The SmackDown! LD Is Where The Fire Burns on 12/3!

That guy had to get paid a lot for him to willingly allow Edge to put him in that position. He had to know Kane was going to whoop his ass when he noticed he wasn't Paul or maybe Edge kidnapped him too.
Only for the cops to arrest Kane when they find out he's set people on fire, buried a person alive (twice), and I'm pretty sure he's commited murder didn't he with Katie Vick?
Only in WWE-land can someone get away with blowing up VKM, then inappropriately touching a corpse, and kidnapping a paul bearer, and force feeding him buffalo wings and brownies, and electrocuting Shane O Mac's testicles without fear of legal about the good ol US of A.
Only for the cops to arrest Kane when they find out he's set people on fire, buried a person alive (twice), and I'm pretty sure he's commited murder didn't he with Katie Vick?

I think it was that she died in a car crash or something. I've tried to forget the whole Katie Vick thing. Apparently, Kane still has her brains from that night in the funeral home.
I think it was that she died in a car crash or something. I've tried to forget the whole Katie Vick thing. Apparently, Kane still has her brains from that night in the funeral home.

You can never truly forget about Katie Vick. You can only hope to bury it so deep inside your mind that it never comes out again, but that doesn't work. Somehow or another it finds a way back into your life such as with Punk's promo on 900th Raw.
I've always wondered that. Why don't we get any prosecutions in wrestling angles?

The only prosecutions there were was in Little People's Court on RAW....and that was for something as dumb as Pedigree'ing Hornswoggle...a simple assault charge..but yet for the MAJORLY F'ed up stuff...they expect us to turn our heads and be like "Oh...just another day"
And then there's pretty much everything the Nexus did in their early days. Breaking and entering, trespassing, assault, GBH, distruction of property...

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