The Rock vs HBK?


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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson & Shawn Michaels Cross Paths
By Daniel Pena
Apr 7, 2011 - 9:06:51 PM

It's worth noting that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Shawn Michaels, who long harbored animosity towards each other, crossed paths during WrestleMania weekend. published a photo of Johnson and Michaels sharing a laugh shortly after HBK had appeared on stage at WrestleMania XXVII to commemorate his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. According to, their past animosity was actually settled in 2008 when Johnson inducted his father, Rocky Johnson, and grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia, into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Johnson's issues with Michaels dated back to when he was a teenager. He long harbored animosity towards Michaels because he felt he was disrespectful to his maternal grandmother (Lia Maivia) at a wrestling show she was coordinating for Polynesian Pacific Pro Wrestling. His disrespect towards her incensed Johnson, and nearly led to an altercation.

Their issues persisted several years later when Johnson was a rookie starting out in WWE. Bret Hart wrote in his 2007 autobiography, Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling, that Michaels and Triple H disliked Johnson "intensely." Both resented him because he was talented and Hart, a political foe, had taken a shine to him. Many believe they were out to sabotage Johnson so that Hunter would ascend to the top before him, since they were both viewed as the future of the company at the time.

Michaels and Hunter conspired to obstruct Johnson's push in March 1997, who was the Intercontinental Champion at the time. Michaels suggested to Vince McMahon that Johnson lose the title to Hart on an episode of Raw. Meanwhile, Hunter insisted to Hart that he beat Johnson. Their suggestion would serve two purposes — sabotage Johnson's push and take Hart out of the world title scene. Hart, however, refused to beat Johnson. Hart felt it wouldn't build heat for his newly launched heel turn, not to mention that it would undermine Johnson. Instead, Hart insisted on a DQ finish, which infuriated Michaels and Hunter.

By 1999, Johnson had ascended to the top of WWE, going beyond nearly wrestler, including Hunter. Meanwhile, a back injury had forced Michaels to retire and he was relegated to sporadic appearances. Nonetheless, Michaels attempted to politically undermine Johnson by lobbying to McMahon that he be replaced by Hunter in the main event at WrestleMania XV. His suggestion fell on deaf ears.

Johnson stated years later in a 2005 interview with that he never had interest in working with Michaels — when asked if he would have liked to.

I didn't know this.. O.O
This is pretty old news, but I love reading about it. The Rock also re-pissed off the Kliq in 2002 when he called Nash "Big daddy Bitch".
It's news to me. I have the Rock's book and he mentions that he won the Intercontinental Title on the day that Shawn, "Lost his smile" and he has some clearly sarcastic undertones, but I never knew anything of a big issue. Shawn really was a fucking asshole back in the day.
Yeah. The Rock was definitely apart of Bret Hart's Kliq, and Bret Hart has said over and over again about how he thinks the Rock is the greatest of all time. It is pretty crazy that pretty much back in that time, you were either on Team Michaels or Team Hart, no middle ground.

The whole Rock vs. Triple H backstage feud was pretty much an extension of what started with Michaels and the Rock in 1997. Michaels was easily a huge prick, and no doubt about that because he admits it. I'm pretty sure HBK was intimidated by the Rock and all of his potential.

Hell I remember Triple H trying to get out of the Iron Man Match (dirtsheet stuff), because him and Michaels felt the Rock couldn't go an hour in the ring. Some of the shit was ridiculous.
Yeah lets not forget that Austin was in the hart Klique too with the Rock. funny how all that turned out and many don't even know how bad the back stage really was..

But according to the Bret hart book.. he could have been in the HBK kilque too, but wanted no part in it.

Quote from his book,.
Back on the bus in Europe. Davey and I worked tags all over Germany and the U.K. with Owen and Jim. The thing I remember most about that tour was Shawn, Razor and Nash talking to me in Hamburg about the idea of forming a clique of top guys who strictly took care of their own. This was what Buddy Rogers did in the 1950s, working only with his selected clique to get him over, so they could monopolize the cash flow. These boys wanted me to be the leader, to voice concerns pertaining to the group as a whole. Even though they were my friends, I couldn’t see it, and with the exception of Nash, their degree of pill popping was something I didn’t want to be around. I told them, “Ultimately everybody has to work their way to the top all by themselves. If someone can outperform me, every night in every part of the world, then go ahead, step up and do it!”
It was actually pretty smooth, albeit cutthroat, of Shawn Michaels and company to think that way. HBK had Vince's ear, but Hart was definitely the guy when the Kliq was starting. Locking up the top dog into the group pretty much would have gotten HBK anything he wanted.

The stories of the locker room at that time would be one helluva read.
People are surprised that Shawn Michaels and Triple H tried to hold people down? SERIOUSLY?!
I was also shocked to hear that Benoit could have been in the WWF before the WCW ...

Why did they pass on him?

I got Chris Benoit a tryout at TV in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on June 7, working with Owen. They put on a wrestling clinic that would have impressed any wrestler anywhere. There was another new arrival from WCW, Paul Levesque, a hook-nosed bodybuilder who came out of Killer Kowalski’s wrestling school. He was a decent worker who was quick to cozy up to his old pal Kevin Nash.
That night, I drove to Pittsburgh with Owen and Benoit. I could tell by the way Owen talked about the baby coming that he relished having a second child. Benoit looked really happy for him, and I realized then that these two were close. Like Owen, Chris was a notorious ribber, and I enjoyed hearing of their old antics when they were in Calgary and Japan together. I thought for sure Benoit would be hired, but both Pat and Jim Ross passed on him for reasons that nobody in their right mind could ever understand, especially considering that Vince was so low on talent.
There is no logical reason for that but WWE at the time had a different focus.

I love reading about this stuff.
this is interesting. i didnt hear all of this. only thing i had heard was hbk jealous of Rock and when Rock was making movies they asked him who'd he come back and wrestle and mentioned hbk in a small list and Rock basically said 'there isnt anyone worth coming back for'..i will look and find that quote b/c that isnt exact.
this is interesting. i didnt hear all of this. only thing i had heard was hbk jealous of Rock and when Rock was making movies they asked him who'd he come back and wrestle and mentioned hbk in a small list and Rock basically said 'there isnt anyone worth coming back for'..i will look and find that quote b/c that isnt exact.

They go over that sort of in the OP. Makes you think just how bad HBKs back really was.. I mean he leaves after being forced to job to Austin at Wrestlemania (Confirmed by many) he didn't want to do the job.

Then that is when Austin and Rock really shined to main event status after that.. (part of Harts crew) then once Rock and Austin start to leave and guess who comes back now that they aren't there?? HBK.. Just makes you think.... ALSO I find it funny that Rock doesn't come back until HBK is gone.. I am curious what HBK said to Rocks Mother that made him hate him so much.. In the OP it doesn't go over specifics.

It stuff like this that makes me not fully embrace HBK.. I mean I am a fan.. but not a full one.. he did a lot of cheap stuff back then holding folks down. Bret Hart had more class.. but in the end who got fucked?

Dog eat Dog business :(
There is no logical reason for that but WWE at the time had a different focus.

I love reading about this stuff.

Same here.. I am amazed that more people don't talk about Bret Harts book.. he uncovered a lot of stuff that many don't know.

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