The [Official] Entourage Thread

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So season seven started off with a bang last night......

Vince(my least favorite character by the way) was goaded into doing a dangerous stunt by director Nick Cassavetes. Ari and the rest of the gang tried to talk him out of doing it, but it seemed like Vince wanted to prove his manhood, so he went ahead and did it anyway. It seemed as if Vince might have been dead after the stunt went wrong, but he managed to survive it.

Turtle can't seem to catch a break after the break up with Jamie Lynn. He tried to take advantage of a vulnerable Dania Ramirez in a car garage, but she turned him down. Before all of this took place, Dania was an employee for Turtle at his car service business. But her departure isn't a big loss, because she was an awful employee. I really won't have anything positive to say about Ramirez. Every time I see her, all I can think about is the VERY fucked up way she dumped AJ(Tony Sopranos' son) on The Sopranos.

This season looks good so far. I know it's only one episode, but still, I can't wait to see how things will develop. How will Lloyd adjust to his new role? Will Drama(my favorite character) get a chance?

I'm also wondering how Turtle will adjust to life after Jamie Lynn. Also, will the wedding between Eric and Sloan take place this season or it will be saved for the last? I have a feeling the wedding might be saved for the last season, because there's a chance things can become shaky in the relationship between the two, and if the wedding is saved for the last season, then it can help build some extra suspense for the show.

Again, great way to kick to off the new season last night, but we're going to have to wait until July 11th to see the next episode of this new season.
This show has gotten really, really fucking terrible and I can't bear watching it anymore.

I just watched the last couple episodes, and I hate every single plotline that's going on. Not to mention, the writing as a whole has gotten very bad. The writers can't construct a good plotline anymore and there is a LOT of plotline regurgitation going on.

1.) Vince is an adrenaline junky now! Let's totally ignore that he couldn't even drive two seasons ago and we'll have him to crazy stunts for movies and race motorcycles around the city. Also, I just met you, Scott Caan, and I'm considering making you my new manager and dumping the guy who has stood behind me for years (speaking of, what is this, the 3rd or 4th time he's been trying to dump E now?) because he doesn't "get" me. Oh, also, I'll get a haircut without telling Nick Cassavetes! Uh-oh! Some very edgy and interesting stuff going on here. I mean seriously, do wigs not exist in Hollywood? Just lazy writing.

2.) Turtle is a piece of shit. He always has been one of the least interesting characters and now he's dead weight. His business is tanking, and anyone who can run a business somewhat competently can make his Limo company work. He's a failure again. Big whoop. Also, that Hoochie Mama he's trying to get with is fucking annoying as hell and is grating every time she's on screen. And now out of nowhere she offers Turtle a job in Mexico. Hopefully they get mixed in with a drug cartel and are executed because I've had enough of Turtle.

3.) There is no way E would ever get with Sloane. They have no chemistry in the first place. He got some edge back when he pushed Scott Caan into the dinosaur head (what the fuck was up with that Adrian Peterson cameo, by the way? Talk about being hard to watch...). Not talking about him pushing Caan into the dinosaur head because that seems like something a 7 year old would come up with, but that he has some edge at least. Of course, that is yet another regurgitated plotline, but whatever.

4.) Drama went from being hysterical to a melodramatic bitch. Don't care about him not finding work, because this happens every season. This past week, when he was pitching Drama a script, they made Jeff Garlin, one of the funniest people working today BORING.

5.) Ari. Ari Gold is one of my most favorite characters in the history of television, and they are neutering him. He too has been a bitch all season, and not the Ari Gold we all know and love. They're regurgitating the plotline of his wife being jealous and putting her jealousy over his professional life again. This NFL storyline makes no sense. We're hardly getting any of Lloyd, and the Ari-Lloyd dynamic was one of the things that I loved about this show. We need a lot more Ari, and less bullshit from everyone else's end They're trying to cram 5 different plotlines in 25 minutes. It's not working.

This used to be one of my favorite shows. It's getting to the point where the shelflife is definitely used up, and it's time for this show to end. I really can't see things getting better. I'll still watch, mainly for Ari, but the show is no longer funny or entertaining... it sucks.
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