Will Evolution ever go to the Hall of Fame?

I hope not. I'm a huge Flair Fan, and I think Evolution was a great idea, it was a great way to advance Triple H's story post DX and develop his character, great use of Flair and his past, and they did a great job of developing young talent into marketable main event worthy performers (Batista, Orton).

Were they groundbreaking ? No. The Four Horsemen were groundbreaking, an elite collection of top tier (for the most part, they did develop new talent like Lex Luger & Arn Anderson and make them stars) talent coming together to thwart all the good guys who stood in their way of federation dominance. The NwO was grounbreaking, the group per se maybe not but Hogan's heel turn and the original Invasion Angle were extraordinary. Evolution was a really just a new spin on The Horsemen, maybe better than The Heenan Family, The Dangerous Alliance, and whatever that group Flair & Scott Steiner fronted in the final months of WCW was (I cant remember their name, just as well). Their stories were better, the star players were better, but they were just another stable.

I wouldnt call DX groundbreaking either, basically they were WWE's attempt to cash in on the anti authority, no hold barred nature of the NwO only with a lot more humor (The NwO was a typically a much darker, nore violentt faction). They were however very successful and when you factor the impact they had on the changing style of WWE programming as well their successful tag team reunion I would say they deserve HOF nod (same with NwO).

Evolution however, No. Triple H is guaranteed at some point. Orton is 50/50 depending on how his career finishes. Batista was around too little to merit consideration. As a group they were effective in what the programming wanted them to do and served a valuable purpose, they did not have the impact or longevity of The Horsemen, or the impact and cultuaral relevance of The NwO & DX. No way I would put them as a group into the HOF.

It also hurts in my eyes that they only lasted two years. Without near the impact the NwO had in it's hey day 1996-early 99 or The Horsemen 1985-88, their total run as a unit lasted less time than other than the "Career High" times of the other units.

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