The Official LOLTNA Thread

He must, Robbie sucks honestly. I dig the gimmick, it's a heat-magnet and he plays it well, but he does NOT understand how to wrestle the X-Division style, at all. Kaz is jumping around doing fuckin inverted tombstones and springboard dropkicks while Robbie is slapping on one headlock after another. He sucked all the life out of that opening match.
The only positive marks I've seen were for the Main Event. LJL liked the X Title match, but I think he just has wood for Robbie.

Of course I have wood for Robbie.

To tell you the truth, I rather have guys like Lethal, Sabin, Shelley, and Gen Me than guys like Kazarian and Robbie the X-Division. I think they will be better suited for the TV title.
He must, Robbie sucks honestly. I dig the gimmick, it's a heat-magnet and he plays it well, but he does NOT understand how to wrestle the X-Division style, at all. Kaz is jumping around doing fuckin inverted tombstones and springboard dropkicks while Robbie is slapping on one headlock after another. He sucked all the life out of that opening match.


Wasn't Robbie E originally from ROH? If so, I'd expect more of an X-Division style out of him. I was very shocked to see him so "grounded" in his first outings with Jay Lethal but I assumed it was because he was still adapting to TNA. Now I realize that he's nothing more than a character that can do a few headlocks, bodyslams, and clotheslines.
Did anyone like the PPV last night? I see Zeven_Zion trashed it, so either the world is about to be swallowed by the dying sun, or it was so terrible that even the biggest mark on the forum couldn't come up with a way to defend it.

I was quite shocked by this myself.

So, who is willing to say that TNA has severely diminished Anderson's value as a real main-eventer by having him lose clean to a heel less than a month after winning the title and making him look like the weakest champion in the belts short history?

Also, needed help beating Jeff last time.

I'll say it. Probably gonna get the Joe treatment now.
TNA has destroyed Elijah BUrke
In my opinion since roughly October the Pope character has been nearly ruined by TNA "Creative". First the great angle with Sting & Nash that went nowhere after BFG, then the awful feud with Abyss (which Pope lost I might add), then Pope's cheesy resurrection following the previous feud's equally cheesy casket match blow off, finally ending with Pope's current terrible heel program with Joe. Basically I feel the booking of the character has turned Pope from a dynamic babyface character back in Summer into a confusing character I no longer care about.
It's painfully clear that TNA has no plans to push pope or joe
TNA has destroyed Elijah BUrke
In my opinion since roughly October the Pope character has been nearly ruined by TNA "Creative". First the great angle with Sting & Nash that went nowhere after BFG, then the awful feud with Abyss (which Pope lost I might add), then Pope's cheesy resurrection following the previous feud's equally cheesy casket match blow off, finally ending with Pope's current terrible heel program with Joe. Basically I feel the booking of the character has turned Pope from a dynamic babyface character back in Summer into a confusing character I no longer care about.
It's painfully clear that TNA has no plans to push pope or joe

For the record, I called it. The Pope was always a flash in the pan. He had a nifty entrance and decent mic skills right up until the time when TNA decided that he was so good that he no longer needed a script and could ramble on for as much and as long as he wanted. You know, kind of like Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff do now.

Pope was good when he was limited and before he fell victim to 40 face/heel turns within the course of two weeks.
He had a nifty entrance and decent mic skills right up until the time when TNA decided that he was so good that he no longer needed a script and could ramble on for as much and as long as he wanted.

This, x1000. The Pope talks too much, as does every other TNA employee. WWE is too scripted, and TNA isn't scripted enough. There needs to be a happy medium.
TNA are considering Isis the Amazon. What the fuck? This is the person who was passed over FOR SOMEONE WHO'D BEEN IN WRESTLING FOR LESS THAN A MONTH!
TNA Impact- February 17th, 2011- A Few Thoughts

- "The Network" is just starting out, and I'm already terrified. Bischoff will use this as an excuse for every shit decision the booking department ever makes. Mark my words.

-The "God" chant for Flair was ridiculous..yet very entertaining.

-Jeff Jarrett stole the show..again. However, why didn't Kurt do anything once he got to the restaurant? Why in the fuck was he wearing that Chefs jacket? Also, Kurt left the parking lot as though this was happening live. At the "restaurant," the segment was blatantly shown as having already been edited. Makes no sense.

-The Hernandez/Doug Williams match was a disgrace. Not only was it a total squash, but we didn't see any of it because the idiots in TNA thought some worthless brawl between the Knockouts was more important. Total shit.

-As each and every week passes, I still find myself wondering why this "Shore" gimmick isn't dead yet. Pointless, worthless trash every single time.

-Flair turning on Fourtune is just stupid. I would like to know why and how this was a good move? Just for the sake of having another twist in the whole saga?

-Matt Hardy isn't all that fat anymore...huh. Surprising. However, he is still absolutely awful at everything he does. Guess losing 300 lbs. of pure fat doesn't mean all that much :shrug:

-Ken Anderson cut the worst promo of his entire career. He was so over-the-top it wasn't even somewhat believable. He needs to calm down a bit. When he goes that insane, it doesn't look good. All around, he sucked pretty hard tonight.

-The Taz, Bully Ray and Tenay thing was actually pretty entertaining. I don't care about Bubba in singles action, never have. BUT, he cut a pretty convincing promo. Interesting to see what can actually be done with him.

-Was this the end of the RVD/Hardy storyline? All that build, for that? If so, that's pretty weak.

-Just a terrible, terrible show. The wrestling was weak, and that's being nice about it. We had to suffer through promo after promo, and none of them were anything special. Not a good all.

EDIT: Also, was it just me or was RVD high as shit during his pre-match promo??

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