The Official LOLTNA Thread

So, um, an episode of TNA iMPACT! is on at 00:00 tonight on Challenge. Is it the latest episode? Fucked if I know. Let's watch and find out.
So, um, an episode of TNA iMPACT! is on at 00:00 tonight on Challenge. Is it the latest episode? Fucked if I know. Let's watch and find out.

What are you in the Queen's Guard now? 00:00 isn't a real time man!
They were supposed to be doing a catch up. So this should be one of the ones that were missed in January.
A couple things worth mentioning:

-Neither of Angle's biological children have been revealed to be Jarrett's biological babies.

So we have to wait to get to that point for it to be a dumb feud?

Angle is the top star in the company, Double J is easily the best heel, it shouldn't take much for this feud to work. If we're getting to the point when children are getting involved, it's probably time to end the feud. It's not the morality police, it's the this is fucking stupid police.

-Eddie vs. Mysterio was above the title on SmackDown in the summer of 2005 and helped lay the foundation for the blue brand's ever important Hispanic audience. Smarks may not like the storyline, but to imply it didn't work is absurd.

I would wager to say the move to MynetworkTV had more to do with it then this feud.
Also, I would empty my bank account if it meant Kurt coming back home. Is that what it'll take, Kurt? Because I'll do it! I'll fucking do it!
You have to go to Platform 9 and 3/4 to watch it.

Not one of your best quips Samuel. You're losing your edge in your old age.

Also, I would empty my bank account if it meant Kurt coming back home. Is that what it'll take, Kurt? Because I'll do it! I'll fucking do it!

Considering how little money is my bank account, I'd be down. There are SO MANY matches I want to see with Angle in the WWE while he's still worth a shit in the ring. I want to see Angle vs. Danielson, Swagger, Ziggler, Punk, Kofi, and one more Angle/Mysterio match before both of their bodies are destroyed.

I would literally punch my mother in the stomach for a 20+ minute Angle-Danielson match on PPV.

Besides, who's left in TNA that he hasn't already wrestled a dozen times? Nobody. Do we really need to see that big Angle-Crimson match?

I just attempted to watch the 'tour of the Jarrett household' with Karen. That was incredibly creepy and wrong on many levels.

Yeah, exactly. It's kind of funny in a dark way, especially what Jarrett screams at his kids, but overall it's just bullshit IMO, even if Kurt says he's fine with the angle there's no way it can't be hurtful having his marital troubles, ex-wife, and children exploited on TV like that. Kind of reminds me of when the WWF tried the Road Warrior Hawk real-life drug abuse angle where they'd have him show up clearly fucked up and make a fool out of himself or try to fucking kill himself. Yeah, interesting angle, sure, but it's not worth the exploitation of real-life problems for a fucking wrestling angle.
I'm five minutes late to the show because apparently I don't have Challenge. I suspect that it's simply because I haven't retuned lately. My suspicions are confirmed when I retune and Challenge miraculously appears. Well, I say "miraculous" but I'm cursing my ingenuity after what follows.

I'm greeted with Mr. Anderson - with a shit-looking t-shirt and a shit-looking belt - yelling at Bischoff. The set looks like shit. Someone turn the fucking lights on, Christ. Bischoff yells back, promising Hogan will come back or some such. Anderson bounces around and yells something about intimidation. Jeff Hardy appears on the titantron, cuts a bad promo. Something about an Antichrist. Sorry-- ANTAHCHRIIIIST. RVD attacks him. Matt Hardy attacks RVD. Anderson dashes backstage and attacks Jeff Hardy. Immortal, I presume, attacks RVD and Anderson. Note that this all looks very fake. Ten dozen kicks and punches are thrown - not one of them looks like it connected.

We come back and they're recapping the poor-looking beatdown. The Hardys are reuiniting against Anderson and RVD later tonight, apparently. And hey, look, Karen Angle's back. Shakycam! Immortal have their own dressing room, eh?

Hey, Beer Money/MCMG is on. I think this is the first time they've wrestled. Beer Money are representing Fortune apparently. And Immortal, according to earlier. Stables within stables? It's like Inception except, you know, I hope I'm dreaming.
Alex Shelley says something. I don't know what, but I do know he just seduced me through television. Shelley's wrestling in a t-shirt. I can only assume he has designs on being the next Sting.
Roode and Storm spend a good minute double-teaming Sabin but Shelley isn't allowed in the ring. So says the referee.

Edit: Look, just make every tag match a tornado tag match. Yes, I know you guys love the "hot tag" but it's just ******ed when the referee just up and forgets that you're not supposed to have four guys in the ring at once.

Edit2: Taz forgot what Storm's finisher was. Man, I can't believe WWE let this guy go.

Edit3: Drinking While Investing is an awesome name for a double team finisher. Shame it looked like shit. Swear it normally looks better than that.

Edit4: The first mistake was having the Machine Guns and the Hardys on the same card. Can't wait for Tenay and Taz to go apeshit over Matt Hardy hitting a leg drop from the middle rope.

Edit5: RVD and Anderson are doing some bad acting. Anderson swears for no raisins. They start talking about friends and stroking their 4x4s. Literally.

Here comes The Pope. When I was watching, he was pimpin'. Let's see if he's still pimpin'.

Edit6: Pope's grammar is poor. Do they have to turn the lights down every time someone cuts a promo? "Pope forgives you"? You ain't no Punk, son.

Edit7: Picture of pigs fucking. "Dixietron"; is that a word now? Fuck. That's a pig suckling, not giving birth, you stupid twat.

Edit8: This show's attempts to be adult are more childish than any PG rating. It's painful.

Edit9: Anderson and RVD go into Immortal's dressing room, "attack" Beer Money after closing the door behind them. It actually sounds like they're raping them. That definitely wasn't consensual. All I'm sayin'.
Abyss. Just... Abyss:

TNA has learned to fail on so many levels, it isn't even funny. Except for periods during 2008-2009, I mostly enjoyed TNA up until Bischoff/Hogan came in. So pretty much, for the past year and parts of the two years before it, TNA has really went down hill. It's a shame, they had alot going with Sting, Joe, A.J., Angle, Christian, Daniels, MCMG, etc...

Now what do we get? A sucky Pope, RVD, Anderspn, Robbie E, Gunner and Murphey, Jay Lethal, etc...

Why does TNA have to be so horrible? I refuse to watch it anymore, it's so sad.
I read that entire post Nick and agreed with pretty much everything you said. Great thread.
Watching the latest Impact. What the fuck happened to Eric Young? Was he wearing the world title?

"He thinks we're off-air."
"Then why was he speaking into the mic?"

Yeah, alright.
Yeah he took the old World title out of the trash after Jeff won and introduced his own incredibly ugly title.

You can't even make this shit up.

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