The Official Lost Thread

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Because it's not their future, it's their past. It all already happened which is why the Alt line exists.

It's not their past, it's a parallel timeline. It's occuring at the same time as the original timeline did, but is going in a completely different direction.

That was one of the effects of negating the electro-magnetism with the nuclear war head. On one hand it transported the guys in the past back to their present, and on the other hand it caused a different timeline to splinter off with very similar, yet also completely different results. Faraday even explained that with his 'rocks in the stream' analogy in season 5.

Every theory or explanation i've read refers to the other timeline as a 'Side Flash' or 'alternate timeline', and not a 'past life', which is what you're suggesting.

Not once has anyone suggested that they are reliving their lives all over again just so the 815 passengers can experience both timelines. So how did you come to this conclusion?

She realised that she was the weak link, being that she could be killed by Smokey or could become like ole dead-eyed Sayid. From this point on she'll lead Hurley from a safe position.

Wow, you really do clutch at straws don't you? She didn't realise shit. She wasn't paying attention to what she was doing, hence why she was blown up in the middle of a sentence, just like Artz. She was running her mouth just like he did in Season 1.

"Do as i say because i know more about this than you, and i know what i'm doi....' BANG! Dead. We're talking about a woman who trained all her life for a cause she knew next to nothing about, hunted down an assassin, went to the island of hell, and committed herself to completing Jacob's orders even though he's dead, and you think she suddenly got scared and killed herself, so that the MiB couldn't kill her? And she hasn't seen Sayid since the plane crashed, so how would she know what's even happened to him?
Holy fuck I just realized something. You know how the people who have been touched by Jacob can't die by their own hand? Doesn't that mean Locke wouldn't have been able to hang himself?

Has Ben said who told him to kill Locke yet?
Holy fuck I just realized something. You know how the people who have been touched by Jacob can't die by their own hand? Doesn't that mean Locke wouldn't have been able to hang himself?

I thought it was the Island itself that determined whether you died or not, considering that Michael tried to kill himself twice after returning to New York. Then Tom explained that he couldn't die because the Island wasn't finished with him yet.
And then when the Kitana exploded (that was the name of the Frieghter wasn't it?), Christian appeared before Michael, stating that he could 'go now' and then he was killed.

Plus we've not seen any footage of Michael or Walt meeting Jacob, so i don't think that factored in to the equation.

The same idea that Ben put forth after Iliana died. The island was finished with her.

And Desmond will be perfectly fine despite his swan dive into the Well, because as Eloise and Widmore have both expressed, the Island isn't done with him yet.

Charlie Pace said:
Has Ben said who told him to kill Locke yet?

I don't think they honestly care. They all know that they're supposed to be staying away/confronting the MiTB, yet none of the candidates care. All they want is to go home. They don't even seem to be interested in what, why, or how they're supposed to do what they're supposed to do. They got home, lived their lives, and then returned because they thought all the other survivors were suffering because of them, only to find there wasn't anything wrong until they returned, so yeah, they're not interested in who killed Jacob, or who Jacob even was.

The only person who seemed to care was Jack, and that was because he was focused entirely on the fact that Jacob had been manipulating his life in order to get him to the Island. Oh, and Iliana cared, but being Jacob's lapdog, she would. But again she only cared that he did it, not why.

And they know that Linus is a murdering bastard, so justified or not, they just assume he's being typical Linus, because everything he's ever done has been for his own benefit, yet he describes it as being for the Island's.

I.e. He tried to embarrass Locke, and even shot him to prevent him from becoming leader of the Others.

He murdered Keamy to satisfy his lust for revenge, instead of simply incapacitating him and keeping the Freighter afloat.

He moved the Island instead of Locke when Locke was supposed to do it.

He killed Locke to get the Oceanic 6 together, instead of just relying on Locke to do it.

He abandoned everyone as soon as Smokey offered him sanctuary because he thought Iliana was going to kill him.
Another great episode of Lost tonight. Pretty much every episode of this final season has been A+ quality. Sayid continues to behave like a zombie. I'm still wondering if he actually did what Locke asked him to do? I also feel Sawyer and the gang should not trust Claire. She has gone completely bonkers, and I believe she will turn on them in the end.

I was kind of pissed about Jack changing his mind about Sawyer's proposition at the last minute. Jack is so torn about what he should do. His indecisiveness will cost him when this is all over.

I'm also wondering what will Charles Widmore will do? He's a major player in all of this, and there's a chance he could disrupt everything.

Lost is almost over, and I expect a thrill ride all the way to the end.
I'm still wondering if he actually did what Locke asked him to do?

Highly doubtful. If one of the main characters is going to die, then they'll show it happen. Hell man, they introduce new characters just to kill them off in weeks all the time. Characters who apparently were always there, yet you've never heard of them until 5 minutes before they get killed.

-Everyone in the tail section except Bernard, was killed off. I understand Anna Lucia getting murdered and Libby, but did Eko need to be killed off? Did that actually further the story in any way? Or did they just kill off everyone's favourite tail end survivor for no reason?
- Dr. Artz doesn't even show up until the episode before the 3 part finale of season 1, and is blown up 2 episodes later.
- Nikki and Paulo actually had several episodes, with lines, and after maybe, 5 or 6, they were buried alive!
- Neil Frogurt appeared in the first episode of season 5, purely to bitch and moan, and get shot with a flaming arrow. Despite having apparently crashed with everyone else, he's not even mentioned until season 5.
-Scott..... or was it Steve? The whole Steve and Scott joke ran throughout Season 1......... until Ethan murdered one of them.
- Cesar was introduced in Season 5 as the 'leader' of the Ajira survivors, only to be blown away by Ben 3 2 episodes later.

And there's more, but my point is, these fairly insignificant characters were all shown being killed. Do you really think they'd have Sayid kill Desmond in a well and not let the audience even see it or have a far away gun shot to at least imply it happening?

I also feel Sawyer and the gang should not trust Claire. She has gone completely bonkers, and I believe she will turn on them in the end.

The worst part about the whole Claire situation, is that she left Aaron alone in the jungle in the middle of the night to go ghost hunting, yet she's never accepted any responsibility for losing him. It's probably due to Smokey's influence, but how is he supposed to possess people simply by talking to them? And if that is the case, why is Jack still determined to resist him?

I was kind of pissed about Jack changing his mind about Sawyer's proposition at the last minute. Jack is so torn about what he should do. His indecisiveness will cost him when this is all over.

Jack will totally become the new Jacob. The doctor who was obsessed with getting everyone off that Island, will now be the guy who must stay and protect it to ensure an ultimate evil isn't released upon the world. The ironic thing is, that the man Jack's trying to keep there, resembles the man who tried to keep Jack there only 3 years before.

Plus, he's the only candidate that's learned the truth and actually cares. The other candidates know as much, or maybe more than him, and they couldn't give a shit.

I'm also wondering what will Charles Widmore will do? He's a major player in all of this, and there's a chance he could disrupt everything.

The Widmore crap makes no sense. How does he know that Desmond was involved in the Swan imploding for a start? Why did he also feel the need to murder all the other Ajira survivors instead of just rounding them up and imprisoning them inside The Hydra, and then dumping them when all was said and done, OR just let Smokey kill them, considering that the only people he needs to go with him are the candidates?

At no point has this guy ever stated what he actually wants. First he's sending people to kill Linus, then Linus claims that he's coming to reclaim leadership of the Island, and now suddenly he's come to protect the world by preventing Smokey from getting off of the Island......... while killing as many innocent bystanders as possible. Apparently in Widmore's eyes, something's only worth doing if 20 odd innocents can be murdered in the process.

And to further add to that, for a Con Man, Sawyer really is a fuckin' idiot for thinking that an agreement with Widmore would actually be honoured.

Lost is almost over, and I expect a thrill ride all the way to the end.

I expect that as well, plus a billion and one unanswered questions and plot holes to go with it.
...So am I the only one that thought Jack died at the end of this week's episode? Did you see that explosion? He flew across the freakin' island and had blood all over his face one minute, the next minute Locke is picking him up and saying ominously "You're with me now". I'm pretty sure Jack died in this episode and Locke brought him back to life, just as he did to Sayid before which is basically what made Sayid Locke's zombie-slave. I feel like Jack just had his soul traded to the devil and he didn't even really have a say in it. I'm worried about what will come of Jack, because things are really not looking good for him right now.

Another AMAZING fucking episode this week obviously. Like, I cannot even express the brilliance this season has been. Lost has solidified itself in my mind this season as the single greatest television serial in the history of the medium. The storytelling is just so fucking layered and symbolic and fuck man I'm not even going to get started because I could go on all day which is why I avoid this thread so often because I end uip getting stuck in so many thoughts about the brilliance of what I'm seeing before me.

Anyone else impressed with the acting of Emelie de Ravin this season? I know I am. She scares the living shit out of me, not like in a "Oh that's a nasty person" kind of fear, no, she scares me just from the look in her eyes like she's had her fucking soul ripped out and her spirit destroyed. Which explains why she was with Locke of course. Brilliant acting from her this season, she's really played her role to perfection but I'm glad there's still a shot at redemption for her with her jumping on the boat with Kate and the others.

Fuck I'm worried about Jack. AHHH! No new episode this Tuesday guys, they're just re-airing the AWESOME Richard episode from a few weeks ago, Ab Aeterno. Just gives us all even more time to sit here and stew with our thoughts and wait with insane anticipation for the next chapter in the greatest fucking story television has ever told.
...So am I the only one that thought Jack died at the end of this week's episode? Did you see that explosion? He flew across the freakin' island and had blood all over his face one minute, the next minute Locke is picking him up and saying ominously "You're with me now". I'm pretty sure Jack died in this episode and Locke brought him back to life, just as he did to Sayid before which is basically what made Sayid Locke's zombie-slave. I feel like Jack just had his soul traded to the devil and he didn't even really have a say in it. I'm worried about what will come of Jack, because things are really not looking good for him right now.

If Jack isn't the hero of the show or doesn't survive until the end then that'll be the biggest shock. I don't think anyone is really expecting any harm to come to him.

Anyone else impressed with the acting of Emelie de Ravin this season? I know I am. She scares the living shit out of me, not like in a "Oh that's a nasty person" kind of fear, no, she scares me just from the look in her eyes like she's had her fucking soul ripped out and her spirit destroyed. Which explains why she was with Locke of course. Brilliant acting from her this season, she's really played her role to perfection but I'm glad there's still a shot at redemption for her with her jumping on the boat with Kate and the others.

Until this season I didn't rate her as an actress at all. She was boring, cuddly and if she'd died no-one would have missed her. This season has shown her and the character in an entirely different light. She's totally fucking unhinged to the point where you'd have her walk infront of you, just so she couldn't randomly stab you in the back.
What's really interesting to me now is Sayid. It was assumed that once he sold his soul, he wouldn't be able to get it back but the signs have been there for weeks now that something is up with him. Firstly he seems bothered that he can't feel anything, then he let's that annoying woman get away, now it's reasonably safe to say he's let Desmond live.
I'm really looking forward to the next episode. It seems to be focused on the Lockealike so answers are inevitable and he seems to have dropped the pretence of being a decent guy anymore.
Here we go again :)
If it doesn't happen tonight then expect it next week but the war has started and all hell is about to break loose. Tonight seems to be focused on MIB and judging by the trailers, should be awesome. Hopefully we'll get some backstory but I'm not counting on it yet. I really want to see why and how Jacob seemingly trapped Smokey in the cabin.
Another amazing episode of Lost tonight. It's just too bad so many people had to die. Locke had a devious plan, and it almost worked. Locke said he was "going to finish what he started" but I think Jack has an ace up his sleeve. I just hope Sawyer can learn to trust him because they need to work together if they're going to survive. I was kind of scared when Kate was shot because she's one of my favorite characters, but I'm glad she was able to pull through.

I'm also wondering where Claire stands in all of this? She kind of lost her mind a while ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if she snapped, and tried to kill Kate again. You could tell how torn Claire was when Locke prevented her from boarding the submarine. Also, she didn't seem to happy when Locke told her he was going to finish off everyone who survived the explosion.

I really hope Jack,Kate,Sawyer, and Hurley will survive Locke because it would suck if all four of them were killed. It's time for Jack to lead. I'm just hoping Sawyer doesn't loose his cool too often because everyone needs to be on the same page now.
Wow..... i'm shocked that out of 9 of the central characters that were featured in this weeks episode, only 5 of them are still alive (Note, that i'm not including Smokey, Widmore, Desmond, Richard, Miles or Ben).

For a zombie that didn't care about anything and had had his mind possessed, Sayid really did seem concerned with the well being of the canidates didn't he? Wonder if anyone will go and cross his name off of the wall......

Claire won't try to kill Kate again..... if anything she'll try and kill Sawyer, because that's twice he's left her to rot with Smokey in the last 3 days, so i think she'll go apeshit at him if anything.

Desmond's not a candidate, and yet he's an important partof everything else that's going on..... might we see Desmond sacrifice himself with some bizarre electromagnetic power that actually incapacitates Smokey? Because he obviously can't die, and someone's got to stay and keep him on the Island.

What annoys me about these characters getting killed, is that they never get to say goodbye to their loved ones.

Shannon didn't get to say goodbye to Boone.
Sayid didn't get to say goodbye to Shannon.
Hurley didn't get to say goodbye to Libby.
Michael didn't get to say goodbye to Walt.
Charlie didn't get to say goodbye to Claire.
Alex didn't get to say goodbye to her mother or Carl.
Ben didn't get to say goodbye to Alex.
Sawyer didn't get to say goodbye to Juliet
The Kwons didn't get to say goodbye to their baby.
And i highly doubt Desmond will ever see Penny again.

In fact, the only person who's been able to hear the final words of the person they loved was Daniel with Charlotte.

All i could think of during the Kwon's drowning was that their daughter is now orphaned, and that seemingly neither of them even took that into consideration in that moment.

And how the fuck did she get crushed by a cabinet AND bound to the wall? That just made no sense to me at all. And Lupidus died and no one cared, lol.

I'm interested to see what Alpert, Stahm and Linus are doing, because they went off to get dynamite and haven't been seen since.

And sometimes the candidates are so stupid that i think they should die. If they turned off all the power and Smokey killed all the guards, why no kill everyone on Hydra and then grab Widmore and torture him for information? Why is Locke can turn into Smoke and get in anywhere, would they all do their best Solid Snake impressions, and stealthily take over the submarine? Why not have Smokey just fly in and kill everyone but the captain?

Obviously because there'd be no story otherwise, but come on, these are questions anyone would ask themselves in this situation. Why the fuck are we running in when you're the indestructible Smoke Monster? Does Superman send the Justice League in before him and bring up the rear?

Anyway, looking forward to what happens next, and wondering what other bizarre developments we'll come across as time goes on.
Just crossed my mind. Is it possible that MIB doesn't actually realise he's dead? I mean he was knocked out and then at some point later he wakes up feeling a bit smokey but looking the same. If your brother is immortal there's no reason for you to assume you're dead too.
Just one question........


Is it Jack? The doctor who doesn't really know why?

Or Hurley? The unlucky millionaire who doesn't know why?

Because everyone else is either dead, or a murdering psychopath, or has a rap sheet that would make you weep.

Can nobody in this show achieve ANYTHING without having to kill a bunch of people?
I've been meaning to go through this checklist for a while. I'll only include people who have been given a backstory and were on 815

Jack - Kills Kate's police guard
Kate - Kills her father
Sawyer - Too many to mention
Hurley - Buried Nikki and Paulo alive, also ran over The Others in the beach trap
Locke - Naomi
Charlie - Ethan
Claire - Various Temple crew
Sayid - Don't get me started
Michael - Libby and Ana Lucia
Walt - Unclear but his mother's death was suspicious
Jin - Killed some of The Others
Sun - One of The Others, on the boat
Nikki - Her old guy boyfriend
Paulo - As above
Rose - No-one
Bernard - The Others when they set the beach trap
Shannon - No-one
Boone - No-one
Eko - Various
Ana Lucia - Goodwin
Libby - Probably no-one but technically the guy with the broken leg dies after she tries to fix him

Have I forgotten anything?
So, Jack's the new Jacob.

Jacob's got roughly the time for a fire to go out before he ceases to exist.

Ben and Smocke are now working together again and have killed Widmore and his geeky science bitch (hazaa! The one character i wanted to die, did!)

Hurley, Kate and Sawyer are on the verge of nervous breakdowns.

Someone helped Desmond out of the well

Miles is running round the jungle on his own.

Richard is still airbourne.

The surviving Others are nowhere to be seen

And Rose and Bernard are still enjoying being hermits away from all the noise and the fuss.


Where was Claire this week? Did Smocke just leave her there at the pier, or is she the one that helped Desmond out?

Why is it now suddenly about destroying the Island instead of simply leaving it?

What are Widmore's people up to and when are they going to realise that they are now proper fucked?

And side-time-wise....

Does Hurley remember everything now?

Why did Ben get a flash of his previous beating, but no other information? The other guys saw pretty much the entire timeline in their flashes.

Why is Desmond rounding up only certain 815 passengers? Don't see him looking up Walt and Michael do you? Didn't say 2 words to Ana Lucia, did he? And once he's got them all together, what then?

Season finale coming up, and not only do those questions need answering, but there's the countless other ones that i've brought up that are still left unanswered.
Tonight i'll not only be staying up until 1am towatch OTL until 4 am, but at 5am Lost will be shown in the UK at the same time as the US. I'm going to burn my head out with information overload on a Sunday night, and by 7.30 am I expect to find myself very, very confused about nearly everything that's occurred in the last 6 seasons of Lost.

Talking birds, whispers in the Jungle, Electro magnetic Scotsman, Immortal men, one made of smoke, who gravitate to some light in a cave, children with special powers, guys who talk to ghosts, crippled men who walk, science teams monitoring abnormal phenomena but at the same time fucking around with the heads of thier own staff, countless unneccessary deaths, time travel, and constant egyptian references EVERY-WHERE.

I look forward to reading what you guys thought tomorrow. It's been a fucked up journey that can only border even further on the bizarre.
Lol, ok so i get first dibs on commenting on the final episode of Lost and I must say that i'm 50/50 in terms of satisfaction.

I personally loved the fact that you were able to see all your favourite characters re-unite with their loved ones. The overwhelming joy experienced by the guys who were re-united in the finale was a real heart wrencher. After all the crap that people like Sayid, Sawyer, Claire and the Kwons went through, it really felt good to see them regain the one thing that gave them such unnatural levels of happiness.

What I also liked was the closure that was established for Jack. Everything felt as though it had come full circle for the Doc, left a bloody mess among the bamboo, with Vincent by his side, just as he was some 3 years before when he first arrived. He arrived as the cynical, obsessed Doctor with the need to save everyone from the Island, to essentially becoming Locke 2.0 and dedicate his very existance to the survival of the Island.

3 seasons he spent trying to get away and forget, and then did a 180 and spent 3 years trying to get back and dedicate himself to the Island completely.

Now here's what i didn't like:-

The fact that the only main character to get any closure was Jack. Season 1 presented Lost as being about Dr Jack Shephard and his band of merry misfits on an island, and that's it. Then we spent 5 seasons falling in love with Sawyer, Charlie, Hurley, Claire, The Kwons, Desmond, etc, etc, and of the ones that survived to the very end, how many of them did you learn the fates of?.........

NONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT FUCKIN' ONE!!!!!!!!!

Did the Ajira plane even land, considering that they were supposed to follow specific bairings etc, just to get away from the Island?

Did Kate re-unite Claire with Aaron and her mother, and did that all go swimmingly without Claire trying to shoot someone?

Is Richard still ageless? He did start going grey after all, yet BEFORE the light was put out, so what's the deal with that? Plus, what sort of life did he lead when he got to the main land? Can't be that many employers wanting to take on a 500 year old Spaniard can there?

Did Miles go and cash in on Nikki and Paulo's diamonds?

How did Sawyer manage to fit back into society when he's been clinically dead for the last 4 years? Did he go back to being a con-man or did he find a legitimate job? Did he ever go and visit Cassidy and Clementine?

Did Sawyer and Kate ever make another go of it?

Did Lapidus keep piloting or after 2 trips to the Island did he vow never to set foot on a plane again?

Did Desmond get back to Penny and Charlie succesfully?

What happened to the rest of Widmore's crew? Did they join Hurley and Ben? Did they resist Hurley and Ben?

Were the surviving Others happy to be following a 'New Jacob' with same old Ben?

And how did they all die? And in Richard's case, did he ever die?

And guess what? All those questions I've had since season 1...... were still left unanswered, which I'm more than a little pissed off about.

I'm going to have to pause here and get back to work or my booswill get on my case, but this overview/rant isn't over.

Oh, but i'll add that after 4 seasons of Ben Linus betraying, and manipulating, and attacking, and abducting, and murdering everyone he ended up picking up from where he left off in season 3 when he gave leadership of the Others to Locke. He didn't pay for ANY of his sins. That fucker really deserved to die under that tree...... and there's a point. How'd they get that tree off of him all of a sudden?
Lol, ok so i get first dibs on commenting on the final episode of Lost and I must say that i'm 50/50 in terms of satisfaction.

I personally loved the fact that you were able to see all your favourite characters re-unite with their loved ones. The overwhelming joy experienced by the guys who were re-united in the finale was a real heart wrencher. After all the crap that people like Sayid, Sawyer, Claire and the Kwons went through, it really felt good to see them regain the one thing that gave them such unnatural levels of happiness.

What I also liked was the closure that was established for Jack. Everything felt as though it had come full circle for the Doc, left a bloody mess among the bamboo, with Vincent by his side, just as he was some 3 years before when he first arrived. He arrived as the cynical, obsessed Doctor with the need to save everyone from the Island, to essentially becoming Locke 2.0 and dedicate his very existance to the survival of the Island.

3 seasons he spent trying to get away and forget, and then did a 180 and spent 3 years trying to get back and dedicate himself to the Island completely.

Now here's what i didn't like:-

The fact that the only main character to get any closure was Jack. Season 1 presented Lost as being about Dr Jack Shephard and his band of merry misfits on an island, and that's it. Then we spent 5 seasons falling in love with Sawyer, Charlie, Hurley, Claire, The Kwons, Desmond, etc, etc, and of the ones that survived to the very end, how many of them did you learn the fates of?.........

NONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT FUCKIN' ONE!!!!!!!!!

Is this a fucking joke? You dont find out anything else about them? How about the fact they are all fucking dead? Is that not enough explanation for anyone? Ive read numerous times that people hated the ending because it left so many questions., it didn't. They are ALL FUCKING DEAD. Jack was the one that had the hardest time letting go. Well, besides Ben, simply because he didnt go into the church.

I think everyone just needs to let go themselves. Lost ended exactly the way it should've. Rewatch the last 30 minutes. Christian explains it all. For the people that continue to bitch about not getting your pathetic little questions answered. Guess what. You did. The island was just a place that everyone made to find each other again, and to help each other let go of the past. Because guess what....they were all dead from the beginning.
Is this a fucking joke?

The only joke is your response.

You dont find out anything else about them? How about the fact they are all fucking dead?

What about between leaving the Island and dying? What happened there? Oh wait..... THEY DIDN'T SAY!

Is that not enough explanation for anyone?

No, because it didn't explain anything.

Ive read numerous times that people hated the ending because it left so many questions., it didn't. They are ALL FUCKING DEAD.

Yes, they're dead in the 2nd timeline. We realised that. Based on what you go on to type, you obviously didn't.

I think everyone just needs to let go themselves. Lost ended exactly the way it should've. Rewatch the last 30 minutes. Christian explains it all.

Yes, and that's why you're little tirade at the beginning there has made you look like such an idiot. You come on here and try to tell me that i didn't get it when you clearly don't have a clue.

Christian basically said, 'Everything you experienced in your life was real, what you're experiencing now, is not', because they are NOW dead.

For the people that continue to bitch about not getting your pathetic little questions answered. Guess what. You did.

You imbecile. There are countless unanswered questions throughout the entire 6 seasons, and all you've done is misinterpret the final ending and tell us to be satisfied?

The island was just a place that everyone made to find each other again

WRONG! The alternate timeline was the place where they could meet again. Each of their lives did involve the Island saga.

and to help each other let go of the past. Because guess what....they were all dead from the beginning.

A) No they weren't, how could they have been dead from the start if they were all getting killed on the Island? You don't die in the afterlife.

B) The writers said in season 1, that the characters were not already dead, it's simply what they chose to do for their flashback effect in season 6.

I suggest you go back and watch all of Lost again, and try to pay attention this time and then you won't embarrass yourself like you did with that post.
Ok, I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong, I did rewatch the last episode. You were right, and I was wrong. Although, my opinion on the finale was severely skewed as I was drunk as fuck while watching it. Rewatched it for the second time today after the tongue lashing, because it made me realize that if you were that adamant about it. I was wrong.

Now onto your second point about not finding out any answers. I had heard that all the questions they didn't answer were going to be answered on some special features in the DVD release. Hope that helps, and thanks for making me realize what did go on. Cheers!
Ok, I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong, I did rewatch the last episode. You were right, and I was wrong. Although, my opinion on the finale was severely skewed as I was drunk as fuck while watching it. Rewatched it for the second time today after the tongue lashing, because it made me realize that if you were that adamant about it. I was wrong.

Respect to you my friend, you actually had the guts to apologise, which happens less and less these days. Kudos to you, and i apologise if i caused any serious offence in my response..... I am that kind of asshole unfortunately.

Now onto your second point about not finding out any answers. I had heard that all the questions they didn't answer were going to be answered on some special features in the DVD release. Hope that helps, and thanks for making me realize what did go on. Cheers!

That's cool, but in terms of Kate and Sawyer, two of my favourites, it won't have the same emotional impact as actually watching 30 seconds of footage where they get home and cry in each others arms or some shit. That was all it needed to be. Or just a photo and a caption:

Claire was re-united with Aaron. They now live with her mother back in Sydney.

Miles cashed in on the diamonds and retired in Huwaii.

Richard's actual age finally caught up to him and he died in hospital..... with a smile on his face.

Frank Lupidis bought a yacht, swore never to set foot on another plane and hasn't been seen since.

Ya know, something like that.

I was really torn up watching Jack, a character i've always hated since day one, dying alone alongside Vincent, something he spent all of the first 3 seasons trying to prevent any of the Oceanic survivors suffering, that it felt like a blowtorch to the balls, to NOT find out the final outcomes for 1 of my absolute favourites from day 1 (Sawyer).
I think the ending was kind of clever. I mean, through the whole thing it was Jack over analysing and kidding himself over what was going on, meanwhile Locke was the one who always had faith. But Jack gets to a point where he has faith and performs an act of purest faith, sacrificing himself for the island despite not knowing what would happen. It's like the writers are telling the crowd to be like jack, don't try to overanalyse everything... Just think to yourself about how the survivors all lived their lives after the island.

As for the Ben dying thing, no he really shouldn't have died. The guy was an evil cunt for a while, but that's when he thought he was doing it all for the island and Jacob. He was trying to protect the island out of blind faith, and he lost his daughter because of it. Widmore was clearly sent away from the island for a reason, but he acted like a prick and tried to get back there and it led to Ben's daughter's death. I don't think Ben should've died. He did everything for the island, and got nothing in return. Of course he was going to lie and manipulate and maybe try to kill the Oceanic 815 people, he didn't know what they were there for, like I said, he was trying to protect the island. But he always kept his end of promises, from what I remember. Ben didn't deserve to die.
I think that it's been long enough since the ending that people have had time to think about what the show meant to them, and some of the unanswered questions. I personally love that they left a few things unresolved, as it still give us so much to talk about. This was an amazing show, quite possibly my favorite TV show of all time. I'd like to try and get the conversation going again, as I started rewatching Season 2 and remembering how incredible this series was, as a whole. I'll answer them after a few people get some input in here, so I don't have some giant clusterfuck of a post.

How did you intially get into LOST? I know a lot of people didn't start watching it from the very first episode. If you started watching in like, the Third season or on, did you watch the past seasons or just assume?

In what way do you actually think Walt was special, and why wasn't his father or mother blessed with the same powers? Was he supposed to be a chosen one, some sort of force on the island?

Speaking of which, Walt and Michael were supposed to be used extensively in the final season. Apparently, Walt was an 8 year old character, when in reality the actor was 11 years old. By the time the sixth season rolled around, Walt was "Six feet tall" (Whether this is a hyperbole or not is unclear, but yeah, fuck you, he don't look 8 no more) so they couldn't really show him in his child role. How different do you think the Flash-Sideways Timeline would have been if they were given centric episodes? A lot? Not very?

Why do you think Ilana just suddenly died? Apparently Cesar was supposed to be in the pseudo-leader spot Ilana had, and even had a part in the finale, but due to other filming commitments he had to be written off of the show. Ilana was rather unceremoniously... Well, Arzt'd. It was a rather unexpected moment that got a bit of a chuckle out of me, because Ilana never really came off as too likable a character in my eyes.

To throw one more question in out of left field, why do you think Nathan (Season 2, Tailie) was "going to the bathroom in the jungle" for two hours at a time? Could he have been a plant by Widmore, or was it just a minor thing that shouldn't really be pondered?

I'll ask more later, but I'd rather see what people can dig out of these for now.
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How did you intially get into LOST? I know a lot of people didn't start watching it from the very first episode. If you started watching in like, the Third season or on, did you watch the past seasons or just assume?

I had actually watched from season 1 but stopped for reasons I don't remember. I started again years later after I had quit my job and didn't have shit to do all day. Right away I fell in love again an watched seasons 1,2 and 3 in a about 2 weeks. It was right before season 4 came out on dvd, so I'm thinking around fall 2008.

In what way do you actually think Walt was special, and why wasn't his father or mother blessed with the same powers? Was he supposed to be a chosen one, some sort of force on the island?

This is definitely one of the bigger mysteries left in the show. I have a strong feeling that some light will be shed on it either in the LOST Encyclopedia or on the season 6 bonus features. Personally, I believe Jacob had chosen Walt to come to the island based on the powers he had rather than the island or Jacob giving him the powers. Where said powers came from, I have no idea. We saw that as a child, the Man in Black had the power to see dead people just as Hurley does. Perhaps it's something to do with being at that age, being a child.

Speaking of which, Walt and Michael were supposed to be used extensively in the final season. Apparently, Walt was an 8 year old character, when in reality the actor was 11 years old. By the time the sixth season rolled around, Walt was "Six feet tall" (Whether this is a hyperbole or not is unclear, but yeah, fuck you, he don't look 8 no more) so they couldn't really show him in his child role. How different do you think the Flash-Sideways Timeline would have been if they were given centric episodes? A lot? Not very?

It's really hard to say because there are endless possibilities. The reason I assumed as to why Michael wasn't in the flashsideways was because he was still on the island in purgatory mode or whatever. Since Hurley had spoken to him in current time, and since there was no actual ''time or place'' for the church scene, it's hard to match up exactly where people were. And since the whole ''alternate timeline'' wasn't really anything at all, there is no reason why Michael and Walt should have been there in the first place. Perhaps Michael was there and was just waiting for Walt so that they could move on together. Just like Ben was waiting for Alex.

Why do you think Ilana just suddenly died? Apparently Cesar was supposed to be in the pseudo-leader spot Ilana had, and even had a part in the finale, but due to other filming commitments he had to be written off of the show. Ilana was rather unceremoniously... Well, Arzt'd. It was a rather unexpected moment that got a bit of a chuckle out of me, because Ilana never really came off as too likable a character in my eyes.

I believe Lindleof and Cuse had said that it was due to time constraints. She had originally been written as Jacob's daughter but the whole storyline was cut just as Cesar's was. It would have been interesting to see but honestly there was such little time to close so many gaps and stories that it had to be cut. Neither character was all that interesting to me in the first place so I didn't mind.

To throw one more question in out of left field, why do you think Nathan (Season 2, Tailie) was "going to the bathroom in the jungle" for two hours at a time? Could he have been a plant by Widmore, or was it just a minor thing that shouldn't really be pondered?

Ha I think this is a very unimportant question and it had never even crossed my mind. One of the greatest things about this show and it's legacy is that there are just enough gaps int he story to fill in yourself and keep it going for years. It's a very interactive show and the fans will have fun with it for a long time.
How did you initially get into LOST? I know a lot of people didn't start watching it from the very first episode. If you started watching in like, the Third season or on, did you watch the past seasons or just assume?

I watched the pilot, but forgot to keep watching the other episodes until a friend of mine brought the show up when it was halfway through season 4. I re watched, and got hooked ever since. I just loved how they made the character relationships span out extensively, and how they also left some of the mythological aspects off the finale, to give us food for thought.

In what way do you actually think Walt was special, and why wasn't his father or mother blessed with the same powers? Was he supposed to be a chosen one, some sort of force on the island?

Somehow, that answer just eludes me. I've been racking my brain around, and the most I could really come up is that Jacob brought him to serve as a catalyst for the candidates (Shannon saw Walt in the jungle before she got killed, Locke saw Walt when he was in the pit) But even then, I'm still not satisfied since the character had so much to go on, but nothing was ever developed since they had to write him off the show.

Speaking of which, Walt and Michael were supposed to be used extensively in the final season. Apparently, Walt was an 8 year old character, when in reality the actor was 11 years old. By the time the sixth season rolled around, Walt was "Six feet tall" (Whether this is a hyperbole or not is unclear, but yeah, fuck you, he don't look 8 no more) so they couldn't really show him in his child role. How different do you think the Flash-Sideways Timeline would have been if they were given centric episodes? A lot? Not very?

yeah, he don't look 8 no more :lmao: But I was hoping I could see at least Michael's path to redemption on season 6. It would have been nice for Michael to have this path to redeeming in his son's eyes and his own's since he killed Ana Lucia and Libby, something that now ties him to the island as part of The Whisper. It would have been cool seeing Michael asking Libby for forgiveness as he awakened by seeing her around or something. but, I'm also satisfied how he was used on the last season. Bit of mixed feelings, really.
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