Why isn't Bob Backlund in the Hall Of Fame

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Tell me this wrestling fans WWE has put in a few questionible choices in the Hall Of Fame over the years such as "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero (who wouldn't be inducted if he hadn't died) but would have been inducted in say 10 or 15 years no doubt . , Koko B. Ware is being inducted this year Koko
f&%#in B. Ware is in the Hall Of Fame never held a title in WWE but he's in the Hall Of Fame tell me how that makes any since at all Pete Rose is another Hall Of Fame F**K up because he got his A$$ kicked by Kane at bac k to back Wrestemaina's he gets into the Hall Of Fame ?? William Perry is in the Hallo Of Fame because he wreslted at WrestleMania 2 in a battle royal and didn't even win the Damn thing . But a 2 time WWE Champion like Bob Bachlund isn't in the Hall Of Fame .. Please explain why this is ?? ..........:banghead::banghead:

That's my Take I welcome yours
I'm with you on this topic I guess the most logical answer would be it's Vince's decision whom to induct and not induct. I agree with you that the KoKo induction makes no sense whatsoever but maybe he was a big kiss ass to Vince back in the old days. As for celebrities being inducted I think Vince wants the media attention to draw more fams to WWE. I also think Eddie would've made the HOF eventually if he was still alive. Here's whom I feel LEGITAMATELY deserves a spot in Vince's HOF:

Legion of Doom
Arn Anderson
Von Erich Family
Owen Hart
Rick Rude
British Bulldogs
Bob Backlund
Honky Tonk Man
The Rock (I hate to admit it)
Randy Savage (with he new dvd release maybe he and Vince are on good terms)
Ultimate Warrior (although highly unlikely)
Completely with you 100% on not understanding why Backlund isn't in the HOF, given that he had a late-career resurgence and had another World Title run. If not for the loss to the Iron Sheik, the way would've never been paved for Hulkamania. As for Koko B. Ware, in the late 70s and early 80s he was big in Memphis and the old NWA territories, holding multiple titles and I'm guessing Vince now holds the rights to represent those territories much like he does now with the WCW title belt....don't know if that makes any sense to anybody else but its the best reasoning I could come up with.
Both Bob Backlund and Bruno Samartino were offered the HOF and both turned it down. I forget their reasoning but both are against the HOF for whatever reason. I've read recently however that the WWE and Bruno have talked things out and he will be joining possibly next year. Both of them should definitely be in it.
Here's whom I feel LEGITAMATELY deserves a spot in Vince's HOF:

Legion of Doom
Arn Anderson
Von Erich Family
Owen Hart
Rick Rude
British Bulldogs
Bob Backlund
Honky Tonk Man
The Rock (I hate to admit it)
Randy Savage (with he new dvd release maybe he and Vince are on good terms)
Ultimate Warrior (although highly unlikely)

Great list, I agree with every single one of them. I think it's a travesty that Savage isn't in there already. I'd also like to throw the Road Warriors on that list!
The REASON why Bob Backlund is not in the HOF is becuase he REFUSED entry into whenb he was asked. On one of the Legends of Roundtable on WWE 24/7 (i forget which one) Jim Ross stated that Backlund was asked to go in to HOF about 2-3 years ago but he refused becuase he still belives he has one last run in him. Apparently Backlund keeps himself in amazing shape fo his age.
Great list, I agree with every single one of them. I think it's a travesty that Savage isn't in there already. I'd also like to throw the Road Warriors on that list!

No need to throw them in the Road Warriors and the Legion of Doom are the same tag team.

The WWE hall of fame to me isn't a true hall of fame as not being on vince's shitlist has higher merit then what you accomplished in the ring. To me the wrestling observer hall of fam means more because you are awarded for what you do in the ring.
Don't diss the birdman, hehe he was a decent performer and one of the more recognizable wrestlers of the superstars era. And he was big in some territories back in the day like someone said before. Though there are some bigger midcarders and main eventers they could have put in this year like Rick Martel, Jake Roberts, Dynamite Kid, Rick Rude, Davey Boy Smith, HTM, etc.. Many of these legends like Backlund and Sammartino, Warrior are not in because they either have problems with vince or vice versa. Hopefully someone like Macho man might get in secretly this year but i doubt it might overshadow Austin as he has a dvd coming out from wwe. Maybe next year. I think Von Erichs might get in this year as there was a rumour floating around.
I agree the induction of KoKo B. Ware makes no sense and even more confusing he is going to be inducted by the Honky Tonk Man? How does that work. HTM greatest I-C champ of all time, KoKo famous for the bird frankie and doing the bird dance. Was KoKo even in any big storylines??
The only people who go into the Hall of Fame are the ones who are on good terms with the WWE. It's not the person who is deserving. It's the person who deserves it and has WWE ties.

Randy Savage will not be in it cause Vince and everyone else hates his guts. Savage has buried the WWE, Vince, Triple H, Stephanie and others in the company. Not to mention some story about Savage having sex with Steph when she was 14 (rumor). The Hall of Fame is a complete work. It's not serious and they just do it to make each other feel good like they're respecting the business. I learned that when I seen Ric Flair's whole speech last year.
Tell me this wrestling fans WWE has put in a few questionible choices in the Hall Of Fame over the years such as "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero (who wouldn't be inducted if he hadn't died) but would have been inducted in say 10 or 15 years no doubt . , Koko B. Ware is being inducted this year Koko
f&%#in B. Ware is in the Hall Of Fame never held a title in WWE but he's in the Hall Of Fame tell me how that makes any since at all Pete Rose is another Hall Of Fame F**K up because he got his A$$ kicked by Kane at bac k to back Wrestemaina's he gets into the Hall Of Fame ?? William Perry is in the Hallo Of Fame because he wreslted at WrestleMania 2 in a battle royal and didn't even win the Damn thing . But a 2 time WWE Champion like Bob Bachlund isn't in the Hall Of Fame .. Please explain why this is ?? ..........:banghead::banghead:

That's my Take I welcome yours


If not winning a title in the WWE is the reason not to put Koko B. Ware in, then Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who is in the Hall-Of-Fame, can't be in either, as he never won a title in WWE (WWF at the time).
The only people who go into the Hall of Fame are the ones who are on good terms with the WWE. It's not the person who is deserving. It's the person who deserves it and has WWE ties.

Randy Savage will not be in it cause Vince and everyone else hates his guts. Savage has buried the WWE, Vince, Triple H, Stephanie and others in the company. Not to mention some story about Savage having sex with Steph when she was 14 (rumor). The Hall of Fame is a complete work. It's not serious and they just do it to make each other feel good like they're respecting the business. I learned that when I seen Ric Flair's whole speech last year.


Why? What did Flair say about it? I haven't heard his speech, so could you summarise what the jist of his comments were. Also, is his speech on Youtube, so I can see for myself?
Of course the Hall-Of-Fame is a work. I mean there are a few people who have contributed greatly to the wrestling business (not just WWE) who should be recognised, but never will be, because Vince has an issue or two with them. I will tell you some people who may NEVER be in, even though they should:-

(in no particular order)-

Mick Foley- Hardcore Legend. Three-time WWE Champion. Popular, well-liked in the business. Made Hardcore wrestling popular in the mainstream (to those who didn't watch ECW), and put his body on the line, night after night for the fans and the business. He won't be in because he left WWE on bad terms, blames Vince for his leaving, and jumped to the competiton (TNA). Unless he smooths things over, he won't be in.

Kurt Angle- Olympic Gold Medallist. Four time WWE Champion, WWE Intercontinental Champion, WWE European Champion. Considered by many as the greatest wrestler in the world today. Has slowed a bit, but few better in the ring. Won't be in because he jumped to TNA, and has criticized WWE for firing him.

The Rock- Six-Time WWE Champion. WWE IC and WWE World Tag-Team Champion. "The Most Electrifying Man In Sports-Entertainment". Cut some of the most entertaining promos ever. Won't be in because he left WWE to do films, and Vince's plans was for the Rock to only do films for "WWE Films". When he was a hit in "The Scorpion King", and other studios wanted to hire him to do their films, the Rock left, and Vince and a lot of the workers weren't pleased.

Sting- Multi-time WCW World Champion. Has made his name at the top of NWA/WCW and TNA. A popular and recognised superstar, who would be at the top of the WWE's wish-list if he was available. Won't be in because he has refused to ever wrestle in WWE, and "nobody turns down Vince".

Owen Hart- Unlike a lot of the others, Vince actually wants Owen in. But Owen's widow, who owns the rights to her husband's copyright, will never allow it, as she blames WWE for Owen's unfortunate death.

Eric Bischoff- Yes, Eric Bischoff. Sure, he contributed to WCW eventually folding (Metallica, Kiss, Million-Dollar Giveaway), but he changed the industry. He had the balls to take "Monday Night Raw" and made WCW legitimate competiton (for a while) with the formation of the "New World Order". Made "Nitro" must-see TV for 84 weeks. Forced Vince's hand to change what WWE was doing, which led to the "Attitude Era". Would never get in because that would be Vince admitting that WCW was a threat, which his ego can never admit.

Paul Heyman- Should be in as the "Granddaddy of ECW". Changed the industry like few others (aside from Vince McMahon). Was innovative, creative, and made Hardcore wrestling popular (which the other companies then stole). Also was responsible for making wrestling "real" with shoot storylines and recogninzing wrestler's past acievements, and the existence of other companies (WWE pretended for a long time that no other wrestling company ever existed).

Randy "Macho Man" Savage- 2 - Time WWF World Heavyweight Champion. WWE IC Champion. Won't be in because he has had disputes with WWE over many things (I don't buy the "sex with teen Stephanie" story).

The Ultimate Warrior- WWE World Heavyweight Champion, WWE 2-Time IC Champion. Won't be in because he has made many disparaging remarks about WWE.
The Rock- Six-Time WWE Champion. WWE IC and WWE World Tag-Team Champion. "The Most Electrifying Man In Sports-Entertainment". Cut some of the most entertaining promos ever. Won't be in because he left WWE to do films, and Vince's plans was for the Rock to only do films for "WWE Films". When he was a hit in "The Scorpion King", and other studios wanted to hire him to do their films, the Rock left, and Vince and a lot of the workers weren't pleased.

I disagree with this assessment. I believe that The Rock will someday take his place in the WWE HOF, but it wont be for many, many years in the future. This however has very little, if anything to do with Vince. The Rock has distanced himself completely from wrestling, to the point where he is no longer even referred to as The Rock, but Dwayne Johnson.

My feeling is that even IF Vince offered The Rock a slot in say next years WWE HOF, he would turn it down because he and his agents would feel it would be a dark cloud over his movie career and he would not do it.

Years down the road, when the Rock is done making profitable movies, it's my feeling that he may possibly make a return to wrestling much like the Hogan of today...but he will almost certainly be inducted into the HOF at that time.

Eric Bischoff- Yes, Eric Bischoff. Sure, he contributed to WCW eventually folding (Metallica, Kiss, Million-Dollar Giveaway), but he changed the industry. He had the balls to take "Monday Night Raw" and made WCW legitimate competiton (for a while) with the formation of the "New World Order". Made "Nitro" must-see TV for 84 weeks. Forced Vince's hand to change what WWE was doing, which led to the "Attitude Era". Would never get in because that would be Vince admitting that WCW was a threat, which his ego can never admit.

I'd say there is a 75% chance that Bischoff gets in. He and Vince are on good terms now I believe. I mean he was the GM of RAW for what, 4+ years? From what Bischoff has said in interviews, that ended not because of bad terms with Vince, but because his contract was up and both sides didn't really feel that there was anywhere that creative could take his character. It had run it's course in WWE. I wouldn't be suprised at all to see him in the HOF someday.

Randy "Macho Man" Savage- 2 - Time WWF World Heavyweight Champion. WWE IC Champion. Won't be in because he has had disputes with WWE over many things (I don't buy the "sex with teen Stephanie" story).

I don't believe the Steph sex story either. I also think Macho Man will eventually go in, especially with his new DVD coming out later this year. As long as it isn't another, "Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior" - like DVD, I think it shows that Vince is willing to set some of his differnences aside to A) Make Money and B) Give the fans what they want.

Now...to keep this on topic, I do wanna say that I wish that Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund WOULD be inducted into the HOF because I feel like those two alone would go a long way to legitimize the HOF since they were both important players in te early days of the WWE. However, it's my understanding that neither of them will ever, under any circumstances allow Vince to induct them. Both for very different reasons, but they refuse none the less. I believe both men will eventually take their place in the HOF, but sadly, it wont be until their passing in my opinion.
Backlund will eventually get in. If Koko can make it, anyone can. What a joke. I know he was entertaining but so what. The HOF needs some clear standards. I understand JYD getting in with no titles - everyone knows him. But i refuse to put Koko in the same grouping...

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