Orton says Rock uses writers and a teleprompter

But you have already agreed that he wasn't important enough or a big enough star to do it this year. He did not deserve it this year which is all I said. He isn't important enough or a big enough star to get a main event spot at WM no matter what.
But you have already agreed that he wasn't important enough or a big enough star to do it this year.

Orton main eventing WM this year would have gone against the storylines they built. So, yes, it made sense for him to be right where he was. That is not the same thing as saying he didn't deserve a main event slot.

He isn't important enough or a big enough star to get a main event spot at WM no matter what.

Who is? The last three WM main events have been Orton/HHH, Undertaker/HBK, and Miz/Cena. No one, not even John Cena, is important enough to automatically close the show.
You are pretty good at changing the definition of main event (remember this started when I said a top spot) when it suits you.

Orton can deservedly participate in main events at wrestlemania when the circumstances merit it. They did not this year and he isn't a big enough star that he deserves it every year.
You are pretty good at changing the definition of main event (remember this started when I said a top spot) when it suits you.

I didn't change anything. The main event is the main event. A title match that opens the show isn't part of some fictional double main event, I don't care what they say.

Orton can deservedly participate in main events at wrestlemania when the circumstances merit it. They did not this year and he isn't a big enough star that he deserves it every year.

Like always, this is going nowhere. He's a big enough star to deserve a spot in the main event at WrestleMania. After the year he had, he definitely deserved a spot. Not over Cena, but he's popular enough for the spot. However, that's not how it played out. Doesn't mean he isn't deserving of such a spot.
I didn't change anything. The main event is the main event. A title match that opens the show isn't part of some fictional double main event, I don't care what they say.

Who said it was? Top as in top of the card, which can refer to more than just the last match. If you want to make it about one match only and agree that Cena is more popular then your argument makes even less sense.

You are basically trying to say that because he could deserve to "main event" a singular wrestlemania that he deserved it at this one. I believe that to say he deserved it the way you are using it would mean you would have to prove he deserved it at any wrestlemania in general. I won't waste any more time on the semantics because you already agreed with the only thing I actually intended initially, that being he shouldn't have been at the top of the card this year.
Like always, this is going nowhere. He's a big enough star to deserve a spot in the main event at WrestleMania. After the year he had, he definitely deserved a spot. Not over Cena, but he's popular enough for the spot. However, that's not how it played out. Doesn't mean he isn't deserving of such a spot.

Then the only way he's deserving of the top spot is if he wrestles Cena, which I'm sure the WWE is holding off on for at least a couple more years, perhaps when Cena is about to retire. If that's the case, then it means that Randy Orton isn't deserving of the top spot because somebody else, John Cena, is.
Then the only way he's deserving of the top spot is if he wrestles Cena, which I'm sure the WWE is holding off on for at least a couple more years, perhaps when Cena is about to retire. If that's the case, then it means that Randy Orton isn't deserving of the top spot because somebody else, John Cena, is.

I already said Cena is more deserving. However, outside of Taker, no one in WWE, right now, is more deserving than Orton. That's a fact.
I already said Cena is more deserving. However, outside of Taker, no one in WWE, right now, is more deserving than Orton. That's a fact.

That still means he's underserving of the top spot. I agree with you, nobody but Cena and Taker are ahead of him, but as long as there is just one person more deserving of the top spot than Orton he will be undeserving.

This is of course under the assumption that the top spot belongs to a face and the other person in his match is going to be a heel.
Awesome interview, enjoyed every moment of it but wish the hosts could have shut up for a while and stopped their constant laughing, which overpowered what Orton was saying a lot of the time. That last story about Cena shitting his pants was hilarious. That's one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to anyone and if that had been me, I would have ran away from the ring and tried to hide myself as much as possible.

Also lol @ the teleprompter thing. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned anything about Kelly Kelly here cause quite honestly, he was just joking around and many people took it the wrong way.
Awesome interview, enjoyed every moment of it but wish the hosts could have shut up for a while and stopped their constant laughing, which overpowered what Orton was saying a lot of the time. That last story about Cena shitting his pants was hilarious. That's one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to anyone and if that had been me, I would have ran away from the ring and tried to hide myself as much as possible.

Also lol @ the teleprompter thing. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned anything about Kelly Kelly here cause quite honestly, he was just joking around and many people took it the wrong way.

You'd be surprised how many people shit their pants while wrestling. In fact, one Steve Austin once shit his pants while wrestling Yokozuna, so perhaps shitting yourself while wrestling is really a right of passage of sorts.

And I don't think he was joking about Kelly Kelly, I think she's actually kind of loose. I watched a YouShoot interview with Maria, and when asked which divas belonged in the "ho-bag" she passed on Kelly Kelly, saying, "I'm going to give you a pass because you're young."

So where was the teleprompter he was using when he cut a 20 minute promo to open Mania, or any number of the live promos that he cut before, during and after WrestleMania?

Oh dear lord, I wish he did use a teleprompter. His promo to open Mania was HORRIBLE.

Looking back, the teleprompter thing doesn't bother me so much. With the speed at which The Rock delivered his promos, even the smallest hiccup could derail the whole thing. The fact that he used writers certainly hurts his legacy in my eyes, albeit only a little bit. The thing where he whined to Vince McMahon about what Orton said on a radio show is bullshit though, and what's worse is he threw Triple H's name into the conversation which was totally unnecessary, especially considering I'm sure Dwayne did his fair share of mudslinging back in the day.
I will say this for the last time: Cena is better at just burning people without mimicking them or talking about the size of their grape-fruits or candyasses.

Rock is a catchphrase guy.

Cena has always been a more natural improviser and burner than Rock on the stick.
Doesn't WWE script every promo these days?, isn't that one of the things that bothered Austin when he came back?, I was under the impression that for years now the WWE writers have been working with the wrestlers and scripting just about everything they say, why the fuck would it be any different with the Rock when he comes back?

The teleprompter thing is just ******ed, I would love to hear where they were keeping Rocks teleprompters when he was cutting promos in the ring, what did they have some sort of mini teleprompters hidden in the lenses of his sunglasses or something?

I didn't bother really listening to the interview to much, as I find most wrestling interviews to be unbearable, I just hate how the interveiwers never shut up, & constantly suck the dicks of the people they're talking to, and trying to get them to say what they want to hear. Plus you can never tell if the wresters are being 100% truthful anyway, I mean do you seriously expect Orton to throw a guy like Cena under the bus?, of course he's gonna praise Cena and talk him up, make him look better than the Rock, he's the face of WWE right now, and is around all the time where as the Rock is barely a part time wrestler
I will say this for the last time: Cena is better at just burning people without mimicking them or talking about the size of their grape-fruits or candyasses.

Rock is a catchphrase guy.

Cena has always been a more natural improviser and burner than Rock on the stick.

Cena does need to talk about all the shitty movies that a guy has done. Andd undoubtedly his funniest promos did come when he talked about grapefruits and candyasses. He cuts very good serious promos, better than Rock's even, but when it comes down to funny one his candyass sucks grapefruits without him being edgy.

I already said Cena is more deserving. However, outside of Taker, no one in WWE, right now, is more deserving than Orton. That's a fact.

I'd take CM Punk over a guy who took five huge pushes before he made it big.
Wait doesn't this tell us anything? The Rock delivered a good 20 minute promo when he returned. Never was the question asked as to if he was reading for a script. That's gotta score some points FOR him also.
Aren't Orton and Cena really good friends ? . . . So im not suprised to hear Orton biggin up his friend. Orton and Cena think way more of themselves than what they actually are. An no i don't believe when Orton says Rocky used whatever for his promos and shit. Orton is a dick at times.

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