The Official Lost Thread

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Well there is a reason that both Ana Lucia and Libby got killed off so early. they both got caught driving while intoxicated. The show didnt want that on them, so they got rid of them. That and Ana Lucia besides being oh so fuckable. She wasnt really that interesting of a character. Whereas Libby was with her whole love thing with Hugo. When she died, I literally felt for Hurley so much. It almost brought tears to my eyes.
Yeah I had heard about the DUI charges they had received. I hated Ana Lucia's character with a passion and was glad to see her get the lead. but Libby was a sad death. I also love how the unexplained death of those two (cant think of their names) who were poisoned. I wish we could have gotten to see that, but because the writer strike we didnt. So out of the second group of people, the only one that is left is Bernard. What a waste of like 6 episodes of Lost.
So out of the second group of people, the only one that is left is Bernard. What a waste of like 6 episodes of Lost.

See this is why I hate the second season, they gave those characters the first 7 episodes of that season, they were good, but at the end of the season I felt cheated, I wasted 7 hours of my life trying to like the new people, and by the end there were only two characters alive.
I usually watch the podcasts and stuff like that so hopefully, depsite just being a fan like all of you, I can clarify a few things that supposedly are true, though since i'm not involved I can't be any more sure than you guys lol

See this is why I hate the second season, they gave those characters the first 7 episodes of that season, they were good, but at the end of the season I felt cheated, I wasted 7 hours of my life trying to like the new people, and by the end there were only two characters alive.
They did spend several episodes letting us start to know them but overall they were in the show as much as Boone was when he was alive. The difference though is that Boone's crew remained mostly alive, at least the main cast members, while the tail end crew didn't.

I also love how the unexplained death of those two (cant think of their names) who were poisoned. I wish we could have gotten to see that, but because the writer strike we didnt. So out of the second group of people, the only one that is left is Bernard. What a waste of like 6 episodes of Lost.

There was an explanation a few times, just not a televised one. I personally liked the concept of those two supposedly being around the entire time and allowing for us to see things from another perspective but from what I always saw on various message boards and from what the producers have repeatedly said people were trashing Nikki and Paulo non stop and they felt that they had no choice but to just let them go asap to appease the many complainers

Here is a little more background on that. If I am allowed to link to the site I will. I don't think that it would be advertising as it's just a wiki related site but someone can tell me if it's ok.

"Nikki and Paulo's story was originally intended to be a lot longer, but was ultimately cut short due to the huge fan backlash against those two characters. "
See this is why I hate the second season, they gave those characters the first 7 episodes of that season, they were good, but at the end of the season I felt cheated, I wasted 7 hours of my life trying to like the new people, and by the end there were only two characters alive.

I hear you. That is probably why that season is my least favourite of all time. Was there two left from there? All I can remember is Bernard. Libby and the bitch got shot and I assumed that everyone else was dead besides eko. I think Eko died around the same time as well, which is a huge shame on its own.
I usually watch the podcasts and stuff like that so hopefully, depsite just being a fan like all of you, I can clarify a few things that supposedly are true, though since i'm not involved I can't be any more sure than you guys lol

Supposedly the dui's were irrelevant in both cases. For starters they needed Michael to kill someone in order to show the madness that he was feeling. They needed to invest the fans in a character so that we would care when the character was killed, even if wasn't a very likable one. Additionally they had reasons for killing off Libby along with her.

Daniel Dae Kim got a dui and isn't dead though he always was and will be more relevant than the other two were. People used to say that Eko was off for also getting a dui yet his traffic violation was overturned and he supposedly asked to be released because his parents both died (according to him that was why he was released but who knows?)

They did spend several episodes letting us start to know them but overall they were in the show as much as Boone was when he was alive. The difference though is that Boone's crew remained mostly alive, at least the main cast members, while the tail end crew didn't.

yeah, but they were very easy to cut after the DUI. Maybe the DUI was a cause to kill both of them, and not just ana. And Jin couldn't be cut, Jin is the person who makes the show unique. I heard there was ANOTHER DUI, but can't think of the name. I almost think it was Clair, but I could be wrong, but I believe it was one of the women.

There was an explanation a few times, just not a televised one. I personally liked the concept of those two supposedly being around the entire time and allowing for us to see things from another perspective but from what I always saw on various message boards and from what the producers have repeatedly said people were trashing Nikki and Paulo non stop and they felt that they had no choice but to just let them go asap to appease the many complainers

Here is a little more background on that. If I am allowed to link to the site I will. I don't think that it would be advertising as it's just a wiki related site but someone can tell me if it's ok.

"Nikki and Paulo's story was originally intended to be a lot longer, but was ultimately cut short due to the huge fan backlash against those two characters. "

Well that could be true as could the other rumour. It was actually neat that we got to see the other perspective, but I am sure Lost wouldn't have wasted millions to reshoot everything again just so we can see the social history of the people on the island:p

But the hatred for the charaacter was visible. I know, I hated them. Though maybe because I couldn't accept people who were not on the island already.
It was easier to accept that Ethan was supposedly always there as a spy even though he didn't appear to us til halfway through season one and Arzt towards the end because it was still early in the show but Nikki and Paulo were three seasons in so I can understand the issue. I didn't dislike the concept of them but they didn't seem very likeable. They just sort of had a line or two thrown in so nobody could understand why. I do wish that we'd know more about what their storyline would have been.
I hated Nikki and Paulo. Lets be real. They were second class. They got one episode and it sucked. The only Lost episode that did. Even if you would have understood them more. I dont think I would have cared about them. They werent very emotionally investing. However I could be wrong. But I just didnt like them at all.
Agreed Paulo & Nikki was just a failed attempt to explain more of the "background characters" lives. They also really didn't have any redeeming qualities. The writers were probably going to explore their issues and possible connections with the other passenger but the fans hated them so much they chose to cut their loses.

Their death was brilliant though and I actually really liked the episode when they died. I like how Lost kills off some semi important characters. Over the seasons we lost Shannon, Boone, Ana Lucia, Libby, Eko, Charlie and probably more that I can't think of. It makes the show more suspensful I think, knowing they could kill characters any second.

I also want to ask if anyone know's what is going on with Claire? Do you guys think she's dead? She seemed different during her last appearance and she was just so calmed when she let Aaron go, not too mention she was with her dead father. The rumors are that Emilie De Ravin won't appear in any eppisodes this season due to her contract so I guess her mystery will probably be solved next season.

I'm also curious with the whole time travel thing going on if maybe we will see the return and possible saving of some of the characters who were killed off? I think we haven't seen the last of the dead, and that is what makes this show bloody brilliant. A part of me thinks the writers have no idea where they are heading and it makes the show unpredictable.

I think this season we could see the death of some more main characters. Possibly the british chick with red hair(charlotte, maybe?) or Miles. I also think they might kill off Juliet(even though I feel it would be a mistake)since her backstory is pretty much rapped up.
Claire is not dead. If you remember she was on the island with Christian. So with that in mind she has also moved with the island. She doesnt want Aaron back which is weird. But I still think Claire is on the island and she should be appearing very very soon. I heard that she wasnt going to be used until halfway through the season. So hopefully soon. Although she is another one of those characters that I absolutely hate. Just a matter of opinion.
Yeah, Claire is there and I assume she will be brought back when something goes array and there is a need for someone to stir the pot. Even though I dislike the who Christian/Claire storyline in general, I do believe that it is the true higher meaning of the entire story. I actually have no idea what they are going to do with it all though. Hoepfully it is interesting.
[QUOTE="Rowdy" Monkey Piper;858125] She doesnt want Aaron back which is weird..[/QUOTE]

I think that's just the writers messing with our heads. Sure Claire was talking to Kate while in Aaron's room but she never said not to bring Aaron back she said don't bring "him" back which could refer to Ben, Locke, or someone else. The same could apply to when Charlotte told Jin something about not letting "her" come back. It's assumed that she means Sun but she could mean someone else. I could be wrong and the obvious could be what they meant but the great thing about this show as we all know is that the obvious tends to not be so obvious. A new episode is upon us :)
I think that's just the writers messing with our heads. Sure Claire was talking to Kate while in Aaron's room but she never said not to bring Aaron back she said don't bring "him" back which could refer to Ben, Locke, or someone else. The same could apply to when Charlotte told Jin something about not letting "her" come back. It's assumed that she means Sun but she could mean someone else. I could be wrong and the obvious could be what they meant but the great thing about this show as we all know is that the obvious tends to not be so obvious. A new episode is upon us :)

You make a very good and valid point. She never did elude to it being Aaron. Just like Charlotte didnt do the same with Sun. If they do it this way it wouldnt surprise me in the least as the producers like to fuck with us. For all we know Claire is pissed off at Jack and could be talking about not bringing him back to the island. Very well played sir.

I know, Im STOKED for the new episode.
I would just like to say that I like this show. However, I never watch it on a weekly basis. Instead, I wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch 3 or 4 episodes in one sitting. I used to do the same thing with 24 (before it started to suck), as I hate cliffhangers.
What a great episode. They once again established a situation where we can see flashbacks to get answers to such things as

What happened to Ben?
Where is Aaron?
Why doesn’t Sun seem concerned about her daughter not being with her?
Who told Hurley to go there?
How will Desmond get back?

I’m guessing that based on what Ben said he went to kill Penny, or did kill her and Desmond beat his ass. I'm wondering if Kate gave Aaron to his grandmother. Since Aaron isn't there maybe Claire was in fact talking about not bringing Aaron back.
Holy EPICNESS Batman! This epsode was flat out amazing. I wonder how Hurley and Sayid boarded the plane? How the fuck did Ben get the shit kicked out of him yet again? What happened to Aaron? Did Kate kill him? I think she did. Hate to say it, but I do. Why else would she ask Jack to never as that question again? Then the preview for next week. All I have to say is HOLY SHIT. This is how LOST should be. Epic episode after Epic episode.
Very good episode indeed. I am really intrigued about what happened to Aaron? I don't think Kate would have killed him and if she did she's fucked up, but even more screwed than that is Jack seemingly not carring(even though it's his half nephew).

I also loved the little twist at the end with it being Jin as the dharma guard. I wonder if he's going to remember them or if his memory is wiped since the time travel thing? I'm also curious about the Locke suicide note and the reason behind him killing himself(if that indeed happend). I missed the preview for next weeks episode so I;m excited to see what happens next.
[QUOTE="Rowdy" Monkey Piper;862700] What happened to Aaron? Did Kate kill him? I think she did. Hate to say it, but I do. Why else would she ask Jack to never as that question again? .[/QUOTE]

Since she raised him and loved him like a son and knows that she will never see him again I'd imagine that it's not something that she would want to talk about. Making that sort of decision would be devastating for anyone. It's probably deeper than that though. We know that someone talked Hurley into going back to the island so maybe that person has Aaron. Maybe that person is Widmore.
Lots of questions brought up by this weeks episode, and that is for sure. Here is something I was thinking of. Walt. He is still on the mainland, if they wanted to make sure, they should have brought him with them!

Also, just a neat little thing, Ben said that his mom taught him to read. Only thing wrong with that is Ben's mom died giving birth to him. What do you think about these two facts? Insignificant, or huge?
I would just like to say that I like this show. However, I never watch it on a weekly basis. Instead, I wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch 3 or 4 episodes in one sitting. I used to do the same thing with 24 (before it started to suck), as I hate cliffhangers.

I know how you feel, my GF got me into Lost recently and I've enjoyed being able to watch the DVD sets and read episode summaries online. Now that I'm somewhat caught up, I hate thinking that I won't know all the answers until the final season next year.

I actually thought last night's episode was pretty dull, surprised to see mostly a positive reaction from other people. It was one of those episodes where it takes an hour to reveal 5 minutes worth of information. I guess that's what this series does best, but I was really excited for this week's show and just feel like I barely got any new information.
I actually thought last night's episode was pretty dull, surprised to see mostly a positive reaction from other people. It was one of those episodes where it takes an hour to reveal 5 minutes worth of information. I guess that's what this series does best, but I was really excited for this week's show and just feel like I barely got any new information.

You know, I was saying the same thing to Monkey. I wasn't a huge fan of the episode in terms of excitement. The story was brought to a close here and reopens here. It is a huge meeting spot in time for the episodes. That is what was so good about this episode. My favorite part was Franks return, and his shock to see the Oceanic 6 on his plane!
Lots of questions brought up by this weeks episode, and that is for sure. Here is something I was thinking of. Walt. He is still on the mainland, if they wanted to make sure, they should have brought him with them!

It was said that the issue isn't that people left but how they left. I believe that implies that Walt doesn't need to return

Also, just a neat little thing, Ben said that his mom taught him to read. Only thing wrong with that is Ben's mom died giving birth to him. What do you think about these two facts? Insignificant, or huge?

I believe that he was just was just being a smart ass. Not that Jack would have known if he was joking or cared, but it was probably a little nod to the fans who know the truth about one of his lies when normally we don't.
This was was a great episode, there are new questions, but here's what I think guys, kate was visted by Claire and convinced her to go back without Aaron and kate gives Aaron to Claire's mom, Hurley is visted by Charlie, you know because it was kinda obvious (the guitar).But they had to recreate the 815 crash, and I wonder, is kate pregnant?, Because:

Sayid= Kate
Hugo= Charlie
Sun=Sun (not pregnant)
Jack with John's body= Jack with Christian's body
Ben almost missing the flight= Hugo almost missing the first flight
Someone pregnant (Kate????)= Claire.
The Life and Death of Jeremy bentham was a good episode but isnt nowhere near other Locke-centric episodes like "walkabout" and "Cavin Fever", it missed its chance to make the Walt/Locke scene into the scene we were all waiting for, but instead it had a kinda "meh" feeling, also I wasnt expecting the death of Abaddon, I was shocked becaause of the way he died.

*Ben killing Locke, it just confirmed that Ben isnt a good guy, they actually made me believe that in season 4.But I dont think Widmore is part of the good guys either.

Overall a good episode, but not as good as it could have been.
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