The Official LOLTNA Thread

If they actually showed some X-Division wrestling, I'd watch. I mean like X-Division a la Joe-Styles-Daniels.

That TNA is long dead. Apparently they're going to try and reboot the X-Division leading up to Destination X, but knowing TNA their idea of rebooting the X-Division will be another Suicide title reign.

Are Coco and I the only ones that love this Jarrett character? Child abuse and brainwashing are always entertaining.

Jarrett's character is fine, he's always been a good heel. That's not what pisses me off about the angle, what pisses me off is that they're basically humiliating Kurt Angle, the REAL person, on national television with the facade that it's just an angle. It was only 16 months ago or so that Angle was being arrested with drugs, stalking women, and breaking down in a crying mess on a regular basis in large part because of his divorce with Karen.

It's despicable. It's the kind of shit that will give us another Benoit scenario.

It is a great heel character. The moral police are amusing.

Because everyone knows I'm nothing if not all about morality, right? That's me alright, Mr. Church-Going Apple-Pie Eating American Morality. Sorry if I think twisting the knife in Angle's back on national television while exploiting his children isn't cool.

Bet you thought this was funny too, huh?

I actually quietly marked out at myself when Fortune (Fourtune?) turned on Immortal. I have no idea who's in Immortal, I have no idea what's going on but I do like Beer Money and AJ Styles. Kaz gets a pass by association and Ric Flair, mercifully, wasn't there.

Really man? It was so anti-climactic. Not to mention it made NO FUCKING SENSE WHATSOEVER IN ANY SHAPE WAY OR FORM. One of the most nonsensical swerves I've ever seen.
I didn't like that it was Fortune in the first place and that they basically were fill-ins because creative's plans fell through (despite Dixy apparently now claiming that it wasn't ever going to be MEM, yeah because Kurt shows up for work in a suit everyday), but I did like the execution. It was simple but effective. And AJ's promo, even though it was AJ saying it, was good with his talking about Hogan and Bischoff killing their last company not coming to kill TNA, how guys who shouldn't have ever had a job were getting them (sorry Razor chico), it felt real and may be a projection of AJ's genuine feelings.

But it obviously leaves Immortal as shit, couple of bodyguards who lost to Ink inc. earlier that night, rob terry, the hardys of all people and Jarrett.

One thing that was stupid was that despite all the clips playing through the night oj Jarrett with Kurt kids on national TV, Kurt didn't seem pissed off at all, that was stupid but what to expect?
News of the day: TNA is considering a TNA Hall of Fame. Dixie has hinted about it.
Really man? It was so anti-climactic. Not to mention it made NO FUCKING SENSE WHATSOEVER IN ANY SHAPE WAY OR FORM. One of the most nonsensical swerves I've ever seen.

I haven't watch TNA in, like, six months so I had no idea if it made sense or not. All I saw was AJ Styles and Beer Money turning face, complete with cool hand gesture.
Angle and Jarrett are too good for a stupid shit angle that they are working right now. It didn't work for Mysterio and Guerrero, it won't work here.

Ken Anderson might be the worst person on a microphone in the history of mankind. I literally want to scoop my eyes out with a spork and stab my eardrums with a q-tip when he's on TV.
Anderson's not that bad. He's a competent worker and I don't think he's anywhere near as bad on the mic as you're saying he is Shocky. He is extremely overrated though.

My head hurts everytime I open that "Fortune revealed as They" thread. I literally pity the people that think this was some stroke of genius booking. They have so very much to learn.
I can't stand Anderson's delivery. He has such potential to be fucking amazing on the microphone. I don't mind his in ring work, it's the character that I just simply tune out.

I like the Fourtune thing simply because these guys have been hampered by piss poor booking since Hogan got there, and it'd be nice for them to break out. However, it was just a really sloppy reveal.
With TNA's return to British TV - we only gave you both your record attendances, you ***** - I think I'm going to give it four weeks to win me back. From pay-per-view to pay-per-view. Consider the gauntlet thrown, TNA.
Don't worry Sam, they'll find new ways to disappoint you. They always do.
Anderson's not that bad. He's a competent worker and I don't think he's anywhere near as bad on the mic as you're saying he is Shocky. He is extremely overrated though.

I can't stand Anderson's delivery. He has such potential to be fucking amazing on the microphone. I don't mind his in ring work, it's the character that I just simply tune out.

This is a problem I see with a lot of TNA guys (Anderson, Morgan, Pope, even Bischoff). Guys who are (at least somewhat) naturally gifted when it comes to public speaking, but have absolutely no direction. They over-talk the shit out of everything. Where most normal people could get a similar point across in 10 words, these guys use 20. The promo's are horribly redundant, and they are constantly tripping over their words. I'm not saying they need to be over-scripted, but some sort of coaching before facing the crowd is needed.
TNA should just cease to exist permanently before it is forced to. They are really just making talent that used to be appreciated, into sacks of shit nobody really cares about. A bit harsh, maybe do i care, not really.
Angle and Jarrett are too good for a stupid shit angle that they are working right now. It didn't work for Mysterio and Guerrero, it won't work here.
A couple things worth mentioning:

-Neither of Angle's biological children have been revealed to be Jarrett's biological babies.

-Eddie vs. Mysterio was above the title on SmackDown in the summer of 2005 and helped lay the foundation for the blue brand's ever important Hispanic audience. Smarks may not like the storyline, but to imply it didn't work is absurd.
A couple things worth mentioning:

-Neither of Angle's biological children have been revealed to be Jarrett's biological babies.

-Eddie vs. Mysterio was above the title on SmackDown in the summer of 2005 and helped lay the foundation for the blue brand's ever important Hispanic audience. Smarks may not like the storyline, but to imply it didn't work is absurd.

I would go as far to say that the Chavo/Rey feud in 2006 was above the title as well.
I've read posts about how this makes Immortal look weak and how it's the face stable that are usually week. Immortal still have the people who are in positions of authority but when the eventual Immortal vs. Fourtune match happens, it looks one-sided.

Since Beer Money is face now, that leaves Gen Me is the only heel tag team besides Gunner and Murphy if you want to call them a tag team?
I've read posts about how this makes Immortal look weak and how it's the face stable that are usually week. Immortal still have the people who are in positions of authority but when the eventual Immortal vs. Fourtune match happens, it looks one-sided.

I get what you're saying. But physically, it makes Immortal look pretty damn weak. Bischoff still has control of the company, and if this is anything like WCW, he could hold power for another 3-4 years, when it should only last 3-4 months. And now with the MEM deciding they don't want any part of that circus they used to call the workplace, this "court proceeding" bullshit may last a long time. Just because Bischoff says it will be resolved March 3rd, doesn't mean that's what's going to happen. Think Starrcade 1997 :disappointed:

Since Beer Money is face now, that leaves Gen Me is the only heel tag team besides Gunner and Murphy if you want to call them a tag team?

I'd rather not.
-Eddie vs. Mysterio was above the title on SmackDown in the summer of 2005 and helped lay the foundation for the blue brand's ever important Hispanic audience. Smarks may not like the storyline, but to imply it didn't work is absurd.

I don't know if I'd go that far, Eddie and Rey were already top stars on Smackdown before their distasteful feud. I don't think that particular feud really lit a fire under the Hispanic audience's ass, if I remember correctly it was actually Eddie's death that brought in the biggest hispanic audience.

As distasteful as the angle was I didn't mind simply because we got plenty of Eddie-Rey matches, and they were pretty much incapable of having a bad match together.

Since Beer Money is face now, that leaves Gen Me is the only heel tag team besides Gunner and Murphy if you want to call them a tag team?

And Gen Me haven't even been used as a team much, they've been using them separately to have more bodies for the X Division. They really bungled Gen Me, had them set up to be a top heel tag team during the MCMG feud only to have them disappear off the face of the Earth and only appear backstage as Tara's lackeys for no reason.

Nobody has cared about Jay Lethal in years.

Well that's just not true, Lethal has remained quite over throughout the years is probably one of the most popular guys on their roster these days.
Anderson surprised me with his ring work. And I loved his mic stuff. But when I saw him live, he had the crowd eating out of his hand the whole time.

I've not seen anything to show that he doesn't deserve a chance.

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