This Needs to Be Addressed

That said, it has to be on both sides to want to come back, I guess. There has to be a middle ground to bring back these writers, and it takes for everyone to want to meet that middle ground. When I was on creative, I actively wanted to get people back into the fed, but I also realize they have to want to come back, and creative just can't completely move heaven and earth, I guess.

I can't think of anyone other than Remix who has any bit of talent that is 100% banned from the fed.
The critiquing part isn't really creative's fault, sure some can be dicks like Dynamite when you say stuff, but most of the time they've listened to all of my complaints and I can be a genuine asshole at times. The problem is no one says anything or does anything anymore. I'm part of it because I don't do feedback or anything but I never really have.

In the end I don't fucking care, I'm just here to write dick and fart jokes.

The rest of your opinion is something you're entitled to but I just want to make this clear to everyone, all constructive criticism is fine but that isn't how any of this started and anybody I talk to knows I'm a pretty laid back guy as long as you're not a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. Personally you can feel however you want to feel, but I please ask that you don't hide your personal vendettas behind trying to make the fed better.

As most of the fed already knows I'm always a PM away with any concerns, problems, or just want to talk, and in the future I'll work better to not lose my cool when someone stoops to childish levels.
Also, if anyone thinks Creative is abusing their power, let me know.

By this, I mean if you actually think they are and not just because you're ticked off that you got beat. If you accuse someone on Creative of it without there being something to it, I'll be dealing with you rather quickly.
I can't think of anyone other than Remix who has any bit of talent that is 100% banned from the fed.

This is 100% correct. And when Remix left, he actually was the one to bring up that it wasn't a healthy relationship and walked out, if I remember correctly.

Point being, these writers have to want to come back. And we need to find the line between accommodating them, and giving in to their every whim. There's a fine line, and accommodating doesn't mean that everything the writer wants is done, in a snap.

In the past, we weren't great at accommodating members of the fed. The Demon Foreigners were never really all that bad, they just wanted to know how to get better. I feel bad, because they left, and have never come back. They were never going to be champions, but at the least, they contributed to the fed, and sometimes we weren't always the most helpful. And that just isn't creative; sometimes, the fed as a whole tends to jump on posters that are still trying to pick things up. I did to Barrett Stratton, and I remember one time where someone ragged on Prince, another newcomer, after his first RP. Yaz told the poster to cut the shit, and the fed backed off. Point being, we as a fed... I dunno, just have to be nicer, I guess. Not necessarily kissing everyone's asses, but not so much jumping on one another. This isn't just a creative thing, this is all of us. Every. One.
This is 100% correct. And when Remix left, he actually was the one to bring up that it wasn't a healthy relationship and walked out, if I remember correctly.

Long story short, Remix is the worst person I've ever dealt with in the fed. He could have Ty's level of talent (he doesn't) and he still wouldn't be worth it.

Point being, these writers have to want to come back. And we need to find the line between accommodating them, and giving in to their every whim. There's a fine line, and accommodating doesn't mean that everything the writer wants is done, in a snap.

And that's the issue. Coco and JGlass both threw a fit because they lost a match, rather than calmly trying to deal with it, both them and others said dickish stuff because it was an argument on the internet, and now neither one will come back (RIP Coco).

Maybe it's why I haven't had a ton of success in the fed, but I can't imagine getting that pissed about losing a match. I've lost matches I thought I would win, and vice versa, but I just do this as a way to force myself to do a fun creative writing project. Would I love to be a multi-time World Champion? Hell yes. But I've had a ton of fun in the fed writing a bunch of different characters, and I can't imagine getting hung up on wins and losses would've made it any better.
Yeah, the only time I ever really cared about results was

A. When I lost a handicap match to Corvus and Theron Daggershield (I was happy to do the job to Theron, fucking hated losing to the RP Corvus put out)

B. Other people's matches (mainly Beard, and the Unscripted main event)

Part of it just boils down to... It's a hobby, and to just look at it that way. Listen, Red Skull has probably quit and returned more than anyone I know. The thing is, Red Skull sees it as a hobby, and just wants to have fun.

The point being, we all need to just take a step back and chill, sometimes. This is everyone, fed members and creative. I'm tired of seeing really creative writers leave, and never return.

And seriously, Echelon and Shotaro, I want my god damned feedback. :lmao:
I'll always welcome everyone back with open arms. And I mean everyone. My idea of the Fed has never changed since day one. But most of all, I want it to be a success. I, and many others, have put far too much time into it to watch it fail because of petty shit like this. If someone wants to come back and be an asset to the Fed, then I've always been all for it.
Wouldn't say the best writers have left. be fair, I do consider Ty the best, and he has left, so I guess that is correct. That isn't to say we don't have great writers. When you do have something with the creative nature of E-fed writing (much like real wrestling), bridges get burnt.

Worded it wrong, shouldn't have said all the best writers, more like some of the best and some of my favorites. We still have amazing writers, I'm being greedy and just want fucking more god damn it.

The rest of your opinion is something you're entitled to but I just want to make this clear to everyone, all constructive criticism is fine but that isn't how any of this started and anybody I talk to knows I'm a pretty laid back guy as long as you're not a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. Personally you can feel however you want to feel, but I please ask that you don't hide your personal vendettas behind trying to make the fed better.

As most of the fed already knows I'm always a PM away with any concerns, problems, or just want to talk, and in the future I'll work better to not lose my cool when someone stoops to childish levels.

Even this came off as *******.


The biggest issue is that I'm still waiting on my title match.

Lineal champion.
Aside from the scheduling of shows, Pancake does bring up a good point about the lack of constructive criticism in the fed. It's been months since anyone has given feedback on shows or RP's. And there's no obligation to, since no one ever asks for it.

This is basically all I can agree with from the original post. Feedback used to be a big thing, and honestly, when people are doing feedback, it kills the dead air between posting RPs, and the shows being posted.

I am not reading the next 100+ posts, but wanted to throw in my :twocents: there.
I miss Grizzly Bob. There's something about a guy who's pretty much just a guy that works really well when it's written as good as it was.

Creative was sometimes seemingly a big mess from my outsider's perspective whilst I was there, and I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't a large factor in my decision to leave. My personal schedule is the main reason why the late shows annoyed me in particular (I'd rejoin in a heartbeat if I didn't also have a girlfriend, school, football, three jobs and the human need to sleep) but it was almost a constant thing during the time I was there. I remember panicking because I had a title shot at the main PPV, but the scheduling timetable when I got the shot meant the show's RP deadline would be in the middle of my exams - but - by the time we had got to the show, everything had been delayed to the point where the boards were put up just as I was finishing exams which saved me in an odd way. Hooray for lateness.

The ruined schedule is largely because of people asking for extensions every single round (which is/was a HUGE issue itself), but in rounds where there have been granted 1-2 day extensions, a further delay on the show is ridiculous. Quick question; when were the last 3 times that neither an RP or a show were late?

All that said, there's only two things that legit make me angry from the fed;
Infinity was the best RPer in the fed for almost an entire year before he got noticed and was shoved straight to the top whilst under pressure to change his style before he was considered a failure when he couldn't adjust to it and burnt out. And he should have beaten Showtime dammit :p
I agree. Wrestlers have lives outside of wrestling, so it is entirely possible to tie the two together. And there really shouldn't be any distinction between the two. Like SHIT the wrestler should be the same being as SHIT the robot struggling to come to terms with its humanity. I recall having a conversation with Kermit about that of Skype recently.

Not that I have anything against wrestling and match focused RP's of course, but wierd people are wierd, Bray Wyatt doesnt live on planet earth, let alone WWE. Pointless wandering crap being frowned upon is fine, but getting punished for not being totally specific to the event just sucks.

Also, I need skype
Pointless wandering crap being frowned upon is fine, but getting punished for not being totally specific to the event just sucks.

Unfortunately, this is where I am with John Doe right now, besides the insanely high level of competition. I have so much backstory to flesh out, that there isn't much room to worry about the match, especially since it would be out of character to do so...
I'm definitely looking to use this as an opportunity to post a longer and more detailed RP than usual.

I thought about doing that last year at the Lottery. Then when I ended up with an RP so long that it took 3 separate PM's to PM a draft of it to myself, I cut off a little more than half of it. The final version had 3,568 words. The original had like 7,500+.

The point I'm making is.... just go for the best RP that you can. A longer one isn't necessarily better. I learned that the hard way a couple of times.
The point I'm making is.... just go for the best RP that you can. A longer one isn't necessarily better. I learned that the hard way a couple of times.

I'm certainly not trying to rewrite The Iliad lol I'm just trying to make sure that I can fit in some good chunks of backstory, without rushing it. I really want to make sure that everything is played out the way I am imagining it in my head.

When I'm writing my RPs, I usually worry they are droning on for too long, so I wrap them up, and then post them, and then a few days later I'll look at it and think that I really could have added a good bit more, without running into the problem of "Shit. He loses. I ain't reading that wall."
When I'm writing my RPs, I usually worry they are droning on for too long, so I wrap them up, and then post them, and then a few days later I'll look at it and think that I really could have added a good bit more, without running into the problem of "Shit. He loses. I ain't reading that wall."

Most rounds I write an outline after I see who I'm facing, branch it out once time permits into a draft, PM the draft to myself when I feel it's done, re-read it and revise, then post. I never post before the day they are due in case another great idea hits me. Waiting to see if you come up with something else can make the difference between a boring RP that you absolutely hate upon re-reading, and one you're actually proud of that defeats Showtime in that round. True story.
Most rounds I write an outline after I see who I'm facing, branch it out once time permits into a draft, PM the draft to myself when I feel it's done, re-read it and revise, then post. I never post before the day they are due in case another great idea hits me. Waiting to see if you come up with something else can make the difference between a boring RP that you absolutely hate upon re-reading, and one you're actually proud of that defeats Showtime in that round. True story.

I don't have all that kind of time, considering I can only get online from work lol I try to keep an "outline" in my head, and adjust it once I see who I'm up against. Honestly, I hate trying to RP based on the match, when I'm not involved in a story. So, with Doe, I'm RPing based on the character, and the match is secondary. That is probably what cost me the match against Showtime, but I can honestly say that was my best RP so far.

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