Hall of Fame Thoughts


Pre-Show Stalwart
Since the Hall of Fame is coming up, I had a couple thoughts...

What are the odds Ultimate Warrior holds up Vince McMahon again? Or shoots on Vince during his induction speech?

Warrior is crazy and might want to capitalize again. The Warrior has been heavily advertised to make an appearance. And if he no shows, then the WWE might have to give out a lot refunds to the fans. He's already pulled this stunt before.

So let's say Warrior does show up, he's still crazy. His hours long youtube shoot interview from when Macho Man died is still fresh. Warrior is liable to sound off when he is handed a microphone and an opportunity. They can play him off with musical cues all they want, if it didn't work against the Iron Sheik then it won't work against the Ultimate Warrior.

Best case scenario for his induction speech, he cuts an old school Warrior promo for old times sake. Ultimate Warrior growls, then he rambles for a few minutes about the warrior spirit, Greek mythology, and planetary alignments. Punctuated with a snort and hiss at the end.

Who will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame first? Macho Man Randy Savage or Medusa/ Alundra Blaze?

I know Medusa really pissed Vince off when she trashed the WWF Women's Title on WCW Nitro. But she was the biggest deal in women's wrestling during the mid 90s. Not only was she a multiple time WWF Women's Champion, but she the WCW Women's Title and the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. She was so good she didn't devalue the title with her reign. ( *cough* Hornswoggle *cough* David Arquette *cough* Vince Russo)

Macho Man has to have slept with Stephanie. Money and contract disputes can't be the reason because Vince forgave the Ultimate Warrior. Neither can pride because Bret Hart and Bruno Sammartino worked out a deal to come back to the WWE.

It's the only thing that makes sense as to why he still hasn't been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. There is no other reason that could justify snubbing the Macho Man's legacy.

Now the WWE is running out of names for induction. Who's left that's actually worthy of the Hall of Fame? The NWO, the Rock, Goldberg, Sting, Kurt Angle. You'll know Vince can really hold a grudge if he starts inducting active wrestlers like John Cena and Randy Orton before he inducts the Macho Man or Madusa.

That's good until Wrestlemania 32... and after that Macho and Medusa have to come up in conversation.
It's not out of the realm of possibility. In past years, I've always thought it was one of the primary reasons that offering Warrior a spot in the HOF would be a bit risky on Vince's part. That's especially true given how the entire HOF ceremony will be broadcast live on the WWE Network tonight. Warrior is someone that's either not all that stable, is someone supremely full of himself or possibly a combination of both when you consider that his legally recognized name is Warrior after changing it from James Brian Hellwig.

I've read and heard some of Warrior's political speeches before, so the fact that he makes die hard, conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter seem like liberals makes this guy capable of anything. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Warrior actually had to sign some sort of contract guaranteeing that he didn't suddenly decide to take this opportunity to humiliate Vince.

There's still quite a few wrestlers from the old days who passed through WWE in its 50 year history that can still be inducted. Some feel the Honky Tonk Man should be inducted, though he's been asked several times only to turn it down as if he's genuinely got something better to do. There's Lex Luger, The Rock 'N' Roll Express, The Midnight Express, Demolition, Psycho Sid, The Fabulous Freebirds, The Guerrero Family, Jeff Hardy, Paul Heyman, some ECW talent, etc. Some of the names I mentioned weren't big stars in WWE, there are other well known stars who've never competed in WWE or haven't in decades.

Concerning Randy Savage, his brother Lanny Poffo is part of WrestleMania Axxess this year and has given his consent to induct Savage without him & his father IF WWE gives their condolences regarding the death of his father. At least, that's what he said according to a report on an interview he gave earlier this week. That in & of itself makes me highly suspicious of Poffo's real motives because, according to him, it was Savage's wish that all three of them be inducted if it ever happened and he said he was honoring his brother's wishes. Now, he's offering WWE some sort of alternative and is willing to take their money to appear during WrestleMania Axxess. Since neither his brother or his father are alive to verify it, we've only got Poffo's word on this and the fact that he's been so vehement about fulfilling his brother's wishes only to offer this alternative makes me suspicious that he's ultimately trying to use his brother's name to make a little money and a little taste of glory.

As far as Madusa goes, I could see Vince getting past these issues he has with her. When you're dealing with people who have big egos, as many pro wrestlers & promoters are known to have, then being stubborn and holding onto decades old grudges comes with the territory. However, if Vince McMahon feels that there's some money to be made, I think he's open to the possibility of moving past things. If the reports over the years are true, then Vince seems to have mellowed some in recent years. He's still a control freak, of course, but he's at a point in his life where he's about to enter the twilight of his years. He's almost 70 years old and it's entirely possible for someone with an ego as big as Vince's to come to the realization that maybe it's time to let go of bitterness.

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