The SD LD for 8/6 is full of surprises yet mentally constipated

I had three majors. It's why I had to do 18 hours back to back semesters.

She's said it but it's all kayfabe.
I knew it, but this is good; I was waiting for WWE to bring back schizophrenic Kane. Ths feud could be like the one done in 2004... except actually done well
Does anybody else hate how when Rey Mysterio was cutting his promo, those random clips just happened to appear??
What I don't get is when Mr. Ziggles got the bejeezus beat outta him, Vickie covers her ears as she's watching it. :wtf: Doesn't she realize covering her ears won't stop it from happening? She's doing the wrong freaking thing?? Then after its all done...she covers her eyes like its still going on...I think she got that "Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil" mixed up or something...
It was quite entertaining to see Kofi beat the bejeezus outta Mr. Ziggy. I hate when I'm so pissed and try to throw someone on an announce table, and the table doesn't break, and just topples over. :p

Then to add insult to Ziggy's injury, seeing Vickie run over and manhandle his 'nether region' while he's unconcsious. Does that count as the bad touch? lol

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