great stuff during his career including being in DX.

HBK is the showstopper, the main event so he is definatly a future HOF. His career lasted for 25 years and he won every title possible for a man to hold in the WWE and he changed the face of WWE forever so he is a future HOF.

Edge possibly the best heel in WWE history. He was the forst person to win and succesfully cash in money in the bank he is a 9 time champion and has won every title possible for a man to hold and he has been king of the ring he has done everything possible so yea he is a future HOF.

Chris Jericho is a 6 time world champion and was the first ever undisputed champion future HOF.

Randy Orton is a 6 time world champion I think correct me if I'm wrong. He is known as the legend killer and is definatly a future HOF.

Jeff Hardy a former three time WWE/World Heavyweight champion. Everybody loves Jeff Hardy, he has good mic skills and wrestling skills and had an awesome career. However he went to TNA which leads many people to wonder will Vince put him in the HOF because he went to TNA, but I think he will put Jeff in the HOF.

Matt Hardy he hasen't been world champ yet but his time is coming nad he has had an awesome career so far. He is mega over with the crowd, good mic skills and awesome in the ring. Matt is definatly a future WWE HOF.

Last but not least Christian. He has also had an awesome career. He like Matt hasen't been champ yet but his time is coming. He is also one half of possibly the best tag team in history Edge and Christian. Future HOF no doubt.

Now to the diva future HOF Lita, Mickie James and Trish Stratus.

Lita has always been my favorite diva she did moves that most of the guys wouldn't try she was the diva of extreme. She knew how to make a good storyline and keep it going. She is also a former 4 time Womans Champion and she is definatly the best womans champ ever. She was truley awesome with her unique in-ring style, and awesome mic skills she was also very over with the crowd. (Until she started dating Edge but I was still a fan of her's) So Lita is definatly a future HOF. She also changed the divas divsion forever as one of the best divas to ever step inside a WWE ring.

Mickie James she could make the best storylines just like Lita she is a former 1 time Divas Champ and 5 time Womans champ. {IDK why WWE released her anyways it was stupid of them to.} Mickie definalty changed the face of the divas division becoming the first and only diva to win her 1st womans championship at Wrestlemaina {Wrestlemaina 22 to be exact.} Mickie was only the second woman in the history of the WWE to win both the divas and womans championships. She is definatly over with the crowd, good mic skills and good in-ring skills. Future HOF definatly.

Trish Stratus a former 7 time WWE Womans champion and WWE record and a one time hardcore champion. She set a record was major over with the fans, okay mic and in-ring skills and could make good storylines and she changed the face of the divas divison forever. Future HOF for sure.
Over the time there will be a lot more inductees and here's a few I think got a chance of getting inducted (if they accept).
HBK, Undertaker, Triple H, Vince K. McMahon, Edge, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, JBL, Randy Orton, Trish Stratus, probably The Rock and Ron Simmons. Although he isn't my favourite, it's very well possible Cena will be inducted some day. Kane deserves to be inducted, but I think he needs a big push to a world heavyweight championship before that will happen.

I don't think Batista will get inducted as I don't see him as a wrestler who added something to WWE. His mic skills are average and, in my opinion, he rarely had an exciting match.
It's kind of a shame, just when I was getting to like Batista he's leaving. It does seem like he doesn't care anymore though.

He had a good feud or two over his time though. I'm sure a lot of people liked his feuds with the Undertaker a couple years back where they kept coming to a draw. I couldn't stand it personally, but I can see how some people would love it. Also being a part of evolution has to help him. But really, is there really a formula to getting into the HOF? I mean, as other people pointed out already, Koko B. Ware is in, but Randy Savage isn't...
And NO, HE DOESNT DESERVES IT. as I said in another thread the guy has 2 memorables matches against HHH (no not at Mania 21 that was a crappy match, you only remebered it cause he won the title) in that HIAC and against Taker at Mania 23 but besides that....:confused:

I love the fallacy here. You say he has 2 memorable matches against HHH and Taker, but you don't count Mania 21 because we "remembered it cause he won the title". Last time I checked, esse, if we remember it, it's memorable. I also REMEMBER him beating Khali in a Punjabi Prison match... I REMEMBER him winning the tag team titles with Rey... I REMEMBER him beating the shit out of Coach at Taboo Tuesday... I REMEMBER him crying when he had to relinquish his title... I REMEMBER his never-ending quest to beat Edge and always coming up short... I REMEMBER both HHH and Ric Flair, out of kayfabe, praising the guy... I REMEMBER him tearing the shit out of Muhammad Hassan... I REMEMBER him destroying GOLDBERG... Shall I continue? Or do you still believe none of this ever happened? Cus I have youtube as a visual source.
John Cena: Definatley, him now is practically like hogan in the 80's.
He's been in championship matches at wrestlemania ever since he made his wrestlemania debut. (WM 20 - US title; WM 21- WWE Title; WM 22- WWE Title; WM 23- WWE title; WM 24- WWE Title; WM 25 - WHC; WM 26 - WHC). Also won the royal rumble

True, but at WM26 he won the WWE title, not WHC.

Anyways, I'm still waiting on the Rock's induction. As for current WWE stars, gotta go with CM Punk. The E loves this guy, and he has had a very successful career there over the past 3-4 years. ECW Championship, 3 WHC Championships, Tag Team, and IC title. Plus he's a stable leader.
What about The Rock?! Jesus christ. Was one of the big stars in the Attitude Era with Austin and Mankind. Multiple time world champion, tag team champions etc., won Royal Rumble.
Put Batista in. While you're at it, throw in AC/DC, George Bush, Derek Jeter, the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square (hintidy hint hint hint hint), a Tom Tom GPS, Slava Medvedenko, Jim Rome, and a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich.
Put Batista in. While you're at it, throw in AC/DC, George Bush, Derek Jeter, the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square (hintidy hint hint hint hint), a Tom Tom GPS, Slava Medvedenko, Jim Rome, and a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich.

What's wrong with AC/DC?

Batista is not worthy of the HOF, but I'm sure he'll be inducted anyways, right beside John Cena.

2 undeserving a-holes that will be the focus of their respective classes.
everyone is entitled to their opinion, but do some of these people really think Dave Batista belongs in the same league as Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Ricky Steamboat, Harley Race and many others?! Screw the fact for a second that Vince inducts questionable wrestlers... the fact remains Batista is not HOF material!!!!
Shawn Michaels- Greatest performer of all, multiple championships, 2 royal rumble, 5 star matches and interviews, DX co-founder
Undertaker- Greatest character, 18-0 WM, Multiple championships, etc
Chris Jericho- Great performer, great talker, mutiple championships, etc
Randy Savage- Why is he not in yet?! VKM!!!
Arn Anderson- 4 horsemen member, amazing wrestler, multiple championships
The Rock- Maybe the greatest talker ever, pop culture icon, multi champ
OWEN HART- legendary matches, performances, controversial death, multi champ
HHH- great wrestler, attitude era superstar, DX co-founder, 13x Champion!!!
Sting- 80's and 90's icon, 12x champion, one of the most recognizable wrestlers of all time, legendary feuds with nWo and Flair
Here's my list of top 20 most deserving (of the past 25 years) ... some are active ... (forgive me if I forget someone)

1) Vince McMahon. No, this isn't me believing in everything Vince has done through the years. But regardless of personal feelings for his current product or past decisions, the fact is that without his vision for pro wrestling, WWE, TNA and WCW never exist in the form they do or did.

2) Randy Savage: The last truly great star of his generation not to get in yet. Hogan, Flair, Piper, DiBiase, Andre have all been inducted. He probably won't get his induction due to unconfirmed rumors of a monstrous feud with VKM.

3) HBK: Only behind Savage on my list because he hasn't waited as long. Him and Savage are by far the top-2 performers on this list with HBK edging out Savage for that top slot.

4) The Rock: The most popular wrestler the WWE created in the post-Hogan era. He is the only true STAR that VKM ever created. Hogan, Austin and a few others have been big names in the mainstream, but The Rock is the only one who has been truly big outside wrestling.

5) Undertaker: Again, only behind The Rock because he has not yet retired. I wouldn't be offended if folks wanted to put HBK and UT atop their list of wrestlers with Savage and Rock at 3-4, in either order. Takers resume speaks for itself.

5) Eric Bischoff. While VKM had the vision to put wrestling amongst the pop culture, it was Bischoff who gave us the product that most on this board crave. Bischoff nearly beat VKM at his own game by making wrestling more adult and giving it an edgier feel.

6) Triple H. As the leader of DX and Evolution, two of the great stables of the past 15 years, Triple H has earned his spot in the HOF (regardless of marriage.) His spot is guaranteed.

7) Owen Hart: Spent the better part of a decade in the WWE, first wrestling as The Blue Blazer. His contribution to the WWE was far greater than that of the late Eddie Guerrero, and there's really no reason he was never in the World Title picture (with exception to a feud with his brother)

8) Mick Foley: The forgotten star of The Attitude Era. Foley was as big a star as anyone not named Austin during the era. His promos were golden. His matches were classic. And as the ONLY best-selling AUTHOR in the history of of pro wrestling, his mark on the industry is undeniable.

9) Arn Anderson. No real reason he hasn't been inducted yet. I've heard a lot of talk that next year's HOF theme will be WCW since the event will take place in Atlanta. Somehow, I haven't heard Anderson's name in the mix, though I could be missing it. Still, with or without the WCW theme, I expect Anderson to make it in next year. His career with the Horsemen coupled with his contribution backstage make him an eventual lock.

10) Sting. He's regarded as the only big star not to work for Vince McMahon, but his reputation and legacy is set regardless. He all but carried the WWE's main competition for years.

11) Kevin Nash. A former WWE Champion, he turned the wrestling world upside down when he joined Scott Hall to form the NWO in WCW. There are few greater, singular contributions in the history of wrestling.

12) Scott Hall. I actually think Nash and Hall will one day go in together (their relationship with Triple H guarantees their eventual enshrinement.) I put Nash ahead of Hall because Hall never fully lived up to his potential, which is why he is considered by many to be the best wrestling talent never to win a World Title.

13) Bob Backlund. Actually had to look up that he isn't in the Hall of Fame. This guy was a World Champion multiple times, and more than likely holds the record for longest amount of time between title reigns. For the kiddies on this board, it was his feud with The Iron Sheik that paved the way for Hulkamania to begin.

14) Kurt Angle. Few have made the transition from amateur wrestling to pro wrestling as seamlessly as Angle. Though it was common place for old school wrestlers to make this transition, Angle did it at a time when few - if any - amateur wrestlers looked at the WWE as a viable option. His success has given us such wrestlers as Brock Lesnar, Jack Swagger and Shelton Benjamin.

15) Ron Simmons. Let's look at all the incarnations of Ron Simmons through the years. Most kiddies will remember him for his "Damn" line ... Most 20-somethings will remember him for his stint with JBL in the APA or his time as the founder of the Nation of Domination ... but the true diehards will remember him as the first black world champion of a major US wrestling promotion. That last one alone is enough to get him into the HOF. I doubt his stint as Farooq Asad will hurt his chances.

16) The Ultimate Warrior. He falls on my list because his time in the business was so short. His contribution in that short time, however, give him enough credence for inclusion. Twenty years after he was at his peak, The Ultimate Warrior's name is still synonymous with pro wrestling - even to people who never really followed wrestling!

17) Goldberg. He spent less time in the ring than the Warrior and accomplished much less in that time. However, he actually finds himself on this list ONLY because he kept WCW afloat for at least an extra year or two. Without Goldberg, WCW would have been sold before the end of the decade. He was - and remains - that big of a name in the world of pro wrestling.

18) John Cena. He might one day find himself at the top of this list, and he will surely jump some of the names on this list eventually, but his time on top just hasn't been as influential or ground breaking as some of the names ahead of him. Being the face of the WWE these days, though, makes him a surefire HOF'er.

19) Big Show. He has never truly caught on with the fans enough to warrant the long-term title reign that most people would assume he'd receive if pro wrestling were real, but there's no denying his impact on the industry. Show was the FIRST big name to jump ship from WCW to WWE during the Monday Night Wars. His arrival in WWE may have been the true turning point of the era. It doesn't hurt that he is the MOST athletic "Giant" in the history of pro wrestling, and the only one who isn't just around because he's large.

20) Chris Jericho. A lot of people could have fit this position, but his resume includes being the first Undisputed Champion. That distinction gives him my nod in this final spot.


Just missing

Kane - Dominant big man. Company guy. Well respected. He'll get in.

Jake Roberts - He was a transcendent heel during his heyday, providing the mold for the methodical heel that we see in Triple H and Randy Orton these days.

Rick Rude - He was one of the best heels of his era. He holds the distinction as the only person to be in both the original DX and the original NWO. (Waltman was in the original NWO and the second installment of DX while HBK was in the original DX and the second installment of the NWO...)

Giant Gonzalez - Not really. Just want to see if people are paying attention.

Any wrestler currently in the main event picture in the WWE is currently on their way. This list includes Batista, Orton, CM Punk, Edge, etc...
I'm not going to name the major stars that have already been named, we pretty much know out of them who will be getting inducted, it's pretty obvious. However let me throw some names out there for true future hall of famers, like in a decade maybe or longer.

The Miz - If he stays healthy, and can remain an evolving character and keep himself relevant, he'll be a hall of famer at the end of his career. Look at what he has accomplished in the short few years he's been in the WWE, if he can keep this pace up, he'll be huge.

John Morrison - Another guy with a huge future ahead of him. He's going to be huge barring any unforseen factors popping up. He's an amazing performer and is only getting better. Given the right timing, gimmick, feud, what have you, and he'll explode into the stratosphere.

CM Punk - He still has a lot of years left his career and he is already proving he is a main stay in the main event scene. If he keeps it up at the rate he is going now, we will see him in the hall of fame.

Hornswoggle - Can't give a good reason why really, but my gut tells me this little guy will indeed be a hall of famer at some point.

Lillian Garcia - An amazing ring announcer, who will likely get the nod at some point for her contributions to the WWE.

If I think of more later, I'll edit this.
Guys who really deserve it:
The Undertaker: I think I don't really need to say much, Streak, Legend
Shawn Michaels: same for him, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Main Event
Triple H: lots of titles, strong powerhouse
John Cena: face of the company, a lot of title reigns
Randy Orton: good title reigns, awesome pop as heel, just at the beginning of his career
Chris Jericho: great charisma, great technique, title reigns
Rey Mysterio: extremely over during his whole career, "the" cruiserweight
The Big Show: next giant, decades-long attraction
Kane: fearsome monster, very loyal

Guys that possibly deserve it:
Edge: title reigns
Hardy Boyz: extremely over, crazy actions, great tag team
William Regal: long, varied career
Goldust: same for him
Batista: strong powerhouse, very dominant

Guys which have potential:
CM Punk: awesome on the mic, great moveset, good actor
Christian: very charismatic, but big push must come soon
John Morrison: great moveset, dazzling style
Kofi Kingston: funny, athletic guy, good drawing potential
The Miz: "Awesome!" talking, but lack of credibility (in my opinion)
Drew McIntyre: great look, very young, intensive style
Sheamus: I don't see much potential in him, but it seems like he gets the big push
Daniel Bryan: great potential, great technique, can put on awesome matches

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