The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past - A Walkthrough with Dagger

In the room where the map was, you can open the door to your right by doing something very silly. Pull the tongue of the statue in the upper left corner. It takes you to a stairway. Go up the stairs and you will find the dead end from long ago on the First Basement floor. The chest contains this temple's Big Key!

From where the Big Key was go back downstairs. Pull the tongue of the statue (I don't know why I find that so funny, but it is) and go back into the room where the Map was. Go downstairs and you are in the room with the spikes. Lift the skull to find a switch to step on, Hook-Shot yourself to the chest to avoid the spikes and open it to get a key! Unlock the door on your left. You're in the plus sign room on the Third Basement floor with the big saw trap. Trick the saw trap into going south, run to the left. Avoid the Guruguru Bar and go down the stairs. This might be tough due to the slipper tiles. If you are facing the stairs run south into them using the Pegasus Boots.
This room has a hole in the tiles that you can fall down into. Do not do this. Defeat the Freezor using the Fire Rod or cast Bombos. Bomb the cracked tiles by the stairs to find another hole. Jump down that one and you will see the Big Chest. Open that to get the Blue Mail! This gives Link a change in appearance. He has a yellow hat, blue armor, and you take less damage from enemies. Awesome!


Item Spotlight: Blue Mail


This is the first of two upgrades to your armor. It changes Link's hat to a yellow one, your amor is now blue instead of green, and you now take half the damage you previously took.
You're almost done, but the worst part is still coming. From the big chest, move the blocks to the right to get to the door. The next room has a spider door, do not go through it yet. Go right first. The door shuts on you and there is a Fire Fairy in this room as well as a bunch of Babusus. Find the key under the skull directly north of where you entered the room. The switch to open the door is under the skull northeast of the Guruguru Bar. Go south, avoid the Guruguru Bar in this room and go left. The switch under the skull reveals a chest with yet another key. You might have as many as 3 now, which is fine. Better too many than too few. Backtrack a couple of rooms until you are in the room with the spider door, go through it.
Through the spider door is a room with holes you will not be able to reach if the blue blocks are up. There is not a red/blue switch anywhere in sight. Use a key to unlock the northern door and go downstairs. Ignore the Stalfos Knight and Blue Buris for now and go to the room on the right. Ah ha! There's the red/blue switch! Flip it and watch out for the Rabbit Beam that suddenly appears. Go back into the previous room.

Ok, this part SUCKS. You now have red blocks up so you cannot reach the left portion of the room that the spider door. Go right. Flip the switch under the skull northeast of the Guruguru Bar. Go south to the next room, then left in the room after that, and up the stairs. You better have an extra key. You will need it to unlock the door in here. Cast Bombos when the Freezor enters if there are still a bunch of Zols also in the room. Go through the locked door if you had a key to spare. You're now in the large room with the Pengaors. Flip the switch under the left skull north of you and enter the door on the left. Jump down the hole and go right. NOW you can push one of the blocks on the left side in the middle of the room down the hole south of the spider door. Jump down before the Freezor can get you. You're on top of the block. Jump off of it and then lift the skull, push the block south onto the switch to keep it flipped. Go through the door south of you. The worst part of this temple is done now.
This room is cool looking because there are lots of different obstacles. Defeat the Red Buris first. Lift the weird large block on the right path. Four Blue Buris were hiding under it! Defeat them. Hammer the obstacles and grab the items under the jars. To exit this room pull the tongue of the statue. Still funny. See the two statues next to each other on the left path? Pull the right statue north a bit, until you can squeeze in between it and the hammer obstacles. Use the hammer to get past those, lift the weird large block of the left path, and you will see a secret entrance to the bottom floor, where the boss is waiting for you. Are you ready to be done with this place once and for all? Jump down when you are prepared.

BOSS BATTLE: Kholdstare


This boss starts out inside a frozen shield. Cast Bombos to destroy the frozen shield. When the shield is gone three ice eyes show up. This is the main form of the boss. You have to hit the eyes with your sword or use the Fire Rod. I prefer the sword, it conserves the Magic Meter. The eyes do not really do anything to attack you. It is the ice that keeps falling down into the room that is the real danger. The ice blocks break and smaller blocks shoot out a short distance in four directions. Sometimes it is the four compass directions and sometimes it is diagonal, so just avoid these! Use a blue or red potion if you are low on hearts. He's not too difficult but you may have run out of potions as you went through the temple, and he's much tougher without blue or red potion due to the constant issue of the falling ice.

Next time we grab the first of the two remaining items and visit the last storyteller before entering the 6th temple, Misery Mire.
Now we are going to get the Cane of Byrna. In the Light World have the duck fly you to location number 1 and go through the Mountain Cave and climb the mountain like you're going to the Tower of Hera. When you get to the warp tile that takes you to where the Bully and the Friend are, you're in the right spot. Jump down from the gap in the cliff to get to a cave. Inside you will have to use the Hammer to get past some obstacles. Now equip the Magic Cape and use it while you go across the spikes. Try to get through the spikes as quickly as possiblem you'll still have to lift a strange looking large block at the end and you take damage if you run out of magic power. On the other side you find a chest, the Cane is inside. Once you get the Cane you can either save then reset the game to start over from a safe location or be brave and try walking across the spikes. You can also use a green/blue potion to restore your Magic Meter and try out your new item, it will keep you safe at a cost. Watch your Magic Meter.

Item Spotlight: Cane Of Byrna


The Cane of Byrna creates a barrier around Link. The effect of this item is similar to that of the Magic Cape in protecting you. Unlike the Magic Cape, enemies can still see you. The good news to using it is that this barrier can damage enemies. Watch your Magic Meter, as it depletes until you deactivate the barrier by using the staff again. I never really use this item, honestly. I still get it for completion purposes though.
Now we will visit the last storyteller. Return to the Light World and have the duck fly you to location number 6. Life the dark rocks to find a warp tile. Use that to go to the Dark World and you are now in the swamp, there is a storm. Go to the upper right corner of the swamp. You will see a cave. Inside is a guy who looks like a mosquito. You can talk to him to find out more about how to stop the storm, if you pay him. Bomb open the cracked wall. There are some items in that room.

There are two heart pieces available in this area. The first is a little bit to the north of the story teller in the swamp's cave. Go use the Magic Mirror in the mud north of his cave, within the part around the curve. You will end up on a cliff with a large rock. Lift the rock to reveal a stairway down to a cave where the heart is located.


Inside is a puzzle. Starting from the bottom left corner of the puzzle, move the lower block north of you to the north. Go right then up and move the block north. Go right and move the block to the right. Go up then right and move the block to the right. Before and after pictures are below if that puzzle solution did not make sense.


There is a second heart piece available here also. Go to the upper left part of the swamp. There are two entryways resembling a monster's heads. Enter the left one. Inside are two Sparks and some chests hidden behind blocks. To get each chest push the block south of the right chest to the right, then push the lower left block off the green mat to the left, push the block above that to the north. Go open the right chest. It has ruppees. Now push the block in front of the left chest to the left. Open it to get a heart piece.

Enemy Spotlight: Swamola


These resemble the Lanmola boss from the Desert Palace. Unlike that boss they are weaker and reside in the swamp instead of a desert. Just attack them with your sword if you see one, they are not much of a threat. They look cool though.
To enter the Misery Mire temple you have to cast Ether while standing on the tile resembling the medallion. This will stop the storm and causes a large entryway resembling a monster head to rise up from the swamp water. This is the entrance to the temple. Before going inside you can enter the smaller monster head entryway on the right to find a fairy who restores your hearts if needed. You may also want to return to the Light World and purchase a refill to your blue potions if you have not yet already. Next time we will go through Misery Mire, which in my opinion is the most challening temple in the game, disregarding Ganon's Tower.

The Misery Mire temple is the toughest in the game, disregarding Ganon's Tower in my opinion. Once you get inside you will have some Zols jumping up after you. Hook-Shot them or ignore them. Hook-Shot across the chasm by being parallel to the block on the right when you use the Hook-Shot. Go down the stairs. In here you meet a new enemy, Wizzrobes. The Green variety, to be specific. They teleport into the room and shoot magical blasts at you. Defeat the Wizzrobes and Serpents to open the door, avoid the Beamos. It is tough to dodge the Wizzrobes' magic and the Beamos' laser at the same time, so don't feel bad if you take more damage than expected in here. Exit through the door to the north.
Enemy Spotlight: Green Wizzrobe


These teleport into a specific spot in the room and shoot magical blasts at you. They cannot be attacked while they are warping in/out of the room. There is also a purple variety who are basically the exact same enemy but with a different sprite. This type is only found in Ganon's Tower. While they can bea pain to deal with, they are not tough to defeat, unlike their ancestors from the original Zelda on the NES. THOSE Wizzrobes were a nightmare. They also resemble Final Fantasy's Black Mages.​
This room is large and has multiple Sparks and Winders to avoid to avoid. You're on the lower portion under a net. The doors to the right lead to rooms you cannot really do anything yet so disregard them for now. Watch out for the Sparks as you make your way left. One of the skulls has a Rabbit Beam under it, so ignore the skulls. There's nothing important under any of them anyway. Go through the door in the upper left corner of the room. In here the torches will shoot fireballs at you. There are three exits to the room with the fireball spitting torches. The door on the left leads to a room full of Sluggulas while the room on the right leads to a room you need a key for. Push the block above the torches up/right/left/down one square to open the door. It leads to a path that takes you to a chest with a key! Take it and go back to the torch room, now go through the door to your right. Grab the key from under the jar in the upper left. Go through the locked door north of you using a key. Cross the net and go through the northern door. Follow the path.
Now you'll be in a room where a Wizzrobe immediately teleports in, defeat him. Avoid the Sparks and go through the narrow path in the upper left portion of the room. Use the Magic Cape to get past the Sparks faster to avoid damage. Grab the key from under the skull. Flip the red/blue switch, and then make your way back through the narrow path and go down into the southern half of the room. Use the door to open the locked door south of you. Use the Magic Cape to get past the spikes without taking damage, watch out for the large saw trap too. The door to the left of here leads to a room with Wizzrobes, defeat them to get nothing. You cannot go through the spider door without the big key, so remember this room for later. Go back and enter the door south of you. Go through the door to the right, you'll be out on the net above the room where the Sparks and Winders were.
Make your way north across the net and step on the switch under a skull to make a chest appear. This is only accessible if the blue blocks are down so if they are not, go back and flip the red/blue switch. The chest has another key. The more you have the better. The door north of you takes you to where the Sluggulas were in the room by the room with the fire spitting torches. Go back through there and enter the door to the right of the fire spitting torch room. Then go south and you will find a chest below a Medusa Statue. Open it to get this temple's Map! Unlock the door to your left, you will be back at lower portion of the large room again. Instead, backtrack to the upper portion again.

Enemy Spotlight: Sluggula


These can drop bombs that will explode, so be careful. They are not tough to defeat at least.
There is a locked door in the lower left part of the upper portion of the large room where the Sparks and Winders were. Go inside. Defeat the blue skull heads and the Blue Buri to get another key, use it to unlock the door to your left. There are two paths you can take from here. The southern one eventually leads to a room with a chest you cannot reach. The left path takes you first to a room where Panels attack you. There are four torches to light if you want to get into the room north of you, where you will find this temple's Compass! Don't go right as this door will shut on you on the other side.

You should now be able to see this, seen below, if you have both the Map and the Compass.

Two rooms to the south of the room where the Compass was, you will find stairs taking you upstairs. Ignore the Wizzrobe, Red Buri, and Sluggulas in the room, just go upstairs. Up here you will find some Wizzrobes, defeat them if you want as they might get in your way otherwise. You need to move blocks so that you can reach each torch in this room as well as the one south of here. Move the top and bottom blocks left on the left set of blocks then move the middle block down. Move the top and bottom blocks on the right set of blocks to the right and move the middle block down. Do this in both rooms. Now light both torches in both rooms, the room should shake signifiying a puzzle was solved. Go through the door to your right and jump down the hole even though it looks like it will not lead anywhere, it does! It takes you to this temple's Big Key!


Once you have taken the Big Key you can go left into a room with a warp tile, which takes you to the room with the Wizzrobes and the spider door. You can go through the spider door this time! Inside is another warp block. It takes you to a room with yet another spider door, some Wizzrobes, and Fire Fairies. Don't go through the spider door in here yet. We have to go open the big chest! Go right. Go up the stairs over the net and south. You will find yourself in the room to the right of the fire spitting torch room. If you have not already, use the Magic Cape to lift the skull over the spikes and step on the switch to make a chest with another key appear. Go south and left. You'll be in the large room again, NOW you need to go through the lower right door I told you to disregard a while back, so make your way back to that door and go inside. Go right. This has a tough puzzle in it, you have about 5 seconds to get onto the narrow path before it starts falling away. Run across it to get to the chest, watch out for the Laser Eyes' lasers. The chest has the Cane of Somaria! You should now have every item in the main item menu.


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