The Official Lost Thread

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Last night we were treated to an excellent episode of Lost last night. They are all back at the Island, but it seems that they are in two different time periods. Locke is alive in the past, but in what year...

The main group of John, Cate and Hurley are back on the Island with Jin, Sawyer and Juliette, in a time when The Others are not yet in control. Sawyer is able to connect with the Darma Initative, and lead them.
I wanna kill Kate, seriously last night was an amazing episode, I love Juliet and now with Sawyer she looks happy, then Oh surprise Kate returns, UGGH!!!. Why cant they make Juliet happy? Just let both Kate and Jack together, they deserve each other, both are pretty meh and anoying,

Sawyer and Juliet are awesome, and together they're just perfect.
I love you.

I would say the same thing too, I have hated Jack for a while, and now I hate Cate. Sawyer and Juliet are such a great couple. I will be pissed if they switch it and have the rough guy with the sneaky girl. Sure that is what was wanted months ago, but not now.
I personally felt really bad for Sawyer. He'd literrally told Horace the night before, i got over someone eventually, and then she comes back and ruins it all. Now, he was probably just saying that to Horace to avoid more drunken dynamite throwing, and had probably not gotten over Kate, but by then had accepted that he'd never see her again, and had settled for Julliet. I say that because when he said 'i love you' to her, it didn't really come across as sincere, but i may just be nitpicking.

I'm grown so sick and tired of the Oceanic 6 now tbh. How Ben Linus hasn't been shot in the face repeatedly is a mystery to me. I'm sick of Kate screwing around with Jack and Sawyer at the same time, and we were finally free from that, until now, and it's going to happen all over again.

Here's what i want explained:

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO EVERYONE ELSE FROM FLIGHT 815??????? They kept Bernard and Rose around for so long, and now we're not even going to find out what happened to them? How is it 1970-something on the island but 2007 everywhere else? What is the deal with Jacob? Who the hell is he? And what is the deal with all the Egyptian shit appearing everywhere now?

With only about a season and a half left to go, i can see myself having SOOOOOOO many unanswered questions by the end. I still want to know why the Others were abducting people and that started in the first fuckin' season.
Ugh, I wonder about Bernard and Rose too. Some say they are dead, I think that is impossible. They should be traveling through time too, so why hasn't Sawyer and the group came upon them yet, they spent like 3 years together with them. Did the writers just think we forgot about them, or are they gonig to bring them in at some point?
last episode wasnt that good, but the cliffhanger is just one of the best....

Right now I dont care about Sayid, but the first scene of the episode really shows that he's a killer.

The rest of the episode was about sayid, but the interesting part was the finale.... HE SHOT YOUNG BEN!!!! WTFFF!!! Did he really kill him???? what happened to the "Whatever happened, happened" rule?.

If he killed Young Ben, what will happen???? that's just WTF!!!
Rose and Bernard will probably end up being Adam and Eve the Skeltons they found in the caves......
And is it just me or did anyone else catch the fact that both Ben and Lockes mothers name is Emily....
And when the Island stopped moving Faraday said nothing matters now so i guess that means they can change what happens in the future or thats what i got out of it
I really liked the last episode. It showed more about Sayid, who is a great character and I love everything about him. His killing of Ben is interesting, because I still believe that you can't change the future, so maybe Ben survives.
This is easily the best Kate-centric episode, this is what S1 was all about, personal choices not Sci-Fi things, this is my favorite episode of the season (for now), Evangeline Lilly was amazing.

Kate revealing the secret to claire's mom is easily my favorite scene of the episode.

Hugo and Miles are amazing, those scenes where very funny :lol:
So i just watched 'Dead is Dead'. Good episode, except it only goes on to raise more questions about things that have had little to no explanation already. A very Ben-centric episode, which showed that he's not a completely malicious, self centered murderer, and we get more calm, collected Locke walking around like being murdered was the best thing that happened to him.

Will be watching 'Some Like It Hoth' in about 10 minutes
Good episode, but I REALLY wanted more focus on the Locke side. It's the much more interesting story going on right now, in my opinion. Sure, the Temple is nice, but I want to know more about The Nemesis.
^^^While I'd have also liked a little more focus on the Locke side of the story, I am pretty sure that Sayid is now Jacob so to me the show focusing on that side of the situation is equally interesting since Jacobs "side" of the battle is just as relevant as his enemies.

I really liked seeing the alternate reality which of course not just involved the plane not crashing but involved some characters being different than the other versions that we knew (like Hurley having good luck, Jack being the more faith based one instead of Locke, Arzt being kind of a moron instead of an arrogant jerk, etc)
I almost wet my pants last night... that premier was so fucking epic.

Right off the bat they explained that the new version of Locke (the Nemesis) is the smoke monster, and I finally understood how things came full-swing so Jacob could be killed. But now, he's guiding Hugo. WTF?!?

And what's with the Asian guy from Rush Hour 3?!? Isn't he the leader of the triads?

And now there's an "alternate universe" going on... Jack senses it, too. Eventually, the two alternate parallel time periods are going to meet and all hell is gonna break loose.

My head is still spinning. I can't wait for next week...

Absolutely loved the season premiere. It started off with a WTF moment that only Lost could give you and it continued on that theme for the entire two hours. I loved how we got to see so many past characters in the premiere, from Frogurt to Arzt, to the big two that had me jumping for joy, Charlie and Boone. Does this mean that both of them will be regulars or guests in the last season? As Via Armbar mentioned, in this timeline both Charlie and Boone are alive, and seeing as how Dominic Monaghan is already featured in ABC's new show Flashforward and Ian Somerhalder can't be too busy, I don't think it's out of the question for both to make a bit of a return. If so, I'm excited as hell, because those were two of my favorite characters in the show.

Seeing Locke, or as we perhaps should now call him, the Nemesis, in this new capacity was fucking awesome as well. His interaction with Richard was a joy to watch, the fear in Richard's eyes was just a great omen for the chaos that is undoubtedly on it's way.

The Temple was another very cool little addition to the Island, glad to see it in use again. I liked the so called "keepers" of the temple, and had to chuckle when I saw one of them was the actor that play's Kenny Powers' brother on Eastbound & Down.

Sayid's "death" and then so called resurrection was another cool moment, and the subtle touch of having him suddenly drop his accent like that leads one to obviously think he's being possessed, possibly by Jacob.

The only part of the premiere I didn't like was the Sawyer and Juliet scenes, mainly because it was a bit cruel to give us hope that she wasn't actually dead, and then killed her off 20 minutes later anyways. That and I'm kind of tired of Sawyer always talking about how he's going to "kill Jack". You guys have bigger problems to solve dude, like the time traveling island of death you can't escape.

All in all though it was a great kickstart to the new season, and I cannot wait to see how the story of Lost concludes. I'm getting sad just thinking about this being the last season. :(
Heres the thing with the Alt universe...

There was never a whole universe that was created from the incident. The incident occured in 77. Remember when Sawyer was telling Jack how he could potentially go back to the states and stop his dad from murdering his mom and himself? When they were in 77 there was still the 77 version of themselves existing in that time, just like how Miles saw himself as a baby.

The Jack we saw on the plane in the beginning of the premier isnt an Alt reality, its the same reality and timeline as the incident. Its the same Jack that was a child in 1977, but his future has been changed for him.

They will connect this at some point just dont know how ha. Especially that the island was sunken.

Oh and any fan of Lost here i strongly recomend you join the Lostedpia forums. Ive been posting there for 2 years and its awesome for any diehard Lost fan.
I sort of saw Jacob's nemesis being the Smoke Monster and Locke as a result. After all, Alex appeared to Ben and said, "You will do whatever John Locke tells you to do.", and next thing you know, he's brainwashing Ben into killing Jacob. I love this dynamic now, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds. You know it's only a matter of time before he makes his way to the temple and gets through the ash somehow. I feel bad for Richard. Here he is, waiting for Locke to become the leader of The Others, and he gets kneed in the face for his trouble.

As far as the alternate realities goes... I sort of have an out there theory with it. I think that we're seeing the end of the series unfold right before us right now. I think that in the end, they help Jacob defeat his nemesis. As a token of his appreciation, Jacob lets them know that he will allow them to return to their old lives, with absolutely no memory of what took place on the island. They will retain everything that they learned about themselves. That's why Locke feels like he went on a walkabout, even though he didn't. It's why Jack has a lot more faith. The reasons why they were on the plane, and the situations that led them to that point are still the same, but Jacob also makes it so each person has an opportunity to better the situation they were in that led them to that point.
^^I don't think it's really "out there" rather I think that it's pretty plausible. Like you, I have also been thinking over the last few days that everyone subconsciously is aware of some past things (you using the word retain was good) but being subconscious they have no clue. For example Hurley still won the lottery and he possibly did so with the same numbers but this time he may not have actually heard them somewhere (definitely not in the same way at least) rather he may have just "known them" so to speak. To him though it would seem random since he doesn't actually remember the experiences of the Hurley that we have seen over the years. That would apply also like you said to Jack, Locke, etc. The reason that characters are to a degree a mirror image of themselves (I like the symbolism of Jack looking in the mirror) is because of the things that they unknowingly retained which therefore allowed for them to alter some things even though other things apparently were "fate." Where Boone is concerned, this time around he apparently is content having left Shannon behind. When we saw Boone on the island after his image of Shannon dying he said that he felt relief. Maybe in the newer "reality" the relief of knowing that letting her go wasn't the worst thing is what allowed for him to be more content.
Man, I'm fucking psyched for this new season! The Monster's identity was revealed, the goddamn guitar's contents were revealed, I realized that Sayid is just too goddamn important to be killed off right away on the show.

I liked the Jack/Locke moments as I feel as if the roles switched between them, as seen on the conversation held in the airport between them.

I'm seriously looking forward to what develops this upcoming season of lost.
I'm kind of surprised that more people didn't work out the Locke/Smokey link earlier. The hints were there all through last season until when the MIB turned up and it was pretty obvious after that. In the episode right before Ben heads off to the temple, he speaks to Locke and Locke says "I was hoping that we could talk about the elephant in the room" and Ben goes on a long winded speech about why he killed John and John just stares at him and says "I was just hoping for an apology". Classic Smokey.

Anyway, I've spent the last couple of days wondering if it's possibly not an alt timeline and how that would work. It did seem like it was a sudden flash and moment of recognition when we returned to the Oceanic flight instead of there being 30 years before it. I'm kind of puzzled how Desmond disappeared.
Ah hang on, something just clicked in my brain. Do you all remember when Desmond blew up the hatch, his concious went back in time and met Eloise. Well the Losties just blew the hatch (or energy below it) again. Maybe it's possible they're just experiencing the same thing and you can expect them to flash back into their 2007 reality after they've learnt their lesson.
If it does turn out to be an alt universe, there are only 2 ways for it to end.

Either the alt catches up with 2007 and they join together, which is pretty unlikely given the island being underwater.

The alt universe or normal one destroys itself. This might be the point where we're introduced to the Valanzetti equation and the end of existence.

Guy Compton just made an interesting point. It's possible that the alt is what happens after it's all over. Everyone picks up where they left off, albeit having lived better lives.

In regard to Sayid, it's entirely possible that he's simply forgotten his life before the drowning and his accent with it.

Oh yeah! I've just been reading the wiki page on Season 6 and the list of returning actors. A big smile just spread across my face :)
Either the alt catches up with 2007 and they join together, which is pretty unlikely given the island being underwater.

At the same time, the concept of two timelines meeting up was mentioned as being possible. Last season Faraday mentioned putting a rock in a stream and I believe he demonstrated it. He said that it the rock is large enough the course of the stream will be changed forever but if it isn't big enough then the stream will split into to but at some point reconnect. That doesn't mean reconnecting on the island but if the fates of the passengers in general are merged then certain elements may reconnect in other ways to be considered a way of getting the initial and "flash sideways" reality together

There is an interview online with the producers from after the episode. In it they won't admit whether or not the bomb is the "rock" that I spoke of but it's interesting regardless to read about their thoughts on the concept of what they call flash sideways. It's not on another forum but on an entertainment website. I can provide the link as a source for you guys to do to but i don't want for my intention to be misconstrued and for me to be warned for advertising, even though that wouldn't be what I'm doing. If a mod gives permission, I'll post the link.
I think that Smokie wants to go ''home'' because he is a slave to Jacob and the island. He works as there security system but no longer wishes to do so. That explains why he can be summoned even though he probably doesnt want to be.

Now where home is is a mystery, but my guess its anywhere off island, rather than one place in particular.
I'm kind of surprised that more people didn't work out the Locke/Smokey link earlier. The hints were there all through last season until when the MIB turned up and it was pretty obvious after that.

The clues were there from the moment you saw Christian appear and walk off into the jungle, luring Jack to his empty coffin. Every single person that dies on that island, then has their identitly stolen by the Smoke Monster (possibly with Walt too, even though he isn't dead, however, the Island/Smokie still knew what he'd look like after growing up slightly.)

It's my theory that the Smoke monster was in fact going to try to use Christian to convince Jack to kill Jacob, however he ended up choosing Locke because Locke was so devoted to pleasing the Island from the moment he found the Swan site. Plus if you remember in the 2nd episode, Locke actually came face to face with it and it spared him, whereas literally everyone else it encountered was killed (with Eko being the only other person to survive his first encounter, however the second time he was killed straight away.)

What i didn't like was the whole 'Lazarus Pit' idea with the Others. Christ man, i know Paul Dini is an executive producer, but do they have to start ripping ideas straight out of Batman?

The alternate timelines i think are done purely so that we can see how these people would have dealt with the situations they were in to begin with, and then show us how their lives are STILL intertwined despite not crashing on the island, hence Kate jumping in Claire's cab to escape the martial, and Jin being taken into custody for not declaring his money, plus Jack meeting Desmond a 2nd time, despite the circumstances of their original 2nd meeting having never happened.

Surely we need to see if Miles and Charlotte were ever evacuated from the Island, or Sayid ever found Nadia again, or if Claire decided to keep Aaron when she arrived and found no foster family, or if Libby and Hurley still ended up together, or if Rousseau ever found Alex again, if Juliet ever escaped the Island or if she ever went in the first place, and if Ben died from his spinal tumor, plus all the countless other stories that never unfolded due to 815 crashing.
The clues were there from the moment you saw Christian appear and walk off into the jungle, luring Jack to his empty coffin. Every single person that dies on that island, then has their identitly stolen by the Smoke Monster (possibly with Walt too, even though he isn't dead, however, the Island/Smokie still knew what he'd look like after growing up slightly.)

Well yes, if you want to go back that far. You haven't forgotten that Smokey tried to kill John the 2nd time they met though? Maybe he was planning to take his identity then.
Something has been bothering me about Smokey though and that's the dreams/visions like Kate's horse etc. Was that Smokey or Jacob? And if it's Smokey, why was he helping them? The more I think about it, Jacob hasn't done shit. He didn't even attempt to stop Ben killing him and honestly, if you're got a crazy guy in front of you with a knife and he's asking "What about me" acting like you don't care maybe isn't the best course of action.
I think there are rules between Jacob and Smokey. One might be that Smokey can't kill any of those that Jacob has touched. And in regards the touching, that may be a way of giving each one of them a part of Jacobs spirit. That would go some way to explaining why Jacob never leaves the statue. I'm guessing that ever since Jacob touched Sawyer, Smokey has been impersonating him. Something did occur to me the other day. Jacob touches Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sun, Jin and Locke before they come to the island. He only touches Hurley and Sayid after they've left.

I'm really looking forward to the Richard Alpert episode. I expect what you'll see is Jacob with Richards help, luring a non-smokey Smokey to the cabin, surrounding it with ash and setting fire to Smokey.

And where/who the fuck is the Hurley bird?
This season has been incredible over the last four episodes that have been shown. You know, before it came back on, I wasn't sure if I was going to bother watching it for another season but when you start watching it again, you cannot help but be sucked into it and how great the writing and story is. I am so glad that I began watching the season when it started and due to how great it has been so far, I have no regrets about the decision.

The best thing about this season has definitely been the enthralling story that is seemingly unravelling more and more by the episode. Apart from that, I am growing increasingly satisfied with how the season as a whole is going. Mainly because we are now getting more answers than new questions on a weekly basis. It is great to see how everything is resolving itself and going back to watch earlier episodes really makes you have a greater appreciation for the show and helps understand it slightly more. The continuity of the show is beginning to come together and I am currently very excited about seeing how the show is going to wrap up.
The Substitute was an incredibly awesome episode. Not sure where it has aired yet so I won't mention any details. It really gave a little insight though into what Jacob and his Flocke's problems with eachother are and the struggle between the two. Nice to see some familiar characters as well in the flash sideways.
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