The SmackDown! LD On 2/18 Is Celebrating 600 SmackDown Laying Episodes!


I guess that was the picture that was taken when Booker heard the statement of Justin Bieber giving his views on the American Healthcare system given the brat is from Canada?? LULZ....:p
NorCal, I guess you take into consideration that after HBK, he's the only other founding person who's been with WWE Raw/SD since the inception of the show franchise. I guess that is a pretty big deal to most people. That'd be like Law and Order SVU going on without Benson and Stabler...its just another boring cop show...
Gonna say the unthinkable. I really don't want to watch The Rock's speech again. I've already watched it so much this week.
NorCal, I guess you take into consideration that after HBK, he's the only other founding person who's been with WWE Raw/SD since the inception of the show franchise. I guess that is a pretty big deal to most people. That'd be like Law and Order SVU going on without Benson and Stabler...its just another boring cop show...

No no, dont get me wrong, I have nothing but the utmost respect for UT, fucking love that dude, and feel ridic lucky any time I get to see him live, but fuck sake, they are acting like he has been gone for a year or some shit. It was the end of November, lulz.
No no, dont get me wrong, I have nothing but the utmost respect for UT, fucking love that dude, and feel ridic lucky any time I get to see him live, but fuck sake, they are acting like he has been gone for a year or some shit. It was the end of November, lulz.

Yeah, I get it, but the only thing I can think of is that his return will probably have serious repercussions with the WM being so close. Especially when he's kinda going the Mysterio route and seems to be injured like every other week or so. Wouldn't shock me if he's done this year or next.
You'd more think they'd save this kind of a hyped return for HHH of all people...he's the one who's been gone going on a year pretty much...THAT would be deeming a HUGE return almost necessary of the old crypto-code like harkening back the the 2nd debut of Jericho...
Wonder what that e-mail said…

"For a good me at the Man on Man bar down the street...A.Ri will be in the boys' bathroom wearing your favorite color lingerie Mikey Cole!! We KNOW what you Like!!....Luv you...The Miz" Lo and hacking can be a funny thing...

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