This Needs to Be Addressed

The short version as best I can remember is that we knew Doug was awful, but he came in claiming that he was an experienced and well-decorated e-fedder. He was really bad, so the idea was to put him as the head of a stable with two newer guys and hope it would help all three. As we found out, FunKay and FalK went on to great success, and Doug was still shitty Doug.

Never said I was a well-decorated e-fedder. I stated I was experienced. Which I was. I guess I was just ok with mediocrity... Which in hindsight was probably a bad thing.
Im sure there are others that share my opinion, but cant be sure.

I have wanted to start in the fed a few times, but RL gets in the way from being able to commit. The few times I could have dedicated some time, things I was seeing turned me off a bit. Just so happens the Unscripted title match is one of those things. As an outside looking in, I still dont see how RR won that one. So at times I do wonder why certain matches go down the way they do.

Other things are how the cycles work & the being late issue. I get why it happens on both sides and real life should always come first, but it can be off putting to bust ass trying to make a time limit just to see extensions given. Especially if you could have used an extra day tweaking before submission & possibly lose to someone who had more time. As far as shows being late, I dont see why that is too big an issue as long as your own work was solid. Is it really a big deal to wait a few extra days? Nah. Unless a late show was clearly just thrown together and it sucked.

The feedback thing is another subject that seemed to dip at times, but as has been stated - its not hard to ask and many have no issue giving it out. Whether or not you handle the critique well is totally on you.

Just an outsiders take & it may mean jack shit, but if I had more time, the fed didnt tend to lose some great writers like they have & a few thing Haiku said were implemented, myself and others may have more of a reason to spend some time in WZCW.
I'd actually have an interest in your Feds here on this forum, but I'm tied up with different fed on one of my old friend's forums that's just as complicated and in depth...and it feels like a chore doing that. So I don't think I could handle two.

I'm curious to see if they're similar though. Do you guys determine who wins the match based on who had the better promo (Via a staff grading system). Are promos more story and writing based rather than how WWE promos are with talking inside the ring? Better grammar, good themes and character development, etc that go into your pieces? Promos are placed in one thread, and then the show with written matches are done in another?

I'm curious just in case I ever do decide to check it out and give it a try. Don't take it the wrong way but the fed I'm in has a lot of very talented writers, I'm probably mid card at best. If you guys have a different system than that, who knows I might be main event material. Could probably help my narcissistic personality get a little bigger. Or who knows I might be worse. But I'd definitely have to give it a try at some point down the road.
Do you guys determine who wins the match based on who had the better promo (Via a staff grading system). Are promos more story and writing based rather than how WWE promos are with talking inside the ring? Better grammar, good themes and character development, etc that go into your pieces? Promos are placed in one thread, and then the show with written matches are done in another?

A blanket answer to all your questions: yes.

Whichever fed you're tied up in sounds very similar to how WZCW runs.
So.. very minor question here. What was the remix situation?

Which one?

Simply put, Remix and WZCW don't work together. He's a great writer and we do like his work but the way he wishes for us to operate is something we cannot accommodate. Lots of heated discussion ensues and all parties get angry.

I'm saying this in the most civil manner possible.
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Im sure there are others that share my opinion, but cant be sure.

I have wanted to start in the fed a few times, but RL gets in the way from being able to commit. The few times I could have dedicated some time, things I was seeing turned me off a bit. Just so happens the Unscripted title match is one of those things. As an outside looking in, I still dont see how RR won that one. So at times I do wonder why certain matches go down the way they do.

Other things are how the cycles work & the being late issue. I get why it happens on both sides and real life should always come first, but it can be off putting to bust ass trying to make a time limit just to see extensions given. Especially if you could have used an extra day tweaking before submission & possibly lose to someone who had more time. As far as shows being late, I dont see why that is too big an issue as long as your own work was solid. Is it really a big deal to wait a few extra days? Nah. Unless a late show was clearly just thrown together and it sucked.

The feedback thing is another subject that seemed to dip at times, but as has been stated - its not hard to ask and many have no issue giving it out. Whether or not you handle the critique well is totally on you.

Just an outsiders take & it may mean jack shit, but if I had more time, the fed didnt tend to lose some great writers like they have & a few thing Haiku said were implemented, myself and others may have more of a reason to spend some time in WZCW.

It sucks balls when results dont go the way you think they should. And absolutely impossible to believe that bias doesnt effect it at all. Its one thing when you lose, quiet another when somebody else does and nearly everyone is up in arms. Like Unscripted.

I had my own issues but I couldve probably powered through were I not losing trust with the process as a whole.
But that was largely due to my pitched ideas being given to creative members instead while SHIT/Barbosa was a largely neglected feud until Showtime wrote the MOTY. Abother thing that was rectified to be fair.
I made it to page 8 before giving up.

What a bunch of crap, or maybe piss weak is a better word as I'm sure this a legitimate issue that needs to be sorted out.

And this is just my personal view on how I like these kind of threads to play out; the ones that in the bar room that is. If you're going to air shit in the bar room get fuckin abusive so its at least entertaining to the ***** that dont have a dog in the fight. So fucking fire up and get stuck in farken
I just noticed the comment about how RP's look and I tend to shift the blame toward creative for this one. I said it in JGlass' thread but members are being shackled with criteria, RP's that arent match specific lose votes, so we are going back to standard interview days, how much can you feedback them? Not a lot, not once you've nailed the formula. I used to write for a cardboard robot, how much did I want to focus on my throwaway match as opposed to wrestling with its humanity? All formula = no fun, and can leave the really talented writers behind, not that I'd consider myself talented.
I just noticed the comment about how RP's look and I tend to shift the blame toward creative for this one. I said it in JGlass' thread but members are being shackled with criteria, RP's that arent match specific lose votes, so we are going back to standard interview days, how much can you feedback them? Not a lot, not once you've nailed the formula. I used to write for a cardboard robot, how much did I want to focus on my throwaway match as opposed to wrestling with its humanity? All formula = no fun, and can leave the really talented writers behind, not that I'd consider myself talented.

It is entirely subjective. For me, if you are role playing a wrestler and you refuse to mention wrestling and the upcoming match, the what's the point in role playing as a wrestler? If you want to wrote a book not about wrestling, the go ahead and do that. I guess I'm of the so called "Old School" that liked it to be traditional... Not shackled. There is a lot of room within the scope of being a pro Wrestler and it doesn't need to be an interview. The talented writers will find ways of making wrestling interesting without spelling everything out, much like you did.

But like I said, it's subjective. Doc and Jiggles to a lot of love for their runs in the Fed but I never connected with the characters. I know I was in the minority but that's the nature of the beast. There is no perfect way to RP but everyone has a preference, I guess. That's why voting as an individual and as an overall team exists. It's not perfect but it's the best we've got.
Барбоса;5264807 said:
You were SHIT.


It is entirely subjective. For me, if you are role playing a wrestler and you refuse to mention wrestling and the upcoming match, the what's the point in role playing as a wrestler? If you want to wrote a book not about wrestling, the go ahead and do that. I guess I'm of the so called "Old School" that liked it to be traditional... Not shackled. There is a lot of room within the scope of being a pro Wrestler and it doesn't need to be an interview. The talented writers will find ways of making wrestling interesting without spelling everything out, much like you did.

But like I said, it's subjective. Doc and Jiggles to a lot of love for their runs in the Fed but I never connected with the characters. I know I was in the minority but that's the nature of the beast. There is no perfect way to RP but everyone has a preference, I guess. That's why voting as an individual and as an overall team exists. It's not perfect but it's the best we've got.

Fair. I do believe in keeping it in the fed, JGlass and Doc were great with analogies, it seemed out there but the situations on their RP's mirrored their matches and fueds. I just listened to the podcast where Yaz admits Dorian lost a vote from him because he didnt mention the match, it was pointed out that he did, metaphorically. To me that reeks of bullshit, considering the character Dorian is it would look awful if he suddenly broke and said "by the way, I am wrestling Matt Tastic at blahblahblah!" When he is a more metaphorical character, and it was noted that it only won because it was especially superb, it broke the system in place.

Thing is, you cant keep that up. It knackers you. If you go that route then you're fighting the limitations set in place. I am probably just butthurt because my church RP, which I know Kermit rates (love you) and made the shortlist of RP's of the year, lost to a fairly basic interview.
I understand how some feel hindered by the seemingly basic RP formula but I think it's important to remember that this is still a wrestling fed. Yeah it's extremely nice to have out of the box ideas that aren't the normal but in the end they should have a purpose as to why that person is wrestling or should want to win or why someone reading should care. The most talented writers are usually able to mix those uncommon ideas and stories and make them still relevant to a wrestling setting. You don't need to make your whole RP about whoever your opponent is every round but consistently doing nothing to build your upcoming match and expecting to win just because you're not doing an interview RP is not a direction I think things should go in.

As a person who's had a very out of the ordinary character to another who can flip flop from dynamic to decently realistic I've learned you need a balance of the normal and the crazy from all different types of characters because staying on just one end of the spectrum or the other is boring, regardless of the RP style.
Fair. I do believe in keeping it in the fed, JGlass and Doc were great with analogies, it seemed out there but the situations on their RP's mirrored their matches and fueds. I just listened to the podcast where Yaz admits Dorian lost a vote from him because he didnt mention the match, it was pointed out that he did, metaphorically. To me that reeks of bullshit, considering the character Dorian is it would look awful if he suddenly broke and said "by the way, I am wrestling Matt Tastic at blahblahblah!" When he is a more metaphorical character, and it was noted that it only won because it was especially superb, it broke the system in place.

Thing is, you cant keep that up. It knackers you. If you go that route then you're fighting the limitations set in place. I am probably just butthurt because my church RP, which I know Kermit rates (love you) and made the shortlist of RP's of the year, lost to a fairly basic interview.

I agree. Wrestlers have lives outside of wrestling, so it is entirely possible to tie the two together. And there really shouldn't be any distinction between the two. Like SHIT the wrestler should be the same being as SHIT the robot struggling to come to terms with its humanity. I recall having a conversation with Kermit about that of Skype recently.
Don't care about the lateness stuff as I've no showed and took time off more than anyone so I understand real life comes first.

The biggest problem with the fed is what Haiku said; most of the best writers and characters have left for whatever reasons. Not to pick on Dynamite again, but just look at Cerberus; they have the longest reign as tag champs, won them twice, and are having a historic run. But no one gives a shit because although they deserved to win all they've won and are all over every show, everyone knows they would have lost to most of the great teams in the past (not FP we sucked and were overrated). The fed basically sucks at this point and it's no one's fault really, it's just the nature of the beast. People leave and those holes don't get filled. It's gotten so bad that Thrash and Ryder are winning god damn matches, sub par writing is becoming the norm and accepted because there is nothing better out there. Just a waiting period until either people return or someone like Bagpipes comes and surprises everyone.

The critiquing part isn't really creative's fault, sure some can be dicks like Dynamite when you say stuff, but most of the time they've listened to all of my complaints and I can be a genuine asshole at times. The problem is no one says anything or does anything anymore. I'm part of it because I don't do feedback or anything but I never really have.

In the end I don't fucking care, I'm just here to write dick and fart jokes.
Wouldn't say the best writers have left. be fair, I do consider Ty the best, and he has left, so I guess that is correct. That isn't to say we don't have great writers. When you do have something with the creative nature of E-fed writing (much like real wrestling), bridges get burnt.

Granted, sometimes there are writers that can be difficult to work with. I don't think I've ever had a problem working with anyone, in the fed, ever. Which is coincidental, considering a lot of my shtick on here is to act like an asshole. But I still want to believe there's room to work with some of the people who have left. I may be in the minority, but I writers like Infinity back. The fed is weaker, when writers leave.

That said, it has to be on both sides to want to come back, I guess. There has to be a middle ground to bring back these writers, and it takes for everyone to want to meet that middle ground. When I was on creative, I actively wanted to get people back into the fed, but I also realize they have to want to come back, and creative just can't completely move heaven and earth, I guess.

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