The SD LD Will Never Be The Same Without The Swagger Soaring Eagle on 11/26!

Kane has lost all the fucking heat he built up during his feud with taker.
How is Edge a face doing this shit?...and I thought he was on a mission to end stupidity in the WWE, this seems pretty stupid to me.
I didn't get a chance to watch it tonight to see how it came off on tv, but live it was a really good show. Lots and lots of wrestling. The Kane and Edge promos weren't too great, but I did like watching everyone freakout when Edge was doing the promo in the crowd. The Kingston/Swagger match was very good. The Eagle kept telling us to suck it. I don't remember the divas segment, I was too busy staring at Layla's ass. The dark main event has made me a fan of Drew McIntyre. It was Del Rio/McIntyre vs Big Show/Mysterio and McIntyre was the most entertaining person of the match. He was bumping around like Shawn Michaels and was just hilarious. If he was like that all the time, I could see him actualy getting over. All in all it was a very good wrestling show.
Eh, the wrestling was good, everything else was shit. Really dont like the program with Edge and Kane. SD slipping highly in my eyes the last couple weeks, while raw has been on fucking fire for three weeks

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