Final Fantasy 6 Walkthrough with Dagger

Party A: Edgar, Terra, Sabin, Locke
Party B: Celes, Umaro, Cyan, Shadow
Party C: Mog, Strago, Relm, Gogo

As Celes' party, head out of the Holy Dragon's chamber and back into the previous room. Follow along on the path past where the anvil is and go down the left path onto the bridge. Follow this path until you are at a dead end. Switch to Edgar's party and step on the switch near you so Celes' party can use the rock to get down to the floor. As Celes' party, make your way back southwest and climb up onto the platform. Switch to Edgar's party again and jump to the south on the rock. Head south and then left to the switch near where you have Celes' party. Step on it and switch back to Celes' party, taking them across the rock and down the stairs. You'll reach a dead end due to a rock being there. Switch to Mog's party and bring them from the first save room over to where Celes' is, which is the area east of where the Red Dragon was. Step on the switch southeast of Celes' party so they can get out. Switch to Celes' party and exit this area, head back to where the first save room was. Now switch to Mog's party and have them go stand on the switch south of the first save room so Celes' party can cross the bridge south, to where the Ice Dragon was.

From where the Ice Dragon was head up the stairs into the area where the turtle puzzle is. Ride the turtle to the north. Now, go to all the way to the right and turn north. A door that was unavailable before is now open. Inside are some tombstones. Check all of these. You'll need them for a puzzle later and, hey look, there's the 8th dragon! Make sure you have at least one fighter in the party. This is not a battle for casters.
BOSS BATTLE: Gold Dragon


This is the hardest of the 8 dragon rematches. If you have a party of casters then it is MUCH harder. He has a Runic function, so traditional spells will get absorbed. You'll want a party of fighters. Umaro will fit in perfectly. Cyan's 7th Bushido is your best option if he is with you, Shadow can Throw Shurikens. If you have Edgar's party from my setup then just let Edgar Jump, then have Locke attack with his Valiant Knife and Ultima Weapon. If you are relentless enough you will not need to worry about healing. The stronger your fighters are, the easier the fight will be. Just watch out for Mighty Claw which can confuse someone. Have someone like Celes attack them to snap them out of it, it's better than risking your whole party getting attacked by a confused character.

Your prize for winning is Locke's new ultimate weapon, the Zwill Crossblade. I don't use it though. I prefer the Ultima Weapon and Valiant Knife combination, he'll do a ton of damage at any Health Point count.
Party A: Edgar, Terra, Sabin, Locke
Party B: Celes, Umaro, Cyan, Shadow
Party C: Mog, Strago, Relm, Gogo

As Celes' party head back through the tombstones (make sure you read each) and back to the turtle puzzle. Head up the stairs to where the Water Dragon was. You will see paths to your left and to your right with tombstones in them. The one on the left has an apparent hint about the Holy Dragon, and that annoying puzzle about the switch hidden in front of the lava. Yeah a little too late for that now, but thanks. Go to the right path. Remember that "The World Is Square" puzzle from Darill's Tomb? This is kind of like that. You have to take the words from the tombstones by where the Gold Dragon was and form the right phrase. It needs to spell out "The King Of Dragons". A door opens to the right of you.

You're in a large room with many staircases. Take either the left or right staircase down a floor. Now the paths split in two so let's take the right path first to get to a chest with an Elixir. The rest of this path is a dead end for now, so go back up a floor and take the left path down a floor. You'll pass a chest with a Phoenix Down in it, follow the path down and up some stairs to the next room in the middle platform of the room. In this next area go to your right to find what looks like a yellow save point, this is actually a warp. It takes you to a room with four chests, there is a fifth one southwest of you but it is currently offscreen. Switch over to Mog's party to save, you'll see why in a moment. Open the two chests in the northwest and the southwest first, out of the four chests in the square. You will find a Ribbon in the northwest chest and a Bone Wrist for Umaro in the southwest chest. Give the Bone Wrist to Umaro while still being equipped with the Berserker Ring gives the best results. You will not need the Blizzard Orb anymore. His base stats in Strength, Stamina, Speed, Defense, Evasion, and Magic Defense all get a nice boost by a few points. He will now also do 25% more physical damage, and to top it off, his Health increases by 50%. Awesome indeed. Did you save? Ok, now open the chests on the northeast and southeast. They contain boss battles against the Plague and the Neslug respectively.


He looks like the Veteran enemies from Kefka's Tower, only blue. The name may look familiar to those who have played Final Fantasy 4, and for good reason. He is based off the boss from Final Fantasy 4 that has the same name and a similar appearance, that version of the Plague had green skin and purple wings. Luckily for you, he is not as difficult as his ancestor, which is widely regarded to be amongst the toughest bosses in that game. This Plague does use a very similar strategy though.... He casts a spell that gives you limited time to win or else your whole party dies. You have a trick to get past this if you brought a caster. Life 3! Have Celes (or whoever your main caster is) use Quick then Life 3 for two rounds in order to hit everyone in the party. Now just unleash your best attacks. If you run out of time, everyone comes back to life. At this point, heal up quickly, then keep attacking and you'll win. For as intimidating as he is, he's not too bad.

Your prize for winning is Relm's new ultimate weapon the Angel Brush. I keep her with the Heal Rod though.

This guy looks just like the Angler Whelk, and similar to the Ymir/Whelk from the intro quest of the game. He will use a similar battle strategy as them too. Do NOT attack the shell. Have your caster casting Firaga on the head while your fighters fight. Not a bad fight at all so long as you don't hit the shell. It will counter with an instant death attack, so your caster(s) will need to revive whoever that hits.

Your prize is Mog's new ultimate weapon, the Gungnir.
Party A: Edgar, Terra, Sabin, Locke
Party B: Celes, Umaro, Cyan, Shadow
Party C: Mog, Strago, Relm, Gogo

There's still a little more to go. Switch back to Mog's group to save and equip Mog with the Gungnir, then back to Celes again.

As Celes' party, head to the south and then left, there is a chest there with a Stardust Rod that you could give Strago but I prefer keeping the Heal Rod on him. Well that should be everyone at this point.... No.... Wait.... Shadow does not have his new ultimate weapon yet. Shadow's new ultimate weapon is guarded by the Flan Princess, she's hiding in a treasure chest in another room. Let's proceed. Head to the yellow warp point by the square of chests. You get warped to.... a rather pointless room, you just go to your left to find yourself in the next room. Ignore the warp star in here and go through the door in the left part of the room. You're back in that large stair maze. Go down a flight of stairs to get to a chest with another Ribbon. All these Ribbons will come in handy for the fight against Kaiser. Go back up a flight of stairs, and then one more. There is a switch by the crack in the wall that you need to stand on to make a door for one of the other groups to go inside. Stand there.

Switch to Edgar's party, they should still be by a switch in the room where the anvil was. Move them east for a bit until you see a stairway. You're back in the Skull Dragon's chamber. Go down a few flights of stairs and turn east. No worries, you're not going through the conductor puzzle again, just close to it. Jump right two chests, follow the bridge, jump up one chest, and go inside the door north of you. You're at the turtle puzzle. Ok, now switch to Celes' party. They need to backtrack some and return to the turtle puzzle so that the turtle can get moved, otherwise Edgar's party is stuck. At multiple times in this quest it seems like you'll need to do this, but until now you actually have not needed to. Simply go back the whole path you came in until you get to where the Water Dragon was. Now, from the turtle.... If he is at the southern spot just call him into the center. If he is at the northern spot you'll need to go right, then down, then left, then up to be at the southern spot and call him to the center.

When the turtle is in the middle, switch to Edgar and with the turtle you can ride over to the eastern spot of this puzzle. Both Edgar's party and Celes' party will be heading back into the stair maze. Stop when Edgar's party has made it to that room, then switch to Celes' party and bring them back around to the eastern spot of the turtle puzzle then into the stair maze. Once both are in that area, bring Celes' party right back to where they were, at that switch that opens a door on another platform. Once there, stop and switch to Edgar's party. Guess where they are headed? The door that just opened. You'll want Edgar's party to be the one going in so that Locke and Terra can make short work of the Flan Princess boss. So, take Edgar's party down the right path of stairs into the new door. Go right and use the warp star. There's four chests in this room. The southernmost one has Gau's new ultimate gear the Dueling Mask, but he's hanging out on the airship so I won't need it. The three chests to the north contain from left to right.... A Genji Glove, a Crystal Orb, and a boss fight with the Flan Princess. Make sure Terra has a Ribbon equipped as well as making sure Locke has 2 Ultima Weapons, the Master's Scroll, and a Genji Glove.
BOSS BATTLE: Flan Princess (x5)


She has 4 clones. This is easy if you know what you're doing. They will try to inflict Berserk, Imp, and various other statuses on you. If Locke is able to attack with his Ultima Weapons at full health he should do some serious damage to them. If any survive (or if Terra gets her turn before Locke does) have Terra cast Quick followed by two Firagas or two Ultimas. You can also try your luck at one-shotting them with X-Zone. Without Ribbons, it's a whole other story, things won't go your way. With Ribbons, all it took was Quick + Firaga + Firaga as Terra for me. That was quite literally the whole fight. No one else, including the boss, got to do anything.

Your prize for winning is Shadow's new ultimate weapon, the Oborozuki.
Party A: Edgar, Terra, Celes, Locke
Party B: Sabin, Cyan, Strago, Relm
Party C: Mog, Umaro, Shadow, Gogo

Alright, it's time. You've taken out all 8 of his revived underlings as well as the optional extra bosses in the den. Only the Kaiser Dragon remains now. In order to get to him you have to reach three different switches and step on them to make the final warp star appear. Everyone should have their new ultimate weapon/item by now also. Have one of your casters use Teleport to warp out of the den. It's a littler easier that way, trust me. Too much backtracking otherwise.

You'll notice my parties changed a little here. There's a reason for that. I put Celes in for Sabin's place in Edgar's party. They will be the group to fight Kaiser. It's better to have two casters in that team and I'm running a caconical casters only challenge, making my caster options limited. Mog's party now consists of the four optional characters, because why not? Which leaves the second party as, well, everyone else. Not that it matters. Sabin's party (which needs Relm, because again, caster challenge) is only going to fight some random encounters and Mog's new group is not fighting anything, and Edgar's new party is going after Kaiser. So set the three groups up, we are going back in!

Starting with Edgar's party, we are going from the entrance to where the Ice Dragon's chamber was. Go up the stairs in the middle of that chamber into the turtle puzzle. Go around to the eastern spot of the turtle puzzle and with the turtle go to the western spot then through the door into the Skull Dragon's chamber. Go south onto the bridge, jump down a chest, go up and left then jump left across two chests. Head up a few stairways and into the save room. Save, in case you run into any Death Riders as Sabin's party. I hate those enemies. They use Blaster sometimes and for some reason Ribbons do not save you from it. They are one of the worst random encounters for this reason. Now as Sabin's party, do everything you just did as Edgar's party. Save. Now, as Mog's party, do everything you just did, for a third time. It's an easier point of reference if all three are in this save room together before they split up to get to the three final switches.

Take Sabin's party and Mog's party into the room to the left of the save room. As Mog's party, push the anvil again because if you teleported out it will be back up at the upper platform. Move over toward the rock that formed due to the anvil and jump across it, stand on the switch there. This should look familiar. Now switch to Sabin's party and go around where the anvil was pushed from, take the left path and follow it so that you get to the rock that showed up due to Mog's party's switch. Climb down onto the floor and go northwest, you will see a door (a star seal blocked it before) and a save point in it. Save if you want and then go up the stairs to your left. Step on the switch at the end of this path and then Sabin's party is DONE!

Switch to Mog's party. Take them back the way you came, this will be a bit of backtracking. You want to have them end up in the turtle puzzle. From the turtle puzzle have them go straight ahead to where the Water Dragon was, and then to the middle path of the top portion of this chamber. There's a save point and a crack in the wall. Switch to Edgar's party. Have them go to where Mog's party is, but to the right path instead of the middle. There is a switch they have to stand on which forms a door that Mog's party can enter. Switch to Mog's party to enter, then stand on the switch at the end of this hall and then Mog's party is DONE!

It's all downhill from here. Only Edgar's party remains. Have them go back into the Skull Dragon's chamber, but instead of taking them to the save room, go back up the long stairway to where the Skull Dragon was. I mean, you REALLY don't want to go back through the conductor puzzle, do you? Didn't think so. From the platform where the Skull Dragon was, follow the bridge path to your left. Keep moving left and you will see a door, then go into this hall to see the last of the three final switches. Before you use the warp to get to the Kaiser Dragon, you can switch to Sabin's group if you need to save, which is probably not a bad idea. Save if you have not yet. Keep in mind that if you used Mog's party to leave and save, you'll have to take Edgar's party back to the switch that opens the door to Mog's party's final switch, so take that for what it is. You don't have to save regardless, but I'd rather make sure I saved one last time. This is the optional super boss, after all. Ok, move Sabin's party and Mog's party (but NOT Edgar's party) onto their party's switch. A red star should appear in front of Edgar's party. Once you are truly ready step onto the red warp star. This takes you to Kaiser's lair. Approach him and get ready for the fight of your life.

If your equipment does not match my list, you can borrow from the other two parties since they will not need it, and form the best equipped party you can. For instance, you might have limited pieces of Genji defensive gear. I did. I took a Genji Helmet from Shadow to give to Edgar, for example. Here is what my equipment setup is....

Longinus Spear
Genji Shield
Genji Helm
Genji Armor
Dragoon Boots
Dragon Horn

Apocalypse Sword
Genji Shield
Oath Veil
Minerva Buster
Celestriad Relic
****All spells learned!

Save The Queen Sword
Paladin's Shield
Oath Veil
Minerba Buster
Celestriad Relic
****All spells learned!

Ultima Weapon
Valiant Knife
Genji Helm
Genji Armor
Genji Glove
Master's Scroll


BOSS BATTLE: Kaiser Dragon


This intimidating dragon has five lives. He will come back to life each time one of these lives has been defeated. They all have 65,500 Health meaning the grand total of the Health count for the dragon himself is 327,500 HP. It is impossible to one-shot him in any way, shape, or form. When he loses a life he will shift strategies to one of nine different patterns. Randomly determined, other than the final one which is always the same. Each pattern has at least one dangerous attack to look out for.

The first potential form is the Fire form which has access to Firaga, Meteor, Flare, Meltdown, and Flare Star. He counters with Southern Cross.

The second potential form is the Ice form which has access to Blizzaga, Absolute Zero, Avalanche, and Northern Cross. He counters with Freezing Dust.

The third potential form is the Lightning form which has accessto Plasma, Thundaga, and Gigavolt. He counters with Wave Cannon.

The fourth potential form is the Poison form which has access to Scintillation, Venomist, Doom, Lullaby, Crypt Dust, Disaster, and Cloudy Heaven. He counters with Bio. This form is very dangerous, if anyone is hit with a status effect have your casters heal them quickly. This is also why I had the casters equipped with Ribbons.

The fifth potential form is the Wind form which has access to Aero, Tornado, and Cyclyonic. He counters with Wind Slash.

The sixth potential form is the Holy form which has access to Reflect, "Reflect???" (the Lore), Protect, Shell, Haste, "Lv? Holy" (the Lore), and Holy. He counters with Hyperdrive.

The seventh potential form is the Earth form which either attacks you or uses Last Breath, which is what he counters with.

The eighth potential form is the Water form which has access to Aqua Breath, El Nino, Tsunami, and Flash Rain. No counters seem to be specified here at least.

The ninth potential form is non-elemental and he has access to Shockwave, Metal Cutter, Blaster, and Trine. Due to Blaster and Trine, this form is highly dangerous.

The final form is the one the 5th life of the dragon always takes on. It has access to Quake, Hyperdrive, Flash Rain, Gale Cut, Absolute Zero, Last Breath, Revenge Blast, Mind Blast, and Heartless Angel. Extremely dangerous. Your casters must be ready to heal as needed immediately if he uses Heartless Angel.

Edgar is Jumping. Every round. Locke is attacking. Every round. What changes, is what Celes and Terra will be doing. Immediately have them both use Quick on themselves. Whoever goes first should then use Life 3 on both casters. The second should use Life 3 on both fighters. From that point on, have them ready to heal or revive as needed. Terra can Morph and cast Quick followed by two Ultimas for tons of damage as well, if you feel confident in relying 100% on Celes to heal. Having Celes or Terra cast Protect and Shell (with Quick to boost how fast this is done) is also beneficial. As is Float, wouldn't want to get caught off guard by a Quake spell on the final form. Also, just like with the Mage Master, he will try to finish you off with Ultima right before he dies once and for all. Life 3 will save you if you used it.

Your prize for winning? Four things. The first is bragging rights. Seriously, that was one heck of a fight. Second is the Diabolos magicite. Third is access to the Soul Shrine (if you have also defeated Kefka), and fourth is access to the second optional super boss of the game.... Omega Weapon. We'll get to him later though.

Summon: Dark Messenger (90 MP)
Reduces enemy Health to 1/16 in non-elemental damage death immunities and inflicts Sap.

Spells Taught:
Graviga x5
Gravija x3

Level up bonus while equipped: HP +100%

It was cool to see Diabolos get added to this game. The new Gravija spell reduces a target's Health by 3/4 although I was never a fan of the gravity spells. I never use them. Also, the HP boost that Diabolos offers is ridiculous for this point in the game. Once you're this far many characters might already be maxed out. This should have been given to an esper that's available MUCH earlier. Go ahead and add him to your collection but there's nothing exciting here.

Party A: Edgar, Terra, Celes, Locke
Party B: Sabin, Cyan, Strago, Relm
Party C: Mog, Umaro, Shadow, Gogo

Ok, everything you just did to get to the Kaiser Dragon once you teleported out of the Den following the defeat of the Flan Princess.... Remember that? Do all of that again one more time. The reason is because there is one more boss for you to face in the Dragon's Den. When you leave the den after defeating Kaiser, another optional super boss takes up residence in what was Kaiser's Lair. That would be Omega Weapon. I'll be using the same parties again so Edgar, Celes, Terra, and Locke will be fighting Omega Weapon. Use the same equipment you did for the Kaiser Dragon fight.

Why did I use the same group of 4 again on Omega Weapon? Canonical casters challenge.

What about Sabin?
Sabin of course has his ultimate Blitz that many who played this game love.... but it only hits one time and there is a 9,999 damage cap. Thus, he is outclassed by both dragoons as well as Cyan and Locke. Even by Setzer if he uses two dice weapons. Not this time, Sabin.

What about Cyan?
Cyan's 7th Bushido takes a while to charge up but at least in this version you can do other things while it charges. In the time it takes to charge up the 7th Bushido skill, Locke has the time to make multiple attacks and he does more damage in how I set him up regardless of the Bushido charge time. Cyan's sitting this out.

What about Shadow?
The best he can do is Throw stuff in a canonical casters challenge. If Sabin with his Blitzes wasn't going to make the cut for my final team then Shadow won't either. Sorry.

What about Gau?
Do you even have to ask? If he wasn't hanging out on the airship he would still be outclassed big time by the other fighters by now. Stray Cat Rage has the 9,999 damage cap and he is not controllable while using it. No thanks.

What about Setzer?
He could replace Locke here if you wanted, you have to make sure he has the Fixed Dice and the regular Dice equipped while he has a Master's Scroll and Genji Glove equipped. Major downside is that these two weapons are randomly determined, you know being Dice and all, especially the regular Dice. I'd rather use Locke since with his Ultima Weapon and Valiant Knife setup he will be dealing tremendous damage no matter what his Health is. Setzer will remain on the airship hanging out with Gau doing nothing.

What about Mog?
You could substitute other Mog in for Edgar if you wanted. Mog can use an identical strategy to Edgar, make sure he has Gungnir as well as a Dragon Horn and Dragoon Boots. I prefer Edgar overall. Tools are better than Dance plus Mog is stuck leading the third party safely with his Molulu's Charm so that's why he's out.

What about Strago?
His Mighty Guard Lore might seem like a good idea in this fight but with it being a canonical casters challenge he only has access to his Lores and not the traditional spells. The Quick spell and Celestriad relic make Terra and Celes outclass him. Close, but not good enough, Strago.

What about Umaro?
Two reasons. He cannot break the 9,999 damage cap even with his new ultimate relic, plus he has never been controllable in any situation, so there's that. He's not coming.

What about Gogo?
Ok, now we have someone who actually could have made the team. Gogo with a Magic command during a canonical casters challenge gains all the spells Terra/Celes/Relm have if they are in the party. But the point of a challenge is for it to be, a challenge. Terra, Celes, and Relm are the only ones to have access to magic. So, no Gogo then.

What about Relm?
The only one left who truly could have made it into the final team in such a challenge. So why isn't she coming? Two reasons. I prefer a 2 fighter 2 caster lineup to a 1 fighter 3 caster lineup. Secondly, Sabin's party needed a healer/caster while getting around in the final part of the Dragon's Den. This means that if Terra and Celes are both fighting the super boss, Relm is stuck as the caster for the party that isn't protected from random encounters. Nice try, Relm.

Now that we know why I chose the characters I did, let's go fight the last optional super boss of the game!
BOSS BATTLE: Omega Weapon


He looks like Ultima/Atma Weapon from the Floating Continent, only more intimidating with his graphic. The good news is that you can use a similar strategy from the Kaiser Dragon battle, and he also does not have as many "lives" as Kaiser did, thus a lower Health count. This also makes him a little easier to plan for than Kaiser. The bad news is, he has some more dangerous moves. The final form in particular is considerably brutal.

His first life has access to Meteor, Level 3 Confuse, Level 4 Flare, Level 5 Death, Tornado, Aero, Flare Star, Vengeance, and Tsunami.

The second life has access to Atomic Rays, Absolute Zero, Delta Attack, Wave Cannon, Gravity Bomb, Magnitude 8, Metal Cutter, Blaster (ugh), Launcher, Missile, and Heartless Angel. Heal immediately if he uses Heartless Angel!

His final life has several attacks of the previous lives but also adds Quake, Omega Drive, Freezing Dust, Grand Delta, Mind Blast, and Forsaken. He can also give himself Shell, Protect, and Haste status in this form. Make sure you have Float and Life 3 cast on everyone just to be on the same side. If anyone is revived it is crucial to re-apply Life 3 on them. No holding back!

So you'll want to start off the battle the same way you did against Kaiser. Terra and Celes should both use the Quick spell to cast Life 3 on all four characters. Hastega would also be a great idea! Then do Float on everyone, before you forget. The boss can use Quake and it might hit you unexpectedly. You can follow this with Protect and Shell if you want, but I'd rather start attacking. Celes could be the main healer provided you use Quick along with Curaga's and Life 2's as needed. Terra could then Morph for Quick and double Ultima's. Or you can play it safe and have both on standby ready to heal when necessary. The latter might be a better strategy for you considering how brutal this boss can be. Locke attacks, no matter what, every round. Edgar Jumps, no matter what, every round. Should anyone die, the casters take priority in revival, then Locke, then Edgar. If you have Celestriads equipped on both casters then all spells cost 1 MP, therefore you can and SHOULD be constantly using the Quick spell. It makes the reviving, healing, and re-applying of Life 3 easier.

You'll want everyone at or over 7,000 Health for your team since Omega's more powerful attacks do some major damage. Meaning Celes and/or Terra will be healing often. Good luck!​
I have covered virtually everything there is to cover on this game. The entire SNES version, the extra content added in the GBA version, as well as insight into the PC version. All that is left would have been analysis on the various party combinations for a group of 4 in the active party out of the 14 total playable characters. Turns out there a grand total of 1,000 such combinations. So instead of clogging up this thread with that many posts, I will provide a list of those party combinations. I'm not kidding. A thousand different possible active parties. They are in the spoiler tag below.

1. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin
2. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
3. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Cyan
4. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Shadow
5. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Gau
6. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Setzer
7. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Mog
8. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Strago
9. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Relm
10. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Gogo
11. Terra, Locke, Edgar, Umaro
12. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Celes
13. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Cyan
14. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Shadow
15. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Gau
16. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Setzer
17. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Mog
18. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Strago
19. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Relm
20. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Gogo
21. Terra, Locke, Sabin, Umaro
22. Terra, Locke, Celes, Cyan
23. Terra, Locke, Celes, Shadow
24. Terra, Locke, Celes, Gau
25. Terra, Locke, Celes, Setzer
26. Terra, Locke, Celes, Mog
27. Terra, Locke, Celes, Strago
28. Terra, Locke, Celes, Relm
29. Terra, Locke, Celes, Gogo
30. Terra, Locke, Celes, Umaro
31. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow
32. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Gau
33. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Setzer
34. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Mog
35. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Strago
36. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Relm
37. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Gogo
38. Terra, Locke, Cyan, Umaro
39. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Gau
40. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Setzer
41. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Mog
42. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Strago
43. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Relm
44. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Gogo
45. Terra, Locke, Shadow, Umaro
46. Terra, Locke, Gau, Setzer
47. Terra, Locke, Gau, Mog
48. Terra, Locke, Gau, Strago
49. Terra, Locke, Gau, Relm
50. Terra, Locke, Gau, Gogo
51. Terra, Locke, Gau, Umaro
52. Terra, Locke, Setzer, Mog
53. Terra, Locke, Setzer, Strago
54. Terra, Locke, Setzer, Relm
55. Terra, Locke, Setzer, Gogo
56. Terra, Locke, Setzer, Umaro
57. Terra, Locke, Mog, Strago
58. Terra, Locke, Mog, Relm
59. Terra, Locke, Mog, Gogo
60. Terra, Locke, Mog, Umaro
61. Terra, Locke, Strago, Relm
62. Terra, Locke, Strago, Gogo
63. Terra, Locke, Strago, Umaro
64. Terra, Locke, Relm, Gogo
65. Terra, Locke, Relm, Umaro
66. Terra, Locke, Gogo, Umaro
67. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Celes
68. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan
69. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow
70. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Gau
71. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Setzer
72. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Mog
73. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Strago
74. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Relm
75. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Gogo
76. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Umaro
77. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Cyan
78. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Shadow
79. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Gau
80. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
81. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Mog
82. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Strago
83. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Relm
84. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Gogo
85. Terra, Edgar, Celes, Umaro
86. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Shadow
87. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Gau
88. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Setzer
89. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Mog
90. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Strago
91. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Relm
92. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Gogo
93. Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Umaro
94. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Gau
95. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Setzer
96. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Mog
97. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Strago
98. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Relm
99. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Gogo
100. Terra, Edgar, Shadow, Umaro
101. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Setzer
102. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Mog
103. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Strago
104. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Relm
105. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Gogo
106. Terra, Edgar, Gau, Umaro
107. Terra, Edgar, Setzer, Mog
108. Terra, Edgar, Setzer, Strago
109. Terra, Edgar, Setzer, Relm
110. Terra, Edgar, Setzer, Gogo
111. Terra, Edgar, Setzer, Umaro
112. Terra, Edgar, Mog, Strago
113. Terra, Edgar, Mog, Relm
114. Terra, Edgar, Mog, Gogo
115. Terra, Edgar, Mog, Umaro
116. Terra, Edgar, Strago, Relm
117. Terra, Edgar, Strago, Gogo
118. Terra, Edgar, Strago, Umaro
119. Terra, Edgar, Relm, Gogo
120. Terra, Edgar, Relm, Umaro
121. Terra, Edgar, Gogo, Umaro
122. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Cyan
123. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Shadow
124. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Gau
125. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Setzer
126. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Mog
127. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Strago
128. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Relm
129. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Gogo
130. Terra, Sabin, Celes, Umaro
131. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Shadow
132. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Gau
133. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Setzer
134. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Mog
135. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Strago
136. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Relm
137. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Gogo
138. Terra, Sabin, Cyan, Umaro
139. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Gau
140. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Setzer
141. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Mog
142. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Strago
143. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Relm
144. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Gogo
145. Terra, Sabin, Shadow, Umaro
146. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Setzer
147. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Mog
148. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Strago
149. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Relm
150. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Gogo
151. Terra, Sabin, Gau, Umaro
152. Terra, Sabin, Setzer, Mog
153. Terra, Sabin, Setzer, Strago
154. Terra, Sabin, Setzer, Relm
155. Terra, Sabin, Setzer, Gogo
156. Terra, Sabin, Setzer, Umaro
157. Terra, Sabin, Mog, Strago
158. Terra, Sabin, Mog, Relm
159. Terra, Sabin, Mog, Gogo
160. Terra, Sabin, Mog, Umaro
161. Terra, Sabin, Strago, Relm
162. Terra, Sabin, Strago, Gogo
163. Terra, Sabin, Strago, Umaro
164. Terra, Sabin, Relm, Gogo
165. Terra, Sabin, Relm, Umaro
166. Terra, Sabin, Gogo, Umaro
167. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Shadow
168. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Gau
169. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Setzer
170. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Mog
171. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Strago
172. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Relm
173. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Gogo
174. Terra, Celes, Cyan, Umaro
175. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Gau
176. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Setzer
177. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Mog
178. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Strago
179. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Relm
180. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Gogo
181. Terra, Celes, Shadow, Umaro
182. Terra, Celes, Gau, Setzer
183. Terra, Celes, Gau, Mog
184. Terra, Celes, Gau, Strago
185. Terra, Celes, Gau, Relm
186. Terra, Celes, Gau, Gogo
187. Terra, Celes, Gau, Umaro
188. Terra, Celes, Setzer, Mog
189. Terra, Celes, Setzer, Strago
190. Terra, Celes, Setzer, Relm
191. Terra, Celes, Setzer, Gogo
192. Terra, Celes, Setzer, Umaro
193. Terra, Celes, Mog, Strago
194. Terra, Celes, Mog, Relm
195. Terra, Celes, Mog, Gogo
196. Terra, Celes, Mog, Umaro
197. Terra, Celes, Strago, Relm
198. Terra, Celes, Strago, Gogo
199. Terra, Celes, Strago, Umaro
200. Terra, Celes, Relm, Gogo
201. Terra, Celes, Relm, Umaro
202. Terra, Celes, Gogo, Umaro
203. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Gau
204. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Setzer
205. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Mog
206. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Strago
207. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Relm
208. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Gogo
209. Terra, Cyan, Shadow, Umaro
210. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Setzer
211. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Mog
212. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Strago
213. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Relm
214. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Gogo
215. Terra, Cyan, Gau, Umaro
216. Terra, Cyan, Setzer, Mog
217. Terra, Cyan, Setzer, Strago
218. Terra, Cyan, Setzer, Relm
219. Terra, Cyan, Setzer, Gogo
220. Terra, Cyan, Setzer, Umaro
221. Terra, Cyan, Mog, Strago
222. Terra, Cyan, Mog, Relm
223. Terra, Cyan, Mog, Gogo
224. Terra, Cyan, Mog, Umaro
225. Terra, Cyan, Strago, Relm
226. Terra, Cyan, Strago, Gogo
227. Terra, Cyan, Strago, Umaro
228. Terra, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
229. Terra, Cyan, Relm, Umaro
230. Terra, Cyan, Gogo, Umaro
231. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
232. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Mog
233. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Strago
234. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Relm
235. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
236. Terra, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
237. Terra, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
238. Terra, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
239. Terra, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
240. Terra, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
241. Terra, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
242. Terra, Shadow, Mog, Strago
243. Terra, Shadow, Mog, Relm
244. Terra, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
245. Terra, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
246. Terra, Shadow, Strago, Relm
247. Terra, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
248. Terra, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
249. Terra, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
250. Terra, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
251. Terra, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
252. Terra, Gau, Setzer, Mog
253. Terra, Gau, Setzer, Strago
254. Terra, Gau, Setzer, Relm
255. Terra, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
256. Terra, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
257. Terra, Gau, Mog, Strago
258. Terra, Gau, Mog, Relm
259. Terra, Gau, Mog, Gogo
260. Terra, Gau, Mog, Umaro
261. Terra, Gau, Strago, Relm
262. Terra, Gau, Strago, Gogo
263. Terra, Gau, Strago, Umaro
264. Terra, Gau, Relm, Gogo
265. Terra, Gau, Relm, Umaro
266. Terra, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
267. Terra, Setzer, Mog, Strago
268. Terra, Setzer, Mog, Relm
269. Terra, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
270. Terra, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
271. Terra, Setzer, Strago, Relm
272. Terra, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
273. Terra, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
274. Terra, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
275. Terra, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
276. Terra, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
277. Terra, Mog, Strago, Relm
278. Terra, Mog, Strago, Gogo
279. Terra, Mog, Strago, Umaro
280. Terra, Mog, Relm, Gogo
281. Terra, Mog, Relm, Umaro
282. Terra, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
283. Terra, Strago, Relm, Gogo
284. Terra, Strago, Relm, Umaro
285. Terra, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
286. Terra, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
287. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Celes
288. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan
289. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Shadow
290. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gau
291. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Setzer
292. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Mog
293. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Strago
294. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Relm
295. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gogo
296. Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Umaro
297. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Cyan
298. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Shadow
299. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Gau
300. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
301. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Mog
302. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Strago
303. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Relm
304. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Gogo
305. Locke, Edgar, Celes, Umaro
306. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Shadow
307. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Gau
308. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Setzer
309. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Mog
310. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Strago
311. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Relm
312. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Gogo
313. Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Umaro
314. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Gau
315. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Setzer
316. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Mog
317. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Strago
318. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Relm
319. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Gogo
320. Locke, Edgar, Shadow, Umaro
321. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Setzer
322. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Mog
323. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Strago
324. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Relm
325. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Gogo
326. Locke, Edgar, Gau, Umaro
327. Locke, Edgar, Setzer, Mog
328. Locke, Edgar, Setzer, Strago
329. Locke, Edgar, Setzer, Relm
330. Locke, Edgar, Setzer, Gogo
331. Locke, Edgar, Setzer, Umaro
332. Locke, Edgar, Mog, Strago
333. Locke, Edgar, Mog, Relm
334. Locke, Edgar, Mog, Gogo
335. Locke, Edgar, Mog, Umaro
336. Locke, Edgar, Strago, Relm
337. Locke, Edgar, Strago, Gogo
338. Locke, Edgar, Strago, Umaro
339. Locke, Edgar, Relm, Gogo
340. Locke, Edgar, Relm, Umaro
341. Locke, Edgar, Gogo, Umaro
342. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Cyan
343. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Shadow
344. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Gau
345. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Setzer
346. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Mog
347. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Strago
348. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Relm
349. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Gogo
350. Locke, Sabin, Celes, Umaro
351. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Shadow
352. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Gau
353. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Setzer
354. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Mog
355. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Strago
356. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Relm
357. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Gogo
358. Locke, Sabin, Cyan, Umaro
359. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Gau
360. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Setzer
361. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Mog
362. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Strago
363. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Relm
364. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Gogo
365. Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Umaro
366. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Setzer
367. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Mog
368. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Strago
369. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Relm
370. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Gogo
371. Locke, Sabin, Gau, Umaro
372. Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Mog
373. Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Strago
374. Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Relm
375. Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Gogo
376. Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Umaro
377. Locke, Sabin, Mog, Strago
378. Locke, Sabin, Mog, Relm
379. Locke, Sabin, Mog, Gogo
380. Locke, Sabin, Mog, Umaro
381. Locke, Sabin, Strago, Relm
382. Locke, Sabin, Strago, Gogo
383. Locke, Sabin, Strago, Umaro
384. Locke, Sabin, Relm, Gogo
385. Locke, Sabin, Relm, Umaro
386. Locke, Sabin, Gogo, Umaro
387. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Shadow
388. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Gau
389. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Setzer
390. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Mog
391. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Strago
392. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Relm
393. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Gogo
394. Locke, Celes, Cyan, Umaro
395. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Gau
396. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Setzer
397. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Mog
398. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Strago
399. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Relm
400. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Gogo
401. Locke, Celes, Shadow, Umaro
402. Locke, Celes, Gau, Setzer
403. Locke, Celes, Gau, Mog
404. Locke, Celes, Gau, Strago
405. Locke, Celes, Gau, Relm
406. Locke, Celes, Gau, Gogo
407. Locke, Celes, Gau, Umaro
408. Locke, Celes, Setzer, Mog
409. Locke, Celes, Setzer, Strago
410. Locke, Celes, Setzer, Relm
411. Locke, Celes, Setzer, Gogo
412. Locke, Celes, Setzer, Umaro
413. Locke, Celes, Mog, Strago
414. Locke, Celes, Mog, Relm
415. Locke, Celes, Mog, Gogo
416. Locke, Celes, Mog, Umaro
417. Locke, Celes, Strago, Relm
418. Locke, Celes, Strago, Gogo
419. Locke, Celes, Strago, Umaro
420. Locke, Celes, Relm, Gogo
421. Locke, Celes, Relm, Umaro
422. Locke, Celes, Gogo, Umaro
423. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Gau
424. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Setzer
425. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Mog
426. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Strago
427. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Relm
428. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Gogo
429. Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Umaro
430. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Setzer
431. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Mog
432. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Strago
433. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Relm
434. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Gogo
435. Locke, Cyan, Gau, Umaro
436. Locke, Cyan, Setzer, Mog
437. Locke, Cyan, Setzer, Strago
438. Locke, Cyan, Setzer, Relm
439. Locke, Cyan, Setzer, Gogo
440. Locke, Cyan, Setzer, Umaro
441. Locke, Cyan, Mog, Strago
442. Locke, Cyan, Mog, Relm
443. Locke, Cyan, Mog, Gogo
444. Locke, Cyan, Mog, Umaro
445. Locke, Cyan, Strago, Relm
446. Locke, Cyan, Strago, Gogo
447. Locke, Cyan, Strago, Umaro
448. Locke, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
449. Locke, Cyan, Relm, Umaro
450. Locke, Cyan, Gogo, Umaro
451. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
452. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Mog
453. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Strago
454. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Relm
455. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
456. Locke, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
457. Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
458. Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
459. Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
460. Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
461. Locke, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
462. Locke, Shadow, Mog, Strago
463. Locke, Shadow, Mog, Relm
464. Locke, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
465. Locke, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
466. Locke, Shadow, Strago, Relm
467. Locke, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
468. Locke, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
469. Locke, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
470. Locke, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
471. Locke, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
472. Locke, Gau, Setzer, Mog
473. Locke, Gau, Setzer, Strago
474. Locke, Gau, Setzer, Relm
475. Locke, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
476. Locke, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
477. Locke, Gau, Mog, Strago
478. Locke, Gau, Mog, Relm
479. Locke, Gau, Mog, Gogo
480. Locke, Gau, Mog, Umaro
481. Locke, Gau, Strago, Relm
482. Locke, Gau, Strago, Gogo
483. Locke, Gau, Strago, Umaro
484. Locke, Gau, Relm, Gogo
485. Locke, Gau, Relm, Umaro
486. Locke, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
487. Locke, Setzer, Mog, Strago
488. Locke, Setzer, Mog, Relm
489. Locke, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
490. Locke, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
491. Locke, Setzer, Strago, Relm
492. Locke, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
493. Locke, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
494. Locke, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
495. Locke, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
496. Locke, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
497. Locke, Mog, Strago, Relm
498. Locke, Mog, Strago, Gogo
499. Locke, Mog, Strago, Umaro
500. Locke, Mog, Relm, Gogo
501. Locke, Mog, Relm, Umaro
502. Locke, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
503. Locke, Strago, Relm, Gogo
504. Locke, Strago, Relm, Umaro
505. Locke, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
506. Locke, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
507. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Cyan
508. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Shadow
509. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Gau
510. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer
511. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Mog
512. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Strago
513. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Relm
514. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Gogo
515. Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Umaro
516. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Shadow
517. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau
518. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Setzer
519. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Mog
520. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Strago
521. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Relm
522. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gogo
523. Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Umaro
524. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Gau
525. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Setzer
526. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Mog
527. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Strago
528. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Relm
529. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Gogo
530. Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Umaro
531. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Setzer
532. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Mog
533. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Strago
534. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Relm
535. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Gogo
536. Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Umaro
537. Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Mog
538. Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Strago
539. Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Relm
540. Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Gogo
541. Edgar, Sabin, Setzer, Umaro
542. Edgar, Sabin, Mog, Strago
543. Edgar, Sabin, Mog, Relm
544. Edgar, Sabin, Mog, Gogo
545. Edgar, Sabin, Mog, Umaro
546. Edgar, Sabin, Strago, Relm
547. Edgar, Sabin, Strago, Gogo
548. Edgar, Sabin, Strago, Umaro
549. Edgar, Sabin, Relm, Gogo
550. Edgar, Sabin, Relm, Umaro
551. Edgar, Sabin, Gogo, Umaro
552. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Shadow
553. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Gau
554. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Setzer
555. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Mog
556. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Strago
557. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Relm
558. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Gogo
559. Edgar, Celes, Cyan, Umaro
560. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Gau
561. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Setzer
562. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Mog
563. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Strago
564. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Relm
565. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Gogo
566. Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Umaro
567. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Setzer
568. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Mog
569. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Strago
570. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Relm
571. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Gogo
572. Edgar, Celes, Gau, Umaro
573. Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog
574. Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Strago
575. Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Relm
576. Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Gogo
577. Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Umaro
578. Edgar, Celes, Mog, Strago
579. Edgar, Celes, Mog, Relm
580. Edgar, Celes, Mog, Gogo
581. Edgar, Celes, Mog, Umaro
582. Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm
583. Edgar, Celes, Strago, Gogo
584. Edgar, Celes, Strago, Umaro
585. Edgar, Celes, Relm, Gogo
586. Edgar, Celes, Relm, Umaro
587. Edgar, Celes, Gogo, Umaro
588. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Gau
589. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Setzer
590. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Mog
591. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Strago
592. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Relm
593. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Gogo
594. Edgar, Cyan, Shadow, Umaro
595. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Setzer
596. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Mog
597. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Strago
598. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Relm
599. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Gogo
600. Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Umaro
601. Edgar, Cyan, Setzer, Mog
602. Edgar, Cyan, Setzer, Strago
603. Edgar, Cyan, Setzer, Relm
604. Edgar, Cyan, Setzer, Gogo
605. Edgar, Cyan, Setzer, Umaro
606. Edgar, Cyan, Mog, Strago
607. Edgar, Cyan, Mog, Relm
608. Edgar, Cyan, Mog, Gogo
609. Edgar, Cyan, Mog, Umaro
610. Edgar, Cyan, Strago, Relm
611. Edgar, Cyan, Strago, Gogo
612. Edgar, Cyan, Strago, Umaro
613. Edgar, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
614. Edgar, Cyan, Relm, Umaro
615. Edgar, Cyan, Gogo, Umaro
616. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
617. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Mog
618. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Strago
619. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Relm
620. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
621. Edgar, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
622. Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
623. Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
624. Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
625. Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
626. Edgar, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
627. Edgar, Shadow, Mog, Strago
628. Edgar, Shadow, Mog, Relm
629. Edgar, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
630. Edgar, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
631. Edgar, Shadow, Strago, Relm
632. Edgar, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
633. Edgar, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
634. Edgar, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
635. Edgar, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
636. Edgar, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
637. Edgar, Gau, Setzer, Mog
638. Edgar, Gau, Setzer, Strago
639. Edgar, Gau, Setzer, Relm
640. Edgar, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
641. Edgar, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
642. Edgar, Gau, Mog, Strago
643. Edgar, Gau, Mog, Relm
644. Edgar, Gau, Mog, Gogo
645. Edgar, Gau, Mog, Umaro
646. Edgar, Gau, Strago, Relm
647. Edgar, Gau, Strago, Gogo
648. Edgar, Gau, Strago, Umaro
649. Edgar, Gau, Relm, Gogo
650. Edgar, Gau, Relm, Umaro
651. Edgar, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
652. Edgar, Setzer, Mog, Strago
653. Edgar, Setzer, Mog, Relm
654. Edgar, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
655. Edgar, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
656. Edgar, Setzer, Strago, Relm
657. Edgar, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
658. Edgar, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
659. Edgar, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
660. Edgar, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
661. Edgar, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
662. Edgar, Mog, Strago, Relm
663. Edgar, Mog, Strago, Gogo
664. Edgar, Mog, Strago, Umaro
665. Edgar, Mog, Relm, Gogo
666. Edgar, Mog, Relm, Umaro
667. Edgar, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
668. Edgar, Strago, Relm, Gogo
669. Edgar, Strago, Relm, Umaro
670. Edgar, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
671. Edgar, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
672. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Shadow
673. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Gau
674. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Setzer
675. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Mog
676. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Strago
677. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Relm
678. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Gogo
679. Sabin, Celes, Cyan, Umaro
680. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Gau
681. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Setzer
682. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Mog
683. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Strago
684. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Relm
685. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Gogo
686. Sabin, Celes, Shadow, Umaro
687. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Setzer
688. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Mog
689. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Strago
690. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Relm
691. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Gogo
692. Sabin, Celes, Gau, Umaro
693. Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Mog
694. Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Strago
695. Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Relm
696. Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Gogo
697. Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Umaro
698. Sabin, Celes, Mog, Strago
699. Sabin, Celes, Mog, Relm
700. Sabin, Celes, Mog, Gogo
701. Sabin, Celes, Mog, Umaro
702. Sabin, Celes, Strago, Relm
703. Sabin, Celes, Strago, Gogo
704. Sabin, Celes, Strago, Umaro
705. Sabin, Celes, Relm, Gogo
706. Sabin, Celes, Relm, Umaro
707. Sabin, Celes, Gogo, Umaro
708. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Gau
709. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Setzer
710. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Mog
711. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Strago
712. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Relm
713. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Gogo
714. Sabin, Cyan, Shadow, Umaro
715. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Setzer
716. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Mog
717. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Strago
718. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Relm
719. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Gogo
720. Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Umaro
721. Sabin, Cyan, Setzer, Mog
722. Sabin, Cyan, Setzer, Strago
723. Sabin, Cyan, Setzer, Relm
724. Sabin, Cyan, Setzer, Gogo
725. Sabin, Cyan, Setzer, Umaro
726. Sabin, Cyan, Mog, Strago
727. Sabin, Cyan, Mog, Relm
728. Sabin, Cyan, Mog, Gogo
729. Sabin, Cyan, Mog, Umaro
730. Sabin, Cyan, Strago, Relm
731. Sabin, Cyan, Strago, Gogo
732. Sabin, Cyan, Strago, Umaro
733. Sabin, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
734. Sabin, Cyan, Relm, Umaro
735. Sabin, Cyan, Gogo, Umaro
736. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
737. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Mog
738. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Strago
739. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Relm
740. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
741. Sabin, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
742. Sabin, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
743. Sabin, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
744. Sabin, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
745. Sabin, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
746. Sabin, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
747. Sabin, Shadow, Mog, Strago
748. Sabin, Shadow, Mog, Relm
749. Sabin, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
750. Sabin, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
751. Sabin, Shadow, Strago, Relm
752. Sabin, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
753. Sabin, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
754. Sabin, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
755. Sabin, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
756. Sabin, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
757. Sabin, Gau, Setzer, Mog
758. Sabin, Gau, Setzer, Strago
759. Sabin, Gau, Setzer, Relm
760. Sabin, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
761. Sabin, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
762. Sabin, Gau, Mog, Strago
763. Sabin, Gau, Mog, Relm
764. Sabin, Gau, Mog, Gogo
765. Sabin, Gau, Mog, Umaro
766. Sabin, Gau, Strago, Relm
767. Sabin, Gau, Strago, Gogo
768. Sabin, Gau, Strago, Umaro
769. Sabin, Gau, Relm, Gogo
770. Sabin, Gau, Relm, Umaro
771. Sabin, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
772. Sabin, Setzer, Mog, Strago
773. Sabin, Setzer, Mog, Relm
774. Sabin, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
775. Sabin, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
776. Sabin, Setzer, Strago, Relm
777. Sabin, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
778. Sabin, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
779. Sabin, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
780. Sabin, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
781. Sabin, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
782. Sabin, Mog, Strago, Relm
783. Sabin, Mog, Strago, Gogo
784. Sabin, Mog, Strago, Umaro
785. Sabin, Mog, Relm, Gogo
786. Sabin, Mog, Relm, Umaro
787. Sabin, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
788. Sabin, Strago, Relm, Gogo
789. Sabin, Strago, Relm, Umaro
790. Sabin, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
791. Sabin, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
792. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Gau
793. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Setzer
794. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Mog
795. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Strago
796. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Relm
797. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Gogo
798. Celes, Cyan, Shadow, Umaro
799. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Setzer
800. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Mog
801. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Strago
802. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Relm
803. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Gogo
804. Celes, Cyan, Gau, Umaro
805. Celes, Cyan, Setzer, Mog
806. Celes, Cyan, Setzer, Strago
807. Celes, Cyan, Setzer, Relm
808. Celes, Cyan, Setzer, Gogo
809. Celes, Cyan, Setzer, Umaro
810. Celes, Cyan, Mog, Strago
811. Celes, Cyan, Mog, Relm
812. Celes, Cyan, Mog, Gogo
813. Celes, Cyan, Mog, Umaro
814. Celes, Cyan, Strago, Relm
815. Celes, Cyan, Strago, Gogo
816. Celes, Cyan, Strago, Umaro
817. Celes, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
818. Celes, Cyan, Relm, Umaro
819. Celes, Cyan, Gogo, Umaro
820. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
821. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Mog
822. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Strago
823. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Relm
824. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
825. Celes, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
826. Celes, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
827. Celes, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
828. Celes, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
829. Celes, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
830. Celes, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
831. Celes, Shadow, Mog, Strago
832. Celes, Shadow, Mog, Relm
833. Celes, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
834. Celes, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
835. Celes, Shadow, Strago, Relm
836. Celes, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
837. Celes, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
838. Celes, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
839. Celes, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
840. Celes, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
841. Celes, Gau, Setzer, Mog
842. Celes, Gau, Setzer, Strago
843. Celes, Gau, Setzer, Relm
844. Celes, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
845. Celes, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
846. Celes, Gau, Mog, Strago
847. Celes, Gau, Mog, Relm
848. Celes, Gau, Mog, Gogo
849. Celes, Gau, Mog, Umaro
850. Celes, Gau, Strago, Relm
851. Celes, Gau, Strago, Gogo
852. Celes, Gau, Strago, Umaro
853. Celes, Gau, Relm, Gogo
854. Celes, Gau, Relm, Umaro
855. Celes, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
856. Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago
857. Celes, Setzer, Mog, Relm
858. Celes, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
859. Celes, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
860. Celes, Setzer, Strago, Relm
861. Celes, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
862. Celes, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
863. Celes, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
864. Celes, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
865. Celes, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
866. Celes, Mog, Strago, Relm
867. Celes, Mog, Strago, Gogo
868. Celes, Mog, Strago, Umaro
869. Celes, Mog, Relm, Gogo
870. Celes, Mog, Relm, Umaro
871. Celes, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
872. Celes, Strago, Relm, Gogo
873. Celes, Strago, Relm, Umaro
874. Celes, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
875. Celes, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
876. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Setzer
877. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Mog
878. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Strago
879. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Relm
880. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Gogo
881. Cyan, Shadow, Gau, Umaro
882. Cyan, Shadow, Setzer, Mog
883. Cyan, Shadow, Setzer, Strago
884. Cyan, Shadow, Setzer, Relm
885. Cyan, Shadow, Setzer, Gogo
886. Cyan, Shadow, Setzer, Umaro
887. Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Strago
888. Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Relm
889. Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Gogo
890. Cyan, Shadow, Mog, Umaro
891. Cyan, Shadow, Strago, Relm
892. Cyan, Shadow, Strago, Gogo
893. Cyan, Shadow, Strago, Umaro
894. Cyan, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
895. Cyan, Shadow, Relm, Umaro
896. Cyan, Shadow, Gogo, Umaro
897. Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Mog
898. Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Strago
899. Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Relm
900. Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
901. Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
902. Cyan, Gau, Mog, Strago
903. Cyan, Gau, Mog, Relm
904. Cyan, Gau, Mog, Gogo
905. Cyan, Gau, Mog, Umaro
906. Cyan, Gau, Strago, Relm
907. Cyan, Gau, Strago, Gogo
908. Cyan, Gau, Strago, Umaro
909. Cyan, Gau, Relm, Gogo
910. Cyan, Gau, Relm, Umaro
911. Cyan, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
912. Cyan, Setzer, Mog, Strago
913. Cyan, Setzer, Mog, Relm
914. Cyan, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
915. Cyan, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
916. Cyan, Setzer, Strago, Relm
917. Cyan, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
918. Cyan, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
919. Cyan, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
920. Cyan, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
921. Cyan, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
922. Cyan, Mog, Strago, Relm
923. Cyan, Mog, Strago, Gogo
924. Cyan, Mog, Strago, Umaro
925. Cyan, Mog, Relm, Gogo
926. Cyan, Mog, Relm, Umaro
927. Cyan, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
928. Cyan, Strago, Relm, Gogo
929. Cyan, Strago, Relm, Umaro
930. Cyan, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
931. Cyan, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
932. Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Mog
933. Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Strago
934. Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Relm
935. Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Gogo
936. Shadow, Gau, Setzer, Umaro
937. Shadow, Gau, Mog, Strago
938. Shadow, Gau, Mog, Relm
939. Shadow, Gau, Mog, Gogo
940. Shadow, Gau, Mog, Umaro
941. Shadow, Gau, Strago, Relm
942. Shadow, Gau, Strago, Gogo
943. Shadow, Gau, Strago, Umaro
944. Shadow, Gau, Relm, Gogo
945. Shadow, Gau, Relm, Umaro
946. Shadow, Gau, Gogo, Umaro
947. Shadow, Setzer, Mog, Strago
948. Shadow, Setzer, Mog, Relm
949. Shadow, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
950. Shadow, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
951. Shadow, Setzer, Strago, Relm
952. Shadow, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
953. Shadow, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
954. Shadow, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
955. Shadow, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
956. Shadow, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
957. Shadow, Mog, Strago, Relm
958. Shadow, Mog, Strago, Gogo
959. Shadow, Mog, Strago, Umaro
960. Shadow, Mog, Relm, Gogo
961. Shadow, Mog, Relm, Umaro
962. Shadow, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
963. Shadow, Strago, Relm, Gogo
964. Shadow, Strago, Relm, Umaro
965. Shadow, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
966. Shadow, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
967. Gau, Setzer, Mog, Strago
968. Gau, Setzer, Mog, Relm
969. Gau, Setzer, Mog, Gogo
970. Gau, Setzer, Mog, Umaro
971. Gau, Setzer, Strago, Relm
972. Gau, Setzer, Strago, Gogo
973. Gau, Setzer, Strago, Umaro
974. Gau, Setzer, Relm, Gogo
975. Gau, Setzer, Relm, Umaro
976. Gau, Setzer, Gogo, Umaro
977. Gau, Mog, Strago, Relm
978. Gau, Mog, Strago, Gogo
979. Gau, Mog, Strago, Umaro
980. Gau, Mog, Relm, Gogo
981. Gau, Mog, Relm, Umaro
982. Gau, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
983. Gau, Strago, Relm, Gogo
984. Gau, Strago, Relm, Umaro
985. Gau, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
986. Gau, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
987. Setzer, Mog, Strago, Relm
988. Setzer, Mog, Strago, Gogo
989. Setzer, Mog, Strago, Umaro
990. Setzer, Mog, Relm, Gogo
991. Setzer, Mog, Relm, Umaro
992. Setzer, Mog, Gogo, Umaro
993. Setzer, Strago, Relm, Gogo
994. Setzer, Strago, Relm, Umaro
995. Setzer, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
996. Setzer, Relm, Gogo, Umaro
997. Mog, Strago, Relm, Gogo
998. Mog, Strago, Relm, Umaro
999. Mog, Strago, Gogo, Umaro
1000. Mog, Relm, Gogo, Umaro

I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough, it is among the most I have ever enjoyed doing a walkthrough project. The next two entries in this thread series will be up soon. I will be doing one for the original NES version of FF1 that started it all, as well as one on the PC version of FF5.

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