*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Future WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

Are you serious, A mildly successful career. Batista is a sure fire hall of famer I gurantee it, I do still hate him as much as the next guy but look at his career highlights for god sakes. He started in Evolution where he would turn on Triple H and defeat him in the main event for the world championship at Wrestlemania 21. He would hang onto the title for 9 and a half months until he had to relinquish it because of injury. He promises to return and win the title back before Wrestlemania 23, He does so when he defeats King Booker at Surivivor Series 06. He would hold the title until Wrestlemania 23 where he would go down to the Undertaker in a classic. He had his best program following this with the Undertaker where Edge would cash in hs MITB during a Smackdown Main Event, Edge then had to relinquish the title due to injury and Batista had a so-so rivalry with the Great Khali which ended with him winning the world title at Unforgiven 07 with help from Rey Mysterio. After that my memory gets hazy, but I think he loses it to Edge at Survivor Series 07 or at Armageddon 07 against Edge and the Undertaker. After that he had a sloppy storyline with Umaga before getting drafted to RAW where he had a fairly good rivalry with CM Punk. After Y2J wins the title off Punk at Unforgiven 08, Batista focuses on Randy Ortons WWE Championship, he loses many times until he won at Armageddon in a steel cage. Again my memory gets hazy so I will just skip to 2010 where he has had a very successful storyline with John Cena in his first heel storyline since Evolution. After reading this you must agree Batsta will be a Hall of Famer. Again though I must outline I am not a Batista fan I am just stating the facts and a man with as many big title matches and world title wins deserves to be in the hall of fame.
Will he go to the HOF? probably..hes multiple time champ, memorable fueds,evolution..im about 98 percent sure of it...do i think he deserves it...no...

okay i get hes in his 40's actually the same age as hhh or one year older... but i cant stand it when a wrestler says they have passion for wwe then when they get one movie they want out..ala the rock...im probably one of the few people who doesnt want the rock back or in the hof..yes big name and did soooo much for this company but when you say you have a passion for something..you dont quit it for a bigger check....this is why i respect cena..the man has done two hig profile movies,,about to be three and says hell never leave the wwe...batista is this generations rock..there i said it....batista gets a little taste of success and wants out..if i was vinnie mac i would see this as a slap in the face..now your reading about him pouting and crying cause his mentor hhh got a movie role and he didnt...that doesnt sound like a hof'er..sounds like a little boy....if he doesnt want to be in the wwe i say get rid of him trim the fat..sure we are getting alot of stories this year about people leaving the wwe...i read jerichos leaving for a while, big show talking about leaving, hhh is one injury away from hanging it up, and of course taker... this is why ive never liked batista he acts like everything in the world belongs to him..remember when he got in that fight with booker t before summerslam cause batista was bragging about being on the poster and all the things hes done??why would you want that in your locker room..or hof?

so will he be in the hof? probably? does he deserve it..absolutley not
Looking at who all is in the HOF, I think Batista is really close to a lock. His prime wasn't very long (05-10), but he is a multiple time World Champion and he was 'the guy' of Smackdown for a nice period of time. Will he be a headliner? I don't think so, but he would have his speech aired on TV. So yeah, I think he's a clear HOF'er.
John Cena: Definatley, him now is practically like hogan in the 80's.
He's been in championship matches at wrestlemania ever since he made his wrestlemania debut. (WM 20 - US title; WM 21- WWE Title; WM 22- WWE Title; WM 23- WWE title; WM 24- WWE Title; WM 25 - WHC; WM 26 - WHC). Also won the royal rumble

Batista: Im not too sure, i mean he has held many champions, won the main event at wrestlemania and the royal rumble, but he hasn't really done anything historically signicant. I wouldn't be suprised if he got in but still.

Undertaker: Without a doubt. Won multiple world champions, royal rumble, main event at wresltemania, and his legendary streak. He's been in lots of famous matches, including ending shawn micheals career

Randy Orton: Similar to Batista, but he was also the youngest world champion in the history of the WWE (as of now). I could see him in the HOF.

people you didnt mention:

Shawn Micheals: Do i even need to explain?

Edge: First person ever to cash in MITB, has held multiple world champions, his legendary triple threat tag-team ladder/tlc matches with christian vs dudleys vs hardys. Won royal rumble, king of the ring (when that was an actually ppv).

Triple H: Royal rumble winner, main eventing wrestlemania a lot. I don't need to explain triple h xP
I think that Kane will get in,

* ECW Championship (1 time)[65]
* WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)[30] – with The Undertaker
* WWF/E Championship (1 time)[16]
* WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)[27]
* WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (2 times)[28]
* WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (9 times)[17] – with Mankind (2), X-Pac (2), The Undertaker (2), The Hurricane (1), Rob Van Dam (1), and The Big Show (1)
* Eighth Triple Crown Champion
* Third Grand Slam Champion

-off wikipedia

Also, Glen Jacobs has been a really loyal guy to the E willing to job to anyone.

I think Chris Jericho will get a look as well

the Stats:
* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
o WWF Undisputed Championship (1 time)5[124]
o World Heavyweight Championship (3 times) [125][126]
o WCW Championship (2 times)2[127]
o WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (9 times)3[128]
o WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Chris Benoit (1), The Rock (1), Christian (1), and Edge / The Big Show (1)4[129]
o WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Edge / The Big Show (1)4[130]
o WWF European Championship (1 time)[131]
o WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)[132]
o Slammy Award for Superstar of the Year (2008)[80]
o Slammy Award for Tag Team of the Year (2009) – with The Big Show
o Ninth Triple Crown Champion
o Fourth Grand Slam Champion
-off wikipedia

Also, he's the best in the world at what he does, great heel, great promo guy

and, and interesting tidbit I found on wiki
"Jericho's Grand Slam accomplishment is notable in that he is the first and currently the only wrestler to have ever held every championship considered eligible for the Grand Slam (both those under the original definition and alternate championships)."

So that's why I think Kane and Chris Jericho should be in the Hall of Fame
There are a few guys on the current roster (or recently released/retired) that probably will go into the hall of fame:

The Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Big Show, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Kane, Beth Phoenix, Shawn Michaels, Shelton Benjamin, Edge and probably Batista.

Basically, it's not just about what your achievements were in the ring, but all of these guys have held multiple titles, have had memorable feuds and are all great performers. Shelton and Matt might take a while before they go in, but eventually we'll get that voice-over going "Hailed as the greatest natural athlete in the WWE at the time, and accomplished amateur wrestler, Shelton Benjamin were in the legendary Team Angle and was a constant threat to anyone he faced off against." (Shot of Shelton pinning Triple H).

Then, of course, there are the young guys like The Miz, Swagger, Morrison and Ziggler that may well end up in the Hall of Fame some time down the line. Not to mention The Great Khali, just because he's a huge frickin' dude.
There are a few guys on the current roster (or recently released/retired) that probably will go into the hall of fame:

The Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, The Big Show, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Kane, Beth Phoenix, Shawn Michaels, Shelton Benjamin, Edge and probably Batista.

Then, of course, there are the young guys like The Miz, Swagger, Morrison and Ziggler that may well end up in the Hall of Fame some time down the line. Not to mention The Great Khali, just because he's a huge frickin' dude.

Erh.. what!?!?

Khali? are you absolutely insane saying Khali will be inducted into the WWE hall of Fame? he held 1 title, 1 single title, and that reign was absolutely bullshit, he's overrated and the only good thing he has with the crowd is that people seem to like his entrance music (at least it seems so, could just be small kids and drunks dancing around when you get a shot at some guy dancing to the theme)

Shelton Benjamin? absolutely not, I have my sincere doubts to Shelton ever getting inducted into the hall of fame, in my eyes he hasn't done enough to deserve it, sure he was a great athlete, but that's about where it stops, he's held a few titles too sure, but none of them were particularly memorable if you ask me.

And as it looks right now, I don't see Ziggler just yet doing anything worthwhile to make him hall of fame inducted, Morrison is the only one of the "young guys" that could have potential getting inducted from what he's accomplished already, rest of the young guys I'd say it's too early to judge.

But otherwise sure I'll agree with you, might disagree a tiny bit with Matt Hardy but could happen.
Cena will get in, no doubt. Does he deserve it? I suppose so. If Koko and these other guys can, so can Cena.

If Taker doesn't get in soon, I'm sure Vinny Mac will be assassinated within the hour

Kane deserves it, he's the most loyal guy Vince has had. This gimmick was supposed to only last 3 months and look at it now

Batista- you're fucking kidding me

Randy Orton will make it eventually

HHH- bosses son-in-law need i say more?

Big Show- for a man his size, which means limited move set, He's accomplished wonders, even before WWE he was huge. I can see him accepting it one day

David Arquette- yep....Koko B Ware never earned a world title. If i'm not mistaken he only won the IC title once or twice. At least Arquette held THE world heavyweight championship....the same one Cena has held. And HHH. And all the others. For the little kids, The WHC is the shiny gold one that looks like a real PRESTIGIOUS world title, not the pretty little one that spins. And Arquette won it in the triple cage thing of doom in WCW years ago
Ferbian, Khali is actually a decent wrestler. He's killed a man in the ring before. And not from a botched move, from a flapjack that he hit normally. The WWE limits the move sets of a lot of guys. Mainly people like Khali, Big Show, Mark Henry, etc. If I'm not mistaken, Henry wanted his finisher to be the World's Strongest Bomb but Vince said NO! Batista does that move, and you're too big!!! You gotta pick em up then fall on them. Same with Big Show. Can you remember the last time he Chokeslammed some one? If given the chance, Khali would be a very good wrestler. I'd love to see Khali vs Cena 2 and let khali use what ever move he wants. Maybe he could chop some brain damage into Cena? If he talked like Ultimate Warrior people might actually listen to him more lol
Ferbian, Khali is actually a decent wrestler. He's killed a man in the ring before. And not from a botched move, from a flapjack that he hit normally. The WWE limits the move sets of a lot of guys. Mainly people like Khali, Big Show, Mark Henry, etc. If I'm not mistaken, Henry wanted his finisher to be the World's Strongest Bomb but Vince said NO! Batista does that move, and you're too big!!! You gotta pick em up then fall on them. Same with Big Show. Can you remember the last time he Chokeslammed some one? If given the chance, Khali would be a very good wrestler. I'd love to see Khali vs Cena 2 and let khali use what ever move he wants. Maybe he could chop some brain damage into Cena? If he talked like Ultimate Warrior people might actually listen to him more lol

I really, and I mean really have to search a long time to find anything remotely entertaining, or a good wrestling match that involved Khali, you cannot deny that this guy is absolutely overrated, and his reign as a world champion was absolutely bullshit, I mean looking back at some of his matches, Summerslam 2007 was absolutely bullshit and was actually rated 1 out of 10, I mean you don't get that kind of match rating if it wasn't crappy.

Khali hasn't done anything, and probably never will do anything that puts him even up for discussion to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, except for Trendkillers suggestion.
From what has already been mentioned, Hall of Fame eligibility depends just as much on the wrestler's relationship with Vince McMahon at the moment as it does their accomplishments.

Batista will be in the Hall of Fame just as long as he doesn't burn any bridges with McMahon or the WWE. He got started late in the game and made the most of it. With multiple World Championship reigns under his belt and feuds with some of the best in the WWE, he's a shoe-in.
Shelton Benjamin? absolutely not, I have my sincere doubts to Shelton ever getting inducted into the hall of fame, in my eyes he hasn't done enough to deserve it, sure he was a great athlete, but that's about where it stops, he's held a few titles too sure, but none of them were particularly memorable if you ask me.

Johnny Rodz is in on the merit of just years of service to the WWF, and then going on to be a trainer. Koko also had minimal success but was faithful. I think the precedent is set: so long as Shelton doesn't insult Vince, and does anything meaningful in his 'Life after WWE' he could well be a future inductee.

He has pinned Haitch and lived to tell about it...
Are we really debating guys like UT, HBK, HHH, Cena and Orton? There is no debate to be had on those guys. With exception to Cena and Orton - who are on their way - those guys are bonafide legends. They won't just get into the HOF, but they will be the featured attraction when they do get in.

Guys like Jericho, Edge and Kane might not be the featured attraction but they'll be at least a 1A attraction when they get inducted. They'll be the Ricky Steamboat attraction to a Steve Austin ... or an Eddie Guerrero attraction to a Bret Hart induction. There's still a chance they could be a featured attraction in the same manner that Ted DiBiase was this past year.

But just think about this - Koko B. Ware is in the friggin WWE HOF, and you guys are questioning the worthiness of those above wrestlers? Think outside the box here, please.


Christian - Been mentioned in other threads. Has been with the company for the better of 11 years. He has a good following with the fans. He has won a few titles. Even if he never main events, that it isn't what it takes to get in.

Matt Hardy - Has showed loyalty to the WWE even when the WWE wasn't loyal to him. Will get in just for that. Not only did he and Jeff revitalize the tag team scene in the late 90's, but the two of them carried the torch of the ladder match and are a huge reason for matches such as MITB. While HBK made the match famous, without Jeff AND Matt, the ladder match wouldn't be nearly as popular today as it is.
I don't get it why people keep shitting on Koko B Ware and Pete Rose being in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Let's look at it, Koko B Ware was inducted for his ability to entertain the crowd, and his antics with that parrot, why wouldn't you induct someone who proved to be a memorable act in entertaining a crowd and making sure they had some memories for that night? it'd be like saying "Don't induct.." yeah I can't come up with a name just yet, but the matter is that Koko entertained people and won titles, so I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, and why he's worth of Hall of Fame for that? have some respect dammit.

Same goes for Pete Rose, while he didn't contribute as much for the WWE, lets remember.. he's a celebrity induction yes that's right, a celebrity induction, John Cena did it, blame him if we're to blame anybody, Pete had an amazing career in Baseball, and again, as a celebrity induction why in the world shouldn't he be allowed to be honored for it even if he only made brief appearances in WWE? he still made them to say the least and put a memorable moment in WWE too when he took that Tombstone by Kane.

I'll try and shed some reason here.

It devalues the Hall of Fame.Think about it like this. Your a wrestler and you work your whole career and give everything you have in the hopes of being remembered. Guys like Flair, Austin , and Hogan worked to do something special. Than one day they are honored in what is suppoosed to be the highest honor in wrestling , sorry, WWE.

Than someone decides to add Koko B. Ware.

Now I'm not saying he didn't work hard. To even get over a little bit in WWE is hard, but can you really look at Koko B Ware and honestly say he deseves the to be honored at a level like Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, or Ted Dibiase?It's the same problem the world titles are having. Saying "I'm WWE champion" doesn't mean all much when everybody with even a bit of succes has held it half a dozen times.

Pete Rose and the other celebrities piss me off. To say that Bret Hart and Pete Rose are in the same Hall Of Fame makes me die a little inside.

I guess nothing in that companies really means anything anymore.

P.S. Toki, I love you too man.
I think Batista will be in the HOF. A few of you have mentioned that he lacks mic skills and I disagree. He's no Piper, HBK, HHH or Rock, but his skills in that department are under-rated to me. I loved the promo a couple months ago where he just walked around the ring and dropped the mic in the middle of the ring as if to say, I don't owe you anything.
I agree that he doesn't have the passion that alot of guys do, but he has always wanted to get better and talks alot in his video "I Walk Alone" about learning from other guys and his desire to learn and get better.

He is far from my favorite wrestler but I think what he has done in the short time he has been around is good enough to get him in. Good topic, btw!
It devalues the Hall of Fame.Think about it like this. Your a wrestler and you work your whole career and give everything you have in the hopes of being remembered. Guys like Flair, Austin , and Hogan worked to do something special. Than one day they are honored in what is suppoosed to be the highest honor in wrestling , sorry, WWE.

That's true, but why would you want to put someone in there who worked for his whole career but did shit to be remembered? as opposed to putting someone in there who did something to keep people entertained.
There's another thread I read about "who will be inducted into the hall of fame" or something along those lines, someone said Khali, yes I shat my pants too, guys like him, while he worked quite loyaly for WWE I do not think he's anywhere near worth being inducted cause what in the world has he done to keep himself memorable other than winning being overrated and having a very low ranked form for entertaining factor in his entrance theme, yes that's about the only entertaining this he ever had ,has, and ever will have.
That goes for quite a few people, I would say you should induct someone like Primo thus far neither, cause what in the world has he done to deserve it? nothing I tell you, nothing, I'm surprised I still remember him, as opposed to the fact that there's probably quite a bunch that would remember Koko B. Ware if they actually watched him back in those days.

Now I'm not saying he didn't work hard. To even get over a little bit in WWE is hard, but can you really look at Koko B Ware and honestly say he deseves the to be honored at a level like Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, or Ted Dibiase?It's the same problem the world titles are having. Saying "I'm WWE champion" doesn't mean all much when everybody with even a bit of succes has held it half a dozen times.

I don't know why, but you mentioned earlier guys like Ric Flair, Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan, there's just something that comes off to me like you're slowly implying that some of the guys that wasn't even at Ric or Austins level shouldn't even be in there, cause you're saying that Koko couldn't be in there with one like Guerrero for example.

Pete Rose and the other celebrities piss me off. To say that Bret Hart and Pete Rose are in the same Hall Of Fame makes me die a little inside.

I guess nothing in that companies really means anything anymore.

So WWE isn't allowed to induct someone into their guest wing who has had a great career in another business, or has accomplished a lot of things in movies etc.?
I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to have a celebrity wing to honor someone who's had an amazing career in some other business.
And to make it even more significant, I don't see why exactly Pete Rose of all people is getting the shit load all over him that he is, as opposed to the fact that clearly nobody is screaming to stop the presses cause William Perry or Bob Uecker is in there?
who the fuck said Beth Pheonix?what did she ever do

I think she's an impecable wrestler, especially for a female. Yeah, she may not be something you want to drool over when he hit the TV, but, she's above average, and a good wrestler. I wouldn't mind seeing her in the men's division sometime.

Cena - He's already a lock. If he didn't, some Cena-freak out there would pop a blood vessel if he didn't.
HHH - A good wrestler, the greatest heel of his time, and an easy fan favorite. VKM's son-in-law. Auto-lock.
Undertaker - I think he could get in with his two matches with HBK. Those are the most astounding matches I've seen. Auto-lock.
HBK - Same for the Undertaker, even if he didn't have the achievements to do it, HHH would push for him to get in. Another Auto-Lock
Orton - I think if he retired right now, he could be a HoFer in the future, but as a filler. If he has another 3 to 5 stong years, I can see him headlining a HoF class.
Glenn Jacobs (Kane) - If he doesn't get in, I would extremely sad. He has the titles, but, he's just never made it big. Kids don't seem to like the "monster" that Kane is... Now he's lucky to be seen jobbing. He'll probably be a filler in a class.
Big Show - Easy filler. He's been in the company for YEARS.
Batista - I don't like the man, but, a possible filler, or, because he'll whine enough, he may get a co-headliner of a class.

Matt Hardy - Well, I think he's going to have to pay for his brother's mistakes... The drugs, moving to TNA, and now his additude towards the WWE. I think it's more likely that "The Hardy Boyz" enter as a filler then Matt and/or Jeff as a singles competitor.
Is Batista worthy? Interesting question but I think an obvious answer. Yes. Batista has doen it all. He's been a multiple time world champion, been involved in soem entertaining fueds, some entertaining matches and been part of the most dominant force in wrestling (at the time), Evolution. He's certenley got the trophies if you will and he's done well with his career. I say he'll get in based on his merits and deservedly so.
Yes and no. He has certainly had many accolades in his career, and was very over as face and heel, but I wouldn't say he's "worthy". Ideally, the Hall of Fame is for people who really carried the WWE on their backs, were notable in other promotions, or were involved in something big, such as Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Antonio Inoki, even John Cena.
Batista is nothing more than another big main eventer. He was never anything special, though he was entertaining. He was never THE top draw. He mostly played second fiddle to Cena. He was never involved in major controversies. He may have been over, but he has made NO lasting impact on the business. As soon as he is gone, he will be forgotten.

He will certainly get inducted one day, but I don't believe he's "worthy".
Erh.. what!?!?

Khali? are you absolutely insane saying Khali will be inducted into the WWE hall of Fame? he held 1 title, 1 single title, and that reign was absolutely bullshit, he's overrated and the only good thing he has with the crowd is that people seem to like his entrance music (at least it seems so, could just be small kids and drunks dancing around when you get a shot at some guy dancing to the theme)

Shelton Benjamin? absolutely not, I have my sincere doubts to Shelton ever getting inducted into the hall of fame, in my eyes he hasn't done enough to deserve it, sure he was a great athlete, but that's about where it stops, he's held a few titles too sure, but none of them were particularly memorable if you ask me.

And as it looks right now, I don't see Ziggler just yet doing anything worthwhile to make him hall of fame inducted, Morrison is the only one of the "young guys" that could have potential getting inducted from what he's accomplished already, rest of the young guys I'd say it's too early to judge.

But otherwise sure I'll agree with you, might disagree a tiny bit with Matt Hardy but could happen.

Ferb, man, you're replying without thinking first.

I didn't say I particularly WANT Khali, Shelton or even Matt Hardy in the Hall of Fame, I said I think they will be inducted, because every year they need fillers, if nothing else. Koko B. Ware, The Wild Samoans, you know, you get inducted into the Hall of Fame because the McMahons say so, not because you've achieved anything particular.

Consider that of today's wrestlers, Santino, Chavo Guerrero, Hornswoggle and Mark Henry might get inducted just as well as Cena, HHH and Undertaker. We can't tell for sure, because we don't know what the criteria for being inducted are.

I just tried to think outside the box a bit ;)

And why would Beth Phoenix be inducted in the Hall of Fame? Because the WWE wants nothing at all do with Joanie Laurer after she went into porn (that's Chyna, btw) and Beth is the only female to participate in the Royal Rumble according to the WWE revisionist history books.
I don't know why, but you mentioned earlier guys like Ric Flair, Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan, there's just something that comes off to me like you're slowly implying that some of the guys that wasn't even at Ric or Austins level shouldn't even be in there, cause you're saying that Koko couldn't be in there with one like Guerrero for example.

I'm not sure I fully understand what your saying here, but I'm not implying anything. What I'm saying is rather simple. There should be a standard for people being inducted into the Hall Of Fame. Does Batista meet that standard?Certaintly more than alot of other guys who are on the hall of fame, but not by what should be expected of a Hall Of Fame. Keep in ming that I'm going by my standards, which are that the best of the best should be inducted. Not guys that were O.K., but guys that were without a question the cream of the crop. Everybody I have used to compare Koko and the celebrities ( by the way, I'm just as upset about Tyler Perry and Bob Uecker as Pete Rose) are guys that I felt deseved their spot in the Hall Of Fame. Nobody can say that Flair doesn't deseve the induction, or that Eddie doesn't deserve an induction.These guys are the absolute best, I just don't see Koko B Ware being worthy to be in such company as those guys.
Ferb, man, you're replying without thinking first.

I didn't say I particularly WANT Khali, Shelton or even Matt Hardy in the Hall of Fame, I said I think they will be inducted, because every year they need fillers, if nothing else. Koko B. Ware, The Wild Samoans, you know, you get inducted into the Hall of Fame because the McMahons say so, not because you've achieved anything particular.

I always reply while thinking, I've tried hard, never seemed to be able to shot off my brain when I'm writing something, other times it's actually rather easy for me....

Khali, Shelton and to an extend Matt Hardy doesn't even deserve to be inducted as fillers, I wouldn't say Matt is a "no no" to being inducted although cause he's certainly accomplished a lot, and has been a part of innovating TLC's, Ladder matches and I would even go as far as to say tag team wrestling in general.

I wouldn't say Matt Hardy isn't worth a hall of fame induction to be honest, cause while he's a definite jobber as of late, he's still accomplished what I would consider Hall of Fame worthy things if you ask me.

But Khali and Shelton if you ask me isn't worth a filler spot to say the least, okay you might say Shelton could potentially be considered a filler, but Khali not for the love of god if he even was the son of Vince McMahon would I consider him a worthwhile WWE Hall of Fame inductee.
I'm not sure I fully understand what your saying here, but I'm not implying anything.

I'm not saying you're implying anything, as I said, don't know why but it just came off to me like you're saying that because Koko isn't worth being in the same hall of fame as Eddie Guerrero, that someone less important but still important enough to be in the hall of fame wouldn't be worthy of being in the hall of fame next to Stone Cold for example.

What I'm saying is rather simple. There should be a standard for people being inducted into the Hall Of Fame. Does Batista meet that standard?Certaintly more than alot of other guys who are on the hall of fame, but not by what should be expected of a Hall Of Fame. Keep in ming that I'm going by my standards, which are that the best of the best should be inducted. Not guys that were O.K., but guys that were without a question the cream of the crop. Everybody I have used to compare Koko and the celebrities ( by the way, I'm just as upset about Tyler Perry and Bob Uecker as Pete Rose) are guys that I felt deseved their spot in the Hall Of Fame. Nobody can say that Flair doesn't deseve the induction, or that Eddie doesn't deserve an induction.These guys are the absolute best, I just don't see Koko B Ware being worthy to be in such company as those guys.

If you ask me I think anybody with a worthwhile career who has left a memorable impression, entertained the crowd enough to be remembered, and in the same time done enough in the ring to earn their right as a proper wrestler should therefore be considered hall of fame worthy, sure Koko didn't win the amount of titles of Ric Flair, Roddy Piper or even John Cena (who will be in there definitely) but he did win titles, he did put on stuff worth remembering him for, and that's why I don't see the big problem with him being in there.
If it is true that he is retiring from TV appearances, Then we are forgetting the man who will definitely be in the HOF. Vince himself, and not just to feed his own ego, look at his accomplishments, making WWE a large corporation, Wrestling PPVs, and multiple other things he has done. Even if it is posthumous.

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