The Official Lost Thread

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That was the best episode of the season so far, mostly because Locke interests me a lot mroe than Kate does. However, Sawyer in Episode three inside the house was one of the sadder moments of the series. I am really excited that Sawyer has been made to be the main character of the show at this time, because really, he deserves it, having the best buildup throughout the show.
I'd agree with you TM, it seems as though the second half of the show in general has seen the focus on Jack and Kate go down, and the focus on Sawyer and Locke shoot up, in Sawyer's case, expedantially, which i really love, because he's been my favourite character since he got in a fight with Sayid after he accused him of trying to blow up the plane in the 1st episode.

What i want to know is why certain aspects of the character histories differ so much i.e. in 'The Substitute', apparently Locke is still on good terms with his dad and he wasn't the one who paralyzed him. So..... how did it happen?
Great episode tonight. Claire has become a complete psycho, and I can't wait to see how her character will further develop. She has become so dark, and angry.This episode focused a lot on Claire, and I loved it. Back when Claire was with Charlie, I couldn't stand her. I found her character to be very boring and annoying. I'm also interested to see what Jack will do next? I'm also wondering what the hell Hurley is thinking? There are plenty of twists and turns left for the final season, and I can't wait to see how everything will turn out.
It's taken 6 years but Claire has finally become interesting and quite clearly, bat shit crazy. I was never a fan of Emily De Ravin as I wasn't convinced she could act but evidently she can. Was fairly obvious who her friend was right away.
In other news, there's a fucking magical lighthouse on the island that has somehow evaded everyone's view. OK then...
Coming up next, Jacob says the temple people are fucked. Just as well seeing as all the main players aside from Sayid and Miles have left. No doubt Claire will help break the ash encircling it and it'll be Smokey 2-0 Natives in what I'm expecting will be a massacre.
I gotta say, for the final season, they really are going to leave us with a lot of questions un-answered.

For example, we are never likely to understand how Libby went from being a widower with a spare sail boat, to a mental patient at Santa Rosa, to a clinical psychologist, all in the space of 3 years! Surely, even if she'd been a psychologist before she was committed she wouldn't be allowed to resume her position would she?

Is anyone EVER going to explain why the Others kidnapped so many of the 815 survivors? My count says they tried to take at least 20 of them in total. When they ask, certain people are told that their names aren't included on the list because they were bad people, so why the fuck is Sayid Jarrah a candidate then? The child shooting, torturer fits alongside the obsessive doctor, the unlucky millionaire, Team Kwon, the redneck who has no problems screwing over everyone or just killing them if it benefits him, and the former paraplegic toy store clerk/box company regional director/home maintenance engineer/hippie who wouldn't shoot a cop to save his extended family from going to jail despite being manipulated by that same cop to get there in the first place? In fact, surely Jack and Hurley are the only 'good' people that were on that entire plane weren't they? (well, except maybe Rose and Bernard)

Plus these re-newed character historys are getting annoying as well. If Jacob had been meddling with the lives of the candidates since day 1, in order to draw them to the Island, why has Jack's life played out almost exactly the same apart from the fact that he now has a teenage son? His dad still ruined his career because he was a drunk, they still fell out with each other, he still went to Sydney (presumably to see Claire), and he still died. So Jack still made that trip, the plane still went the wrong way, only difference is there was no crash.

Locke is still on speaking terms with his dad, so we can assume he neither stole his kidney, nor pushed him out the window, so how did he get crippled?

Claire still got abandoned by the father of her baby, and was still encouraged by the psychic to take the child to Los Angeles, yet no plane crash.

That's where things get weird imo. I'm guessing that Jacob only manipulated the lives of the candidates, and not everyone on Oceanic 815, but that doesn't explain why the psychic would still encourage her on the plane (although because there'll be no flashback, we can't be certain that he actually did)

Plus we're supposed to be learning more about the relationship between Jacob and his nemesis, yet now we're just being given more things to think about.

Take last week's episode for example. Last week 'Smokey' kept seeing a blonde boy in the jungle, with blood all over his hands. A few questions were raised immediately around this:

1) Is that supposed to be a younger version of Jacod, or of Smokey, or someone entirely different?
2) Why couldn't Richard see him, despite being the only other guy apart from Smokey and Dogan (is that his name? The Asian matey in the Temple?), who seems to understand the severity of what is transpiring, and knows everything that has happened previously between Jacob and Smokey?

Question 2 i can answer somewhat. Richard may have been on the island for centuries, hell, i'm betting he came on the Black Rock (hence Smokey saying that 'it was good to see him out of his chains', AND the Black Rock was in fact a slave ship.), but it's also obvious that he doesn't know everything about what Jacob was doing. For instance, he doesn't know anything about 'The Candidates', whereas Dogan does, so obviously while gaining immortality from Jacob, Richard is clearly inferior to both Smokey and Jacob, in the grand scheme of things.

Then during a conversation with a highly intoxicated Sawyer, the kid appears again. This time however, even more questions were raised.

1) Sawyer could see the kid as clear as day, and didn't suspect any reason why he wouldn't be able to see him. In fact, Sawyer notices him before Smokey does....... Why?

2) Smokey chases after the kid on foot. ON FOOT! He's the fuckin' smoke monster, why would he need to run when he could just turn into a pillar of smoke?

3) The kid turns to Smokey and tells him that he can't kill 'HIM' (presumably Sawyer, considering Jacob's already dead) because it's against the rules. Are there other people involved in this 'game' and if there are, where have they been, and what is the point of it all?

Again, i'm going to assume that Sawyer could see the kid because he is a candidate, but as for the other questions, i haven't a clue.

So as much as i'm enjoying Lost as i have the previous 5 seasons, it's becoming clear that there will always be a LOT of questions that will go on un-answered, by the time we come to the finale.

OH, OH, OH, i almost forgot, i doubt we'll ever get an answer to the biggest question of all........

I gotta say, for the final season, they really are going to leave us with a lot of questions un-answered.

For example, we are never likely to understand how Libby went from being a widower with a spare sail boat, to a mental patient at Santa Rosa, to a clinical psychologist, all in the space of 3 years! Surely, even if she'd been a psychologist before she was committed she wouldn't be allowed to resume her position would she?

Hmm do ya really want me to spoil the surprise for you? You should have more faith in the writers. Nothing that's happened is unexplainable and I'm fairly confident you don't want me to explain because it'd ruin it for you.

Is anyone EVER going to explain why the Others kidnapped so many of the 815 survivors? My count says they tried to take at least 20 of them in total. When they ask, certain people are told that their names aren't included on the list because they were bad people, so why the fuck is Sayid Jarrah a candidate then? The child shooting, torturer fits alongside the obsessive doctor, the unlucky millionaire, Team Kwon, the redneck who has no problems screwing over everyone or just killing them if it benefits him, and the former paraplegic toy store clerk/box company regional director/home maintenance engineer/hippie who wouldn't shoot a cop to save his extended family from going to jail despite being manipulated by that same cop to get there in the first place? In fact, surely Jack and Hurley are the only 'good' people that were on that entire plane weren't they? (well, except maybe Rose and Bernard)

I can give you two possible explanations behind the kidnapping.

Jacob wanted them separated from the candidates for their own safety or as a test.
MIB conned the Others into taking them in order to piss off the candidates.

And as far as Jacob wanting conmen etcetera, he was the reason they went in that direction in the first place. Candidates have to be able to learn from their mistakes and redeem themselves.

Plus these re-newed character historys are getting annoying as well. If Jacob had been meddling with the lives of the candidates since day 1, in order to draw them to the Island, why has Jack's life played out almost exactly the same apart from the fact that he now has a teenage son? His dad still ruined his career because he was a drunk, they still fell out with each other, he still went to Sydney (presumably to see Claire), and he still died. So Jack still made that trip, the plane still went the wrong way, only difference is there was no crash.

Locke is still on speaking terms with his dad, so we can assume he neither stole his kidney, nor pushed him out the window, so how did he get crippled?

Claire still got abandoned by the father of her baby, and was still encouraged by the psychic to take the child to Los Angeles, yet no plane crash.

That's where things get weird imo. I'm guessing that Jacob only manipulated the lives of the candidates, and not everyone on Oceanic 815, but that doesn't explain why the psychic would still encourage her on the plane (although because there'll be no flashback, we can't be certain that he actually did)

You know that film the butterfly effect? Well assume it's bullshit. Changing things in the past doesn't majorly change the future. In the case of John, Alpert never tells him or his mum that he's special, John never feels that injustice and things turn out differently with his dad. That doesn't mean John can't end up in a wheelchair via some other way.

Plus we're supposed to be learning more about the relationship between Jacob and his nemesis, yet now we're just being given more things to think about.

Take last week's episode for example. Last week 'Smokey' kept seeing a blonde boy in the jungle, with blood all over his hands. A few questions were raised immediately around this:

1) Is that supposed to be a younger version of Jacod, or of Smokey, or someone entirely different?
2) Why couldn't Richard see him, despite being the only other guy apart from Smokey and Dogan (is that his name? The Asian matey in the Temple?), who seems to understand the severity of what is transpiring, and knows everything that has happened previously between Jacob and Smokey?

I really don't understand your mentality. You want all the secrets to come out in the first episodes? The clues are already there

1) Sawyer could see the kid as clear as day, and didn't suspect any reason why he wouldn't be able to see him. In fact, Sawyer notices him before Smokey does....... Why?

Because Sawyer was looking in that direction? If someone appeared in front of you, wouldn't you assume it's normal instead of thinking "Hey there's a kid I don't know, how come I can see him" Come on now, think things through

2) Smokey chases after the kid on foot. ON FOOT! He's the fuckin' smoke monster, why would he need to run when he could just turn into a pillar of smoke?

Maybe he didn't want to appear as Smokey infront of Sawyer?

3) The kid turns to Smokey and tells him that he can't kill 'HIM' (presumably Sawyer, considering Jacob's already dead) because it's against the rules. Are there other people involved in this 'game' and if there are, where have they been, and what is the point of it all?

That was explained in the cave

So as much as i'm enjoying Lost as i have the previous 5 seasons, it's becoming clear that there will always be a LOT of questions that will go on un-answered, by the time we come to the finale.

OH, OH, OH, i almost forgot, i doubt we'll ever get an answer to the biggest question of all........


That's one of the few things I've not got any idea about. What I have been considering is that those born on the island seem to be special. That or it's possible that Jacob simply gave them. As with everything else, I've faith it'll be answered.
As Always, Spoilers May Follow

Boy I've been slacking on the Lost recaps/reviews lately, no more damnit.

Just got around to watching this week's episode of Lost, and let me just say that as soon as the episode started with a demented looking Claire ranting and raving and searching for her child and Jin scared shitless while she's sewing up his leg, I just knew this was going to be a good episode. Glad to see Claire finally back on the show.

Jack and Hurley's littpe trip was fun, always is to see those two interact. I loved seeing them find Shannon's inhaler, just nice to see a little nod to some of the earlier characters, even the mildly annoying ones.

Only on Lost could someone say a line of dialogue like "I found this place when I was chasing the ghost of my dead father" and not sound completely ridiculous. Seeing alternate Jack and his son was a bit cheesy at first but I slowly warmed up to it, I like Matthew Fox so he sold me on it.

Few other random thoughts:

Seeing Claire go psycho-ax-murderer was quite awesome to say the least.

Always cool to find a creepy/awesome lighthouse.

Claire's face at the end of the show with the crazy grin and Locke showing up at the end as her "friend" was just...awesome.

Great episode.
Hmm do ya really want me to spoil the surprise for you? You should have more faith in the writers. Nothing that's happened is unexplainable and I'm fairly confident you don't want me to explain because it'd ruin it for you.

Your confidence is sorely misplaced. I could care less about surprises, so if you think you know the answer to the Libby scenario, let's see it.

And don't talk to people you've never met as if you know them.

I can give you two possible explanations behind the kidnapping.

I don't want possible explanations, i want THE explanation.

Jacob wanted them separated from the candidates for their own safety or as a test.

A test of what? To see if they'd get them back? Because if that's it then they failed miserably. The only person out of about 20 they got back was Claire because Alex freed her. You could say Walt as well, but Michael got him back, and he's not a candidate.

Or maybe it was to see if they'd go all gun crazy when one of them disappeared. Failed that as well then didn't they?

MIB conned the Others into taking them in order to piss off the candidates.

How? Ben is the only person who receives orders from Jacob, and that was from the hut which has now been burned down. And if that's the case, why are Cindy and the kids STILL there 3 years later. If he just wants to fuck with the minds of the candidates, why would he encourage them to incorporate those people into the Others society permenantly? He's apparently going to kill everyone anyway, so why would he want them to add to their numbers?

And as far as Jacob wanting conmen etcetera, he was the reason they went in that direction in the first place. Candidates have to be able to learn from their mistakes and redeem themselves.

So why is Hurley a candidate? The guy won the lottery, suffered a buckewtload of trauma, stress and tragedy, went nuts twice and then had to run for his life because Sayid killed a bunch of assassins. So at what point did Hurley ever do anything, which would result in him having to redeem himself?

You know that film the butterfly effect? Well assume it's bullshit. Changing things in the past doesn't majorly change the future.

No, it's all bullshit because time travel is bullshit.

In the case of John, Alpert never tells him or his mum that he's special,

Foster-mother actually. Plus if i recall, Richard left saying that they'd made a mistake and that John was not special.

John never feels that injustice

What injustice? Obviously this isn't something that weighed heavily on his mind his whole life, otherwise he'd have recognised Richard the first time he saw him on the island.

and things turn out differently with his dad. That doesn't mean John can't end up in a wheelchair via some other way.

Yeah, my point is, I want to know how it did happen in the altered timeline. Was it really that unclear?

I really don't understand your mentality. You want all the secrets to come out in the first episodes? The clues are already there

No, however it'd be nice to be given answers to questions that were raised 5 seasons ago before the show ends. At this point i'm expecting a segment on the Season 6 bonus features where the writers read every letter asking them 'WTF happened with....' where they just turn around and say 'Oh shit, we forgot about that!' over and over again.

Because Sawyer was looking in that direction? If someone appeared in front of you, wouldn't you assume it's normal instead of thinking "Hey there's a kid I don't know, how come I can see him" Come on now, think things through

I asked why he can see him when Richard can't, not why can he see him in general. Come on now, read the post properly before you respond to it. Anyway, it's probably related to the fact that Sawyer's a candidate.

Maybe he didn't want to appear as Smokey infront of Sawyer?

What's the point in that? Sawyer knows he isn't Locke so why bother hiding it anymore? Plus he ran off quite deep into the jungle while Sawyer was talking to Richard, so he wasn't even watching what MIB was doing.

Being too occupied with the image of the kid to think straight, would have been a better answer.

That was explained in the cave

Remind me then, because all i remember was some talk about candidates being chose to defend the island against something. There was no talk of rules or anything else, which again, is what i was questioning.

That's one of the few things I've not got any idea about. What I have been considering is that those born on the island seem to be special. That or it's possible that Jacob simply gave them.

So much for 'nothing is unexplanable' eh?
Another great episode tonight. Sayid went on a killing spree. This episode was focused around Sayid, and we got to see the dark side of him again, and he didn't disappoint. Dogen told his tragic story about what happened to him before he came to the island, but Sayid wasn't in a sympathetic mode.

I think we are on our way to seeing a battle between Kate and Claire. I thought for sure Kate was going to get whacked on this episode, but it didn't happen. Claire is going to destroy her. You could see how pissed off she was when Kate told her about how she raised her son. I hope Kate doesn't die, but at the moment, things don't look to good for her.
I found tonight's episode to be incredibly boring. I was really excited for the episode, but had to sit through 45 minutes until Sayid did discovered Jin in the storage room. That was very interesting, as those two will meet now in the parallel world.

The end was pretty fast paced and great, as we got to kill off a bunch of the jobbers of the island. We are left with Good versus evil it seems, and for some reason, Ben is on the goodside. Maybe after 4 seasons of him telling us that he was the good guy, he was right.
Lost just continues to get better and better with every episode that passes. You may have found it boring, TM, but I think that it is building towards something absolutely epic. Yet again, we were given a lot more answers than raised questions and I am very much liking how things are now resolving themselves. The Sayid story is amazing and is one of my favourites. Again, he kicked some ass and it was awesome to see Keamy again in a different role.

I honestly thought that it was a great episode and I am enjoying this season. The character of "Locke" continues to baffle and amaze me at the same time and I think it will be interesting to see how things go now that Sayid has carried out the events that he did. Another interesting thing that I am very much looking forward to seeing is how Jack reacts to Locke in the future episodes.
A war is brewing between the different groups that have formed. We know the nemesis/Locke is gathering followers to take down the temple. But, with the leaders of the temple getting murdered by a scorned Sayid, it appears as if the nemesis/Locke has the upper hand.

A war is coming, and I can't wait to see it.
I'm waiting for them to reveal the Black and White thing is all bullshit. Look at Nemesis and Jacob. Neither one is clearly the good guy or the bad guy, they're both shades of gray. I actually think that Jacob will end up making some epic heel turn soon.

Now, has anyone noticed that there's been no mention of the tumor in Ben's flashsideways? If Jacob and Nemesis and the Island and all that can heal people, why hasn't it been considered that they can cause harm? What if, because of Ben expelling Widmore from the island (Which I can pretty much guess that this WAS NOT supposed to happen) that Jacob/Nemesis got PISSED? What if they GAVE Ben that tumor? The other one, knowing that Ethan wasn't as skilled enough of a surgeon to remove it, caused Desmond to be delayed just slightly so that he wouldn't push the button fast enough, causing 815 to be pulled down?

Maybe I'm crazy, but everything in LOST seems to happen for a reason. I don't really see an island that heals people to not have prevented something like that. Let's all sit back and watch the first time Richard puts on his Guyliner.
The last couple minutes of tonight's episode were fucking amazing. They laid some major bombshells on us tonight, but still just hints. We sort of know what the island is now, metaphorically at least. I have an eerie feeling though that someones going to die in the next episode or two. My guess is Sun, if not her than Jin. I'm also expecting the flash sideways to get some resolution with a couple episodes. Awesome episode and next weeks should be just as good. We're really starting to get to the end.
The last couple minutes of tonight's episode were fucking amazing. They laid some major bombshells on us tonight, but still just hints. We sort of know what the island is now, metaphorically at least. I have an eerie feeling though that someones going to die in the next episode or two. My guess is Sun, if not her than Jin. I'm also expecting the flash sideways to get some resolution with a couple episodes. Awesome episode and next weeks should be just as good. We're really starting to get to the end.

I'd put more money on Sun than Jin. Sun's lost almost all importance in this season, and barely pops up. Hell, Lapidus gets more screen time than he does. (Absolutely love him, mind you. He's taken Charlie's place for "One Liners To End a Scene." I really hope he sticks around til the end)

I digress though. Jin at least had some prominence in the episode with Claire being all "WHURZ MAH BABEH?!" Almost expected Michael to make a cameo as a ghost, just to scream Walt's name one more time. They're not going to leave Sayid's Flash-Sideways open ended like that, so more than likely Jin will have a centric episode coming up.

But it wouldn't be the first time someone has a centric episode that they died at the end of. Eko comes to mind, but I'm sure there were others.
I don't know if i'll get an infraction for posting lines from this weeks' episodes, due to the fact that it hasn't aired in some countrys i.e. the UK, but since everyone worldwide has the opportunity to watch it online for free since Wednesday, I'm going to go ahead and do it. If it's a problem i'll edit it to hide spoilers.

If any non-UK residents want the link to stream it for free from Wednesdays onwards, PM me and i'll send it to you.

Charlie Pace said:
Almost expected Michael to make a cameo as a ghost, just to scream Walt's name one more time

Lol! He's one of those TV personalities that says the same thing over and over, that when i see him now, i'm going to have to shout 'WAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTT'

(The others being:-

Chris Jericho - "ASK HIM!")

I've got to say though, i'm getting really annoyed with 'Smokey' not turning to smoke when he's chasing something. Ever since they made the big reveal about him, they've gone and made up rules concerning him that don't make sense and will never be answered, and not only that, they're making in jokes about it in the episodes.

Sawyer - "Why are you taking a boat? Why don't you just turn to smoke and fly over there?"
Smokey - "If I could do that, do you think I would still be here on this island?"
Sawyer - No, because that would be ridiculous!"

Although that doesn't beat:-

Miles - "So she bangs her head, and she can't speak English anymore? And we're supposed to buy that?
Lupidis - "Says the man who can commune with the dead."

Anyway, i was glad to see Mikhail make a cameo this week. The guy's simply translating on someone's behalf, and he still reeks of evil.

And alternate timeline Sun is a real dumbass. She was being so stupid that Mikhail didn't seem to believe the level of her stupidity.

And is Widmore supposed to be evil or not? (based on what 'the package' turned out to be, i'd say he is) Ben was the ultimate evil through Seasons 2-3, then it was Widmore from seasons 4-5, and now it's Smokey to cap it all off. Are any of these murderous bastards going to die in the end? (Safe to say Smokey will) Or will they all see the error of their ways and fly off with the rest into the sunset?

And does anyone else want that Zoe bird dead yet? I know i do.
God, what a fucking amazing episode of Lost this week (as usual). I was really flabbergasted as to what I could say in here about the episode, so I'm just going to keep it short and sweet and not go into huge details. Lost continues to prove this season that it's the greatest television serial show ever produced, and I was simply amazed at how the show continues to toy with the viewers emotions and loyalties. At this point in time it's almost impossible for the viewer to decide who it is that they really trust as a "good guy" right now. Seriously, the only people on the entire island I can trust right now to do the right thing are probably Hurley, Jin, and Charles Widmore, who I never really trusted until I watched this episode and realized Widmore has been the good guy all along really.

Last nights episode was just one in a long line of fantastic episodes this season. I'm simply amazed by this show week-in and week-out, and I cannot wait until next Tuesday to find out what the hell happens next. Last night's episode was an easy 10/10, like all of this season has been.
Next week, people! NEXT MOTHERFUCKING WEEK! Desmond's episode preview has left me wanting for more. The show is giving us indirect answers, and this week's episode is no different. ABC has it up already, and Hulu's got some scenes from the episode.

This week's ep is pretty much great. MiB's losing his grip on the people little by little(I.E. Claire questoining whether or not she's needed by Smokey) Widmore actually WANTS to stop MiB, and more importantly, Sayid's lack of emotion makes for one badass side of Sayid. Him just looking like he's void of a soul just makes him want to question whether or not MiB was right after all.
See I don't see Sayid as questioning whether the MiB is right or wrong all along Steve, what I see with Sayid's total lack of emotions is that hes a blank slate and will be the perfect right-hand-man to MiB. No emotions, no questions, I think he's going to have no problem doing terrible and awful things. I think we may have seen the end of the good Sayid that we all loved, and this new "Sayid" is completely different and we shouldn't trust him a bit. In a way it's all very biblical, reminiscent of Satan and Gabriel, but perhaps I'm reading too far into things.
See I don't see Sayid as questioning whether the MiB is right or wrong all along Steve, what I see with Sayid's total lack of emotions is that hes a blank slate and will be the perfect right-hand-man to MiB. No emotions, no questions, I think he's going to have no problem doing terrible and awful things. I think we may have seen the end of the good Sayid that we all loved, and this new "Sayid" is completely different and we shouldn't trust him a bit. In a way it's all very biblical, reminiscent of Satan and Gabriel, but perhaps I'm reading too far into things.

I sort of see it the other way. I see it as him starting to ask things. 'Why am I not feeling anymore? Where'd my feelings go? Was MiB right?' Then again, it's just something that it's refreshing to see on the show since we're now seeing him void of what makes him human. You see everyone shuffling about the scene, yet Sayid is just there.

I'm still looking forward to Desmond's return, and I'm waiting for the revision of Linus v. Widmore. I mean, if Widmore really wants MiB to STAY in the island...then What the fuck really went down between Linus and Widmore? What are their rules? What's their real endgame? The island or Jacob's job?
What the fuck? Did Lost start early tonight? I found a stream at 1.55am (Real time) and the fucker had already started. Not only that but I got a massive spoiler without having seen everything before. That's twice Ben Linus has spoiled an episode for me this season!

This episode was pretty cool. I'm starting to hate the little next week previews, though; it showed that Des is gonna survive his little predicament, at least for a while.

I don't think Claire had one line that entire episode.

Now, getting to Hurley; he really shined this episode. He showed a whole 'nother side of his character. Not only was the FS version of him a pretty big cunt (Oopsie, pun) it showed Jorge's versatility in acting. The dark side of Hugo's Island persona was a nice touch as well. Plus, LOTS OF SHIT BLEW UP.

Got a few questions I'd like to mull around and see what ch'all think ofum, but I'm gonna wait until the episode's a bit older.
Man, i love lost. With the exception of possibly 24 (jack bauer is god), this is the greatest show on television. I have been hooked ever since i first start watching. The whole mystery behind it is just incredible. Ever since the first episode, there have been mysteries - where are they? what is the monster etc. Absolutely awesome show, i could sit here all night with superlatives for it.

Glad they finally answered the mystery of the whispers last night, i kinda guessed it would be that. I wonder why Flock threw Desmond down the well? Do you think he is dead? trapped? or somehow reacted to the electromagnetism?

Oh and on a side note, i loved Illanas death, it made me laugh. KABOOM. Kinda reminded me of Dr Artz's death. Can anyone think of a funnier death on Lost then this? Maybe Nikki and Paulos, or Frogurts.....but Illanas was pretty funny. Woman on a mission, then boom.... not anymore
'I've been training my whole life for this. To protect you all. So, we're going to go to the plane and........ BANG!!!!!'

Why do all the people in this show who claim to know what they're doing always get blown up due to their own stupidity? Anyway, i'm glad she's dead. Character pissed me off from the minute she sat next to Sayid in the bar. They kill Zoe off next and i'll be a happy man.

Anyway, another great episode, and like Charlie said, i'm glad they finally explained the whispers. What i'm not too happy about is SF Des meeting with everyone else and trying to get them to 'remember' the original timeline.

Considering that the actual dates of the original events haven't happened yet, how are the passenegers supposed to remember what would have happened?

According to Des, it's been a week since 815 landed in Los Angeles. If the plane had still crashed on the island, we'd roughly be up to the point where Jin beat the shit out of Michael for taking his watch in Season 1. So, why would Charlie, Des, Daniel, Libby and Hurley remember a possible alternate future?

Of course, the answer is the same to the time related questions from season 5, and that answer is........ Rules go out the window when writers start fucking with time.

And who'd like to bet that SF Locke will be able to walk in the next episode?

Charlie Pace said:
Got a few questions I'd like to mull around and see what ch'all think ofum, but I'm gonna wait until the episode's a bit older.

I'll be waiting intently dude.
Anyway, another great episode, and like Charlie said, i'm glad they finally explained the whispers. What i'm not too happy about is SF Des meeting with everyone else and trying to get them to 'remember' the original timeline.

Considering that the actual dates of the original events haven't happened yet, how are the passenegers supposed to remember what would have happened?

According to Des, it's been a week since 815 landed in Los Angeles. If the plane had still crashed on the island, we'd roughly be up to the point where Jin beat the shit out of Michael for taking his watch in Season 1. So, why would Charlie, Des, Daniel, Libby and Hurley remember a possible alternate future?

Because it's not their future, it's their past. It all already happened which is why the Alt line exists.
I'm thinking that Ilana deliberatly killed herself, Obi-Wan Kenobi style. She realised that she was the weak link, being that she could be killed by Smokey or could become like ole dead-eyed Sayid. From this point on she'll lead Hurley from a safe position.
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