If they go with the WCW theme there are only so many choices that would accept/Vince would actually let them in.
I've seen Lugar mentioned by many people and even though he may be deserving I just don't see Vince letting him in after walking out on the first night of Nitro.
Sting, Hall, Nash, JJ, and Bischoff would be great additions if they weren't in TNA, I just don't see anybody actively with the competition being inducted in the HOF.
Goldberg is a tricky one. While his contributions to the wrestling business are great and he had an amazing run in WCW, I just don't know if he did enough but I wouldn't mind him being in. If he signs with WWE for the rights to his name for merchandising then I can see them putting him in.
Ron Simmons would be a great addition and as the first black man to be heavyweight champion in either WCW/WWE he could be somewhat of a Jackie Robinson inductee.
Vader should be a definite in.
AA is the same as Vader a definite in for as much as my opinion is worth.
Others I would like to see are Pillman, Jushin Thunderliger, Muta, Windham, Magnum TA, Rock and Roll Express, and the Midnight Express.
I'm sure there are some deserving WCW alumni that I am leaving out but hey you only have so many spots.
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