I have never really taken the WWF/E Hall Of Fame seriously, but it is lovely to see the all time greats being inducted every year.
Here is some of my wish list for 2010!
"Macho Man" Randy Savage
Induction: Ricky Steamboat
Randy Savage. Where do I start? One of THE all time greats! A sensational performer, a wonderful interview and a fantastic character as either a Face or Heel. Randy Savage must surely be high on
anyone's list of all time greats! Nearly every single feud he had was electric be it with Jerry Lawler, Ricky Morton, Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase, Ultimate Warrior and of course Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Every time I heard the opening strains of 'Pomp And Circumstance' I was instantly brought to the edge of my seat, and I was seldom, if ever disappointed. Currently a long shot, but with the Randy Savage DVD just released who knows.
Ted Dibiase
Induction: Virgil/Jim Duggan
I am amazed he has not been inducted already! A great in-ring performer, and a brilliant interview. Of course he is remembered by most as the "Million Dollar Man", but his work in Mid-South and Japan was awesome.
Arn Anderson
Induction: Ric Flair
One of my favorite Wrestlers ever. The 2nd in command of The Horsemen, Anderson was a fantastic performer. His interviews were phenomenal. Always to the point, sometimes funny, but his message was clear. I can't say enough good things about Arn Anderson. I was amazed he didn't induct Ric Flair, but I was even more amazed he wasn't inducted along side him.
Tully Blanchard
Induction: Magnum T.A
A fantastic Heel. Really knew how to get the crowd to hate him. He, along with Flair, showed me that bad guys could be cool, and he and Flair were the Wrestler's I loved hating. Smaller than the average Wrestler of the era, Tully had the in-ring skills, and the interview skills to back it up. A great Wrestler, a perfect Horseman and I was glued to the screen every time he was in action.
The Road Warriors

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In my opinion the best Tag Team of all time. Sure you had teams who were better Wrestlers and/or better interviews, but very few teams had the complete package. I have adored the Road Warriors for 20 years. Their feuds with the The Freebirds, The Koloffs, The Horsemen, The Midnight Express, The Nasty Boys is among some of the hottest Tag Team action I have ever seen.
Rock N Roll Express
Induction: Stan Lane/Barry Darsow
Another of my all time favorite Tag Teams. I was such a huge fan of Morton and Gibson and really loved watching them. While Morton was the better of the two, I think they complimented each other perfectly. I loved their feuds with The Horsemen, The Midnight Express, and The Fabulous Ones. A fantastic Tag Team!
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Induction: Steve Austin/Jerry Lawler
As Paul Heyman once said "Jake Roberts, now there's a guy with...'it'!" Jake Roberts could send a chill down my spine everytime he appeared on camera. He had one of the best interviews I have ever heard. When Jake was on I was enthralled and terrified at the same time. One of the best storytellers of all time.
"Ravishing" Rick Rude
Induction: Bobby Heenan/Dustin Rhodes
Like Tully Blanchard, Rick Rude was another guy I just loved to hate. Another guy who for me, made Heels cool. He also knew how to get the crowd to hate him. He was a really smooth in-ring performer and his interviews were just as good. I remain such a huge fan.His feuds with Jake Roberts, Ultimate Warrior and Dustin Rhodes and Sting are etched in my memory forever.
"Flyin'" Brian Pillman
Induction: Steve Austin/Dustin Rhodes/Bret Hart
One of the finest Light Heavyweights of all time. Pillman had it all. Good interviews, a wonderful in ring performer. He was always great at playing his character, whether it be the good guy, or later on the loose cannonball. A wonderful singles Wrestler and wonderful Tag Team Wrestler. The Hollywood Blondes are one of my all time favorite teams. He was also a great Horseman too. He definitely gets my vote!