*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Future WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion

OK, like I said before, I'm new here and I'm 14 years old. I know plenty about the Golden Years and the Attitude Era. But to answer the question, Savage and Owen are taken out immediatly! No offense, I used to watch Savage in Wcw when he was with the wolfpack, and Owen was arguably the best technical wrestler ever. But with their "controversies", they probably won't get in, so:

1. Razor Ramon (aka Scott Hall)- possibly the best IC champ

2. Both members of the L.O.D(Hawk and Animal)- best tag team ever

3. Psycho Sid- nuff said

4. Ron Simmons- it's said that he only gets credit for saying "damn", he's the FIRST black WCW heavyweight champion

5. Eric Bischoff- had it not been for him, Wcw wouldn't have had their monster ratings, and WWF wouldn't have come up with the attitude era to destroy WCW

6. and last but not least, HBK, Shawn Michaels!!! common! he's been the IC champ, WWE champ, Heavyweight champ, tag team champ. plus, i don't know if you all noticed this but, he's competed in the first hell in the cell, elimination chamber, and ladder matches!!! Why not have his name in the hall of fame to add to his collection?
OK, like I said before, I'm new here and I'm 14 years old. I know plenty about the Golden Years and the Attitude Era. But to answer the question, Savage and Owen are taken out immediatly! No offense, I used to watch Savage in Wcw when he was with the wolfpack, and Owen was arguably the best technical wrestler ever. But with their "controversies", they probably won't get in, so:

1. Razor Ramon (aka Scott Hall)- possibly the best IC champ

2. Both members of the L.O.D(Hawk and Animal)- best tag team ever

3. Psycho Sid- nuff said

4. Ron Simmons- it's said that he only gets credit for saying "damn", he's the FIRST black WCW heavyweight champion

5. Eric Bischoff- had it not been for him, Wcw wouldn't have had their monster ratings, and WWF wouldn't have come up with the attitude era to destroy WCW

6. and last but not least, HBK, Shawn Michaels!!! common! he's been the IC champ, WWE champ, Heavyweight champ, tag team champ. plus, i don't know if you all noticed this but, he's competed in the first hell in the cell, elimination chamber, and ladder matches!!! Why not have his name in the hall of fame to add to his collection?
1. Ted DiBiase: speaks for itself. Had an extensive creer, was a brillinat mat technician and ticked all the boxes. Thoroughly deserves a spot in the Hall of FAME

2. The Road Warriors; Un doubtably the greatest tag team to ever have wrestled. Surprised they wre not inducted when they were in Chicago for Mania a couple of years ago.

3. Honkytonk Man; Longest reigning IC Champion of all time. Enough said

4. Rick Martel; Solid wrestler, had a number of stints, also former AWA World Champion.

5. Barry Windham: Awesome wrestler back in the day

6. Stu Hart; if any of the Harts deserve a spot, then Stu is the man. Pioneer in the industyry and responsible for so many of the stars of the past 20 years
I’m really not sure who the headliner will be next year. Obviously The Rock is a good choice, but for some reason I don’t see him going in yet. It’s probably because hall of famers are older guys that are well past their physical primes. I know Rock is done wrestling, but it seems strange to have someone who is still young and in his prime in the hall of fame. As much as I would love it, Savage is just not going to happen. I don’t know what the real story is between him and Vince, but something has kept Savage out of WWE for 15 years despite all the others who have been welcomed back. If Michaels is going to retire he would be the headliner, but selfishly I hope that doesn’t happen. Ultimate Warrior would be interesting since it will be the twenty year anniversary of him winning the title at WrestleMania VI. I think he lives in Arizona too, but I think that’s a long shot at best. Since I can’t come up with a headliner I will list six guys who I feel would be a strong enough class without an obvious headliner. After all, the original poster specifically asked for six.

Legion of Doom: Arguably the greatest and most popular tag team of all time. I’m really surprised they haven’t gone in yet. I figured they would go in 2006 in Chicago.

Ted Dibiase: He is another who is long overdue for an induction. He is one of the greatest heels of all time and a great wrestler too. I remember his speech when he presented Sherri and I would love to hear him give an acceptance speech. It’s good that they hold off on some guys though otherwise the hall would be lackluster some years.

Jake Roberts: It’s been said many times that Jake was the master of psychology. He is one of the best mic men ever. I just wonder if Vince is afraid to give him a mic now. You never know what you’re going to get with Jake anymore.

Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson: I said LOD is arguably the greatest tag team of all time, but you could make a strong argument for The Brain Busters too. They were one of my favorite teams to watch. Both also had great singles careers. Jake was great on the mic, but I think Arn was even better, maybe the best. I would love to hear this speech.

Bob Backlund: I don’t know if there is a problem with Backlund and Vince, but it seems strange that he isn’t already in the hall. He had a six year world title reign. Enough said.

Stu Hart: Stu trained so many great wrestlers over the years. The list is like a who’s who of professional wrestling. He also ran Stampede Wrestling for years. He is definitely worthy of the hall of fame. Maybe Bret can do the induction since he’s willing to work with WWE again.

That’s my list. If either Rock or Michaels is going to headline I would pull Jake and LOD out to save some star power for the future. If not I feel this is a strong enough class without an obvious main attraction.
The only answer anyone can give to this is Randy Savage. Now that Hogan, Flair and Dusty are in, Savage has to be inducted.

When Hogan took off to make his terrible movies, WWF turned to Savage to carry the company. When WWF needed a match to compensate for a lame Hogan title defense, they turned to Savage. Arguably the greatest WWF match of all time, Savage/Steamboat. Multiple WWF championship runs during the Hogan era. WCW turned to Savage several times as title holder as well. Feuds with Steamboat, Flair, DDP will go down as some of the greatest feuds of all time, not just for the hype, but for the amazing technical wrestling. Savage was not just a great character but an accomplished technical wrestler. He told a story in the ring. Not many workers in the old WWF did that at the time. This is my nomination.
ok im not knocking on anything anyone is saying but Owen Hart will never be inducted into the HOF for one reason his widow wants his name and family left out of anything affiliated with wwe but to let everyone know vince has pursued this many time with her as a way to honor him but she declines everytime maybe will get lucky but dont hold your breath but owen is one of my favorites
Savage-It is an abomination for him not to be in there
DDP-Highly unlikely but I really think he should be in here. He was top dog in WCW, and was a mid-carder in WWE. 3 time World Champion, 2 time U.S champion, 5 time tag team champion (4 WCW, 1 WWE), European Champion, and WCW television champion. If not now, later he will be inducted. He deserves it.
Owen Hart-The same reason why everyone else does, but it wont happen.
Ted DiBiase- Probably the most likely of them all, this is also obvious.
Okay, think about this......WWE Hall of Fame has become a joke recently....I mean, they "enshrined" Ric Flair when he was STILL on the ACTIVE roster (which gave away that he would lose to HBK by the way)...they inducted Stone Cold for......being from Texas I think...I know, he was incrediblle, but he went in before LOD, Million Dollar Man, Savage, and others.....They inducted Eddie because he passed away (tragic yes, but anyone REALLY think he still would have gone in had he been alive??) Anyway, I can tell you who WONT go into the Hall of Fame, and then tell you who will go in....
Randy "Macho Man" Savage - too much drama
Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Involved HEAVY with drugs
Ultimate Warrior - too much drama
Miss Elizabeth - Death involved drugs
Owen Hart/British Bulldog - Martha Hart wont allow it/Nothing noteworthy
LOD - Animal dont want to go in without Hawk
Now, in 2010: Million Dollar Man will go in BECAUSE his son will probably be getting a Title Shot at Mania. Paul Bearer BECAUSE Mania 26 likely to be Takers last one....Undertaker for the SAME REASON as above. Demolition PROBABLY because they need a good tag team induction. King Kong Bundy - They need a big guy entrant.

But, bascally, the HOF will center around Undertaker (Dibiase, Bearer) may mean that he will be LOSING at Mania26....who knows???
DiBiase Sr. is long overdue and I can see it happening this year with his son getting this big push and all. Sr. was a great heel in the 80's and he made his mark even with Hulkamania running wild all over the country.
I do agree that the Macho Man should be in the Hall, but it's not gonna happen unless he and Vince are on good terms, which is very unlikey.

Ted DiBiase, The Million Dollar Man, is LONG overdue. I'm shocked that he hasn't been inducted. One of WWE's biggest heels ever, and he's not in the Hall. WTF? The man had his own championship belt for crying out loud, and I think it's ridiculous that he never had a title reign as WWF champion.

I would also throw in the Road Warriors. Yes, the Legion of Doom. No doubt, one of, if not THE, most dominant tag teams in the history of wrestling. Just like Ted DiBiase, how in the hell are LOD not in the hall?

And I'm gonna throw out a name I haven't seen in this thread: Dean Malenko.

Malenko is considered one of the greatest cruiserweights in pro wrestling.

Along with Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Chris Jericho, among others, Malenko made the cruiserweight division, along with the nWo, Sting, and Goldberg, one of the main reasons for WCW's success.

Not to mention, the Man of 1,000 Holds was also part of the Four Horsemen.

Malenko is also an interational star, having success in Japan before coming to the States.

And not only that, Malenko's a damn good mat technician, whose skill rivals that of Bret Hart IMO. To prove my point, watch some of Dean's matches with Eddie Guerrero, particularly the 2-out-of-3 falls match he had with Eddie when they were in ECW. They had the crowd on the edge of their seats, without using weapons or shedding blood or fighting into the crowd or putting each other through tables or setting each other on fire(don't get me wrong, I love hardcore matches, but most of my favorite wrestlers are mat technicians). It was good ol' mat wrestling, and the crowd LOVED it.

Granted, Malenko wasn't as successful in the WWF as he was in WCW, but he did leave his mark in the Fed by making the Light Heavyweight championship relevant and interesting, to say the least.

And speaking of Horsemen, Arn Anderson. Without a doubt, one of the most underrated wrestlers to never win a world title.

Double A is a tag team specialist. Whether it was the Minnesota Wrecking Crew with Ole, or if it was the Brain Busters with Tully, Double A would put on a clinic.

Arn is also known as The Enforcer. He was the muscle of the group. Double A's role as an enforcer is a must-have role for just about any stable in pro wrestling.

Aw hell with it, induct the rest of the Four Horsemen(the original lineup) as a group. How are you gonna have Ric Flair in the Hall without Arn, Ole, Tully and J.J.?

Know what? With the exception of DiBiase and LOD, my picks are gonna be former Horsemen.

So to keep with the Horsemen theme, I say Brian Pillman should also be inducted.

Flyin' Brian, along with Steve Austin, had great success in the tag team division as the Hollywood Blondes.

If I'm not mistaken, Pillman also won singles gold while in WCW(I wanna say the TV title but I'm not 100% sure).

Pillman not only had success teaming with Austin, he also had a very memorable rivalry with him(Pillman's got a gun!).

Along with being a Horsemen, Flyin' Brian was also part of the second incarnation of the Hart Foundation.

If it weren't for his death, Brian Pillman would no doubt have won a world title.

Even though this will never happen as long as Vince is still alive, I would like to see Chris Benoit inducted into the Hall.

Despite what happened in his final moments, there is no denying the fact that the Crippler was one of the all time greats.

Just like Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit also had success in Japan.

Not only that, Chris Benoit is a Dungeon alumni. Just about every wrestler to come out of the Dungeon has had a considerable amount of success just in the States, as well as across the globe.

Benoit has had some classic matches with the likes of Bret Hart(tribute match to Owen), Chris Jericho(ladder match at '01 Royal Rumble), Kurt Angle(ultimate submission, steel cage match back in '01), Booker T.(best of 7 series back in WCW), Eddie Guerrero(just about any match with Eddie),Shawn Michaels(WM 20), and Triple H(WM 20). Hell, he made Brock Lesnar tap out.

And Just like HBK, the Crippler won the Rumble as the first entrant.

Benoit has held tag team gold in both WCW and WWE, U.S. gold in WWE(not sure about WCW), the Intercontinental title, the WCW title(although it's not in the record books), and of course the World Heavyweight title.

So Vince can pretend all he wants that Chris Benoit never existed, but the fans will always remember the Crippler not for his final moments, but for what he did in the ring.

So a quick recap of my HOF choices:

1. Ted DiBiase
2. Road Warriors/Legion of Doom
3. Dean Malenko
4. The Four Horsemen (the original lineup)
5. Brian Pillman
6. Chris Benoit
I'm not going to list off an entire class, because anyone I can, or would, say has already been mentioned. Except these two:

Lita and Trish Stratus. As of right now, I believe Moolah and Mae Young are the only two women in, and it's about time they get some company. Trish and Lita carried the women's division for a long time, and made it relevant in a time of general dissaray throughout the WWE. You can't mention or talk about one, without talking about the other, so they need to go in together.

They've both been away long enough to justify putting them in now, and it could work to make the Divas more than just a piss break.
I have never really taken the WWF/E Hall Of Fame seriously, but it is lovely to see the all time greats being inducted every year.

Here is some of my wish list for 2010!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage
Induction: Ricky Steamboat
Randy Savage. Where do I start? One of THE all time greats! A sensational performer, a wonderful interview and a fantastic character as either a Face or Heel. Randy Savage must surely be high on anyone's list of all time greats! Nearly every single feud he had was electric be it with Jerry Lawler, Ricky Morton, Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase, Ultimate Warrior and of course Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Every time I heard the opening strains of 'Pomp And Circumstance' I was instantly brought to the edge of my seat, and I was seldom, if ever disappointed. Currently a long shot, but with the Randy Savage DVD just released who knows.

Ted Dibiase
Induction: Virgil/Jim Duggan
I am amazed he has not been inducted already! A great in-ring performer, and a brilliant interview. Of course he is remembered by most as the "Million Dollar Man", but his work in Mid-South and Japan was awesome.

Arn Anderson
Induction: Ric Flair
One of my favorite Wrestlers ever. The 2nd in command of The Horsemen, Anderson was a fantastic performer. His interviews were phenomenal. Always to the point, sometimes funny, but his message was clear. I can't say enough good things about Arn Anderson. I was amazed he didn't induct Ric Flair, but I was even more amazed he wasn't inducted along side him.

Tully Blanchard
Induction: Magnum T.A
A fantastic Heel. Really knew how to get the crowd to hate him. He, along with Flair, showed me that bad guys could be cool, and he and Flair were the Wrestler's I loved hating. Smaller than the average Wrestler of the era, Tully had the in-ring skills, and the interview skills to back it up. A great Wrestler, a perfect Horseman and I was glued to the screen every time he was in action.

The Road Warriors
Induction:Paul Ellering
In my opinion the best Tag Team of all time. Sure you had teams who were better Wrestlers and/or better interviews, but very few teams had the complete package. I have adored the Road Warriors for 20 years. Their feuds with the The Freebirds, The Koloffs, The Horsemen, The Midnight Express, The Nasty Boys is among some of the hottest Tag Team action I have ever seen.

Rock N Roll Express
Induction: Stan Lane/Barry Darsow
Another of my all time favorite Tag Teams. I was such a huge fan of Morton and Gibson and really loved watching them. While Morton was the better of the two, I think they complimented each other perfectly. I loved their feuds with The Horsemen, The Midnight Express, and The Fabulous Ones. A fantastic Tag Team!

Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Induction: Steve Austin/Jerry Lawler
As Paul Heyman once said "Jake Roberts, now there's a guy with...'it'!" Jake Roberts could send a chill down my spine everytime he appeared on camera. He had one of the best interviews I have ever heard. When Jake was on I was enthralled and terrified at the same time. One of the best storytellers of all time.

"Ravishing" Rick Rude
Induction: Bobby Heenan/Dustin Rhodes
Like Tully Blanchard, Rick Rude was another guy I just loved to hate. Another guy who for me, made Heels cool. He also knew how to get the crowd to hate him. He was a really smooth in-ring performer and his interviews were just as good. I remain such a huge fan.His feuds with Jake Roberts, Ultimate Warrior and Dustin Rhodes and Sting are etched in my memory forever.

"Flyin'" Brian Pillman
Induction: Steve Austin/Dustin Rhodes/Bret Hart
One of the finest Light Heavyweights of all time. Pillman had it all. Good interviews, a wonderful in ring performer. He was always great at playing his character, whether it be the good guy, or later on the loose cannonball. A wonderful singles Wrestler and wonderful Tag Team Wrestler. The Hollywood Blondes are one of my all time favorite teams. He was also a great Horseman too. He definitely gets my vote!
The only two I would like to see go in is Shawn Michaels and The Rock. these two were both major players during the attitude era and definately deserve to be in the HOF.
Lost in the clutter of January 4th, Vince McMahon told Bret that Stu Hart would get inducted into the Hall of Fame this year before Wrestlemania XXVI. Stu Hart is not only a building block of professional wrestling in North America, he propelled some of the greats into the world.

Like Verne Gagne, he ran a wrestling promotion out of Calgary, Alberta known as Stampede Wrestling. Stampede Wrestling became a Western Canada sensation, even inserting itself into the United States. It launched the careers of the Bulldogs, the Harts, and many other wrestlers who wrestled in the famed dungeon, such as Jericho, Storm, Henry, and so many more.

If it is actually true, this will mark the second Hart in the Hall of Fame, after his son Bret Hart was inducted a few years ago. I hope it is true, and the Hall of Fame has a new legitimate piece of Wrestling Divinity within.
I feel as though this is something that definitely needs to happen. For too long, the Hart's have been overlooked by the WWE and with the induction of Bret to the Hall Of Fame, I think that things have really started to turn around. Of course, there is every chance that Vince was just being a cunt and doesn't have any plans to induct Stu into the Hall Of Fame this year and that would really piss me off.

Truth be told, I never knew very much about Stu Hart until a few months ago when I joined this website. On the advice of someone, I decided to watch "Wrestling With Shadows" and after hearing what Bret had to say about Stu and Stampede Wrestling, I decided to delve a little deeper into it. The careers that have been launched off of this man is amazing. Everyone has heard stories of how brutal the Dungeon was but Stu Hart definitely deserves to go into the Hall Of Fame.
I am very glad this is happening. I'm actually pretty surprised that they're inducting Stu alone, as I thought one day they would induct the Hart family (including Owen) as a single entity.

Stu Hart absolutely deserves the honor. He was the big leader of the legendary Hart family, and everyone refers to the dungeon as Stu's. He headed Stampede Wrestling, was a great wrestler and booker, and brought Bret, Owen, and the rest of the Harts into the world. Truly a legend in every sense of the word.
I'm not trying to bash stu hart or anything-but do u really think he deserves to b in the hall of fame?
He never even worked for WWE! I think Owen heart and british bulldog should b inducted-at least they work for the company.

remeber i am not trying to bash him-but i honestly just dont understand why he is being inducted-he didnt work for wwe, why would they want 2 induct someone who didnt work there?
Quite a few of the WWE Hall of Famers were never apart of the WWE. The WWE tries to serve all wrestling fans, as it is the biggest entity of PRofessional Wrestling still remaining. Stu Hart did not work for the WWE, but he did sell Stampede Wrestling to the WWE, although he bought it back, Stampede Wrestling still remains apart of WWE lore.
Mainly because he trained a lot of the workers that DID and still work there. Pus its been a long time coming. Stu was a pivotal part of the wrestling business and I think this is a good move by the WWE. Maybe someday Owen will be inducted as well.
About damn time, this is LONG overdue, Stu should have been one of the very first inductees into the Hall of Fame, and I really have no idea how it has taken them this long to induct him. I can understand not inducting him after Montreal and Owen's death, but you would have figured one of the years before that they would have inducted him, the HOF's been around since 1993.

The man IS Canadian professional wrestling and has been for nearly half a century. Nevermind that he trained some of the greatest wrestlers to ever live either, the man belongs in the HOF and thank god it's finally happening.
Probably, and should:
Ted DiBiase Sr., I don't know why he isn't in there yet.
Stu Hart, same as above.
Miss Elizabeth, she was a great manager, and Sherri is in there, so why can't she be? And she was the manager for...
Randy Savage- I thought he was in there already, but I guess not.

Probably not:
Owen Hart- He really deserves it, but they might never induct him.
King Kong Bundy- No reason, he just deserves it.
Rikishi- Probably never, but it'd be great if he was in it.

This is who I think will be inducted into the hall of fame for 2010:

Stu Hart: Prtatically is confirmed, though I'm not really sure I know why he deserved to get into the WWE hall of fame!

Randy Savage: Don't know why he isn't already in, properly would be the top hall of fame 2010 star

Miss Elizabeth: Manager to Savage, deserves to be the fourth ever women in the hall of fame

Honky Tonk Man: Longest Interconential Reign Ever- deserves to be in it just for that alone

Ted Dibiase Sr: Awesome Heel, Great Champion, deserves it

JBL: LOngest WWE Champion ever, great heel, very underated
Stu Hart - Being inducted, no doubt, was announced. (MOST deserving)
Ted Dibiase - Truth be told, was great wrestler/personality plus his son is on the verge of a giant push assuming he doesn't F it up.
The Harts - I think this should be Von Erich style, not including Stu. Owen, Davey Boy, The Anvil. They all deserve to be in the Hall and should go in as a group.
Honky Tonk Man - Longest reigning IC champ of all time. Pretty good showman. Should be inducted by Santino!
Road Warriors/LOD - One of the greatest tag teams ever!

and... THE ROCK - when they bill him as the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment history, they're not too far off the right mark. Essentially Hulk Hogan with more athletic ability and better mic skills. Plus there's rumors he'll be hosting Raw at some time in late Feb/Early March.
While I think Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth Deserve to be inducted, I don't see it this year. I see Dibiase and Stu obviously. LoD sounds like a great time to induct them as well.
Like X said, it's about damn time Stu went in. It's hard to figure out why he hasn't already been, but that's a moot point. The man single handedly made Canadian pro Wrestling.

As for I'd like to see go in? Just look at the avatar. Brian William Pillman. The man brought the high flying, almost Lucha style of wrestling to the States. He was the first WCW Light-Heavyweight Champion (precursor to the cruiserweight title), defeating the legendary Ricky Morton for his first reign, then trading it back and forth with Jushin Thunder Liger. He is the one I credit for the Attitude Era, not Austin, based simply on his "Rape, pillage and Plunder" promo, which occured a full hour or so before Austin's "legendary" KotR interview. If the "Loose Cannon" were to get inducted this year, I wouldn't add anybody else....
The ultimate warrior and macho man would have to be the headliners (all though both probably wont in the same year), both world champs and main events multiple big ppvs (i'm not a fan of warrior but he is deserving).

Owen Hart (outside of the big one he held every title and was as consistent of a wrestler as there was)

Stu Hart- just for what he did for the business back in the day , he was wrestling in Canada and the upper U.S. for a long period of time

Million Dollar man- deserving as well, great run and great hell, I think he's a lock to go in someday and they've just been waiting for the right year when they dont have as many big names to go in.

Miss Elizabeth- come on, the first lady of wrestling

Road Warriors- one of, if not the, greatest tag team of all time, i cant believe they are not in all ready (they may not have been the greatest wrestlers, but their gimmick was being a couple of bad asses who just whopped ass).

Rick Rude- they probably wouldnt put him in the same year as owen, but deserving for all the same reasons.

jake the snake- deserves to be in for all the years of great wrestling (he was always the 2nd to main event guy, upper mid card if you will). probably wont put him in while he's alive for fear of him showing up drunk

They are others like Sting, Mick Foley, Hacksaw, etc, but I woudlnt put them in while they are even semi active (i know people like flair and hogan still wrestled after being put in but people should really until they are done)

so there's my list!

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