The Official Lost Thread

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It's kind of hard to believe that it was an entire year ago that Jack first visited Hoffs Drawler funeral home, and the idea of a flash-forward was the craziest thing anyone had every heard of. Well, Lost has outdone itself. The island has moved. And it didn't just float to the other side of the ocean. No, as far as we know the island has been sucked into the depths of hell (as the flames in the island's crazy ice-device would suggest).

Speaking of which, we got to see more of the Orchid video in this episode. The video that was released last year at ComiCon now makes more sense, but there are still many questions remaining about it.

Obviously the island ends up somewhere. Locke, aka Jeremy Bentham, gets off of it, and apparently tells of very bad things that happened. Well, bad things usually happen to the leader of the Others, don't they? Except that Ben seems to have gotten away scratch free, again. Locke, however, ends up dead (and he's the one in the coffin!!!!) If he was going around telling the truth about the island, I wouldn't be surprised if Ben was the one to kill him. I don't think it was Widmore, because he wants to find out everything as humanly possible about the island.

As was expected, the season finale also brought some deaths: Michael and Jin. I think we were all expecting Michael to die soon; even he knew that. And we did know that Jin didn't get off the island, but I was really hoping that he was still alive. Poor Sun!! Her screaming and crying was so heartbreaking.

On a happier and unexpected note, however, Penny and Desmond were reunited!! They're definitely the most likable couple of the entire series. At the beginning of the episode, I was a bit worried that Desmond would be killed. But thankfully he wasn't.

We also saw (or didn't see) some ghosts – Christian, his daughter Claire, and Eko. And for a second, I thought Keamy was Mikhail's long lost twin or something. It's at least mildly reassuring that he was human.

The Skate fans must be dancing up a storm right now. That was one hot kiss! I didn't want Sawyer to jump, but it was awfully nice and selfless of him to. I felt bad for Hurley when Frank said that he wished they could drop some pounds.

I must admit that when Jack and Kate's flash-forward from last season was continued, I thought, couldn't they have just showed us this a year ago?! Of course, then we would have been even more confused. In any case, it now seems like Jack has some way of going back to the island – Ben. That rascal. He's always got something up his sleeve. However, it remains unknown whether Ben can go back to the island. He said he won't be able to, but you just never know.

All in all, season four was very strong, new, exciting, and just plain crazy. But it's Lost, what do you expect? With that, there are only TWO more seasons of Lost left!! Only ONE more season finale, because the one after that will be the SERIES finale! I can't wait! :D

EDIT: Yeah we didn't see him die and I hope you're right. But They killed Locke, I mean if they killed one of the most important characters of the show and he was more important than Jin (in my opinion of course). Should we still hope that he's alive?
As awesome as the finale was, I don't think it matches up to the other three finales. Not their fault, I solely blame that on the writer's strike.

Nonetheless, I thought the episode was still extremely solid. Jin and Michael's death scene was sad, especially when Hurley told Walt that his dad was still alive on the island, and poor Sun got to practically see Jin explode. Jin was one of my favorite characters, it sucks to know that he's actually dead and Sun wasn't talking about his death in a symbolic way.

Fucking Keamy may have been one of the best characters ever on the show. The fight scene with Sayid was gold, and Richard shooting him made for an awesome moment. I was in complete shock when he came back. The island moving was jawdropping, not only due to the fact that it moved, but also because Frank's chopper was out of gas at that moment. It should be very interesting to see the repercussions of The Oceanic 6 leaving the island, as well as the circumstances where Locke somehow made it off the island. Now that Jack has to get his carcass back to the island, I can only hope some Weekend at Bernie's hijinks ensue.

Oh, and what happened to Daniel and the extras? I think the freighter blew up before they got there, and the island was probably gone by the time they realized it blew up.
As awesome as the finale was, I don't think it matches up to the other three finales. Not their fault, I solely blame that on the writer's strike.

With that in mind imagine how the finale would have been if it had only been an hour as planned. As I'm sure you know the producers convinced ABC to give them another hour which is why Greys had another hour as well to fill last week's slot. I can't imagine which parts of tonight would have been held off to only have an hour finale.

Jin and Michael's death scene was sad,

Jin was one of my favorite characters, it sucks to know that he's actually dead and Sun wasn't talking about his death in a symbolic way.

I know that you guys are fully convinced that Jin is dead just because he was on the freighter when it blew up but I've seen enough tv and movies and I'm sure that you guys have as well to know that there's a high probability of him
having jumped off and latched onto something and some other miraculous thing happening moments before it blew up. Realistically that wouldn't be enough time to be safe but realistically in the context of a show like lost it's not impossible.

I'm not saying definitely alive just that there's a much greater chance imo than you guys seem to believe. With that in mind if he is dead it's sad but if he's alive the writers did a great job in convincing you that he's not, despite (like I said) the fact that people have survived even worse in scripted productions like Lost in the past.

We should get some sort of insight when the producers get interviewed, though who knows when that will happen? I've noticed over the four years that if they want something to be perfectly clear they flat out say it (for example they flat out confirmed who the 06 were when people still weren't fully clear on if Aaron was one of them) but if they leave it ambiguous we aren't to take anything as set in stone. So if someone asks them if Jin is dead and they don't flat out say yes, then that will tell us that while he may be, it's not definite until stated as such.

On a side note Locke is the key in them getting back imo cause as long as his body is with them it’s destined to crash since the island wants him back. I’d go as far to say that if his death was suicide he probably killed himself specifically so that the 06 would return to the island.
Well I just got done watching the season finale (Couldnt watch it last night) and all I have to say is EPIC. That was surely a great finale. It served the rest of season 4 well. It answered a lot of questions....but in typical Lost fashion it gave us more to be asked. Like PRH said them moving the Island was truly astounding and breathtaking. Now I'm wondering how will they get back to the island? What will happen to Locke? Whats going to become of Jin? What about Sawyer and everyone else on the island? What about Jacob? God so many questions to be answered. One hell of a season finale for sure.

Oh and Klown. I dont read spoilers. The only Spoilers I read are the Smackdown spoilers. I would not want to ruin this perfect show for myself. I just came upon this conclusion of Locke being in the casket reviewing the knowledge I have of this show and where the writers take it.
So this is the best theories I've heard thus far:

Christian was on the island once - he was an important fellow, he was "special". When he was put on the plane in the casket, he was on there with somebody else who was "special". This is what allowed the plane to crash on the island. # Since "Cabin Fever," Christian replaces Jacob as the Speaker of the Island, who can reveal information to other special people but presumably cannot act on them. As noted elsewhere, at the end of season 4 it seems that Locke is replacing Ben as the leader of the Others. However, we know that Locke will leave the island and eventually die elsewhere, as Christian did. At this point, Locke's body would need to be returned to the island so that he could become an apparition (noted above). Locke would replace Christian as the casket on the plane, and eventually, the Speaker of the Island who can protect the island by revealing insights to alive special people on the island, namely, Walt, who as a survivor of 815 must also return with the rest.

I also am a proponent of Locke did kill himself because he knew that only then would the 06+Walt get back to the island (or that, for some reason, he knew about the theory above and knew he had to be dead to get back to the island and become its protector)
^^^I agree. People will theorize otherwise based on the fact that Michael and Jack couldn't kill themselves (I know that the accident happened but Jack not being able to die anyway is theorized to be part of that) but the island works in strange ways and with Locke being as in tune with it as he is I'm sure that he of all people would be an exception in order getting everyone back.

I'm not sure if his resurrection, which I presume will happen will involve him playing a Christian like role though or be more human like again for whatever reason. Either way Locke was a death that will most likely l not effect his standing as a main character on the show, unlike the deaths of others which then make their appearances as guest stars.

:eek2: The fifth season begins on January 21, 2009 with a three-hour premiere consisting of a clip-show and two back-to-back new episodes.

I can't wait to watch the new season, and learn the fate of Jin, how and why the Oceanic 6 have to go back to the island.

Here are some of the titles of the new episodes and some spoilers of the firsts episodes
5x1 - Because You Left
5x2 - The Lie
5x3 - Jughead
5x4 -The Little Prince
5x5 - This Place is Death
5x6 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

A crash involving several cars takes place around episode 6. Locke steps out, bloodied and shaken, and looks over the damage to the car he was in. (

Matthew Abaddon was seen in a hospital with Widmore.

Now we are finding out that there is only one off-island Dharma station and that Rose and Bernard have been there before. Remember when Bernard took Rose to see the healer in Australia?

The return of Neil Frogurt! Frogurt was mentioned by Hurley in an early episode as the man who used to sell frozen yogurt. He was then featured in a mobisode with Hurley, making it clear that he was interested in Libby. Mr. Frogurt makes his grand return in season 5.

Claire will not be in season 5, but will return for season 6

Kristen at E Online! tells us that Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, and Hurley all need to go back to the island because they need to fan out to a group of Dharma stations. I've also heard rumors that Desmond will be among these six (six including baby Aaron).

I saw a few interesting things:
It looks like they go back in time, I can see Juliet Juliet digging up a hatch, or at least something metal. This could be something from Dharma, or it could be some sort of Others stash.

Someone is exploring a cave, or maybe some other kind of dark space. It looked like Daniel, he had a beard.

I saw someone with a white dress shirt and a backpack going up to a Hatch, presumably The Swan, and a man in a yellow Hazmat suit jumps out with a gun. I believe that the man in the white shirt is Daniel, could the man in the Hazmat suit be Desmond? Constants anyone?.

The new promo for the fifth season.
This season looks awesome and in the promo you can clearly see that

the island traveled in time

I wonder how The oceanic six will reunite since Sun hates Jack and Kate doesn't want to come back, do you have any theories?
As a big fan of Lost, i'm really looking forward to this new season, and hopefully we'll get some answers to questions. Where is the island now? Why do the Oceanic six have to go back? What happened to Locke and the rest who stayed behind? Why was Claire in the cabin, and what is going to become of her? But, as always with Lost, we will probably get more questions than answers.

So how are the Oceanic Six going to get back to the island? Are they going to take a plane, or does Ben have some method of transporting them? I believe that Ben knows almost everything to do with the island, how to get there, how and why the island was moved etc. and he will help the Oceanic Six to avoid danger and to get back to the Island. I also have a feeling that Hurley will play a massive role in this season of Lost, bigger than the role he has played before. And I also think that we will see Locke die, and that Sawyer will eventally become the new leader of the Others. BUt that's just a theory.
hmm, once it was revealed that they now have to go BACK to the island, i've lost agreat deal of interest.

I really don't care who killed Locke, this stupid fued between Widmore and Linus doesn't interest me either because after 2 seasons, Linus just pisses me off, it'll probably end with the revelation that EVERYONE who got on that plane had at some point, met Jack/Claire's dad, i'm STILL waiting to find out why Libby was in the same mental hospital as Hurley, and every season includes a new bizarre, insane aspect to the island, when we still know NOTHING about the previous ones.

At this point, i'm fuckin' sick of nearly every character with the exception of Sawyer and Kate. Bernard and Rose are such non-entities, Sayid can't stop killing people, he just literally can't, Juliette has literally 2 facial expressions to her repetoire and that's it, Sun has always been annoying, Hurley is a good laugh on occassion, except that the writer's lack of general knowledge spoils it sometimes (THEY HAD A COMIC WHERE SUPERMAN RACED THE FLASH AND THE FLASH FUCKIN' WON DAMMIT!) and Desmond and Penny just get more bland as they go, and the new guys? I've lost interest in them already.

I'm going to watch for 2 reasons: A) To see what happens to Sawyer in the end because he's the only one i have any REAL interest in as a character, and B) to see how many others from the cast of SAW are going to appear in this TV show.
Well I am ready for the new season. Funny, because 2 weeks ago, I had never seen an episode. But I ran the gauntlet, and this Christmas break, I was able to watch all 4 seasons, borrowing the first 3, and buying season 4. I look forward to discussing each episode starting January 21st with the people on here.
OMFG!!!!! WHat the fuck did I saw? these episodes were awesome but.... WTF, can anyone explain me what teh fuck did I saw, anywasy here's what I understood.

WOW! where to begin? So long to flashbacks and flashfowards. But hello to Flash-oceanic 6 to flash-on island folks. I love how the island is moving in time every fifteen minutes because it just adds to the confusion and my love of LOST. I adore that Farady is obviously going to have a bigger role this season because he has a good idea of whats happening on the island and how to stop it. I also enjoy that without the flashes, all of the characters get a reasonable amount of time in each episode. I love lost and this season looks to be amazing.
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I loved the two episodes and am liking the thought of being able to probably see various things from the islands history without it having to be in the usual flashback form. That should allow for us to learn about Rosseau's group, dharma, the black rock, etc. Just as we wondered how the 6 would get off of the island when in various spots, we can now wonder how they get back considering Sun's anger, Hurley going to the cops, etc. Speaking of which I know that he has no reason to trust Ben but he was told by Ana Lucia to stay away from police and failed to do so so as usual he made a poor decision but for what he felt were good reasons. I also like, and always have, that they were smart enough to have a lot more survivors than just the main cast cause it allows for the danger of situations to become apparent without always having to sacrifice regulars. Examples of course include the few people that died last year cause of Keamy and his men, Frogurt this week, Arzt, Nikki and Paulo (though they were supposed to be regulars) and many others.

I just watched both new episodes. Man I really don't know what to think anymore. I know it's a time loop. But my GOD. I love that Hurley decided not to go with Ben. Although Im sure he eventually will. Nice to see them bringing back some former members if only for one shot deals. Can't wait to see what they do with Desmond either. As he is probably the most entertaining character on the show. All in all this is shaping up to be a great season. Im fucking PUMPED!!!
I'm already looking forward to Wednesday and the week just started.

I love that we have no idea what's going on and that the mystery is back, but I really hope they sort out the time travel thing and don't make it the basis of the next 2 seasons. I hate plots revolving around time travel, because they can never make logical sense and there are always flaws. (eg: If you can't change fate, how come Faraday could knock on the door of the hatch and talk to Desmond? That didn't happen the first time around, but then somehow Desmond magically wakes up AS Faraday is knocking on the door IN HIS PAST and remembers it. WTF?!)

I do appreciate how artfully they're putting together the episodes. I liked the foreshadowing of the record player skipping in the first minute of the episode, and Faraday later explaining the island time loop to Sawyer using the record skipping analogy.
This season is the best to date, episodes 3 and 5 are one of the best episodes ever, there's one downsider, the oceanic 6, thier stories aren't as interesting as the timre traveling on the insland.

And we had some Rousseau this season, all she said in season 1 it was confirmed here.

Unless all episodes are more boring than midseason episodes in season 2, this will be the best season to date.
I love this season, it is the best since the first two in my mind. Robyn has trouble with the time travel, but for the most part I stay on it. Every episode answers a new question. The island is a lot more interesting, and every shift in time I am interested in seeing what happens to them. I hope to get more discussion going on in here, so Gaga, if you are interested, I'll be here on Wednesday!
Jesus. This season has been nothing short of epic. I predicted a long time ago that Jin didnt die. Thank God I was right. The show wouldnt have been the same without him. I've also heard that very soon we get to know what the smoke monster actually is, and that we will see it's lair. I only know this because of an interview a cast member did with some paper. I'm glad Charlotte appears to be dead. The bitch. I hate her. Faraday is by far becoming the most interesting character. So many questions still need to be answered.
Oh I know, I was the only person who was still holding out for Jin. Jin is a prime character and adds so much to the show. Also Charlotte annoyed the hell out of me, and I was really happy when she died. Unlike Shannon, who I was just starting to like when she died, I never liked Charlotte. Faraday is a great character, but am I the only Miles lover out there?
Miles is funny. I just hate how he is soo about himself. If you know what I mean. He's not that funny really either. He isnt even that interesting of a character. Oh what? He is the islands version of John Edwards? Who gives a fuck. Miles is a pussy. Give me Sawyer anyday. The only way he can be interesting is if he knows karate. Then he can kick that smoke monster into oblivion. I hope he dies next. Also. Does anyone think that Miles is the guy from the Dharma Initiative tapes son? I do...
Hmm he does bare a resemblence to him. That is an interesting thought. I like Miles, him and Ben would be great if they had a sparring of the mouth for a long period of time. I had a thought that the Atomic Bomb might be burried in the temple. Has anyone else thought about that?
Oh man, that's a good idea. But I also think that the temple is where the smoke monster lives as well. What about that giant foot statue? You know the one with only 4 toes. What bout that devilishly handsome motherfucker Richard Alpert. How old is he? It was also CRAZY. I mean. To think that Christian could be Jacob? That boggles the mind. I'm not saying he is. They didnt mention it by name. But it would make sense. Jack is going to shit his pants.

Speaking of Jack, what an emo bitch. Sawyer is the man. Its a tossup. Sawyer is such a badass. But yet Desmond is the most interesting character. I think Desmond needs to be featured more on the show. This season is starting to answer a lot of questions. But also bring up new ones. God how I love/hate this show.
Well I think the smoke monster protects the temple... possibly from the nuke, who knows. I am so fucking stoked to find out about the foot, it is probably the constant on the island. It was brought up (Fuck I want to go watch those episodes again) then not talked about again.

Richard is interesting, I have heard some explanations about him, but I can't really put my finger on it. I just thought he could also travel through time or something like that. Who knows. Maybe he has a good moisturizer.

The Jacob question doesn't interest me at all. I know it is the higher meaning of everything on the Island probably relates back to him, but really, what does it all mean, that has not been touched on the show yet. But here is my thought. Maybe Christian is actually some sort of representation of The Devil trying to control Ben and Richard, later Locke, and Richard is Jesus, the guardian of the others who represent the disciples.

As for that, Desmond is the fucking man. He is my favourite character, taking over the spot from Sayid and Locke. I kind of want to punch Jack everytime I see him.
See I've always thought the Smoke Monster was a security device. I mean if this show is religion based. Which who the fuck knows. Could it possibly be sin? This is something that needs to be answered. Im sure it protects something though in all seriousness, but what the FUCK is it?

Richard is very interesting. They say he is as old as the Island? Thats pretty fucking old. As for it being Jesus and The Devil, im not so sure. But if the show IS religion based it could be very possible.

I'm also just throwing this out there. Michael better stay dead, and Mr. Eko needs to make a comeback. Eko was soo fucking bad ass. Eko can NOT be finished on this show. No way. He was too interesting too be completely left off. I mean FUCK. If Ana Lucia can make a return for an episode. So can Eko.
I cannot agree with you more. Michael died and I think he is going to stay dead. He had his time to die, and he had a purpose to die.

Mr Eko died way to early. He was shaping out to be one of the best characters ever. When they were creating an army I was very interested in seeing Eko go to work on some bitches.

Libby is also an interesting case. They killed her very early, yet they havent said why she was in the mental institute.
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