Which deceased legend deserves to be in this years WWE hall of fame the most?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The WWE has a policy with the WWE hall of fame on only one deceased wrestling legend being inducted each year. Like in 2010 for example. When there was talk about inducting the late "Dr. Death" Steve Williams into the WWE hall of fame that year. But instead inducted the late Stu Hart, the head of the legendary Hart family. And this year there is talk on inducting the late Paul Bearer into the WWE hall of fame. Paul Bearer was a great manager in his day.

But in your own opinion. Which deceased legend deserves to be in this years WWE hall of fame the most? Let's take a look at some names shall we?...

-"Macho Man" Randy Savage
-Owen Hart
-"Ravishing" Rick Rude
-"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
-Brian Pillman

98 percent of wrestling fans from around the world feel that the Macho Man Randy Savage is long over due to be inducted into the WWE hall of fame, dead or alive. But also wrestling fans have been demanding for years that Owen Hart gets a spot in the WWE hall of fame along side his legendary brother Bret and father Stu. And now that the lawsuit is now over between Owen's widow Martha and the WWE. It is now safe to induct Owen Hart into the WWE hall of fame.

But at the end of the day, it's the WWE's call. in your own opinion. Which deceased legend deserves to be in this years WWE hall of fame the most?
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

Anyway to answer your question, has to be Randy Savage. He's one of the most entertaining characters that I watched growing up. He's held multiple championships and has put on some of the most enjoyable matches at Wrestlemania.
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

Anyway to answer your question, has to be Randy Savage. He's one of the most entertaining characters that I watched growing up. He's held multiple championships and has put on some of the most enjoyable matches at Wrestlemania.

It is pretty simple. He came from one of the most famous families in Wrestling history, he died in the call of duty and who knows what he would have achieved if his premature death didn't happen.

He did WWE 10 years service which is a good ol term, he won Tag Titles, IC Titles and other smaller titles. Plus he was the King Of The King. He also had some 5 star matches which we all fondly remember.

Owen Hart is a must for the HOF in my opinion and he is more worthy than a lot who are already in there.
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

Anyway to answer your question, has to be Randy Savage. He's one of the most entertaining characters that I watched growing up. He's held multiple championships and has put on some of the most enjoyable matches at Wrestlemania.

I'm not gonna rip you apart man cause I can see why you would ask that...but in reality looking past what happened concerning his death Owen gave so much to WWE ...Certainly not as celebrated as Bret was at the time but he worked just as hard as anybody out there.

Owen was a lockeroom leader (as well as a prankster) and helped superstars such as The Rock, Edge, Yokozuna and many more polish there craft and really become the stars they eventually became.

It's hard to find any negitive things to say about Owen...hell even when WWE basically took a diaria shit all over his family he toughed it out and stuck in his contract with WWE up to his untimely death....I guess if I had to pick one negitive thing it be the way he handled the Steve Austin situation when he snapped Steve's neck...it's been said that he never bothered to check on him or even apologise for what happened because in his mind it was Steve's fault.

I personally feel Owen should be in the hall of fame and of course be inducted by Bret and I hope his children and wife are there also.
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

"Enough is enough! And it's time for a change!" - Your right you will get destroyed!
The lawsuit has been settled and Bret has said in previous interviews that now Owen should be in the Hall Of Fame. After everything that happened on that unfortunate night at Over The Edge 1999, WWE as a company should induct one of the greatest wrestlers that has ever stepped foot in the squared circle. A massive friend to all of the WW(F) superstars aswell at the time. When looking back at Raw Is Owen it just shows how much he was loved.
A two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion, one-time WWF European Champion and four-time WWF World Tag Team Champion. He was also the winner of the 1994 WWF King of the Ring, do i need to say anymore?

In my opinion these other Superstars that should be in the hall of fame are:
British Bulldog 'Davie Smith'
I think everyone agrees with Macho Man and....
Brian Pillman - left us way too soon, but his untimely death shouldn't overshadow what he did in shortened career
I would say Randy Savage but he deserves to headline his own Hall of Fame, It looks like Warrior is headlining this one, Savage should go in next year. Owen Hart should get inducted this year, if they can.
On achievment, Davey Boy wins, he held more titles, made more of a lasting contribution and was basically a main eventer aged 15 in the UK... That's before Summerslam which is his ticket in.

On impact, Pillman... Without him opening the door, no Attitude era, no WWF today. It's that simple.

I'd go with Davey as they can always put Harry in there to induct him... it's not so much a "downer", or as a compromise the Owen/Davey team could go in as that was the best team of it's era (Outlaws, forget it).
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

Several people have given good answers to this already, but I'd like to weigh in as well.

Owen Hart was basically Eddie Guerrero. He came from a family of wrestling greats, and was born with a natural talent that is far more rare than people realize. Look at the great wrestlers of today - CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, etc. They worked VERY hard to be as good as they were. But to guys like Owen Hart, sure he worked hard to become who he was, but wrestling was in his blood. Owen had a great career before his premature death, and I believe that in another few years, his skills would have even surpassed Bret's. At the time of his death, Owen was nearly as good a technical wrestler as Bret (and this is the area I feel that he would have eventually surpassed Bret in), and was already far ahead of Bret in terms of charisma, cutting promos, and the ability to connect with fans. If he hadn't died, there's no telling how great his career would have become.
I can't remember a time a deceased legend has headlined a WWE Hall of Fame event exceptffor Andre the Giant at the first one. I think they prefer the headliner to actually be there. That being said, I think it's time for Owen to be inducted. His brother Bret should to the honors. I love hearing stories from Bret about the jokes Owen would pull on other wrestlers and it would be a very entertaining induction.
Deceased I want to say Savage but he's still being held up so Luna Vachon for one. John Tenta would be another, Paul Bearer, Hercules, Dino Bravo, Owen Hart, Tugboat, um I think that covers the ones who did anything significant that are dead in the wwe era, I'd really have to think about this more.
Definitely Macho Man, in my opinion. I'm 25 so his prime was really a little bit before my time, but he was clearly one of the most talented guys and biggest stars in the 80's and early 90's (maybe even second to Hogan?) He was also involved in some of the biggest angles in Wrestling History, from the storyline with Hogan and Miss Elizabeth to the NWO Angle (both against them and with them.) The only thing holding this back from happening is politics, but WWE is clearly mending bridges with past legends (such as Bruno Sammartino) so maybe this year it could happen?
Savage, for sure. Had Owen not been Bret Hart's brother, I don't know that we ever would be considering him in this group. He had a decent career, but Owen is more famous for dying than anything he did in the ring.

Sometimes, you'd swear that only good people die, since after they do, only nice things are said about them.

Randy Savage, nice guy or not, put in the body of work that has long since qualified him for entry to HOF.

It's time.
From a personal standpoint, I'd like to see a Antonio Inoki / Mil Máscaras / Stu Hart style induction for Mick McManus (a case could also be made for Jackie Pallo, Shirley 'Big Daddy' Crawtree or Martin 'Giant Haystacks' Ruane) for his stature in British Wrestling. In 1963 over 20 million out of a population of 46 million watched this man take on Jackie Pallo. To put that in perspective, the most watched bout in American wrestling history was 33 million tuning in to see Andre's rematch with Hogan... the US population? 244 million.

WWe makes a lot of money from the United Kingdom and Ireland - it'd be nice to see them recognize a true great from these islands.
of course of all of the deceased people, Randy Savage is heads and shoulders the most deserving and the HOF is not really complete without Randy Savage being in a WWE Hall of Fame.
Of course there is an argument for Paul Bearer, Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart and Rick Rude to be inducted down the track, and most years they indeed induct 1 posthimously (2004 induction of JYD and Big John Studd the esception) and as time goes on, more deserving people are going to pass away before their induction occurs.
For those on the Owen Hart bandwagon, sure he deserves to be inducted when KoKo B Ware is in there, I also feel Big Bossman and Hercules had solid WWE runs as well as their careers in other promotions. Steve Mobardi also deserves induction due to his 30+ year career with the "E", his many gimmicks, his ability to get talent over in their early WWE days. There are so many angles people can take for HOF recognition, but Rabndy Savage, dead or alive, MUST be in the WWE HOF asap.
Deceased I want to say Savage but he's still being held up so Luna Vachon for one. John Tenta would be another, Paul Bearer, Hercules, Dino Bravo, Owen Hart, Tugboat, um I think that covers the ones who did anything significant that are dead in the wwe era, I'd really have to think about this more.

Tugboat's not dead, long live Tugboat.
Randy Savage, obviously. Also, Rick Rude. And he's still alive, but Jake Roberts as well.

There are tons of guys who deserve to go in - Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws, Vader, Sid, Bam Bam, Lex Luger, Sting, Goldberg, DDP, etc.

But the foundation of the WWE is the WWF, that initial period when Vince took over for his father and built the promotion around Hogan. Hogan, along with all the other top starts from that era, Andre, DiBiase, Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, now the Warrior, they're all in the Hall of Fame. The other three top stars from that era, Savage, Rude, and Roberts, all need to be in as well just to get the foundation of the company in, in my opinion.

Then they can focus on New Generation era, Attitude era, WCW, ECW, and mid-card Hogan era wrestlers (like Beefcake, Duggan, Boss Man, Demolition, etc)
Believe it or not I think Randy Savage should definitely NOT be inducted this year. "Why?" You ask. Because Savage is big enough even in death to be the primary inductee. With the Ultimate Warrior being inducted this year, Savage should be saved for another year. Furthermore, HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN (the most likely person to induct Savage) is already coming back this year anyway. So if Savage's induction is pushed back a year it would give a reason to bring HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN back next year (in a non wrestling role to the delight of his haters) as well.

As far as who should be inducted, I personally want to see Lou Thez get inducted. But as far as what's best for business I would have to say Paul Bearer. His death is still fresh on everyone's mind and seeing as how the Undertaker is still competing (albeit once a year) he is still relevant.
I'm probably going to get destroyed for this, but can someone explain to me why Owen Hart should be in the Hall of Fame?

You know what bro, you phrased that in a careful and respectful manner. I feel like commending you just for having manners in this age.

The WWE Hall of Fame isn't just an appreciation of the accomplishments of what one has contributed to the WWE. It's a chronicle of individuals and events that have helped shape what pro-wrestling is today, or at least that's what it has apparently become.

Owen Hart wasn't just an amazing performer in the WWE. He paid his dues elsewhere, and in my humble opinion his matches in every country he performed in were absolutely stellar.

He performed as The Blue Blazer in Mexico to sold out crowds taking on legendary opponents like Canek and Mil Mascaras. He was another face in the crowd of performers when he teamed with Koko B. Ware, but if you look at his old matches he had the spirit of a true entertainer.

I believe that he deserves to be recognized for being a long-time devoted member of the exclusive group of men who proved their mettle and were allowed to entertain us. That's why I think he should be in the Hall of Fame anyway, I realize I don't write the criteria for getting in.
I'm just going to throw a name out here, and please be cordial if you disagree with his being inducted.

Bruiser Brody.

Bruiser Brody was pro-wrestling when he performed, he epitomized it. Frank Goodish was a well read, well spoken and extremely sensitive person in real life. When he put on the furry boots, tights and wrist guards, he became Bruiser Brody. When Bruiser Brody crashed his way to the ring, the audience was a mixed of terrified and intensely excited by his arrival.

In my opinion, Bruiser Brody made pro-wrestling into what it is today. He didn't just side with a specific territory and tie himself to their world title, he ran through every territory there was and left nothing but mayhem and chaos in his wake. Pro-wrestling was just finding itself as a way for certain performers to play out fantasies of being a fairy tale spectacle. Bruiser Brody was the big bad wolf of pro-wrestling, he was the villain that you loved to hate. He would crash through AWA and fire up a young Greg Gagne, he would destroy his opponents in Japan and have the Japanese fans screaming as though Godzilla itself had come stomping through, he would pulverize his opponents until a hero face would be called upon to banish him. He even took on the likes of Abdullah the Butcher, in classic matches that would destroy the entire arena with their fury. He took on Ric Flair in a match that truly legitimized Flair's claim of being "The Man". He fought Bruno Sammartino in his prime and lost in one of his rare pinfall losses, but not without Bruno admitting that he was going places.

Bruiser Brody deserves to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, mark my words.
Macho man definitely deserves 2 go 1st as yo whole list deserve 2 b n hof. Interesting tho about inducting Owen/davey tagteam cuz they were way better than outlaws.

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