*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Future WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

I'm so happy The Million Dollar Man finally made it in. It was long over due. Ted Dibiase was a great heel during his time. Dibiase would've probably been bigger back then, as far as being pushed goes, but this was during Hogan's era, so there's no way in hell it would've happened.

Hopefully Stu and Owen Hart will get in this year. It would be a great weekend for Bret Hart if Stu and Owen get inducted, and he faces off against Vince at Wrestlemania.
OK, since it's that time of year, and I know that this topic has been started in the past, but it's always fun to see what people think on this. Who is the one person that you would like to see in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Now....there are a few rules for this. First, no "active" Superstars, and by "active", I mean actually wrestling in WWE or TNA. So that leaves open legends like the Honky Tonk Man and Animal.

Second, no one that obviously will not be inducted now, or anytime soon. That list is much shorter, I personally think there's only four names on that list. Sammartino, Invader I, Benoit, and Owen (Owen because I still think that his widow won't allow it).

Third rule, you do NOT have to be limited by guys that have actually been stars under the WWE banner. While it's preferable that they have wrestled at least one match for a WWE owned property, it is not necessary.

Final rule, give an explanation to why they should be inducted.

With that said, I'll get it started.

I believe that at some point in time, WWE should induct Shohei "Giant" Baba into the Hall of Fame. Baba was, just like Antonio Inoki, one of the major players in Japanese wrestling. Like Inoki, he created one of the top companies in the world, All Japan Pro Wrestling.

He twice faced the top wrestler in the WWWF for a title, in an age where Japanese stars tended to stay in Japan, NWA World Champ Buddy Rogers and WWWF Bruno Sammartino.

He defeated WWE Hall of Famer Jack Brisco to be the first Japanese NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and was the first former World Champion that was defeated by another WWE Hall of Famer, Ric Flair, on his rise as a Championship Contender.

As a promoter, he elevated a wrestler from being an anonymous Jr. Heavyweight that took on the mantle of the Legendary Tiger Mask, and created a legend in Misawa.
With almost every big name superstar from the 80's already in the WWE Hall of Fame, who is left that can be inducted over the next few years?

They won't start inducting current wrestlers from the roster (Flair was the exeption to the rule)

Randy Savage won't go in because of the problems between him and Vince. The same is true of the Ultimate Warrior, who turned down the HOF this year.

The only pepole who could go in now are stars from the 90's and early 2000's.
But all the big names from this era are either still with WWE (Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Jericho etc), have already been inducted (Stone Sold Steve Austin, the Rock etc), or are with TNA (Angle, Nash, Hall etc)

So who is left? The only person I can think of that is in with a chance is Brock Lesnar, but he has also had his fair share of problems with Vince/WWE.

Any suggestions on who WWE can induct in the future?
I reckon Shawn Michaels will be the big inductee in 2010 there's rumors swirling round that next year will be his final Wrestlemania so it makes sense for him to get pride of place in the Class of 2010
Since The Hart Dynasty are around at the moment I'm guessin we'll see at least one member of The Hart Family added as well either Bulldog or Owen.
Jake Roberts and 'The Million Dollar Man' are also both overdue for induction and I wouldn't be suprised if at least one of these two men was inducted into The Hall of Fame.
I agree with Legion of Doom as the tag team its about time they were inducted.
To round off the pack I suggest King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, Slick and Arn Anderson. Although there's always an extra inductee that no-one's ever heard of.

And for all the people who are touting Randy Savage because the DVD came out, I believe the DVD came out without Savage's involvement and he is still on bad terms with Vince and the WWE.

I really don't think thats possible wouldn't randy savage have sued Vince for creating a dvd in his nameof which he didn't recieve some of the money from it?

My inductees would be

Owen Hart - It goes without saying Owen was one of the most talented wrestlers in the business and his contribution to wrestling should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Randy Savage - Seriously the man had one of the most colourful and standout personalities in wrestling. He could cut a promo and his wrestling ability was top notch Savage should have been inducted long before now.

Jake the Snake - Because no matter what personal or alcohol related problems he might have had the man was still a legend on the mic and had one of most interesting personalities in wrestling between the snake, the cold critical mind and the unpredictable nature.

The Million Dollar man - Finally and deservingly he's being inducted in the hall of fame again a colourful character and a villain in the wwe but still he could hold his own in a match and made for interesting commentry as well.

Lord Alfred Hayes - For his memorable commentary during the 80-90's though not as instantly recognizable as Bobby the 'Brain' Heenan, Gorilla Monsoon or Jessie the 'Body' Ventura he was still interesting and he should be in the HOF.

And I think HBK and the Undertaker will both be inducted either this year or next deservingly so.
Seeing how the next Wrestlemania is going to be in Atlanta in 2011, I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE will be inducting someone from WCW. I can think of two people that will have fans talking about the Hall of Fame.

Sting - The guy lived and breathed WCW. Imagine if his first WWE appearance is accepting the Hall of Fame and imagine even more if Sting challenges either Shawn Michaels or Undertaker at WM27. What a Hall of Fame weekend, Sting being inducted and taking on the two biggest icons actively in the WWE. I know Sting is in TNA right now but you think McMahon wouldn't try and sign Sting even for just one match and appearing in the HOF?

Goldberg - Another WCW mainstay, if the WWE ever wants to induct Goldberg Atlanta 2011 would be the best time. Considering the man resides in Atlanta and won his first World Title at the Georgia Dome. I am sure if the money is right Goldberg will be willing to appear the WWE HOF and have another match at WM. Can you imagine Goldberg vs. Cena, Goldberg vs. Undertaker, or Goldberg vs. Batista? In Atlanta this would be massive.
Seeing how the next Wrestlemania is going to be in Atlanta in 2011, I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE will be inducting someone from WCW. I can think of two people that will have fans talking about the Hall of Fame.

Sting - The guy lived and breathed WCW. Imagine if his first WWE appearance is accepting the Hall of Fame and imagine even more if Sting challenges either Shawn Michaels or Undertaker at WM27. What a Hall of Fame weekend, Sting being inducted and taking on the two biggest icons actively in the WWE. I know Sting is in TNA right now but you think McMahon wouldn't try and sign Sting even for just one match and appearing in the HOF?

Goldberg - Another WCW mainstay, if the WWE ever wants to induct Goldberg Atlanta 2011 would be the best time. Considering the man resides in Atlanta and won his first World Title at the Georgia Dome. I am sure if the money is right Goldberg will be willing to appear the WWE HOF and have another match at WM. Can you imagine Goldberg vs. Cena, Goldberg vs. Undertaker, or Goldberg vs. Batista? In Atlanta this would be massive.

I totally agree on these two if the WWE decides to go through with a WCW theme for the Hall of Fame next year. But I don't think we'll be seeing either Sting or Goldberg involved in matches at WrestleMania, no matter how much I would like to see that. From what I know, there's no real animosity with WWE from either Sting or Goldberg (if there is, Goldberg probably wouldn't have participated in the Rise and Fall of WCW doc).

Other people I see going in include:
Lex Luger - The guy was one of the biggest stars WCW ever had.
Brian Pillman - An innovator who made the high-flying style popular.
Booker T - A former tag team wrestler who accomplished great singles success in WCW and eventually WWE.
Diamond Dallas Page - A guy who got started late in the game but went on to become one of WCW's most popular wrestlers.
Vader - A three-time WCW Champion and a super heavyweight capable of doing both powerhouse and aerial moves.
Arn Anderson - A great talker, athlete and one of the best to have never held a world title.
The Steiner Brothers - One of the greatest tag teams in WCW's history.
The Midnight Express - See the Steiner Brothers.
The Road Warriors - One of the most successful tag teams of all time.
Hey guys. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Im new to this Thread starting business.
Anyway with the WWE Hall Of Fame coming up this Saturday, the Class of 2010 has been fully revealed along with most of their inducters.
The Inductees are as follows:
Antonio Inoki
Founder of New Japan Pro Wrestling, two-time WWWF/WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Champion, and one-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion.
Ted DiBiase
Four-time Mid-South North American Heavyweight Champion, three-time WWF World Tag Team Champion, two-time NWA National Heavyweight and two-time Million Dollar Champion, and the 1988 King of the Ring winner.
Wendi Richter
Two-time WWF Women's Champion, one-time AWA Women's Champion and two-time NWA Women's World Tag Team Champion. Ended The Fabulous Moolah's near 3-decade streak.
Maurice Vachon
Five-time AWA World Heavyweight Champion
Gorgeous George
One-time holder of the Boston version of the AWA World Heavyweight Championship. George is credited with helping establish wrestling on television in the 1940's and 1950's.
Stu Hart
Established Stampede Wrestling in Calgary 1948, and ran it until 1984. Ran "The Dungeon" wrestling school and trained numerous WWE wrestlers. Patriarch of the Hart family.
Bob Uecker
Celebrity Inductee.

So with these being the inductees of 2010, my question is who would you want to be inducted next year, do you think they will be inducted next year, and why should they be inducted. (And please don't say The Rock, it's way too obvious.)
My pick would go to Bruno Sammartino. He should definately be inducted, as he is a 2 time WWWF World Heavyweight Champion. Also he is the longest reigning male champion in the history of the WWE. Do I think he will be inducted next year? Absolutely not. Sammartino has turned down the offer several times, and will not be inducted next year. So now, what are your thoughts??
NOT THE ROCK for one... He's a damn traitor. The Rock was at the top of his game, best in the wwe. Then he just quits and goes to acting, he promise to return after a while, but i haven't seen him in a long time in that ring. He won't even come back to host raw?? forget the rock, he taunts and taunts but to tell you the truth, i hope he gets booed out of the building if he does come back. Screw you ROCK!

Anyways, Wrestlers that deserve to be in the HOF next year are Sting, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, either shawn Michaels or Undertaker if they're not here. Now i know that Sting has is the biggest name that has never worked for Vince McMahon or the WWE but he's done alot for this business. I believer the HOF should be open to wrestlers that has made an impact on the sport not necessarily the WWE. next Kevin Nash, Though unlikely b/c of TNA, he has, again, made great impact on this business. Goldberg i've heard rumors that next years WM27 is WCW themed. Well i think goldberg needs to be inducted because if he's not into wrestling anymore, he needs to be in the HOF while still in Fans minds. That way he can have some involvement in WM27. Last is Shawn Michaels or Taker, well, i don't even have to explain myself on this one. And what about Chris Benoit. I doubt WWE will ever bring him up again but i'd like to see it happen. Now i know all these wrestlers i mentioned are pretty much modern wrestlers but they all made huge dents on the Wrestling industry.

Well, since rumor has it that Wrestlemania 27 will be held in Atlanta, GA, I would assume that Bill Goldberg will be an inductee just the fact that he hails from Atlanta and he had numerous accomplishments while he was part of the WCW; however, I'm not sure if he will be the main HOF attraction.
Well this is just throwing a name out there, all depends on what happens at WM26 this year. But if Shawn Michaels Career ends this year at Wresltemania I could diffidently see him getting inducted as the head of the class of 2011.

If not HBK then Goldberg is a very good guess to lead the class of 2011.
Goldberg is most likely in if they do the WCW theme.
I'd like Undertaker to go in even if he's still active. JR and King went in while being active announcers.
Those are my two from recent times, from the earlier years...

Honkey Tonk Man- turned it down this year I think because he was on the verge of doing a one-shot TNA thing. Next year might be better for him.

Jake Roberts- He has had a great career, I think its time.

Rick Rude- I think this selection works with the WCW theme to. The Ravishing One needs to be in.

And as far as Savage or Benoit? I think this will not happen as long as Vince is heading this thing. I honestly feel that when Triple H takes over, maybe then.
some key names that need to be inducted are

the freebirds. probably one of the greatest tag teams of all time.

brutus beefcake. had a great carer should have had more titles.

jim cornette one of the greatest managers of all time, plus one of the best performers in the ring.

arn anderson right along the side of ric flair, one of the all time greatest wrestlers.

owen hart, a great carer cut short, should have been a world champ.

macho man randy savage one of the best technical wrestlers of all time and one of the greatest performers also.

lex lugar had a great carer in wcw and a decent one in wwe should be a hall of famer.
Call me crazy but i just dont see what all the commotion about Goldberg and his career is? IMO, there is no way in hell he should even be considered to be inducted into the HOF. I feel there is more deserving wrestlers out there, past and present...such as Owen Hart and The Macho Man Randy Savage. Hell i even feel VINNY MAC himself should be eligible.
WCW theme next year I think the inductees are

Lex Luger - (my consensus) I think he will be inducted long fantastic career 2nd ever to win the WCW champion other then Flair and a royal rumble winner! He deserves this.

Vader - Its about time, hes never won a wwf world champion but did win wcw. Hes has a long eventful career, he was a talented wrestler and hes one of the biggest stars in more then one way.

Randy Savage - OOOO YEA!! nuff said

Goldberg - built like a brick shit house, great dedication to wrestling and a wwe and wcw world champion. Goldberg was indestructible and talented wrestler more then deserving.

Owen Hart - Fantastic wrestler, 1 out of 3 wrestlers who could beat The Best there is, The best there was the... well you know where I'm getting at

British Bulldog - also one out of the three who could beat bret hart, fantastic wrestler, great performer loved by the fans never won a world champion but he did win the heart of the buisness (I know a little cheesy but necessary).

Arn anderson - Great wrestler one of the three horseman legendary career.

Bruno Sammartino - any descent fan of wrestling should know why he should be inducted.

Sting - if he takes his head out of hogans ass
Call me crazy but i just dont see what all the commotion about Goldberg and his career is? IMO, there is no way in hell he should even be considered to be inducted into the HOF. I feel there is more deserving wrestlers out there, past and present...such as Owen Hart and The Macho Man Randy Savage. Hell i even feel VINNY MAC himself should be eligible.

Goldberg was unique, one of a kind and a driving force behind WCW. Whilst the WWF has Austin, WCW had Goldberg. Goldberg was the good guy but at the same time didn't fit the typical good guy role. There are many reasons for Goldberg to be inducted based on his WCW career. Whilst I agree that the Hall of Fame lacks the bigger names, it is not necessarily the fault of the WWE. For example Warrior was suppose to be inducted this year but turned it down. Vince McMahon has openly stated he won't be inducted (Chances are Stephanie will do this the Hall of Fame after his death). Owen Hart is a tricky one, simply due to legal reasons and that is something I doubt the WWE can fix unless someone like Bret Hart gains control to Owen's image rights. (Which under law seems highly unlikely)

Next year's Hall of Fame will include these:
Lex Luger
Ron Simmons
as the big three, people will argue it will suck because it misses out Eric Bischoff, Nash, Hall but that is again a problem the WWE has to deal with.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this in other HOF threads, but if we're going to have a WCW theme to next year's ceremony, there is one team that has yet to be mentioned; The Road Warriors. They are the only team to have held titles in WCW, AWA, & WWF/E. Their matches on TV against "enhancement talent" were legendary in their dominance. Also, their matches against the top teams in all the leagues, they showed that they could take it as well as dish it out. One memory I have was watching on them in a brutal match against the Varsity Club on WCW Saturday Morning. I remember it very well as it was on my wedding day. That match (and a few slugs of Jim Beam), helped calm me down on my big day. (However, I won't mention the fact I'm divorced now)
WWE will most likely go with the WCW theme for next years HOF. For any of you that say Bruno, are you kidding me? He wont accpet the Invite. I can see Goldberg, Lex Lugar, Road Warriors, and MAYBE Macho Man Randy Savage, be cause hes not on very good terms with Vince either. And why are you guys saying Hall and Nash, are we forgetting one tiny little thing?...Oh yeah there in TNA!
Here are a few of my thoughts
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Rick Rude
Macho Man
Steiner Brothers
Legion of Doom (Road Warriors)
Ron Simmons

Those are few names that came to mind I would rather see any of them get in before Bill Goldberg. Also I would love to see the contributions of Paul Heyman get recognized sometime in the future
I know they woudl like to do a WCW theme but I have to wonder can they pull it off lets look at the names that come to mind when you think WCW

Ric Flair-already in
Dusty Rhodes already in
Goldberg-Likley have to pay a lot for what woudl amount for one appearance
NWO-Currently in TNA who will look to keep them
Bischoff-Tied to TNA
Sting-Likely try and keep him in TNA
Rey Mysterio and Big Show still likely to be active wrestlers Next year
Jeff Jarret-locked to TNA
Booker- Left WWe on bad terms
Madusa-Vince might still be bitter over the garabge can incident
Kevin Sullivan-works for tNA
Ted Turner-Bwahaha

Vader-Dominant champ but not so much in WWE
Great Muta-Inoki shows WWE willing to go international
Lex Luger-Was a great one but would they want to show him in his current state that so speaks to his drug use
Freebirds they should get it but if they do Steiners and road Warriors I think they get left out even with Hayes on the roster
Rick Rude still dont know why he isnt in assume their is a reason

Sure to be in
Ron Simmons First Black Champ well liked in WWE
Dean Malenko part of the cruiser-weight high period and an agent
Steiners and Road Warriors the teams of the 80s
If they are going with the WCW theme, I think the WWE will have plenty to choose from to fill up the 2011 class.

1) Goldberg - He was to WCW what Austin was to WWE.
2) Sting - A true WCW icon along with Ric Flair.
3) Brian Pillman - An innovator of the high-flying style of wrestling,
4) Lex Luger - A man synonomous with WCW as a former WCW Champion.
5) Ron Simmons - An All-American and the first black man to ever hold the WCW Championship.
6) Vader - Perhaps the greatest superheavyweight of all-time as he could do both aerial and powerhouse moves.
7) The Road Warriors - One of the most successful tag teams of all time.
8) The Midnight Express - One of the most successful tag teams during the 80s.
9) The Rock 'n' Roll Express - See Midnight Express.
10) Arn Anderson - One of the best both on the mic and in the ring, as well as one of the best never to have held a world title.
11) The Great Muta - A tremendous Japanese talent who had success in WCW.
12) Jushin Thunder Liger - See Great Muta.
13) Barry Windham - A former NWA Champion who could go with the best of them.
14) Dean Malenko - A great athlete who helped revolutionize the Cruiserweight Division.
15) Magnum TA - Someone who could've became one of the greatest of all time in NWA/WCW.

And that's just some of them. There might be more where that came from in regards to NWA/WCW.

But just as well, other names that could go in next year:

1) The Fabulous Freebirds - One of the most popular tag teams of all time.
2) Jake Roberts - One of the best never to have won a world title.
3) Ultimate Warrior - Since he's not going in this year, he could go in next year.
4) Ravishing Rick Rude - Like DiBiase and Hennig, a great all-around wrestler in his prime.
5) Miss Elizabeth - A classy woman and the first true diva of the WWE.
6) Demolition - A successful yet underrated tag team.
7) The Honky Tonk Man - The longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time.

Although I would love to see Bruno Sammartino or Randy Savage inducted, I doubt it will happen any time soon. If anything, we might have to wait until they've passed away so the WWE can do post humous inductions.
If they go with the WCW theme there are only so many choices that would accept/Vince would actually let them in.

I've seen Lugar mentioned by many people and even though he may be deserving I just don't see Vince letting him in after walking out on the first night of Nitro.

Sting, Hall, Nash, JJ, and Bischoff would be great additions if they weren't in TNA, I just don't see anybody actively with the competition being inducted in the HOF.

Goldberg is a tricky one. While his contributions to the wrestling business are great and he had an amazing run in WCW, I just don't know if he did enough but I wouldn't mind him being in. If he signs with WWE for the rights to his name for merchandising then I can see them putting him in.

Ron Simmons would be a great addition and as the first black man to be heavyweight champion in either WCW/WWE he could be somewhat of a Jackie Robinson inductee.

Vader should be a definite in.

AA is the same as Vader a definite in for as much as my opinion is worth.

Others I would like to see are Pillman, Jushin Thunderliger, Muta, Windham, Magnum TA, Rock and Roll Express, and the Midnight Express.

I'm sure there are some deserving WCW alumni that I am leaving out but hey you only have so many spots.

Moderator Comments:

Everyone, we appreciate your participation in this thread. However, you MUST state reasons behind the inductees that you choose or else they will be considered as SPAM and you'll risk infraction.

Thank you.
I apoligize if this is in the wrong section but I really had no clue where to put this. I figured since Batista works for MTV, oops, I mean WWE, it should go here.If it needs to be moved than feel free to move it...not that you needed my permission.

Reports have stated in the past few months that Dave is considering retiring from WWE to pursue acting (go figure), so most of his career is behind him.

So the question here is simple; is Batista worthy of a Hall of Fame induction?

In my opinon he isn't, really.While he has had a fairly succesful career, he hasn't really had any major significant moments in history. We can all look back on legends like Austin, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, and Dusty Rhodes and name countless moments of their that were not only big for them , but a big moment in the hisory of the buisness. Batista doesn't have any of this.

On the other hand, there are many less deserving guys who have made into the Hall of Fame (Koko B. Ware...you were thinking it too). Batista's career looks like Flair's run in comparison, yet he is still in the Hall Of Fame. Not to mention ( and I don't mean to sound like a Triple H basher) but he is significant in the Legacy of Triple H. How good would it look on Hunter to have someone he brought up in the Hall Of Fame?

So what do you think? Will we see Dave Batista in the Hall Of Fame? Should we see Batista in the hall of fame?
Batista does not deserve to be in the hof which means he will probably get in. He has had a decent run but nothing memorable. Not that there has been that many memories since 2002 but that is another story completely. The fact that Randy Savage is not in the hof but Koko B Ware is makes the hof a complete joke in my eyes. I am not picking on the birdman, just trying to make a point.
well its a possiblity hes a formal multiple time WH & WWE champ so i could c it & he is one of more popular superstars in recent memory so i dont c y not

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