The Official LOLTNA Thread

Anderson and Hardy's promo would have been genuinely good if they were in a building with more than a hundred people - and if more than twelve people reacted in any way. As it is, it just came over as sad.
Anderson and Hardy's promo would have been genuinely good if they were in a building with more than a hundred people - and if more than twelve people reacted in any way. As it is, it just came over as sad.

Whenever someone mentions how shitty the Impact! Zone is, you're forced to listen to the "it's makes sense, financially" argument. Maybe it does, but that doesn't make the place any less the pile of shit that it is.
Impact Zone wishes it could be even half as involved, entertaining, and active as the crowds at the Arena. The Arena may be small, but it's SUCH an awesome venue to go to a show and comes off great on TV/PPV/DVD.
Impact Zone wishes it could be even half as involved, entertaining, and active as the crowds at the Arena. The Arena may be small, but it's SUCH an awesome venue to go to a show and comes off great on TV/PPV/DVD.

When they mic the crowds correctly. The fans seem so uninterested during ROH on HDNet.
Quote of the Night: Jeff Hardy talking about the upcoming ladder match with Ken Anderson for the World title.

"..when I descend from that ladder, and take back what's rightfully mine (the World title)...."


Either Jeff still hasn't figured how his "comfort zone" match works, or he was too high to know what he was actually saying. But it's TNA; who cares about details??
Easily the biggest problem is us having to swallow that Fortune, angle, Steiner, mercer, and RVD could be overpowered by Fortune consisting of 1) Less guys and 2) Far less talented guys. All this until one guy shows up, it's gets Anderson over more but it's looks sooooooo unrealistic. I didn't have too many problems with this impact all round. Pretty much this, the fact that the opposing stipulations for the angle and Jarrett match seems to be vastly disproportionate and the fact they made a video package of Ink Inc. of all guys. Also, I don't think Hernandez came out at the end with immortal, pretty big boo boo (although him signing makes sense to me, gives Immortal much more credibility than Rob Terry or Gunner and Murphy for example), and Matt Morgan for that matter.

I didn't dislike like too much, but the things that were wrong were pretty big and very stupid. To complement, I thought Madison Rayne delivered her first good promo content-wise, sarita's "cousin" looked good, the Anderson and Morgan match with Jeff on the ladder and Hernandez interference I really liked, just the image of Hardy sitting there like a higher power judging them with the symbolism of him sitting on a ladder which is a powerful tool of his. The team 3-d feud is oddly ok although D-Von should never talk on live T.V. because the feud it still developing week-by-week and buh-buh, although fitting the dimensions of a barrel of ale, is doing quite a good job in his current role.

Back to the bad again, they buried the Joe and pope feud in that match, it got no hype and about a minute of air time. I also don't understand why Morgan got another title match after going down to the mid-card for a little bit, even if he can put on a good match. But the point that annoyed me most on the whole night, and has been doing for a while now, why does their have to be a truce at the beginning of every show? Guys get beat on the week before and yet they just come out and stand in the ring, better yet when they are backstage they just shout at each other! It doesn't look very intense when you have two groups of people supposed to hate each other and they all just shout from behind a barrier of men instead of going at it.

By far the moment of the night was Roode's promo, man was it good. The guy really proved his stone's to me and has that Austin like quality of demanding attention and being able to get it by psyching out the opponent with his words, more of the same please. I'm pretty sure my level of analysis was a bit too much for this thread but I've done it now.
Quote of the Night: Jeff Hardy talking about the upcoming ladder match with Ken Anderson for the World title.

"..when I descend from that ladder, and take back what's rightfully mine (the World title)...."


Either Jeff still hasn't figured how his "comfort zone" match works, or he was too high to know what he was actually saying. But it's TNA; who cares about details??

He'll officially have it when he gets down the ladder and the ref raises his hand? I'm pretty sure you haven't officially won a title until the ref acknowledges it

He's still fucking fried.
People's a rather loose statement, I'm rather happy that I get to wind down from work watching the last 2 hours of something wrestling related
PWInsider said:
Max Buck has deleted the comments he made about Generation Me missing tonight's TNA pay-per-view and his apology from Twitter.

That could mean they will make it.....or that TNA didn't want them letting the cat out of the bag. We will find out later.

That sucks, I wanted to see Robbie E vs Hair Gel
Yeah, they didn't do a good job with AAO. I'm more exited about the 3/3 Impact than this.
So Kazarian will defend his title tonight. One of Immortal's aims is to hold all the titles in TNA. However, there are no members of Immortal who are available to challenge for the title (apart from the security guys and that Mexican who is feuding with the tall guy).

I sense a stupid move by TNA. Or a return/debut. Or both.
Here is my deal with TNA. TNA needs to brand themselves. What and Who are TNA? Because I don’t know. Who is TNA? Who is their #1 hero? No one is synonymous with TNA. Who is their top villain? Jeff Hardy?
Did anyone like the PPV last night? I see Zeven_Zion trashed it, so either the world is about to be swallowed by the dying sun, or it was so terrible that even the biggest mark on the forum couldn't come up with a way to defend it.
I haven't seen a single person give the show a positive review Nick, so I think even the biggest marks were disappointed. I can't blame them, holy shit the first 2 hours sucked.
The only positive marks I've seen were for the Main Event. LJL liked the X Title match, but I think he just has wood for Robbie.

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