Who is the biggest name in or going into the WWE hall of fame?

CM Steel

A REAL American
A few years ago when Triple H inducted his friend the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair into the WWE hall of fame. He said to the WWE crowd that Ric Flair deserves his own wing in the WWE hall of fame. Since then Ric Flair is a two-time (two time) WWE hall of famer being also inducted with the four horsemen. The first in WWE hall of fame history! With wrestling legend Bruno Sammartino being inducted into the WWE hall of fame this year of 2013. The crop of wrestling icons elite keep on stacking up in the WWE hall of fame each year, like Hogan, Flair, B. Hart, Rhodes. But wrestling fans never thought that they would ever see Bruno Sammartino and the WWE on the same page ever again, ti'l now.

So in your honest opinion. Who is the biggest name in or going into the WWE hall of fame? And for the 10,978 time, will we ever see the late great Macho Man Randy Savage inducted in the WWE hall of fame???
Out of everyone in the Hall of Fame, my honest opinion is I cannot choose the one that sticks out the most. With names like "Classy" Freddie Blassie, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, André the Giant, Bret Hart, HBK & Drew Carry who could pick just one. But if I had a gun to my head I'd have to go with Stone Cold Steve Austin. The one man that made a loyal wCw fan switch to the WWF(E).

Here is where some people may start to hate me...

But when I watch Sammartino wrestle I cannot see the appeal of pro wrestling & cannot believe it survived the era. I wouldn't have watched it back then if you paid me. I personally think wrestling became a lot more entertaining after the entire world knew it wasn't real. Therefor out of the 2013 class (For Me) it's narrowed down to Mick Foley & Trish Stratus. Mick Foley deserves all the credit in the world but I have to go with the greatest diva to ever live. You can make the argument that Mick Foley wasn't the greatest at anything in his time with the WWE but who can deny the all around entertainment & wrestling value of Trish? I loved her & when I think of the Attitude Era she comes to mind very soon after I think of Austin, Rock, Taker & Trips. So yes, you can hate me now.
But when I watch Sammartino wrestle I cannot see the appeal of pro wrestling & cannot believe it survived the era. I wouldn't have watched it back then if you paid me. I personally think wrestling became a lot more entertaining after the entire world knew it wasn't real. Therefor out of the 2013 class (For Me) it's narrowed down to Mick Foley & Trish Stratus. Mick Foley deserves all the credit in the world but I have to go with the greatest diva to ever live. You can make the argument that Mick Foley wasn't the greatest at anything in his time with the WWE but who can deny the all around entertainment & wrestling value of Trish? I loved her & when I think of the Attitude Era she comes to mind very soon after I think of Austin, Rock, Taker & Trips. So yes, you can hate me now.

But that's like saying Citizen Kane doesn't deserve to be considered the greatest film ever because there are those who do not have the patience to sit through a classic black and white movie. Sure there's always going to be personal preference due to the bias of era but eras come and go and what stays is the significance or impact something has in our industry.

Citizen Kane was a technically innovative and probably told one of the greatest modern tragedies in films. Just like Sammatino's drawing ability and years he held the title is a significant point in the history of pro-wrestling.
Hands down without a shadow of a doubt the biggest name in the WWE HOF is Hulk Hogan. NOBODY comes close. He's the most popular wrestler of all time and is really the only one that is a household name in the homes of people aren't even wrestling fans. You can say what you want about backstage politics, crappy wrestling ability, or just being a dickhole, but Hogan is the reason wrestling is as popular as it is today.

But when I watch Sammartino wrestle I cannot see the appeal of pro wrestling & cannot believe it survived the era. I wouldn't have watched it back then if you paid me.

Just because it was different doesn't make it worse. Everything evolves. Just because you're used to a lot more fast paced and edgy stuff of today, if you didn't know how it is now then you would think of it as great. Watch any old sports game. NBA? they did granny shot free throws. NFL? Lol what's a foreword pass? MLB? ...Well ok, Baseball was actually better. But the rest is boring out of context. Comparing 60s wrestling to right now is an anachronism.
But that's like saying Citizen Kane doesn't deserve to be considered the greatest film ever because there are those who do not have the patience to sit through a classic black and white movie. Sure there's always going to be personal preference due to the bias of era but eras come and go and what stays is the significance or impact something has in our industry.

Citizen Kane was a technically innovative and probably told one of the greatest modern tragedies in films. Just like Sammatino's drawing ability and years he held the title is a significant point in the history of pro-wrestling.

I never said it wasn't a significant point in the evolution of wrestling & I should have put in there that I am well aware of my bias opinion because I lived through the edgy attitude era & to go back to the basics so to speak watered it down. I do get that & I respect anyone who is a game changer no matter the genre. My best guess though is I wouldn't have been into wrestling at all at that point. And from that best guess I cannot pick Sammatino.

Also I have never watched wrestling on Raw, Nitro or whatever because of the wrestling aspect. I've always watched it because of the storytelling. I would place bets that if old wrestling videos were released & I knew / related to the feud then Sammatinos matches would appeal to me a lot more. Problem is when I go back it's just the match. Which is storytelling but still, without build.
Hands down without a shadow of a doubt the biggest name in the WWE HOF is Hulk Hogan. NOBODY comes close. He's the most popular wrestler of all time and is really the only one that is a household name in the homes of people aren't even wrestling fans. You can say what you want about backstage politics, crappy wrestling ability, or just being a dickhole, but Hogan is the reason wrestling is as popular as it is today.

Just because it was different doesn't make it worse. Everything evolves. Just because you're used to a lot more fast paced and edgy stuff of today, if you didn't know how it is now then you would think of it as great. Watch any old sports game. NBA? they did granny shot free throws. NFL? Lol what's a foreword pass? MLB? ...Well ok, Baseball was actually better. But the rest is boring out of context. Comparing 60s wrestling to right now is an anachronism.

I respect that you even know the word anachronism & is ironic because my girlfriend & I were just talking about it. And yes just because it was different doesn't make it better but it also could mean exactly that. You cannot convince me that the NFL would have survived without the forward pass because it made the sport better. The reason why people liked Sammatino is because they didn't know the likes of Austin or Hogan yet. Once they figured out what wrestling could be the industry changed. & dare I say it, for the better.
Merkin353 said:
I respect that you even know the word anachronism & is ironic because my girlfriend & I were just talking about it.
Kudos for finding a woman who's into both you and wrestling.

I'm glad Bruno finally gave in, but do the casual fans know who he is? I only heard about him 2 years ago on this very forum.

I would like to think that a feminist wouldn't want to be called the best in the 2013 class, *because* she's a woman. She was very good, yes, but she didn't exactly have competition.

So I'm giving it to Mick Foley. I think he was a good worker, despite of his build. He played four (three and a half?) engaging characters and he was just as beneficial to the Attitude Era as Stone Cold and Rocky.
I think the biggest name going in is unquestionably Bruno Sammartino. I still think he's an old fool for depriving us of his presence in WWE for so long.....and I have the suspicion he's only agreed because the company has offered him an amount of money he finally couldn't refuse (Ted DiBiase's old slogan comes to mind)....but as far as who cast the largest shadow over professional wrestling, I say Bruno.

The folks who say Hulk Hogan have a great argument, of course. The problem is that it's impossible to gauge each man's effectiveness when you consider the uneven playing field they occupied. Hogan worked for a company that had gone global, having the resources and the miracle of the Internet to do just that. They were far more interested in merchandising wrestling; a concept not even conceived of during the 60's and 70's. In Hogan, WWE had a larger than life personality whose face they could slap on kid's lunchboxes and feature in video presentations, He was terrific, but the machine behind him is what made him a household name (despite what he may think).

Bruno had none of that; it hadn't even been thought of back then. All he did was grind-it-out wrestling, defending his title at Madison Square Garden once a month and selling out the 19,000 seat Felt Forum every-damn-time. No pay-per-view, no mainstream exposure, no U.S.-wide or international presence. Just wrestling. Years and years of it.

Pro wrestling was regional in scope back then, and Bruno owned his segment of it. Little old grandmothers in Brooklyn who had never seen a wrestling match still knew who Bruno Sammartino was. I sometimes wonder what Bruno could have been if the resources available to Hogan were there for him, but it's like comparing apples and oranges because the times and environment were so different. Bruno could never be the cartoon character Hogan was, so he would have been marketed differently by today's standards.

But I think the body of work done by Bruno gave him a larger overall impact than Hulk Hogan. Just because a performer functioned in a time before our ability to remember it doesn't mean what he/she did wasn't significant. I say Bruno Sammartino's name will be the biggest one in the WWE Hall of Fame......and deservedly so.

Even if he is a stubborn old fart.
You're all wrong (sorry Sally). The biggest name in the HOF is Mike Tyson. He was a global phenomenon as a boxer. Some consider that he was unstoppable in his prime. His fights were huge money making successes. His name continued to stay relevant for many years after his prime with his Tyson Zone actions. Each one more shocking than the next. Now he is still in the public eye as more of a lovable misunderstood semi-reformed monster. He shows up in popular movies (Hangover) and TV (HIMYM) as himself.

I know he's not a wrestler but he is in the Hall and he is the biggest name.
Tyson is big but not a WWF star, his being in there is a "technicality" - had he had one proper match then yes, he'd be the biggest name but the "Celebrity Wing" is a bit of a joke really.

It will come down to who you percieve as the best - Andre is up there as the HOF was created for him, Gorilla Monsoon is also a massive name in there - if you asked a WWE guy they'd probably answer him.

I think The Undertaker will be the biggest wrestler name to go in there, whenever he does as his career will have spanned a massive length of time in the WWE, without break and the streak itself would make him the most successful of the modern era.

Otherwise you're comparing apples and oranges - Bruno had the title longest, but his WWWF was different to Bob Backlunds, which was different to Hogan's and Austin's.

Savage will go in when Lanny realises he isn't getting his father's name in there by holding Randy's legacy hostage. If Bruno can go in then I think Lanny will probably do business next year for Randy.

But the biggest name that will ever go into the HOF will be Vince McMahon, whenever it happens (I am thinking next year for WM30 will be his "retirement") he immediately becomes bigger than anyone in the HOF. He created the stage that many of the HOF talents thrived in, wrestled to a much higher standard than anyone expected and self-booked or not did succeed in big matches and take part in massively memorable feuds across all WWE events. Personally I hope they induct Shane at the same time as he deserves a lot of credit for the Attitude era's success as he pioneered a lot of the web based content and was a crucial in-ring component of it.
The biggest name in the WWE HOF right now is Hogan. Once The Rock goes in it will be him. Johnson is more known now than Hogan is.

But this question depends on which specific group of people we are talking about. Just wrestling fans? Hardcore and casual? Wrestling and non wrestling fans?

As far as Savage goes I think if Poffo drops the ridiculous demand of the whole family being inducted than yes Savage will be inducted. If not, no. I don't feel the whole family deserves to be in the HOF.
I reckon Hogan, Flair and SCSA,simply for the impact they had on the different era's in wrestling and the fans they drew to the business. Another person, who may not be a wrestler,but was defining all the same is good ol' JR. He's one the reasons I watched wrestling, up until his retirement I watched week in week out. I went off when he retired but I'm slowly getting back into being a weekly viewer. His commentary was just amazing. I honestly think he is truly missed on WWE these days.
It all depends:

Austin for his impact in the biggest boom period is truly the biggest name in there.

In terms of 'builders' it goes to Hogan as he was the face of wrestling for a long time and at the time when wrestling went from territories to national. The problem is that Hogan has bastardized his name so daly he's killed his cred.

The next 'biggest' to go in will be Rock. The crossover appeal and overall world awareness is second to none. The year they induct Rock is the year they build an actual hall.

The single biggest name isn't in and won't be for a long time: VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON.
I also have to say Bruno Sammartino! I am still pissed that he waited this long to finally accept. Bruno is headstrong and very stubborn,but Trips got him in the HOF when vinnie mac couldnt do it to save his life,so credit to Trips for that.

When your talking about Bruno your talking about a combined 4000 plus day reign as champion! Thats what 11 years! That in itself is insane. I get a lot of people say Hogan,no doubt Hogan is a close close second but when your talking about the HOF,anyone who knows wrestling thinks Bruno automatically.

Did Bruno do a money grab possibly high six figures? Yah probably,but he deserves it! My mom knows zero about wrestling but says she saw Bruno and Bruno was my dads favorite wrestler. If your a historian of the sport,Bruno is no1 sorry no one else can compare.
I was actually thinking about this very topic right after I found out Bruno was going in. The question I had to ask myself was "who did the hall of fame NEED more?" In my mind the top 4 would be austin, hogan, flair, bruno. The thing that I always stick to is that this is a WWE hall of fame, not necessarily a Wrestling hall of fame. While I would never argue that Flair deserves his own wing if the actual hall of fame was ever built, the fact is he was a bigger part of NWA/WCW than WWE. His "impact" on WWE was not THAT big in all honesty. That brings it down to Austin, Hogan, Bruno. Of those 3 the WWE Hall of Fame NEEDS Bruno more than the other 2. Bruno's earlier reigns are the biggest reason while there is even a WWE anymore. His induction legitimizes the Hall of Fame and is a big step in making it the overall WRESTLING hall of fame.
For me - the biggest name in the HOF now is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Hogan a very very close second. Austin is top because he made more over a shorter period of time than hogan did in any 4 years of his career. But Hogan has tarnished his reputation with some really silly comments in interviews - and his work in TNA is depriving new comers to the industry.

The biggest name not in the HOF is The Undertaker. No doubt. The Rock is a bigger star and a household name, but in terms of what each has accomplished IN wrestling - Taker has been in the WWE for 23 years as a competitor. Rock left for 7 long years (not knocking that - it was good for WWE in what he achieved during that time) but Taker was going full on for at least 18 of those years if not more. He is the phenom for a reason!

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